blob: a3619ab9bfab2d4a85cb9c561b6cf326a8432949 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.StateInternals;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.StateNamespace;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.StateTable;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.StateTag;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.StateTag.StateBinder;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.StateTags;
import org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.windmill.Windmill;
import org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.windmill.Windmill.WorkItemCommitRequest;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.Coder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.BagState;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.CombiningState;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.MapState;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.ReadableState;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.SetState;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.State;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.StateContext;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.StateContexts;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.ValueState;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.state.WatermarkHoldState;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.Combine.CombineFn;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.CombineWithContext.CombineFnWithContext;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.TimestampCombiner;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.CombineFnUtil;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.Weighted;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
/** Implementation of {@link StateInternals} using Windmill to manage the underlying data. */
class WindmillStateInternals<K> implements StateInternals {
* The key will be null when not in a keyed context, from the users perspective. There is still a
* "key" for the Windmill computation, but it cannot be meaningfully deserialized.
@Nullable private final K key;
public K getKey() {
return key;
private static class CachingStateTable<K> extends StateTable {
@Nullable private final K key;
private final String stateFamily;
private final WindmillStateReader reader;
private final WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache;
boolean isNewKey;
private final Supplier<Closeable> scopedReadStateSupplier;
public CachingStateTable(
@Nullable K key,
String stateFamily,
WindmillStateReader reader,
WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache,
boolean isNewKey,
Supplier<Closeable> scopedReadStateSupplier) {
this.key = key;
this.stateFamily = stateFamily;
this.reader = reader;
this.cache = cache;
this.isNewKey = isNewKey;
this.scopedReadStateSupplier = scopedReadStateSupplier;
protected StateBinder binderForNamespace(
final StateNamespace namespace, final StateContext<?> c) {
// Look up state objects in the cache or create new ones if not found. The state will
// be added to the cache in persist().
return new StateBinder() {
public <T> BagState<T> bindBag(StateTag<BagState<T>> address, Coder<T> elemCoder) {
WindmillBag<T> result = (WindmillBag<T>) cache.get(namespace, address);
if (result == null) {
result = new WindmillBag<>(namespace, address, stateFamily, elemCoder, isNewKey);
result.initializeForWorkItem(reader, scopedReadStateSupplier);
return result;
public <T> SetState<T> bindSet(StateTag<SetState<T>> spec, Coder<T> elemCoder) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
String.format("%s is not supported", SetState.class.getSimpleName()));
public <KeyT, ValueT> MapState<KeyT, ValueT> bindMap(
StateTag<MapState<KeyT, ValueT>> spec,
Coder<KeyT> mapKeyCoder,
Coder<ValueT> mapValueCoder) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
String.format("%s is not supported", MapState.class.getSimpleName()));
public WatermarkHoldState bindWatermark(
StateTag<WatermarkHoldState> address, TimestampCombiner timestampCombiner) {
WindmillWatermarkHold result = (WindmillWatermarkHold) cache.get(namespace, address);
if (result == null) {
result =
new WindmillWatermarkHold(
namespace, address, stateFamily, timestampCombiner, isNewKey);
result.initializeForWorkItem(reader, scopedReadStateSupplier);
return result;
public <InputT, AccumT, OutputT> CombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> bindCombiningValue(
StateTag<CombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT>> address,
Coder<AccumT> accumCoder,
CombineFn<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> combineFn) {
WindmillCombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> result =
new WindmillCombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT>(
namespace, address, stateFamily, accumCoder, combineFn, cache, isNewKey);
result.initializeForWorkItem(reader, scopedReadStateSupplier);
return result;
public <InputT, AccumT, OutputT>
CombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> bindCombiningValueWithContext(
StateTag<CombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT>> address,
Coder<AccumT> accumCoder,
CombineFnWithContext<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> combineFn) {
return bindCombiningValue(address, accumCoder, CombineFnUtil.bindContext(combineFn, c));
public <T> ValueState<T> bindValue(StateTag<ValueState<T>> address, Coder<T> coder) {
WindmillValue<T> result = (WindmillValue<T>) cache.get(namespace, address);
if (result == null) {
result = new WindmillValue<>(namespace, address, stateFamily, coder, isNewKey);
result.initializeForWorkItem(reader, scopedReadStateSupplier);
return result;
private WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache;
Supplier<Closeable> scopedReadStateSupplier;
private StateTable workItemState;
public WindmillStateInternals(
@Nullable K key,
String stateFamily,
WindmillStateReader reader,
boolean isNewKey,
WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache,
Supplier<Closeable> scopedReadStateSupplier) {
this.key = key;
this.cache = cache;
this.scopedReadStateSupplier = scopedReadStateSupplier;
this.workItemState =
new CachingStateTable<K>(
key, stateFamily, reader, cache, isNewKey, scopedReadStateSupplier);
public void persist(final Windmill.WorkItemCommitRequest.Builder commitBuilder) {
List<Future<WorkItemCommitRequest>> commitsToMerge = new ArrayList<>();
// Call persist on each first, which may schedule some futures for reading.
for (State location : workItemState.values()) {
if (!(location instanceof WindmillState)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"%s wasn't created by %s -- unable to persist it",
location.getClass().getSimpleName(), getClass().getSimpleName()));
try {
commitsToMerge.add(((WindmillState) location).persist(cache));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to persist state", e);
// All cached State objects now have known values.
// Clear any references to the underlying reader to prevent space leaks.
// The next work unit to use these cached State objects will reset the
// reader to a current reader in case those values are modified.
for (State location : workItemState.values()) {
((WindmillState) location).cleanupAfterWorkItem();
// Clear out the map of already retrieved state instances.
try (Closeable scope = scopedReadStateSupplier.get()) {
for (Future<WorkItemCommitRequest> commitFuture : commitsToMerge) {
} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | IOException exc) {
if (exc instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to retrieve Windmill state during persist()", exc);
/** Encodes the given namespace and address as {@code &lt;namespace&gt;+&lt;address&gt;}. */
static ByteString encodeKey(StateNamespace namespace, StateTag<?> address) {
try {
// Use ByteString.Output rather than concatenation and String.format. We build these keys
// a lot, and this leads to better performance results. See associated benchmarks.
ByteString.Output stream = ByteString.newOutput();
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// stringKey starts and ends with a slash. We separate it from the
// StateTag ID by a '+' (which is guaranteed not to be in the stringKey) because the
// ID comes from the user.
return stream.toByteString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Abstract base class for all Windmill state.
* <p>Note that these are not thread safe; each state object is associated with a key and thus
* only accessed by a single thread at once.
private abstract static class WindmillState {
protected Supplier<Closeable> scopedReadStateSupplier;
protected WindmillStateReader reader;
* Return an asynchronously computed {@link WorkItemCommitRequest}. The request should be of a
* form that can be merged with others (only add to repeated fields).
abstract Future<WorkItemCommitRequest> persist(WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache)
throws IOException;
* Prepare this (possibly reused from cache) state for reading from {@code reader} if needed.
void initializeForWorkItem(
WindmillStateReader reader, Supplier<Closeable> scopedReadStateSupplier) {
this.reader = reader;
this.scopedReadStateSupplier = scopedReadStateSupplier;
* This (now cached) state should never need to interact with the reader until the next work
* item. Clear it to prevent space leaks. The reader will be reset by {@link
* #initializeForWorkItem} upon the next work item.
void cleanupAfterWorkItem() {
this.reader = null;
this.scopedReadStateSupplier = null;
Closeable scopedReadState() {
return scopedReadStateSupplier.get();
* Base class for implementations of {@link WindmillState} where the {@link #persist} call does
* not require any asynchronous reading.
private abstract static class SimpleWindmillState extends WindmillState {
public final Future<WorkItemCommitRequest> persist(WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache)
throws IOException {
return Futures.immediateFuture(persistDirectly(cache));
* Returns a {@link WorkItemCommitRequest} that can be used to persist this state to Windmill.
protected abstract WorkItemCommitRequest persistDirectly(WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache)
throws IOException;
public <T extends State> T state(StateNamespace namespace, StateTag<T> address) {
return workItemState.get(namespace, address, StateContexts.nullContext());
public <T extends State> T state(
StateNamespace namespace, StateTag<T> address, StateContext<?> c) {
return workItemState.get(namespace, address, c);
private static class WindmillValue<T> extends SimpleWindmillState implements ValueState<T> {
private final StateNamespace namespace;
private final StateTag<ValueState<T>> address;
private final ByteString stateKey;
private final String stateFamily;
private final Coder<T> coder;
/** Whether we've modified the value since creation of this state. */
private boolean modified = false;
/** Whether the in memory value is the true value. */
private boolean valueIsKnown = false;
private T value;
private WindmillValue(
StateNamespace namespace,
StateTag<ValueState<T>> address,
String stateFamily,
Coder<T> coder,
boolean isNewKey) {
this.namespace = namespace;
this.address = address;
this.stateKey = encodeKey(namespace, address);
this.stateFamily = stateFamily;
this.coder = coder;
if (isNewKey) {
this.valueIsKnown = true;
this.value = null;
public void clear() {
modified = true;
valueIsKnown = true;
value = null;
public WindmillValue<T> readLater() {
return this;
public T read() {
try (Closeable scope = scopedReadState()) {
value = getFuture().get();
valueIsKnown = true;
return value;
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException e) {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read value from state", e);
public void write(T value) {
modified = true;
valueIsKnown = true;
this.value = value;
protected WorkItemCommitRequest persistDirectly(WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache)
throws IOException {
if (!valueIsKnown) {
// The value was never read, written or cleared.
// Thus nothing to update in Windmill.
// And no need to add to global cache.
return WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder().buildPartial();
ByteString.Output stream = ByteString.newOutput();
if (value != null) {
coder.encode(value, stream, Coder.Context.OUTER);
ByteString encoded = stream.toByteString();
// Place in cache to avoid a future read.
cache.put(namespace, address, this, encoded.size());
if (!modified) {
// The value was read, but never written or cleared.
// But nothing to update in Windmill.
return WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder().buildPartial();
// The value was written or cleared. Commit that change to Windmill.
modified = false;
WorkItemCommitRequest.Builder commitBuilder = WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder();
return commitBuilder.buildPartial();
private Future<T> getFuture() {
// WindmillStateReader guarantees that we can ask for a future for a particular tag multiple
// times and it will efficiently be reused.
return valueIsKnown
? Futures.immediateFuture(value)
: reader.valueFuture(stateKey, stateFamily, coder);
private static class WindmillBag<T> extends SimpleWindmillState implements BagState<T> {
private final StateNamespace namespace;
private final StateTag<BagState<T>> address;
private final ByteString stateKey;
private final String stateFamily;
private final Coder<T> elemCoder;
private boolean cleared = false;
* If non-{@literal null}, this contains the complete contents of the bag, except for any local
* additions. If {@literal null} then we don't know if Windmill contains additional values which
* should be part of the bag. We'll need to read them if the work item actually wants the bag
* contents.
private ConcatIterables<T> cachedValues = null;
private List<T> localAdditions = new ArrayList<>();
private long encodedSize = 0;
private WindmillBag(
StateNamespace namespace,
StateTag<BagState<T>> address,
String stateFamily,
Coder<T> elemCoder,
boolean isNewKey) {
this.namespace = namespace;
this.address = address;
this.stateKey = encodeKey(namespace, address);
this.stateFamily = stateFamily;
this.elemCoder = elemCoder;
if (isNewKey) {
this.cachedValues = new ConcatIterables<>();
public void clear() {
cleared = true;
cachedValues = new ConcatIterables<>();
localAdditions = new ArrayList<>();
encodedSize = 0;
* Return iterable over all bag values in Windmill which should contribute to overall bag
* contents.
private Iterable<T> fetchData(Future<Iterable<T>> persistedData) {
try (Closeable scope = scopedReadState()) {
if (cachedValues != null) {
return cachedValues.snapshot();
Iterable<T> data = persistedData.get();
if (data instanceof Weighted) {
// We have a known bounded amount of data; cache it.
cachedValues = new ConcatIterables<>();
encodedSize = ((Weighted) data).getWeight();
return cachedValues.snapshot();
} else {
// This is an iterable that may not fit in memory at once; don't cache it.
return data;
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException e) {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read state", e);
public boolean valuesAreCached() {
return cachedValues != null;
public WindmillBag<T> readLater() {
return this;
public Iterable<T> read() {
return Iterables.concat(
fetchData(getFuture()), Iterables.limit(localAdditions, localAdditions.size()));
public ReadableState<Boolean> isEmpty() {
return new ReadableState<Boolean>() {
public ReadableState<Boolean> readLater() {
return this;
public Boolean read() {
return Iterables.isEmpty(fetchData(getFuture())) && localAdditions.isEmpty();
public void add(T input) {
public WorkItemCommitRequest persistDirectly(WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache)
throws IOException {
WorkItemCommitRequest.Builder commitBuilder = WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder();
Windmill.TagBag.Builder bagUpdatesBuilder = null;
if (cleared) {
bagUpdatesBuilder = commitBuilder.addBagUpdatesBuilder();
cleared = false;
if (!localAdditions.isEmpty()) {
// Tell Windmill to capture the local additions.
if (bagUpdatesBuilder == null) {
bagUpdatesBuilder = commitBuilder.addBagUpdatesBuilder();
for (T value : localAdditions) {
ByteString.Output stream = ByteString.newOutput();
// Encode the value
elemCoder.encode(value, stream, Coder.Context.OUTER);
ByteString encoded = stream.toByteString();
if (cachedValues != null) {
// We'll capture this value in the cache below.
// Capture the value's size now since we have it.
encodedSize += encoded.size();
if (bagUpdatesBuilder != null) {
if (cachedValues != null) {
if (!localAdditions.isEmpty()) {
// Capture the local additions in the cached value since we and
// Windmill are now in agreement.
// We now know the complete bag contents, and any read on it will yield a
// cached value, so cache it for future reads.
cache.put(namespace, address, this, encodedSize);
// Don't reuse the localAdditions object; we don't want future changes to it to
// modify the value of cachedValues.
localAdditions = new ArrayList<>();
return commitBuilder.buildPartial();
private Future<Iterable<T>> getFuture() {
return cachedValues != null ? null : reader.bagFuture(stateKey, stateFamily, elemCoder);
private static class ConcatIterables<T> implements Iterable<T> {
// List of component iterables. Should only be appended to in order to support snapshot().
List<Iterable<T>> iterables;
public ConcatIterables() {
this.iterables = new ArrayList<>();
public void extendWith(Iterable<T> iterable) {
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return Iterators.concat(Iterables.transform(iterables, Iterable::iterator).iterator());
* Returns a view of the current state of this iterable. Remembers the current length of
* iterables so that the returned value Will not change due to future extendWith() calls.
public Iterable<T> snapshot() {
final int limit = iterables.size();
final List<Iterable<T>> iterablesList = iterables;
return () ->
Iterators.limit(iterablesList.iterator(), limit), Iterable::iterator));
private static class WindmillWatermarkHold extends WindmillState implements WatermarkHoldState {
// The encoded size of an Instant.
private static final int ENCODED_SIZE = 8;
private final TimestampCombiner timestampCombiner;
private final StateNamespace namespace;
private final StateTag<WatermarkHoldState> address;
private final ByteString stateKey;
private final String stateFamily;
private boolean cleared = false;
* If non-{@literal null}, the known current hold value, or absent if we know the there are no
* output watermark holds. If {@literal null}, the current hold value could depend on holds in
* Windmill we do not yet know.
private Optional<Instant> cachedValue = null;
private Instant localAdditions = null;
private WindmillWatermarkHold(
StateNamespace namespace,
StateTag<WatermarkHoldState> address,
String stateFamily,
TimestampCombiner timestampCombiner,
boolean isNewKey) {
this.namespace = namespace;
this.address = address;
this.stateKey = encodeKey(namespace, address);
this.stateFamily = stateFamily;
this.timestampCombiner = timestampCombiner;
if (isNewKey) {
cachedValue = Optional.<Instant>absent();
public void clear() {
cleared = true;
cachedValue = Optional.<Instant>absent();
localAdditions = null;
public WindmillWatermarkHold readLater() {
return this;
public Instant read() {
try (Closeable scope = scopedReadState()) {
Instant persistedHold = getFuture().get();
if (persistedHold == null) {
cachedValue = Optional.absent();
} else {
cachedValue = Optional.of(persistedHold);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException e) {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read state", e);
if (localAdditions == null) {
return cachedValue.orNull();
} else if (!cachedValue.isPresent()) {
return localAdditions;
} else {
return timestampCombiner.combine(localAdditions, cachedValue.get());
public ReadableState<Boolean> isEmpty() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void add(Instant outputTime) {
localAdditions =
(localAdditions == null)
? outputTime
: timestampCombiner.combine(outputTime, localAdditions);
public TimestampCombiner getTimestampCombiner() {
return timestampCombiner;
public Future<WorkItemCommitRequest> persist(final WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache) {
Future<WorkItemCommitRequest> result;
if (!cleared && localAdditions == null) {
// No changes, so no need to update Windmill and no need to cache any value.
return Futures.immediateFuture(WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder().buildPartial());
if (cleared && localAdditions == null) {
// Just clearing the persisted state; blind delete
WorkItemCommitRequest.Builder commitBuilder = WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder();
result = Futures.immediateFuture(commitBuilder.buildPartial());
} else if (cleared && localAdditions != null) {
// Since we cleared before adding, we can do a blind overwrite of persisted state
WorkItemCommitRequest.Builder commitBuilder = WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder();
cachedValue = Optional.of(localAdditions);
result = Futures.immediateFuture(commitBuilder.buildPartial());
} else if (!cleared && localAdditions != null) {
// Otherwise, we need to combine the local additions with the already persisted data
result = combineWithPersisted();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unreachable condition");
return Futures.lazyTransform(
result1 -> {
cleared = false;
localAdditions = null;
if (cachedValue != null) {
cache.put(namespace, address, WindmillWatermarkHold.this, ENCODED_SIZE);
return result1;
private Future<Instant> getFuture() {
return cachedValue != null
? Futures.immediateFuture(cachedValue.orNull())
: reader.watermarkFuture(stateKey, stateFamily);
* Combines local additions with persisted data and mutates the {@code commitBuilder} to write
* the result.
private Future<WorkItemCommitRequest> combineWithPersisted() {
boolean windmillCanCombine = false;
// If the combined output time depends only on the window, then we are just blindly adding
// the same value that may or may not already be present. This depends on the state only being
// used for one window.
windmillCanCombine |= timestampCombiner.dependsOnlyOnWindow();
// If the combined output time depends only on the earliest input timestamp, then because
// assignOutputTime is monotonic, the hold only depends on the earliest output timestamp
// (which is the value submitted as a watermark hold). The only way holds for later inputs
// can be redundant is if the are later (or equal) to the earliest. So taking the MIN
// implicitly, as Windmill does, has the desired behavior.
windmillCanCombine |= timestampCombiner.dependsOnlyOnEarliestTimestamp();
if (windmillCanCombine) {
// We do a blind write and let Windmill take the MIN
WorkItemCommitRequest.Builder commitBuilder = WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder();
if (cachedValue != null) {
cachedValue =
? timestampCombiner.combine(cachedValue.get(), localAdditions)
: localAdditions);
return Futures.immediateFuture(commitBuilder.buildPartial());
} else {
// The non-fast path does a read-modify-write
return Futures.lazyTransform(
(cachedValue != null)
? Futures.immediateFuture(cachedValue.orNull())
: reader.watermarkFuture(stateKey, stateFamily),
priorHold -> {
cachedValue =
(priorHold != null)
? timestampCombiner.combine(priorHold, localAdditions)
: localAdditions);
WorkItemCommitRequest.Builder commitBuilder = WorkItemCommitRequest.newBuilder();
return commitBuilder.buildPartial();
private static class WindmillCombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> extends WindmillState
implements CombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> {
private final WindmillBag<AccumT> bag;
private final CombineFn<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> combineFn;
/* We use a separate, in-memory AccumT rather than relying on the WindmillWatermarkBag's
* localAdditions, because we want to combine multiple InputT's to a single AccumT
* before adding it.
private AccumT localAdditionsAccum;
private boolean hasLocalAdditions = false;
private WindmillCombiningState(
StateNamespace namespace,
StateTag<CombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT>> address,
String stateFamily,
Coder<AccumT> accumCoder,
CombineFn<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> combineFn,
WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache,
boolean isNewKey) {
StateTag<BagState<AccumT>> internalBagAddress = StateTags.convertToBagTagInternal(address);
WindmillBag<AccumT> cachedBag =
(WindmillBag<AccumT>) cache.get(namespace, internalBagAddress);
this.bag =
(cachedBag != null)
? cachedBag
: new WindmillBag<>(namespace, internalBagAddress, stateFamily, accumCoder, isNewKey);
this.combineFn = combineFn;
this.localAdditionsAccum = combineFn.createAccumulator();
void initializeForWorkItem(
WindmillStateReader reader, Supplier<Closeable> scopedReadStateSupplier) {
super.initializeForWorkItem(reader, scopedReadStateSupplier);
this.bag.initializeForWorkItem(reader, scopedReadStateSupplier);
void cleanupAfterWorkItem() {
public WindmillCombiningState<InputT, AccumT, OutputT> readLater() {
return this;
public OutputT read() {
return combineFn.extractOutput(getAccum());
public void add(InputT input) {
hasLocalAdditions = true;
localAdditionsAccum = combineFn.addInput(localAdditionsAccum, input);
public void clear() {
localAdditionsAccum = combineFn.createAccumulator();
hasLocalAdditions = false;
public Future<WorkItemCommitRequest> persist(WindmillStateCache.ForKey cache)
throws IOException {
if (hasLocalAdditions) {
if (COMPACT_NOW.get().get() || bag.valuesAreCached()) {
// Implicitly clears the bag and combines local and persisted accumulators.
localAdditionsAccum = getAccum();
localAdditionsAccum = combineFn.createAccumulator();
hasLocalAdditions = false;
return bag.persist(cache);
public AccumT getAccum() {
Iterable<AccumT> accums =
Iterables.concat(, Collections.singleton(localAdditionsAccum));
// Compact things
AccumT merged = combineFn.mergeAccumulators(accums);
localAdditionsAccum = merged;
hasLocalAdditions = true;
return merged;
public ReadableState<Boolean> isEmpty() {
final ReadableState<Boolean> bagIsEmpty = bag.isEmpty();
return new ReadableState<Boolean>() {
public ReadableState<Boolean> readLater() {
return this;
public Boolean read() {
return !hasLocalAdditions &&;
public void addAccum(AccumT accum) {
hasLocalAdditions = true;
localAdditionsAccum = combineFn.mergeAccumulators(Arrays.asList(localAdditionsAccum, accum));
public AccumT mergeAccumulators(Iterable<AccumT> accumulators) {
return combineFn.mergeAccumulators(accumulators);
static final ThreadLocal<Supplier<Boolean>> COMPACT_NOW =
() ->
new Supplier<Boolean>() {
/* The rate at which, on average, this will return true. */
static final double RATE = 0.002;
Random random = new Random();
long counter = nextSample();
private long nextSample() {
// Use geometric distribution to find next true value.
// This lets us avoid invoking random.nextDouble() on every call.
return (long) Math.floor(Math.log(random.nextDouble()) / Math.log(1 - RATE));
public Boolean get() {
if (counter < 0) {
counter = nextSample();
return true;
} else {
return false;