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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package graph
import (
// Fn holds either a function or struct receiver.
type Fn struct {
// Fn holds the function, if present. If Fn is nil, Recv must be
// non-nil.
Fn *funcx.Fn
// Recv hold the struct receiver, if present. If Recv is nil, Fn
// must be non-nil.
Recv interface{}
// DynFn holds the function-generator, if dynamic. If not nil, Fn
// holds the generated function.
DynFn *DynFn
// methods holds the public methods (or the function) by their beam
// names.
methods map[string]*funcx.Fn
// Name returns the name of the function or struct.
func (f *Fn) Name() string {
if f.Fn != nil {
return f.Fn.Fn.Name()
t := reflectx.SkipPtr(reflect.TypeOf(f.Recv))
return fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", t.PkgPath(), t.Name())
// DynFn is a generator for dynamically-created functions:
// gen: (name string, t reflect.Type, []byte) -> func : T
// where the generated function, fn : T, is re-created at runtime. This concept
// allows serialization of dynamically-generated functions, which do not have a
// valid (unique) symbol such as one created via reflect.MakeFunc.
type DynFn struct {
// Name is the name of the function. It does not have to be a valid symbol.
Name string
// T is the type of the generated function
T reflect.Type
// Data holds the data, if any, for the generator. Each function
// generator typically needs some configuration data, which is
// required by the DynFn to be encoded.
Data []byte
// Gen is the function generator. The function generator itself must be a
// function with a unique symbol.
Gen func(string, reflect.Type, []byte) reflectx.Func
// NewFn pre-processes a function, dynamic function or struct for graph
// construction.
func NewFn(fn interface{}) (*Fn, error) {
if gen, ok := fn.(*DynFn); ok {
f, err := funcx.New(gen.Gen(gen.Name, gen.T, gen.Data))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Fn{Fn: f, DynFn: gen}, nil
val := reflect.ValueOf(fn)
switch val.Type().Kind() {
case reflect.Func:
f, err := funcx.New(reflectx.MakeFunc(fn))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Fn{Fn: f}, nil
case reflect.Ptr:
if val.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil, errors.Errorf("value %v must be ptr to struct", fn)
// Note that a ptr receiver is necessary if struct fields are updated in the
// user code. Otherwise, updates are simply lost.
case reflect.Struct:
methods := make(map[string]*funcx.Fn)
if methodsFuncs, ok := reflectx.WrapMethods(fn); ok {
for name, mfn := range methodsFuncs {
f, err := funcx.New(mfn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "method %v invalid", name)
methods[name] = f
return &Fn{Recv: fn, methods: methods}, nil
// TODO(lostluck): Consider moving this into the reflectx package.
for i := 0; i < val.Type().NumMethod(); i++ {
m := val.Type().Method(i)
if m.PkgPath != "" {
continue // skip: unexported
if m.Name == "String" {
continue // skip: harmless
// CAVEAT(herohde) 5/22/2017: The type val.Type.Method.Type is not
// the same as val.Method.Type: the former has the explicit receiver.
// We'll use the receiver-less version.
// TODO(herohde) 5/22/2017: Alternatively, it looks like we could
// serialize each method, call them explicitly and avoid struct
// registration.
f, err := funcx.New(reflectx.MakeFunc(val.Method(i).Interface()))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "method %v invalid", m.Name)
methods[m.Name] = f
return &Fn{Recv: fn, methods: methods}, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("value %v must be function or (ptr to) struct", fn)
// Signature method names.
const (
setupName = "Setup"
startBundleName = "StartBundle"
processElementName = "ProcessElement"
finishBundleName = "FinishBundle"
teardownName = "Teardown"
createAccumulatorName = "CreateAccumulator"
addInputName = "AddInput"
mergeAccumulatorsName = "MergeAccumulators"
extractOutputName = "ExtractOutput"
compactName = "Compact"
// TODO: ViewFn, etc.
// DoFn represents a DoFn.
type DoFn Fn
// SetupFn returns the "Setup" function, if present.
func (f *DoFn) SetupFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[setupName]
// StartBundleFn returns the "StartBundle" function, if present.
func (f *DoFn) StartBundleFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[startBundleName]
// ProcessElementFn returns the "ProcessElement" function.
func (f *DoFn) ProcessElementFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[processElementName]
// FinishBundleFn returns the "FinishBundle" function, if present.
func (f *DoFn) FinishBundleFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[finishBundleName]
// TeardownFn returns the "Teardown" function, if present.
func (f *DoFn) TeardownFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[teardownName]
// Name returns the name of the function or struct.
func (f *DoFn) Name() string {
return (*Fn)(f).Name()
// TODO(herohde) 5/19/2017: we can sometimes detect whether the main input must be
// a KV or not based on the other signatures (unless we're more loose about which
// sideinputs are present). Bind should respect that.
// NewDoFn constructs a DoFn from the given value, if possible.
func NewDoFn(fn interface{}) (*DoFn, error) {
ret, err := NewFn(fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithContext(errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid DoFn"), "constructing DoFn")
return AsDoFn(ret)
// AsDoFn converts a Fn to a DoFn, if possible.
func AsDoFn(fn *Fn) (*DoFn, error) {
if fn.methods == nil {
fn.methods = make(map[string]*funcx.Fn)
if fn.Fn != nil {
fn.methods[processElementName] = fn.Fn
if err := verifyValidNames("graph.AsDoFn", fn, setupName, startBundleName, processElementName, finishBundleName, teardownName); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := fn.methods[processElementName]; !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("graph.AsDoFn: failed to find %v method: %v", processElementName, fn)
// TODO(herohde) 5/18/2017: validate the signatures, incl. consistency.
return (*DoFn)(fn), nil
// CombineFn represents a CombineFn.
type CombineFn Fn
// SetupFn returns the "Setup" function, if present.
func (f *CombineFn) SetupFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[setupName]
// CreateAccumulatorFn returns the "CreateAccumulator" function, if present.
func (f *CombineFn) CreateAccumulatorFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[createAccumulatorName]
// AddInputFn returns the "AddInput" function, if present.
func (f *CombineFn) AddInputFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[addInputName]
// MergeAccumulatorsFn returns the "MergeAccumulators" function. If it is the only
// method present, then InputType == AccumulatorType == OutputType.
func (f *CombineFn) MergeAccumulatorsFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[mergeAccumulatorsName]
// ExtractOutputFn returns the "ExtractOutput" function, if present.
func (f *CombineFn) ExtractOutputFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[extractOutputName]
// CompactFn returns the "Compact" function, if present.
func (f *CombineFn) CompactFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[compactName]
// TeardownFn returns the "Teardown" function, if present.
func (f *CombineFn) TeardownFn() *funcx.Fn {
return f.methods[teardownName]
// Name returns the name of the function or struct.
func (f *CombineFn) Name() string {
return (*Fn)(f).Name()
// NewCombineFn constructs a CombineFn from the given value, if possible.
func NewCombineFn(fn interface{}) (*CombineFn, error) {
ret, err := NewFn(fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithContext(errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid CombineFn"), "constructing CombineFn")
return AsCombineFn(ret)
// AsCombineFn converts a Fn to a CombineFn, if possible.
func AsCombineFn(fn *Fn) (*CombineFn, error) {
const fnKind = "graph.AsCombineFn"
if fn.methods == nil {
fn.methods = make(map[string]*funcx.Fn)
if fn.Fn != nil {
fn.methods[mergeAccumulatorsName] = fn.Fn
if err := verifyValidNames(fnKind, fn, setupName, createAccumulatorName, addInputName, mergeAccumulatorsName, extractOutputName, compactName, teardownName); err != nil {
return nil, err
mergeFn, ok := fn.methods[mergeAccumulatorsName]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%v: failed to find required %v method on type: %v", fnKind, mergeAccumulatorsName, fn.Name())
// CombineFn methods must satisfy the following:
// CreateAccumulator func() (A, error?)
// AddInput func(A, I) (A, error?)
// MergeAccumulators func(A, A) (A, error?)
// ExtractOutput func(A) (O, error?)
// This means that the other signatures *must* match the type used in MergeAccumulators.
if len(mergeFn.Ret) <= 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%v: %v requires at least 1 return value. : %v", fnKind, mergeAccumulatorsName, mergeFn)
accumType := mergeFn.Ret[0].T
for _, mthd := range []struct {
name string
sigFunc func(fx *funcx.Fn, accumType reflect.Type) *funcx.Signature
{mergeAccumulatorsName, func(fx *funcx.Fn, accumType reflect.Type) *funcx.Signature {
return funcx.Replace(mergeAccumulatorsSig, typex.TType, accumType)
{createAccumulatorName, func(fx *funcx.Fn, accumType reflect.Type) *funcx.Signature {
return funcx.Replace(createAccumulatorSig, typex.TType, accumType)
{addInputName, func(fx *funcx.Fn, accumType reflect.Type) *funcx.Signature {
// AddInput needs the last parameter type substituted.
p := fx.Param[len(fx.Param)-1]
aiSig := funcx.Replace(addInputSig, typex.TType, accumType)
return funcx.Replace(aiSig, typex.VType, p.T)
{extractOutputName, func(fx *funcx.Fn, accumType reflect.Type) *funcx.Signature {
// ExtractOutput needs the first Return type substituted.
r := fx.Ret[0]
eoSig := funcx.Replace(extractOutputSig, typex.TType, accumType)
return funcx.Replace(eoSig, typex.WType, r.T)
} {
if err := validateSignature(fnKind,, fn, accumType, mthd.sigFunc); err != nil {
return nil, err
return (*CombineFn)(fn), nil
func validateSignature(fnKind, methodName string, fn *Fn, accumType reflect.Type, sigFunc func(*funcx.Fn, reflect.Type) *funcx.Signature) error {
if fx, ok := fn.methods[methodName]; ok {
sig := sigFunc(fx, accumType)
if err := funcx.Satisfy(fx, sig); err != nil {
return &verifyMethodError{fnKind, methodName, err, fn, accumType, sig}
return nil
func verifyValidNames(fnKind string, fn *Fn, names ...string) error {
m := make(map[string]bool)
for _, name := range names {
m[name] = true
for key := range fn.methods {
if !m[key] {
return errors.Errorf("%s: unexpected exported method %v present. Valid methods are: %v", fnKind, key, names)
return nil
type verifyMethodError struct {
// Context for the error.
fnKind, methodName string
// The triggering error.
err error
fn *Fn
accumType reflect.Type
sig *funcx.Signature
func (e *verifyMethodError) Error() string {
name := e.fn.methods[e.methodName].Fn.Name()
if e.fn.Fn == nil {
// Methods might be hidden behind reflect.methodValueCall, which is
// not useful to the end user.
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", e.fn.Name(), e.methodName)
typ := e.fn.methods[e.methodName].Fn.Type()
switch e.methodName {
case mergeAccumulatorsName:
// Provide a clearer error for MergeAccumulators, since it's the root method
// for CombineFns.
// The root error doesn't matter here since we can't be certain what the accumulator
// type is before mergeAccumulators is verified.
return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s must be a binary merge of accumulators to be a CombineFn. "+
"It is of type \"%v\", but it must be of type func(context.Context?, A, A) (A, error?) "+
"where A is the accumulator type",
e.fnKind, name, typ)
case createAccumulatorName, addInputName, extractOutputName:
// Commonly the accumulator type won't match.
if err, ok := e.err.(*funcx.TypeMismatchError); ok && err.Want == e.accumType {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s invalid %v: %s has type \"%v\", but expected \"%v\" "+
"to be the accumulator type \"%v\"; expected a signature like %v",
e.fnKind, e.methodName, name, typ, err.Got, e.accumType, e.sig)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s invalid %v %v: got type %v but "+
"expected a signature like %v; original error: %v",
e.fnKind, e.methodName, name, typ, e.sig, e.err)
var (
mergeAccumulatorsSig = &funcx.Signature{
OptArgs: []reflect.Type{reflectx.Context},
Args: []reflect.Type{typex.TType, typex.TType},
Return: []reflect.Type{typex.TType},
OptReturn: []reflect.Type{reflectx.Error},
createAccumulatorSig = &funcx.Signature{
OptArgs: []reflect.Type{reflectx.Context},
Args: []reflect.Type{},
Return: []reflect.Type{typex.TType},
OptReturn: []reflect.Type{reflectx.Error},
addInputSig = &funcx.Signature{
OptArgs: []reflect.Type{reflectx.Context},
Args: []reflect.Type{typex.TType, typex.VType},
Return: []reflect.Type{typex.TType},
OptReturn: []reflect.Type{reflectx.Error},
extractOutputSig = &funcx.Signature{
OptArgs: []reflect.Type{reflectx.Context},
Args: []reflect.Type{typex.TType},
Return: []reflect.Type{typex.WType},
OptReturn: []reflect.Type{reflectx.Error},