blob: 28d4a38f558737055bb3d32c32676b4020dbe23f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.beam.sdk.util;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.annotations.Experimental;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A histogram that supports estimated percentile with linear interpolation.
* <p>We may consider using Apache Commons or HdrHistogram library in the future for advanced
* features such as sparsely populated histograms.
* <p>This class is considered experimental and may break or receive backwards-incompatible changes
* in future versions of the Apache Beam SDK.
public class HistogramData implements Serializable {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HistogramData.class);
private final BucketType bucketType;
// TODO(BEAM-12103): Update this function to remove the numTopRecords and numBottomRecords
// and include those counters in the buckets array.
private long[] buckets;
private long numBoundedBucketRecords;
private long numTopRecords;
private long numBottomRecords;
* Create a histogram.
* @param bucketType a bucket type for a new histogram instance.
public HistogramData(BucketType bucketType) {
this.bucketType = bucketType;
this.buckets = new long[bucketType.getNumBuckets()];
this.numBoundedBucketRecords = 0;
this.numTopRecords = 0;
this.numBottomRecords = 0;
public BucketType getBucketType() {
return this.bucketType;
* TODO(BEAM-12103): Update this function to define numBuckets total, including the infinite
* buckets. Create a histogram with linear buckets.
* @param start Lower bound of a starting bucket.
* @param width Bucket width. Smaller width implies a better resolution for percentile estimation.
* @param numBuckets The number of buckets. Upper bound of an ending bucket is defined by start +
* width * numBuckets.
* @return a new Histogram instance.
public static HistogramData linear(double start, double width, int numBuckets) {
return new HistogramData(LinearBuckets.of(start, width, numBuckets));
public void record(double... values) {
for (double value : values) {
public synchronized void update(HistogramData other) {
synchronized (other) {
if (!this.bucketType.equals(other.bucketType)
|| this.buckets.length != other.buckets.length) {
LOG.warn("Failed to update HistogramData from another with a different buckets");
for (int i = 0; i < other.buckets.length; i++) {
incBucketCount(i, other.buckets[i]);
// TODO(BEAM-12103): Update this function to allow incrementing the infinite buckets as well.
// and remove the incTopBucketCount and incBotBucketCount methods.
// Using 0 and length -1 as the bucketIndex.
public synchronized void incBucketCount(int bucketIndex, long count) {
this.buckets[bucketIndex] += count;
this.numBoundedBucketRecords += count;
public synchronized void incTopBucketCount(long count) {
this.numTopRecords += count;
public synchronized void incBottomBucketCount(long count) {
this.numBottomRecords += count;
public synchronized void clear() {
this.buckets = new long[bucketType.getNumBuckets()];
this.numBoundedBucketRecords = 0;
this.numTopRecords = 0;
this.numBottomRecords = 0;
public synchronized void record(double value) {
double rangeTo = bucketType.getRangeTo();
double rangeFrom = bucketType.getRangeFrom();
if (value >= rangeTo) {
} else if (value < rangeFrom) {
} else {
public synchronized long getTotalCount() {
return numBoundedBucketRecords + numTopRecords + numBottomRecords;
public synchronized String getPercentileString(String elemType, String unit) {
return String.format(
"Total number of %s: %s, P99: %s%s, P90: %s%s, P50: %s%s",
DoubleMath.roundToInt(p99(), RoundingMode.HALF_UP),
DoubleMath.roundToInt(p90(), RoundingMode.HALF_UP),
DoubleMath.roundToInt(p50(), RoundingMode.HALF_UP),
* TODO(BEAM-12103): Update this function to allow indexing the -INF and INF bucket (using 0 and
* length -1) Get the bucket count for the given bucketIndex.
* <p>This method does not guarantee the atomicity when sequentially accessing the multiple
* buckets i.e. other threads may alter the value between consecutive invocations. For summing the
* total number of elements in the histogram, use `getTotalCount()` instead.
* @param bucketIndex index of the bucket
* @return The number of elements in the specified bucket
public synchronized long getCount(int bucketIndex) {
return buckets[bucketIndex];
public synchronized long getTopBucketCount() {
return numTopRecords;
public synchronized long getBottomBucketCount() {
return numBottomRecords;
public double p99() {
return getLinearInterpolation(0.99);
public double p90() {
return getLinearInterpolation(0.90);
public double p50() {
return getLinearInterpolation(0.50);
* Calculate percentile estimation based on linear interpolation. It first finds the bucket which
* includes the target percentile and projects the estimated point in the bucket by assuming all
* the elements in the bucket are uniformly distributed.
private synchronized double getLinearInterpolation(double percentile) {
long totalNumOfRecords = getTotalCount();
if (totalNumOfRecords == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("histogram has no record.");
int index;
double recordSum = numBottomRecords;
if (recordSum / totalNumOfRecords >= percentile) {
for (index = 0; index < bucketType.getNumBuckets(); index++) {
recordSum += buckets[index];
if (recordSum / totalNumOfRecords >= percentile) {
if (index == bucketType.getNumBuckets()) {
double fracPercentile = percentile - (recordSum - buckets[index]) / totalNumOfRecords;
double bucketPercentile = (double) buckets[index] / totalNumOfRecords;
double fracBucketSize = fracPercentile * bucketType.getBucketSize(index) / bucketPercentile;
return bucketType.getRangeFrom() + bucketType.getAccumulatedBucketSize(index) + fracBucketSize;
public interface BucketType extends Serializable {
// Lower bound of a starting bucket.
double getRangeFrom();
// Upper bound of an ending bucket.
double getRangeTo();
// The number of buckets.
int getNumBuckets();
// Get the bucket array index for the given value.
int getBucketIndex(double value);
// Get the bucket size for the given bucket array index.
double getBucketSize(int index);
// Get the accumulated bucket size from bucket index 0 until endIndex.
// Generally, this can be calculated as `sigma(0 <= i < endIndex) getBucketSize(i)`.
double getAccumulatedBucketSize(int endIndex);
public abstract static class LinearBuckets implements BucketType {
public abstract double getStart();
public abstract double getWidth();
public abstract int getNumBuckets();
public static LinearBuckets of(double start, double width, int numBuckets) {
if (width <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("width should be greater than zero: %f", width));
if (numBuckets <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(
String.format("numBuckets should be greater than zero: %d", numBuckets));
return new AutoValue_HistogramData_LinearBuckets(start, width, numBuckets);
public int getBucketIndex(double value) {
return DoubleMath.roundToInt((value - getStart()) / getWidth(), RoundingMode.FLOOR);
public double getBucketSize(int index) {
return getWidth();
public double getAccumulatedBucketSize(int endIndex) {
return getWidth() * endIndex;
public double getRangeFrom() {
return getStart();
public double getRangeTo() {
return getStart() + getNumBuckets() * getWidth();
// Note: equals() and hashCode() are implemented by the AutoValue.