blob: 5e7f9bf0ebc96ebe257e0218e4568855c17271a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Code snippets used in webdocs.
The examples here are written specifically to read well with the accompanying
web docs. Do not rewrite them until you make sure the webdocs still read well
and the rewritten code supports the concept being described. For example, there
are snippets that could be shorter but they are written like this to make a
specific point in the docs.
The code snippets are all organized as self contained functions. Parts of the
function body delimited by [START tag] and [END tag] will be included
automatically in the web docs. The naming convention for the tags is to have as
prefix the PATH_TO_HTML where they are included followed by a descriptive
string. The tags can contain only letters, digits and _.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import argparse
from builtins import object
from builtins import range
from past.builtins import unicode
import apache_beam as beam
from import iobase
from import OffsetRangeTracker
from apache_beam.metrics import Metrics
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
from apache_beam.testing.test_pipeline import TestPipeline
from apache_beam.testing.util import assert_that
from apache_beam.testing.util import equal_to
from apache_beam.transforms.core import PTransform
# Quiet some pylint warnings that happen because of the somewhat special
# format for the code snippets.
# pylint:disable=invalid-name
# pylint:disable=expression-not-assigned
# pylint:disable=redefined-outer-name
# pylint:disable=reimported
# pylint:disable=unused-variable
# pylint:disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
class SnippetUtils(object):
from apache_beam.pipeline import PipelineVisitor
class RenameFiles(PipelineVisitor):
"""RenameFiles will rewire read/write paths for unit testing.
RenameFiles will replace the GCS files specified in the read and
write transforms to local files so the pipeline can be run as a
unit test. This assumes that read and write transforms defined in snippets
have already been replaced by transforms 'DummyReadForTesting' and
'DummyReadForTesting' (see
This is as close as we can get to have code snippets that are
executed and are also ready to presented in webdocs.
def __init__(self, renames):
self.renames = renames
def visit_transform(self, transform_node):
if transform_node.full_label.find('DummyReadForTesting') >= 0:
transform_node.transform.fn.file_to_read = self.renames['read']
elif transform_node.full_label.find('DummyWriteForTesting') >= 0:
transform_node.transform.fn.file_to_write = self.renames['write']
def construct_pipeline(renames):
"""A reverse words snippet as an example for constructing a pipeline."""
import re
# This is duplicate of the import statement in
# pipelines_constructing_creating tag below, but required to avoid
# Unresolved reference in ReverseWords class
import apache_beam as beam
class ReverseWords(beam.PTransform):
"""A PTransform that reverses individual elements in a PCollection."""
def expand(self, pcoll):
return pcoll | beam.Map(lambda e: e[::-1])
def filter_words(unused_x):
"""Pass through filter to select everything."""
return True
# [START pipelines_constructing_creating]
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
p = beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions())
# [END pipelines_constructing_creating]
p = TestPipeline() # Use TestPipeline for testing.
# [START pipelines_constructing_reading]
lines = p | 'ReadMyFile' >>'gs://some/inputData.txt')
# [END pipelines_constructing_reading]
# [START pipelines_constructing_applying]
words = lines | beam.FlatMap(lambda x: re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x))
reversed_words = words | ReverseWords()
# [END pipelines_constructing_applying]
# [START pipelines_constructing_writing]
filtered_words = reversed_words | 'FilterWords' >> beam.Filter(filter_words)
filtered_words | 'WriteMyFile' >>
# [END pipelines_constructing_writing]
# [START pipelines_constructing_running]
# [END pipelines_constructing_running]
def model_pipelines(argv):
"""A wordcount snippet as a simple pipeline example."""
# [START model_pipelines]
import re
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
class MyOptions(PipelineOptions):
def _add_argparse_args(cls, parser):
help='Input file to process.')
help='Output file to write results to.')
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(argv)
my_options = pipeline_options.view_as(MyOptions)
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
| beam.FlatMap(lambda x: re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x))
| beam.Map(lambda x: (x, 1))
| beam.combiners.Count.PerKey()
# [END model_pipelines]
def model_pcollection(argv):
"""Creating a PCollection from data in local memory."""
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
class MyOptions(PipelineOptions):
def _add_argparse_args(cls, parser):
help='Output file to write results to.')
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(argv)
my_options = pipeline_options.view_as(MyOptions)
# [START model_pcollection]
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
lines = (p
| beam.Create([
'To be, or not to be: that is the question: ',
'Whether \'tis nobler in the mind to suffer ',
'The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, ',
'Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, ']))
# [END model_pcollection]
def pipeline_options_remote(argv):
"""Creating a Pipeline using a PipelineOptions object for remote execution."""
from apache_beam import Pipeline
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
# [START pipeline_options_create]
options = PipelineOptions(flags=argv)
# [END pipeline_options_create]
# [START pipeline_options_define_custom]
class MyOptions(PipelineOptions):
def _add_argparse_args(cls, parser):
# [END pipeline_options_define_custom]
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import GoogleCloudOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import StandardOptions
# [START pipeline_options_dataflow_service]
# Create and set your PipelineOptions.
options = PipelineOptions(flags=argv)
# For Cloud execution, set the Cloud Platform project, job_name,
# staging location, temp_location and specify DataflowRunner.
google_cloud_options = options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions)
google_cloud_options.project = 'my-project-id'
google_cloud_options.job_name = 'myjob'
google_cloud_options.staging_location = 'gs://my-bucket/binaries'
google_cloud_options.temp_location = 'gs://my-bucket/temp'
options.view_as(StandardOptions).runner = 'DataflowRunner'
# Create the Pipeline with the specified options.
p = Pipeline(options=options)
# [END pipeline_options_dataflow_service]
my_options = options.view_as(MyOptions)
my_input = my_options.input
my_output = my_options.output
p = TestPipeline() # Use TestPipeline for testing.
lines = p |
lines |
def pipeline_options_local(argv):
"""Creating a Pipeline using a PipelineOptions object for local execution."""
from apache_beam import Pipeline
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
options = PipelineOptions(flags=argv)
# [START pipeline_options_define_custom_with_help_and_default]
class MyOptions(PipelineOptions):
def _add_argparse_args(cls, parser):
help='Input for the pipeline',
help='Output for the pipeline',
# [END pipeline_options_define_custom_with_help_and_default]
my_options = options.view_as(MyOptions)
my_input = my_options.input
my_output = my_options.output
# [START pipeline_options_local]
# Create and set your Pipeline Options.
options = PipelineOptions()
p = Pipeline(options=options)
# [END pipeline_options_local]
p = TestPipeline() # Use TestPipeline for testing.
lines = p |
lines |
def pipeline_options_command_line(argv):
"""Creating a Pipeline by passing a list of arguments."""
# [START pipeline_options_command_line]
# Use Python argparse module to parse custom arguments
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
# Create the Pipeline with remaining arguments.
with beam.Pipeline(argv=pipeline_args) as p:
lines = p | 'ReadFromText' >>
lines | 'WriteToText' >>
# [END pipeline_options_command_line]
def pipeline_logging(lines, output):
"""Logging Pipeline Messages."""
import re
import apache_beam as beam
# [START pipeline_logging]
# import Python logging module.
import logging
class ExtractWordsFn(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element):
words = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', element)
for word in words:
yield word
if word.lower() == 'love':
# Log using the root logger at info or higher levels'Found : %s', word.lower())
# Remaining WordCount example code ...
# [END pipeline_logging]
with TestPipeline() as p: # Use TestPipeline for testing.
| beam.Create(lines)
| beam.ParDo(ExtractWordsFn())
def pipeline_monitoring(renames):
"""Using monitoring interface snippets."""
import re
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
class WordCountOptions(PipelineOptions):
def _add_argparse_args(cls, parser):
help='Input for the pipeline',
help='output for the pipeline',
class ExtractWordsFn(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element):
words = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', element)
for word in words:
yield word
class FormatCountsFn(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element):
word, count = element
yield '%s: %s' % (word, count)
# [START pipeline_monitoring_composite]
# The CountWords Composite Transform inside the WordCount pipeline.
class CountWords(beam.PTransform):
def expand(self, pcoll):
return (pcoll
# Convert lines of text into individual words.
| 'ExtractWords' >> beam.ParDo(ExtractWordsFn())
# Count the number of times each word occurs.
| beam.combiners.Count.PerElement()
# Format each word and count into a printable string.
| 'FormatCounts' >> beam.ParDo(FormatCountsFn()))
# [END pipeline_monitoring_composite]
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions()
options = pipeline_options.view_as(WordCountOptions)
with TestPipeline() as p: # Use TestPipeline for testing.
# [START pipeline_monitoring_execution]
# Read the lines of the input text.
| 'ReadLines' >>
# Count the words.
| CountWords()
# Write the formatted word counts to output.
| 'WriteCounts' >>
# [END pipeline_monitoring_execution]
def examples_wordcount_minimal(renames):
"""MinimalWordCount example snippets."""
import re
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import GoogleCloudOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import StandardOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
# [START examples_wordcount_minimal_options]
options = PipelineOptions()
google_cloud_options = options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions)
google_cloud_options.project = 'my-project-id'
google_cloud_options.job_name = 'myjob'
google_cloud_options.staging_location = 'gs://your-bucket-name-here/staging'
google_cloud_options.temp_location = 'gs://your-bucket-name-here/temp'
options.view_as(StandardOptions).runner = 'DataflowRunner'
# [END examples_wordcount_minimal_options]
# Run it locally for testing.
options = PipelineOptions()
# [START examples_wordcount_minimal_create]
p = beam.Pipeline(options=options)
# [END examples_wordcount_minimal_create]
# [START examples_wordcount_minimal_read]
p |
# [END examples_wordcount_minimal_read]
# [START examples_wordcount_minimal_pardo]
| 'ExtractWords' >> beam.FlatMap(lambda x: re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x))
# [END examples_wordcount_minimal_pardo]
# [START examples_wordcount_minimal_count]
| beam.combiners.Count.PerElement()
# [END examples_wordcount_minimal_count]
# [START examples_wordcount_minimal_map]
| beam.Map(lambda word_count: '%s: %s' % (word_count[0], word_count[1]))
# [END examples_wordcount_minimal_map]
# [START examples_wordcount_minimal_write]
# [END examples_wordcount_minimal_write]
# [START examples_wordcount_minimal_run]
result =
# [END examples_wordcount_minimal_run]
def examples_wordcount_wordcount(renames):
"""WordCount example snippets."""
import re
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
argv = []
# [START examples_wordcount_wordcount_options]
class WordCountOptions(PipelineOptions):
def _add_argparse_args(cls, parser):
help='Input for the pipeline',
options = PipelineOptions(argv)
word_count_options = options.view_as(WordCountOptions)
with beam.Pipeline(options=options) as p:
lines = p |
# [END examples_wordcount_wordcount_options]
# [START examples_wordcount_wordcount_composite]
class CountWords(beam.PTransform):
def expand(self, pcoll):
return (pcoll
# Convert lines of text into individual words.
| 'ExtractWords' >> beam.FlatMap(
lambda x: re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x))
# Count the number of times each word occurs.
| beam.combiners.Count.PerElement())
counts = lines | CountWords()
# [END examples_wordcount_wordcount_composite]
# [START examples_wordcount_wordcount_dofn]
class FormatAsTextFn(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element):
word, count = element
yield '%s: %s' % (word, count)
formatted = counts | beam.ParDo(FormatAsTextFn())
# [END examples_wordcount_wordcount_dofn]
formatted |'gs://my-bucket/counts.txt')
def examples_wordcount_templated(renames):
"""Templated WordCount example snippet."""
import re
import apache_beam as beam
from import ReadFromText
from import WriteToText
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
# [START example_wordcount_templated]
class WordcountTemplatedOptions(PipelineOptions):
def _add_argparse_args(cls, parser):
# Use add_value_provider_argument for arguments to be templatable
# Use add_argument as usual for non-templatable arguments
help='Path of the file to read from')
help='Output file to write results to.')
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(['--output', 'some/output_path'])
p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)
wordcount_options = pipeline_options.view_as(WordcountTemplatedOptions)
lines = p | 'Read' >> ReadFromText(wordcount_options.input)
# [END example_wordcount_templated]
def format_result(word_count):
(word, count) = word_count
return '%s: %s' % (word, count)
| 'ExtractWords' >> beam.FlatMap(
lambda x: re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x))
| 'PairWithOnes' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x, 1))
| 'Group' >> beam.GroupByKey()
| 'Sum' >> beam.Map(lambda word_ones: (word_ones[0], sum(word_ones[1])))
| 'Format' >> beam.Map(format_result)
| 'Write' >> WriteToText(wordcount_options.output)
result =
def examples_wordcount_debugging(renames):
"""DebuggingWordCount example snippets."""
import re
import apache_beam as beam
# [START example_wordcount_debugging_logging]
# [START example_wordcount_debugging_aggregators]
import logging
class FilterTextFn(beam.DoFn):
"""A DoFn that filters for a specific key based on a regular expression."""
def __init__(self, pattern):
self.pattern = pattern
# A custom metric can track values in your pipeline as it runs. Create
# custom metrics matched_word and unmatched_words.
self.matched_words = Metrics.counter(self.__class__, 'matched_words')
self.umatched_words = Metrics.counter(self.__class__, 'umatched_words')
def process(self, element):
word, _ = element
if re.match(self.pattern, word):
# Log at INFO level each element we match. When executing this pipeline
# using the Dataflow service, these log lines will appear in the Cloud
# Logging UI.'Matched %s', word)
# Add 1 to the custom metric counter matched_words
yield element
# Log at the "DEBUG" level each element that is not matched. Different
# log levels can be used to control the verbosity of logging providing
# an effective mechanism to filter less important information. Note
# currently only "INFO" and higher level logs are emitted to the Cloud
# Logger. This log message will not be visible in the Cloud Logger.
logging.debug('Did not match %s', word)
# Add 1 to the custom metric counter umatched_words
# [END example_wordcount_debugging_logging]
# [END example_wordcount_debugging_aggregators]
with TestPipeline() as p: # Use TestPipeline for testing.
filtered_words = (
| 'ExtractWords' >> beam.FlatMap(
lambda x: re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x))
| beam.combiners.Count.PerElement()
| 'FilterText' >> beam.ParDo(FilterTextFn('Flourish|stomach')))
# [START example_wordcount_debugging_assert]
filtered_words, beam.testing.util.equal_to(
[('Flourish', 3), ('stomach', 1)]))
# [END example_wordcount_debugging_assert]
def format_result(word_count):
(word, count) = word_count
return '%s: %s' % (word, count)
output = (filtered_words
| 'format' >> beam.Map(format_result)
| 'Write' >>'gs://my-bucket/counts.txt'))
def examples_wordcount_streaming(argv):
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import window
from import ReadFromPubSub
from import WriteStringsToPubSub
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import StandardOptions
# Parse out arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'--output_topic', required=True,
help=('Output PubSub topic of the form '
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
help=('Input PubSub topic of the form '
help=('Input PubSub subscription of the form '
known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)
pipeline_options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming = True
with TestPipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
# [START example_wordcount_streaming_read]
# Read from Pub/Sub into a PCollection.
if known_args.input_subscription:
lines = p |
lines = p |
# [END example_wordcount_streaming_read]
output = (
| 'DecodeUnicode' >> beam.FlatMap(
lambda encoded: encoded.decode('utf-8'))
| 'ExtractWords' >> beam.FlatMap(
lambda x: __import__('re').findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x))
| 'PairWithOnes' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x, 1))
| beam.WindowInto(window.FixedWindows(15, 0))
| 'Group' >> beam.GroupByKey()
| 'Sum' >> beam.Map(lambda word_ones: (word_ones[0], sum(word_ones[1])))
| 'Format' >> beam.Map(
lambda word_and_count: '%s: %d' % word_and_count))
# [START example_wordcount_streaming_write]
# Write to Pub/Sub
output |
# [END example_wordcount_streaming_write]
def examples_ptransforms_templated(renames):
# [START examples_ptransforms_templated]
import apache_beam as beam
from import WriteToText
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
from apache_beam.options.value_provider import StaticValueProvider
class TemplatedUserOptions(PipelineOptions):
def _add_argparse_args(cls, parser):
parser.add_value_provider_argument('--templated_int', type=int)
class MySumFn(beam.DoFn):
def __init__(self, templated_int):
self.templated_int = templated_int
def process(self, an_int):
yield self.templated_int.get() + an_int
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions()
p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)
user_options = pipeline_options.view_as(TemplatedUserOptions)
my_sum_fn = MySumFn(user_options.templated_int)
sum = (p
| 'ReadCollection' >>
| 'StringToInt' >> beam.Map(lambda w: int(w))
| 'AddGivenInt' >> beam.ParDo(my_sum_fn)
| 'WriteResultingCollection' >> WriteToText('some/output_path'))
# [END examples_ptransforms_templated]
# Templates are not supported by DirectRunner (only by DataflowRunner)
# so a value must be provided at graph-construction time
my_sum_fn.templated_int = StaticValueProvider(int, 10)
result =
# Defining a new source.
# [START model_custom_source_new_source]
class CountingSource(iobase.BoundedSource):
def __init__(self, count):
self.records_read = Metrics.counter(self.__class__, 'recordsRead')
self._count = count
def estimate_size(self):
return self._count
def get_range_tracker(self, start_position, stop_position):
if start_position is None:
start_position = 0
if stop_position is None:
stop_position = self._count
return OffsetRangeTracker(start_position, stop_position)
def read(self, range_tracker):
for i in range(self._count):
if not range_tracker.try_claim(i):
yield i
def split(self, desired_bundle_size, start_position=None,
if start_position is None:
start_position = 0
if stop_position is None:
stop_position = self._count
bundle_start = start_position
while bundle_start < self._count:
bundle_stop = max(self._count, bundle_start + desired_bundle_size)
yield iobase.SourceBundle(weight=(bundle_stop - bundle_start),
bundle_start = bundle_stop
# [END model_custom_source_new_source]
# We recommend users to start Source classes with an underscore to discourage
# using the Source class directly when a PTransform for the source is
# available. We simulate that here by simply extending the previous Source
# class.
class _CountingSource(CountingSource):
# [START model_custom_source_new_ptransform]
class ReadFromCountingSource(PTransform):
def __init__(self, count):
super(ReadFromCountingSource, self).__init__()
self._count = count
def expand(self, pcoll):
return pcoll | iobase.Read(_CountingSource(self._count))
# [END model_custom_source_new_ptransform]
def model_custom_source(count):
"""Demonstrates creating a new custom source and using it in a pipeline.
Defines a new source ``CountingSource`` that produces integers starting from 0
up to a given size.
Uses the new source in an example pipeline.
Additionally demonstrates how a source should be implemented using a
``PTransform``. This is the recommended way to develop sources that are to
distributed to a large number of end users.
This method runs two pipelines.
(1) A pipeline that uses ``CountingSource`` directly using the ``df.Read``
(2) A pipeline that uses a custom ``PTransform`` that wraps
count: the size of the counting source to be used in the pipeline
demonstrated in this method.
# Using the source in an example pipeline.
# [START model_custom_source_use_new_source]
with beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions()) as p:
numbers = p | 'ProduceNumbers' >>
# [END model_custom_source_use_new_source]
lines = numbers | beam.core.Map(lambda number: 'line %d' % number)
lines, equal_to(
['line ' + str(number) for number in range(0, count)]))
# [START model_custom_source_use_ptransform]
p = beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions())
numbers = p | 'ProduceNumbers' >> ReadFromCountingSource(count)
# [END model_custom_source_use_ptransform]
lines = numbers | beam.core.Map(lambda number: 'line %d' % number)
lines, equal_to(
['line ' + str(number) for number in range(0, count)]))
# Defining the new sink.
# Defines a new sink ``SimpleKVSink`` that demonstrates writing to a simple
# key-value based storage system which has following API.
# simplekv.connect(url) -
# connects to the storage system and returns an access token which can be
# used to perform further operations
# simplekv.open_table(access_token, table_name) -
# creates a table named 'table_name'. Returns a table object.
# simplekv.write_to_table(access_token, table, key, value) -
# writes a key-value pair to the given table.
# simplekv.rename_table(access_token, old_name, new_name) -
# renames the table named 'old_name' to 'new_name'.
# [START model_custom_sink_new_sink]
class SimpleKVSink(iobase.Sink):
def __init__(self, simplekv, url, final_table_name):
self._simplekv = simplekv
self._url = url
self._final_table_name = final_table_name
def initialize_write(self):
access_token = self._simplekv.connect(self._url)
return access_token
def open_writer(self, access_token, uid):
table_name = 'table' + uid
return SimpleKVWriter(self._simplekv, access_token, table_name)
def pre_finalize(self, init_result, writer_results):
def finalize_write(self, access_token, table_names, pre_finalize_result):
for i, table_name in enumerate(table_names):
access_token, table_name, self._final_table_name + str(i))
# [END model_custom_sink_new_sink]
# Defining a writer for the new sink.
# [START model_custom_sink_new_writer]
class SimpleKVWriter(iobase.Writer):
def __init__(self, simplekv, access_token, table_name):
self._simplekv = simplekv
self._access_token = access_token
self._table_name = table_name
self._table = self._simplekv.open_table(access_token, table_name)
def write(self, record):
key, value = record
self._simplekv.write_to_table(self._access_token, self._table, key, value)
def close(self):
return self._table_name
# [END model_custom_sink_new_writer]
# [START model_custom_sink_new_ptransform]
class WriteToKVSink(PTransform):
def __init__(self, simplekv, url, final_table_name, **kwargs):
self._simplekv = simplekv
super(WriteToKVSink, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._url = url
self._final_table_name = final_table_name
def expand(self, pcoll):
return pcoll | iobase.Write(_SimpleKVSink(self._simplekv,
# [END model_custom_sink_new_ptransform]
# We recommend users to start Sink class names with an underscore to
# discourage using the Sink class directly when a PTransform for the sink is
# available. We simulate that here by simply extending the previous Sink
# class.
class _SimpleKVSink(SimpleKVSink):
def model_custom_sink(simplekv, KVs, final_table_name_no_ptransform,
"""Demonstrates creating a new custom sink and using it in a pipeline.
Uses the new sink in an example pipeline.
Additionally demonstrates how a sink should be implemented using a
``PTransform``. This is the recommended way to develop sinks that are to be
distributed to a large number of end users.
This method runs two pipelines.
(1) A pipeline that uses ``SimpleKVSink`` directly using the ``df.Write``
(2) A pipeline that uses a custom ``PTransform`` that wraps
simplekv: an object that mocks the key-value storage.
KVs: the set of key-value pairs to be written in the example pipeline.
final_table_name_no_ptransform: the prefix of final set of tables to be
created by the example pipeline that uses
``SimpleKVSink`` directly.
final_table_name_with_ptransform: the prefix of final set of tables to be
created by the example pipeline that uses
a ``PTransform`` that wraps
final_table_name = final_table_name_no_ptransform
# Using the new sink in an example pipeline.
# [START model_custom_sink_use_new_sink]
with beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions()) as p:
kvs = p | 'CreateKVs' >> beam.Create(KVs)
kvs | 'WriteToSimpleKV' >>
SimpleKVSink(simplekv, 'http://url_to_simple_kv/', final_table_name))
# [END model_custom_sink_use_new_sink]
final_table_name = final_table_name_with_ptransform
# [START model_custom_sink_use_ptransform]
with beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions()) as p:
kvs = p | 'CreateKVs' >> beam.core.Create(KVs)
kvs | 'WriteToSimpleKV' >> WriteToKVSink(
simplekv, 'http://url_to_simple_kv/', final_table_name)
# [END model_custom_sink_use_ptransform]
def model_textio(renames):
"""Using a Read and Write transform to read/write text files."""
def filter_words(x):
import re
return re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x)
# [START model_textio_read]
with beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions()) as p:
# [START model_pipelineio_read]
lines = p | 'ReadFromText' >>'path/to/input-*.csv')
# [END model_pipelineio_read]
# [END model_textio_read]
# [START model_textio_write]
filtered_words = lines | 'FilterWords' >> beam.FlatMap(filter_words)
# [START model_pipelineio_write]
filtered_words | 'WriteToText' >>
'/path/to/numbers', file_name_suffix='.csv')
# [END model_pipelineio_write]
# [END model_textio_write]
def model_textio_compressed(renames, expected):
"""Using a Read Transform to read compressed text files."""
with TestPipeline() as p:
# [START model_textio_write_compressed]
lines = p | 'ReadFromText' >>
# [END model_textio_write_compressed]
assert_that(lines, equal_to(expected))
def model_datastoreio():
"""Using a Read and Write transform to read/write to Cloud Datastore."""
import uuid
from import entity_pb2
from import query_pb2
import googledatastore
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
from import ReadFromDatastore
from import WriteToDatastore
project = 'my_project'
kind = 'my_kind'
query = query_pb2.Query()
query.kind.add().name = kind
# [START model_datastoreio_read]
p = beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions())
entities = p | 'Read From Datastore' >> ReadFromDatastore(project, query)
# [END model_datastoreio_read]
# [START model_datastoreio_write]
p = beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions())
musicians = p | 'Musicians' >> beam.Create(
['Mozart', 'Chopin', 'Beethoven', 'Vivaldi'])
def to_entity(content):
entity = entity_pb2.Entity()
googledatastore.helper.add_key_path(entity.key, kind, str(uuid.uuid4()))
{'content': unicode(content)})
return entity
entities = musicians | 'To Entity' >> beam.Map(to_entity)
entities | 'Write To Datastore' >> WriteToDatastore(project)
# [END model_datastoreio_write]
def model_bigqueryio(p, write_project='', write_dataset='', write_table=''):
"""Using a Read and Write transform to read/write from/to BigQuery."""
# [START model_bigqueryio_table_spec]
# project-id:dataset_id.table_id
table_spec = 'clouddataflow-readonly:samples.weather_stations'
# [END model_bigqueryio_table_spec]
# [START model_bigqueryio_table_spec_without_project]
# dataset_id.table_id
table_spec = 'samples.weather_stations'
# [END model_bigqueryio_table_spec_without_project]
# [START model_bigqueryio_table_spec_object]
from import bigquery
table_spec = bigquery.TableReference(
# [END model_bigqueryio_table_spec_object]
# [START model_bigqueryio_read_table]
max_temperatures = (
| 'ReadTable' >>
# Each row is a dictionary where the keys are the BigQuery columns
| beam.Map(lambda elem: elem['max_temperature']))
# [END model_bigqueryio_read_table]
# [START model_bigqueryio_read_query]
max_temperatures = (
| 'QueryTable' >>
query='SELECT max_temperature FROM '\
# Each row is a dictionary where the keys are the BigQuery columns
| beam.Map(lambda elem: elem['max_temperature']))
# [END model_bigqueryio_read_query]
# [START model_bigqueryio_read_query_std_sql]
max_temperatures = (
| 'QueryTableStdSQL' >>
query='SELECT max_temperature FROM '\
# Each row is a dictionary where the keys are the BigQuery columns
| beam.Map(lambda elem: elem['max_temperature']))
# [END model_bigqueryio_read_query_std_sql]
# [START model_bigqueryio_schema]
# column_name:BIGQUERY_TYPE, ...
table_schema = 'source:STRING, quote:STRING'
# [END model_bigqueryio_schema]
# [START model_bigqueryio_schema_object]
table_schema = {'fields': [
{'name': 'source', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'},
{'name': 'quote', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'REQUIRED'}
# [END model_bigqueryio_schema_object]
if write_project and write_dataset and write_table:
table_spec = '{}:{}.{}'.format(write_project, write_dataset, write_table)
# [START model_bigqueryio_write_input]
quotes = p | beam.Create([
{'source': 'Mahatma Gandhi', 'quote': 'My life is my message.'},
{'source': 'Yoda', 'quote': "Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."},
# [END model_bigqueryio_write_input]
# [START model_bigqueryio_write]
quotes |
# [END model_bigqueryio_write]
def model_composite_transform_example(contents, output_path):
"""Example of a composite transform.
To declare a composite transform, define a subclass of PTransform.
To override the apply method, define a method "apply" that
takes a PCollection as its only parameter and returns a PCollection.
import re
import apache_beam as beam
# [START composite_transform_example]
# [START composite_ptransform_apply_method]
# [START composite_ptransform_declare]
class CountWords(beam.PTransform):
# [END composite_ptransform_declare]
def expand(self, pcoll):
return (pcoll
| beam.FlatMap(lambda x: re.findall(r'\w+', x))
| beam.combiners.Count.PerElement()
| beam.Map(lambda word_c: '%s: %s' % (word_c[0], word_c[1])))
# [END composite_ptransform_apply_method]
# [END composite_transform_example]
with TestPipeline() as p: # Use TestPipeline for testing.
| beam.Create(contents)
| CountWords()
def model_multiple_pcollections_flatten(contents, output_path):
"""Merging a PCollection with Flatten."""
some_hash_fn = lambda s: ord(s[0])
partition_fn = lambda element, partitions: some_hash_fn(element) % partitions
import apache_beam as beam
with TestPipeline() as p: # Use TestPipeline for testing.
# Partition into deciles
partitioned = p | beam.Create(contents) | beam.Partition(partition_fn, 3)
pcoll1 = partitioned[0]
pcoll2 = partitioned[1]
pcoll3 = partitioned[2]
# Flatten them back into 1
# A collection of PCollection objects can be represented simply
# as a tuple (or list) of PCollections.
# (The SDK for Python has no separate type to store multiple
# PCollection objects, whether containing the same or different
# types.)
# [START model_multiple_pcollections_flatten]
merged = (
(pcoll1, pcoll2, pcoll3)
# A list of tuples can be "piped" directly into a Flatten transform.
| beam.Flatten())
# [END model_multiple_pcollections_flatten]
merged |
def model_multiple_pcollections_partition(contents, output_path):
"""Splitting a PCollection with Partition."""
some_hash_fn = lambda s: ord(s[0])
def get_percentile(i):
"""Assume i in [0,100)."""
return i
import apache_beam as beam
with TestPipeline() as p: # Use TestPipeline for testing.
students = p | beam.Create(contents)
# [START model_multiple_pcollections_partition]
def partition_fn(student, num_partitions):
return int(get_percentile(student) * num_partitions / 100)
by_decile = students | beam.Partition(partition_fn, 10)
# [END model_multiple_pcollections_partition]
# [START model_multiple_pcollections_partition_40th]
fortieth_percentile = by_decile[4]
# [END model_multiple_pcollections_partition_40th]
([by_decile[d] for d in range(10) if d != 4] + [fortieth_percentile]
| beam.Flatten()
def model_group_by_key(contents, output_path):
"""Applying a GroupByKey Transform."""
import re
import apache_beam as beam
with TestPipeline() as p: # Use TestPipeline for testing.
def count_ones(word_ones):
(word, ones) = word_ones
return (word, sum(ones))
words_and_counts = (
| beam.Create(contents)
| beam.FlatMap(lambda x: re.findall(r'\w+', x))
| 'one word' >> beam.Map(lambda w: (w, 1)))
# GroupByKey accepts a PCollection of (w, 1) and
# outputs a PCollection of (w, (1, 1, ...)).
# (A key/value pair is just a tuple in Python.)
# This is a somewhat forced example, since one could
# simply use beam.combiners.Count.PerElement here.
# [START model_group_by_key_transform]
grouped_words = words_and_counts | beam.GroupByKey()
# [END model_group_by_key_transform]
| 'count words' >> beam.Map(count_ones)
def model_co_group_by_key_tuple(emails, phones, output_path):
"""Applying a CoGroupByKey Transform to a tuple."""
import apache_beam as beam
# [START model_group_by_key_cogroupbykey_tuple]
# The result PCollection contains one key-value element for each key in the
# input PCollections. The key of the pair will be the key from the input and
# the value will be a dictionary with two entries: 'emails' - an iterable of
# all values for the current key in the emails PCollection and 'phones': an
# iterable of all values for the current key in the phones PCollection.
results = ({'emails': emails, 'phones': phones}
| beam.CoGroupByKey())
def join_info(name_info):
(name, info) = name_info
return '%s; %s; %s' %\
(name, sorted(info['emails']), sorted(info['phones']))
contact_lines = results | beam.Map(join_info)
# [END model_group_by_key_cogroupbykey_tuple]
contact_lines |
def model_join_using_side_inputs(
name_list, email_list, phone_list, output_path):
"""Joining PCollections using side inputs."""
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.pvalue import AsIter
with TestPipeline() as p: # Use TestPipeline for testing.
# [START model_join_using_side_inputs]
# This code performs a join by receiving the set of names as an input and
# passing PCollections that contain emails and phone numbers as side inputs
# instead of using CoGroupByKey.
names = p | 'names' >> beam.Create(name_list)
emails = p | 'email' >> beam.Create(email_list)
phones = p | 'phone' >> beam.Create(phone_list)
def join_info(name, emails, phone_numbers):
filtered_emails = []
for name_in_list, email in emails:
if name_in_list == name:
filtered_phone_numbers = []
for name_in_list, phone_number in phone_numbers:
if name_in_list == name:
return '; '.join(['%s' % name,
'%s' % ','.join(filtered_emails),
'%s' % ','.join(filtered_phone_numbers)])
contact_lines = names | 'CreateContacts' >> beam.core.Map(
join_info, AsIter(emails), AsIter(phones))
# [END model_join_using_side_inputs]
contact_lines |
# [START model_library_transforms_keys]
class Keys(beam.PTransform):
def expand(self, pcoll):
return pcoll | 'Keys' >> beam.Map(lambda k_v: k_v[0])
# [END model_library_transforms_keys]
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
# [START model_library_transforms_count]
class Count(beam.PTransform):
def expand(self, pcoll):
return (
| 'PairWithOne' >> beam.Map(lambda v: (v, 1))
| beam.CombinePerKey(sum))
# [END model_library_transforms_count]
def file_process_pattern_access_metadata():
import apache_beam as beam
from import fileio
# [START FileProcessPatternAccessMetadataSnip1]
with beam.Pipeline() as p:
readable_files = (p
| fileio.MatchFiles('hdfs://path/to/*.txt')
| fileio.ReadMatches()
| beam.Reshuffle())
files_and_contents = (readable_files
| beam.Map(lambda x: (x.metadata.path,
# [END FileProcessPatternAccessMetadataSnip1]