blob: ab54fb39f9e0c4e75ec67de1a7620670f99bee90 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.FieldAccessDescriptor;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.Schema;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.Schema.FieldType;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.SchemaCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.utils.ConvertHelpers;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.utils.SelectHelpers;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.Row;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TypeDescriptor;
/** Represents information about how a DoFn extracts schemas. */
public abstract class DoFnSchemaInformation implements Serializable {
* The schema of the @Element parameter. If the Java type does not match the input PCollection but
* the schemas are compatible, Beam will automatically convert between the Java types.
public abstract List<SerializableFunction<?, ?>> getElementConverters();
/** Create an instance. */
public static DoFnSchemaInformation create() {
return new AutoValue_DoFnSchemaInformation.Builder()
/** The builder object. */
public abstract static class Builder {
abstract Builder setElementConverters(List<SerializableFunction<?, ?>> converters);
abstract DoFnSchemaInformation build();
public abstract Builder toBuilder();
* Specified a parameter that is a selection from an input schema (specified using FieldAccess).
* This method is called when the input parameter itself has a schema. The input parameter does
* not need to be a Row. If it is a type with a compatible registered schema, then the conversion
* will be done automatically.
* @param inputCoder The coder for the ParDo's input elements.
* @param selectDescriptor The descriptor describing which field to select.
* @param selectOutputSchema The schema of the selected parameter.
* @param parameterCoder The coder for the input parameter to the method.
* @param unbox If unbox is true, then the select result is a 1-field schema that needs to be
* unboxed.
* @return
DoFnSchemaInformation withSelectFromSchemaParameter(
SchemaCoder<?> inputCoder,
FieldAccessDescriptor selectDescriptor,
Schema selectOutputSchema,
SchemaCoder<?> parameterCoder,
boolean unbox) {
List<SerializableFunction<?, ?>> converters =
ImmutableList.<SerializableFunction<?, ?>>builder()
return toBuilder().setElementConverters(converters).build();
* Specified a parameter that is a selection from an input schema (specified using FieldAccess).
* This method is called when the input parameter is a Java type that does not itself have a
* schema, e.g. long, or String. In this case we expect the selection predicate to return a
* single-field row with a field of the output type.
* @param inputCoder The coder for the ParDo's input elements.
* @param selectDescriptor The descriptor describing which field to select.
* @param selectOutputSchema The schema of the selected parameter.
* @param elementT The type of the method's input parameter.
* @return
DoFnSchemaInformation withUnboxPrimitiveParameter(
SchemaCoder inputCoder,
FieldAccessDescriptor selectDescriptor,
Schema selectOutputSchema,
TypeDescriptor<?> elementT) {
if (selectOutputSchema.getFieldCount() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Parameter has no schema and the input is not a simple type.");
FieldType fieldType = selectOutputSchema.getField(0).getType();
if (fieldType.getTypeName().isCompositeType()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Parameter has no schema and the input is not a primitive type.");
List<SerializableFunction<?, ?>> converters =
ImmutableList.<SerializableFunction<?, ?>>builder()
return toBuilder().setElementConverters(converters).build();
private static class ConversionFunction<InputT, OutputT>
implements SerializableFunction<InputT, OutputT> {
private final Schema inputSchema;
private final SerializableFunction<InputT, Row> toRowFunction;
private final SerializableFunction<Row, OutputT> fromRowFunction;
private final FieldAccessDescriptor selectDescriptor;
private final Schema selectOutputSchema;
private final boolean unbox;
private ConversionFunction(
Schema inputSchema,
SerializableFunction<InputT, Row> toRowFunction,
SerializableFunction<Row, OutputT> fromRowFunction,
FieldAccessDescriptor selectDescriptor,
Schema selectOutputSchema,
boolean unbox) {
this.inputSchema = inputSchema;
this.toRowFunction = toRowFunction;
this.fromRowFunction = fromRowFunction;
this.selectDescriptor = selectDescriptor;
this.selectOutputSchema = selectOutputSchema;
this.unbox = unbox;
public static <InputT, OutputT> ConversionFunction of(
Schema inputSchema,
SerializableFunction<InputT, Row> toRowFunction,
SerializableFunction<Row, OutputT> fromRowFunction,
FieldAccessDescriptor selectDescriptor,
Schema selectOutputSchema,
boolean unbox) {
return new ConversionFunction<>(
inputSchema, toRowFunction, fromRowFunction, selectDescriptor, selectOutputSchema, unbox);
public OutputT apply(InputT input) {
Row row = toRowFunction.apply(input);
Row selected =
SelectHelpers.selectRow(row, selectDescriptor, inputSchema, selectOutputSchema);
if (unbox) {
selected = selected.getRow(0);
return fromRowFunction.apply(selected);
* This function is used when the schema is a singleton schema containing a single primitive field
* and the Java type we are converting to is that of the primitive field.
private static class UnboxingConversionFunction<InputT, OutputT>
implements SerializableFunction<InputT, OutputT> {
private final Schema inputSchema;
private final SerializableFunction<InputT, Row> toRowFunction;
private final FieldAccessDescriptor selectDescriptor;
private final Schema selectOutputSchema;
private final FieldType primitiveType;
private final TypeDescriptor<?> primitiveOutputType;
private transient SerializableFunction<InputT, OutputT> conversionFunction;
private UnboxingConversionFunction(
Schema inputSchema,
SerializableFunction<InputT, Row> toRowFunction,
FieldAccessDescriptor selectDescriptor,
Schema selectOutputSchema,
TypeDescriptor<?> primitiveOutputType) {
this.inputSchema = inputSchema;
this.toRowFunction = toRowFunction;
this.selectDescriptor = selectDescriptor;
this.selectOutputSchema = selectOutputSchema;
this.primitiveType = selectOutputSchema.getField(0).getType();
this.primitiveOutputType = primitiveOutputType;
public static <InputT, OutputT> UnboxingConversionFunction of(
Schema inputSchema,
SerializableFunction<InputT, Row> toRowFunction,
FieldAccessDescriptor selectDescriptor,
Schema selectOutputSchema,
TypeDescriptor<?> primitiveOutputType) {
return new UnboxingConversionFunction<>(
inputSchema, toRowFunction, selectDescriptor, selectOutputSchema, primitiveOutputType);
public OutputT apply(InputT input) {
Row row = toRowFunction.apply(input);
Row selected =
SelectHelpers.selectRow(row, selectDescriptor, inputSchema, selectOutputSchema);
return getConversionFunction().apply(selected.getValue(0));
private SerializableFunction<InputT, OutputT> getConversionFunction() {
if (conversionFunction == null) {
conversionFunction =
(SerializableFunction<InputT, OutputT>)
ConvertHelpers.getConvertPrimitive(primitiveType, primitiveOutputType);
return conversionFunction;