blob: 789d85bc34a021e9d193e14a0d8d49991fa1873d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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This module is for internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
The classes in this file keep shared state, and organize metrics information.
Available classes:
- MetricKey - Internal key for a metric.
- MetricResult - Current status of a metric's updates/commits.
- _MetricsEnvironment - Keeps track of MetricsContainer and other metrics
information for every single execution working thread.
- MetricsContainer - Holds the metrics of a single step and a single
unit-of-commit (bundle).
from __future__ import absolute_import
import threading
from builtins import object
from collections import defaultdict
from apache_beam.metrics.cells import CounterCell
from apache_beam.metrics.cells import DistributionCell
from apache_beam.metrics.cells import GaugeCell
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_fn_api_pb2
from apache_beam.runners.worker import statesampler
class MetricKey(object):
"""Key used to identify instance of metric cell.
Metrics are internally keyed by the step name they associated with and
the name of the metric.
def __init__(self, step, metric):
"""Initializes ``MetricKey``.
step: A string with the step this metric cell is part of.
metric: A ``MetricName`` that identifies a metric.
self.step = step
self.metric = metric
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.step == other.step and
self.metric == other.metric)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.step, self.metric))
def __repr__(self):
return 'MetricKey(step={}, metric={})'.format(
self.step, self.metric)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.step, self.metric))
class MetricResult(object):
"""Keeps track of the status of a metric within a single bundle.
It contains the physical and logical updates to the metric. Physical updates
are updates that have not necessarily been committed, but that have been made
during pipeline execution. Logical updates are updates that have been
key: A ``MetricKey`` that identifies the metric and bundle of this result.
committed: The committed updates of the metric. This attribute's type is
of metric type result (e.g. int, DistributionResult, GaugeResult).
attempted: The logical updates of the metric. This attribute's type is that
of metric type result (e.g. int, DistributionResult, GaugeResult).
def __init__(self, key, committed, attempted):
"""Initializes ``MetricResult``.
key: A ``MetricKey`` object.
committed: Metric data that has been committed (e.g. logical updates)
attempted: Metric data that has been attempted (e.g. physical updates)
self.key = key
self.committed = committed
self.attempted = attempted
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.key == other.key and
self.committed == other.committed and
self.attempted == other.attempted)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.key, self.committed, self.attempted))
def __repr__(self):
return 'MetricResult(key={}, committed={}, attempted={})'.format(
self.key, str(self.committed), str(self.attempted))
class _MetricsEnvironment(object):
"""Holds the MetricsContainer for every thread and other metric information.
This class is not meant to be instantiated, instead being used to keep
track of global state.
def __init__(self):
self._METRICS_SUPPORTED_LOCK = threading.Lock()
def set_metrics_supported(self, supported):
self.METRICS_SUPPORTED = supported
def current_container(self):
"""Returns the current MetricsContainer."""
sampler = statesampler.get_current_tracker()
if sampler is None:
return None
return sampler.current_state().metrics_container
MetricsEnvironment = _MetricsEnvironment()
class MetricsContainer(object):
"""Holds the metrics of a single step and a single bundle."""
def __init__(self, step_name):
self.step_name = step_name
self.counters = defaultdict(lambda: CounterCell())
self.distributions = defaultdict(lambda: DistributionCell())
self.gauges = defaultdict(lambda: GaugeCell())
def get_counter(self, metric_name):
return self.counters[metric_name]
def get_distribution(self, metric_name):
return self.distributions[metric_name]
def get_gauge(self, metric_name):
return self.gauges[metric_name]
def _get_updates(self, filter=None):
"""Return cumulative values of metrics filtered according to a lambda.
This returns all the cumulative values for all metrics after filtering
then with the filter parameter lambda function. If None is passed in,
then cumulative values for all metrics are returned.
if filter is None:
filter = lambda v: True
counters = {MetricKey(self.step_name, k): v.get_cumulative()
for k, v in self.counters.items()
if filter(v)}
distributions = {MetricKey(self.step_name, k): v.get_cumulative()
for k, v in self.distributions.items()
if filter(v)}
gauges = {MetricKey(self.step_name, k): v.get_cumulative()
for k, v in self.gauges.items()
if filter(v)}
return MetricUpdates(counters, distributions, gauges)
def get_updates(self):
"""Return cumulative values of metrics that changed since the last commit.
This returns all the cumulative values for all metrics only if their state
prior to the function call was COMMITTING or DIRTY.
return self._get_updates(filter=lambda v: v.commit.before_commit())
def get_cumulative(self):
"""Return MetricUpdates with cumulative values of all metrics in container.
This returns all the cumulative values for all metrics regardless of whether
they have been committed or not.
return self._get_updates()
def to_runner_api(self):
return (
for k, v in self.counters.items()] +
for k, v in self.distributions.items()] +
for k, v in self.gauges.items()]
class MetricUpdates(object):
"""Contains updates for several metrics.
A metric update is an object containing information to update a metric.
For Distribution metrics, it is DistributionData, and for Counter metrics,
it's an int.
def __init__(self, counters=None, distributions=None, gauges=None):
"""Create a MetricUpdates object.
counters: Dictionary of MetricKey:MetricUpdate updates.
distributions: Dictionary of MetricKey:MetricUpdate objects.
gauges: Dictionary of MetricKey:MetricUpdate objects.
self.counters = counters or {}
self.distributions = distributions or {}
self.gauges = gauges or {}