blob: c60ab52a09d3075d6a4e7fd5d85531ce9eb79c27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package exec
import (
var intInput = []interface{}{int(1), int(2), int(3), int(4), int(5), int(6)}
var strInput = []interface{}{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}
var tests = []struct {
Fn interface{}
AccumCoder *coder.Coder
Input []interface{}
Expected interface{}
{Fn: mergeFn, AccumCoder: intCoder(reflectx.Int), Input: intInput, Expected: int(21)},
{Fn: nonBinaryMergeFn, AccumCoder: intCoder(reflectx.Int), Input: intInput, Expected: int(21)},
{Fn: &MyCombine{}, AccumCoder: intCoder(reflectx.Int64), Input: intInput, Expected: int(21)},
{Fn: &MyOtherCombine{}, AccumCoder: intCoder(reflectx.Int64), Input: intInput, Expected: "21"},
{Fn: &MyThirdCombine{}, AccumCoder: intCoder(reflectx.Int), Input: strInput, Expected: int(21)},
{Fn: &MyContextCombine{}, AccumCoder: intCoder(reflectx.Int64), Input: intInput, Expected: int(21)},
{Fn: &MyErrorCombine{}, AccumCoder: intCoder(reflectx.Int64), Input: intInput, Expected: int(21)},
func fnName(x interface{}) string {
v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return v.Type().String()
return runtime.FuncForPC(uintptr(v.Pointer())).Name()
// TestCombine verifies that the Combine node works correctly.
func TestCombine(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(fnName(test.Fn), func(t *testing.T) {
edge := getCombineEdge(t, test.Fn, reflectx.Int, test.AccumCoder)
out := &CaptureNode{UID: 1}
combine := &Combine{UID: 2, Fn: edge.CombineFn, Out: out}
n := &FixedRoot{UID: 3, Elements: makeKeyedInput(42, test.Input...), Out: combine}
constructAndExecutePlan(t, []Unit{n, combine, out})
expected := makeKV(42, test.Expected)
if !equalList(out.Elements, expected) {
t.Errorf("combine(%s) = %v, want %v", edge.CombineFn.Name(), extractKeyedValues(out.Elements...), extractKeyedValues(expected...))
// TestLiftedCombine verifies that the LiftedCombine, MergeAccumulators, and
// ExtractOutput nodes work correctly after the lift has been performed.
func TestLiftedCombine(t *testing.T) {
withCoder := func(t *testing.T, suffix string, key interface{}, keyCoder *coder.Coder) {
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(fnName(test.Fn)+"_"+suffix, func(t *testing.T) {
edge := getCombineEdge(t, test.Fn, reflectx.Int, test.AccumCoder)
out := &CaptureNode{UID: 1}
extract := &ExtractOutput{Combine: &Combine{UID: 2, Fn: edge.CombineFn, Out: out}}
merge := &MergeAccumulators{Combine: &Combine{UID: 3, Fn: edge.CombineFn, Out: extract}}
gbk := &simpleGBK{UID: 4, KeyCoder: keyCoder, Out: merge}
precombine := &LiftedCombine{Combine: &Combine{UID: 5, Fn: edge.CombineFn, Out: gbk}, KeyCoder: keyCoder}
n := &FixedRoot{UID: 6, Elements: makeKVInput(key, test.Input...), Out: precombine}
constructAndExecutePlan(t, []Unit{n, precombine, gbk, merge, extract, out})
expected := makeKV(key, test.Expected)
if !equalList(out.Elements, expected) {
t.Errorf("liftedCombineChain(%s) = %v, want %v", edge.CombineFn.Name(), extractKeyedValues(out.Elements...), extractKeyedValues(expected...))
withCoder(t, "intKeys", 42, intCoder(reflectx.Int))
withCoder(t, "int64Keys", int64(42), intCoder(reflectx.Int64))
cc, err := coder.NewCustomCoder("codable", myCodableType, codableEncoder, codableDecoder)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v", err)
withCoder(t, "pointerKeys", &myCodable{42}, &coder.Coder{Kind: coder.Custom, T: typex.New(myCodableType), Custom: cc})
type codable interface {
EncodeMe() []byte
func codableEncoder(v codable) []byte {
return v.EncodeMe()
var myCodableType = reflect.TypeOf((*myCodable)(nil))
func codableDecoder(t reflect.Type, b []byte) codable {
var v codable
switch t {
case myCodableType:
v = &myCodable{}
panic("don't know this type" + t.String())
return v
type myCodable struct {
val uint64
func (c *myCodable) EncodeMe() []byte {
data := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(data, c.val)
return data
func (c *myCodable) DecodeMe(b []byte) {
c.val = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b)
func getCombineEdge(t *testing.T, cfn interface{}, kt reflect.Type, ac *coder.Coder) *graph.MultiEdge {
fn, err := graph.NewCombineFn(cfn)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid function: %v", err)
g := graph.New()
var vtype reflect.Type
if fn.AddInputFn() != nil {
// This makes the assumption that the AddInput function is unkeyed.
vtype = fn.AddInputFn().Param[1].T
} else {
vtype = fn.MergeAccumulatorsFn().Param[1].T
inT := typex.NewCoGBK(typex.New(kt), typex.New(vtype))
in := g.NewNode(inT, window.DefaultWindowingStrategy(), true)
edge, err := graph.NewCombine(g, g.Root(), fn, in, ac)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid combinefn: %v", err)
return edge
func constructAndExecutePlan(t *testing.T, us []Unit) {
p, err := NewPlan("a", us)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to construct plan: %v", err)
if err := p.Execute(context.Background(), "1", DataContext{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("execute failed: %v", err)
if err := p.Down(context.Background()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("down failed: %v", err)
// The following functions and struct represent the combine contract implemented
// in various ways.
// Instead of a ProcessElement method, a liftable combine can be written by
// breaking down an operation into four component methods:
// CreateAccumulator() AccumT
// AddInput(a AccumT, v InputT) AccumT
// MergeAccumulators(a, b AccumT) AccumT
// ExtractOutput(v AccumT) OutputT
// In addition, depending there can be three distinct types, depending on where
// they are used in the combine, the input type, InputT, the output type, OutputT,
// and the accumulator type AccumT. Depending on the equality of the types, one
// or more of the methods can be unspecified.
// The only required method is MergeAccumulators.
// When InputT == OutputT == AccumT, the only required method is MergeAccumulators.
// When InputT == AccumT , then AddInput can be omitted, and MergeAccumulators used instead.
// When AccumT == Output , then ExtractOutput can be omitted, and the identity used instead.
// These two combined mean that when InputT == OutputT == AccumT, only MergeAccumulators
// needs to be specified.
// CreateAccumulator() is only required if the AccumT cannot be used in it's zero state,
// and needs initialization.
// mergeFn represents a combine that is just a binary merge, where
// InputT == OutputT == AccumT == int
func mergeFn(a, b int) int {
return a + b
// nonBinaryMergeFn represents a combine with a context parameter and an error return, where
// InputT == OutputT == AccumT == int
func nonBinaryMergeFn(ctx context.Context, a, b int) (int, error) {
return a + b, nil
// MyCombine represents a combine with the same Input and Output type (int), but a
// distinct accumulator type (int64).
// InputT == OutputT == int
// AccumT == int64
type MyCombine struct{}
func (*MyCombine) AddInput(a int64, v int) int64 {
return a + int64(v)
func (*MyCombine) MergeAccumulators(a, b int64) int64 {
return a + b
func (*MyCombine) ExtractOutput(a int64) int {
return int(a)
// MyOtherCombine is the same as MyCombine, but has strings extracted as output.
// InputT == int
// AccumT == int64
// OutputT == string
type MyOtherCombine struct {
MyCombine // Embedding to re-use the exisitng AddInput and MergeAccumulators implementations
func (*MyOtherCombine) ExtractOutput(a int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", a)
// MyThirdCombine has parses strings as Input, and doesn't specify an ExtractOutput
// InputT == string
// AccumT == int
// OutputT == int
type MyThirdCombine struct{}
func (c *MyThirdCombine) AddInput(a int, s string) (int, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 0, 0)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return c.MergeAccumulators(a, int(v)), nil
func (*MyThirdCombine) MergeAccumulators(a, b int) int {
return a + b
// MyContextCombine is the same as MyCombine, but requires a context parameter.
// InputT == int
// AccumT == int64
// OutputT == string
type MyContextCombine struct {
MyCombine // Embedding to re-use the exisitng AddInput implementations
func (*MyContextCombine) MergeAccumulators(_ context.Context, a, b int64) int64 {
return a + b
// MyErrorCombine is the same as MyCombine, but may return an error.
// InputT == int
// AccumT == int64
// OutputT == string
type MyErrorCombine struct {
MyCombine // Embedding to re-use the exisitng AddInput implementations
func (*MyErrorCombine) CreateAccumulator() (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (*MyErrorCombine) MergeAccumulators(a, b int64) (int64, error) {
return a + b, nil
func intCoder(t reflect.Type) *coder.Coder {
c, err := coderx.NewVarIntZ(t)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't get VarInt coder for %v", t))
return &coder.Coder{Kind: coder.Custom, T: typex.New(t), Custom: c}
// simpleGBK buffers all input and continues on FinishBundle. Use with small single-bundle data only.
type simpleGBK struct {
Out Node
KeyCoder *coder.Coder
hasher elementHasher
m map[uint64]*group
type group struct {
key FullValue
values []FullValue
func (n *simpleGBK) ID() UnitID {
return n.UID
func (n *simpleGBK) Up(ctx context.Context) error {
n.m = make(map[uint64]*group)
n.hasher = makeElementHasher(n.KeyCoder)
return nil
func (n *simpleGBK) StartBundle(ctx context.Context, id string, data DataContext) error {
return n.Out.StartBundle(ctx, id, data)
func (n *simpleGBK) ProcessElement(ctx context.Context, elm *FullValue, _ ...ReStream) error {
key := elm.Elm
value := elm.Elm2
keyHash, err := n.hasher.Hash(key)
if err != nil {
return err
g, ok := n.m[keyHash]
if !ok {
g = &group{
key: FullValue{Elm: key, Timestamp: elm.Timestamp, Windows: elm.Windows},
values: make([]FullValue, 0),
n.m[keyHash] = g
g.values = append(g.values, FullValue{Elm: value, Timestamp: elm.Timestamp})
return nil
func (n *simpleGBK) FinishBundle(ctx context.Context) error {
for _, g := range n.m {
values := &FixedReStream{Buf: g.values}
if err := n.Out.ProcessElement(ctx, &g.key, values); err != nil {
return err
return n.Out.FinishBundle(ctx)
func (n *simpleGBK) Down(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (n *simpleGBK) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("simpleGBK: %v Out:%v", n.ID(), n.Out.ID())