blob: 8fdc4a42e64b81c93e187fd3e6c2d8362040a2bb [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# cython: language_level=3
"""Coder implementations.
The actual encode/decode implementations are split off from coders to
allow conditional (compiled/pure) implementations, which can be used to
encode many elements with minimal overhead.
This module may be optionally compiled with Cython, using the corresponding
coder_impl.pxd file for type hints.
Py2/3 porting: Native range is used on both python versions instead of
future.builtins.range to avoid performance regression in Cython compiled code.
For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
# pytype: skip-file
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import json
from builtins import chr
from builtins import object
from io import BytesIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from fastavro import parse_schema
from fastavro import schemaless_reader
from fastavro import schemaless_writer
from past.builtins import unicode as past_unicode
from past.builtins import long
from apache_beam.coders import observable
from apache_beam.coders.avro_record import AvroRecord
from apache_beam.utils import windowed_value
from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import MAX_TIMESTAMP
from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import MIN_TIMESTAMP
from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import Timestamp
from apache_beam.transforms.window import IntervalWindow
from . import stream # pylint: disable=unused-import
except ImportError:
from .slow_stream import InputStream as create_InputStream
from .slow_stream import OutputStream as create_OutputStream
from .slow_stream import ByteCountingOutputStream
from .slow_stream import get_varint_size
if False: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test
# This clause is interpreted by the compiler.
from cython import compiled as is_compiled
is_compiled = False
fits_in_64_bits = lambda x: -(1 << 63) <= x <= (1 << 63) - 1
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position, ungrouped-imports
from .stream import InputStream as create_InputStream
from .stream import OutputStream as create_OutputStream
from .stream import ByteCountingOutputStream
from .stream import get_varint_size
# Make it possible to import create_InputStream and other cdef-classes
# from apache_beam.coders.coder_impl when Cython codepath is used.
globals()['create_InputStream'] = create_InputStream
globals()['create_OutputStream'] = create_OutputStream
globals()['ByteCountingOutputStream'] = ByteCountingOutputStream
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position, ungrouped-imports
_TIME_SHIFT = 1 << 63
IterableStateReader = Callable[[bytes, 'CoderImpl'], Iterable]
IterableStateWriter = Callable[[Iterable, 'CoderImpl'], bytes]
Observables = List[Tuple[observable.ObservableMixin, 'CoderImpl']]
class CoderImpl(object):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
def encode_to_stream(self, value, stream, nested):
# type: (Any, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
"""Reads object from potentially-nested encoding in stream."""
raise NotImplementedError
def decode_from_stream(self, stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Any
"""Reads object from potentially-nested encoding in stream."""
raise NotImplementedError
def encode(self, value):
# type: (Any) -> bytes
"""Encodes an object to an unnested string."""
raise NotImplementedError
def decode(self, encoded):
# type: (bytes) -> Any
"""Decodes an object to an unnested string."""
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_all(self, values):
# type: (Iterable[Any]) -> bytes
out = create_OutputStream()
for value in values:
self.encode_to_stream(value, out, True)
return out.get()
def decode_all(self, encoded):
# type: (bytes) -> Iterator[Any]
input_stream = create_InputStream(encoded)
while input_stream.size() > 0:
yield self.decode_from_stream(input_stream, True)
def encode_nested(self, value):
# type: (Any) -> bytes
out = create_OutputStream()
self.encode_to_stream(value, out, True)
return out.get()
def decode_nested(self, encoded):
# type: (bytes) -> Any
return self.decode_from_stream(create_InputStream(encoded), True)
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
"""Estimates the encoded size of the given value, in bytes."""
out = ByteCountingOutputStream()
self.encode_to_stream(value, out, nested)
return out.get_count()
def _get_nested_size(self, inner_size, nested):
if not nested:
return inner_size
varint_size = get_varint_size(inner_size)
return varint_size + inner_size
def get_estimated_size_and_observables(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> Tuple[int, Observables]
"""Returns estimated size of value along with any nested observables.
The list of nested observables is returned as a list of 2-tuples of
(obj, coder_impl), where obj is an instance of observable.ObservableMixin,
and coder_impl is the CoderImpl that can be used to encode elements sent by
obj to its observers.
value: the value whose encoded size is to be estimated.
nested: whether the value is nested.
The estimated encoded size of the given value and a list of observables
whose elements are 2-tuples of (obj, coder_impl) as described above.
return self.estimate_size(value, nested), []
class SimpleCoderImpl(CoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Subclass of CoderImpl implementing stream methods using encode/decode."""
def encode_to_stream(self, value, stream, nested):
# type: (Any, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
"""Reads object from potentially-nested encoding in stream."""
stream.write(self.encode(value), nested)
def decode_from_stream(self, stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Any
"""Reads object from potentially-nested encoding in stream."""
return self.decode(stream.read_all(nested))
class StreamCoderImpl(CoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Subclass of CoderImpl implementing encode/decode using stream methods."""
def encode(self, value):
# type: (Any) -> bytes
out = create_OutputStream()
self.encode_to_stream(value, out, False)
return out.get()
def decode(self, encoded):
# type: (bytes) -> Any
return self.decode_from_stream(create_InputStream(encoded), False)
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
"""Estimates the encoded size of the given value, in bytes."""
out = ByteCountingOutputStream()
self.encode_to_stream(value, out, nested)
return out.get_count()
class CallbackCoderImpl(CoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A CoderImpl that calls back to the _impl methods on the Coder itself.
This is the default implementation used if Coder._get_impl()
is not overwritten.
def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, size_estimator=None):
self._encoder = encoder
self._decoder = decoder
self._size_estimator = size_estimator or self._default_size_estimator
def _default_size_estimator(self, value):
return len(self.encode(value))
def encode_to_stream(self, value, stream, nested):
# type: (Any, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
return stream.write(self._encoder(value), nested)
def decode_from_stream(self, stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Any
return self._decoder(stream.read_all(nested))
def encode(self, value):
return self._encoder(value)
def decode(self, encoded):
return self._decoder(encoded)
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
return self._get_nested_size(self._size_estimator(value), nested)
def get_estimated_size_and_observables(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> Tuple[int, Observables]
# TODO(robertwb): Remove this once all coders are correct.
if isinstance(value, observable.ObservableMixin):
# CallbackCoderImpl can presumably encode the elements too.
return 1, [(value, self)]
return self.estimate_size(value, nested), []
def __repr__(self):
return 'CallbackCoderImpl[encoder=%s, decoder=%s]' % (
self._encoder, self._decoder)
class DeterministicFastPrimitivesCoderImpl(CoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
def __init__(self, coder, step_label):
self._underlying_coder = coder
self._step_label = step_label
def _check_safe(self, value):
if isinstance(value, (bytes, past_unicode, long, int, float)):
elif value is None:
elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
for x in value:
raise TypeError(
"Unable to deterministically code '%s' of type '%s', "
"please provide a type hint for the input of '%s'" %
(value, type(value), self._step_label))
def encode_to_stream(self, value, stream, nested):
# type: (Any, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
return self._underlying_coder.encode_to_stream(value, stream, nested)
def decode_from_stream(self, stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Any
return self._underlying_coder.decode_from_stream(stream, nested)
def encode(self, value):
return self._underlying_coder.encode(value)
def decode(self, encoded):
return self._underlying_coder.decode(encoded)
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
return self._underlying_coder.estimate_size(value, nested)
def get_estimated_size_and_observables(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> Tuple[int, Observables]
return self._underlying_coder.get_estimated_size_and_observables(
value, nested)
class ProtoCoderImpl(SimpleCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
def __init__(self, proto_message_type):
self.proto_message_type = proto_message_type
def encode(self, value):
return value.SerializeToString()
def decode(self, encoded):
proto_message = self.proto_message_type()
return proto_message
class DeterministicProtoCoderImpl(ProtoCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
def encode(self, value):
return value.SerializeToString(deterministic=True)
# Types that can be encoded as iterables, but are not literally
# lists, etc. due to being lazy. The actual type is not preserved
# through encoding, only the elements. This is particularly useful
# for the value list types created in GroupByKey.
class FastPrimitivesCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
def __init__(self, fallback_coder_impl):
self.fallback_coder_impl = fallback_coder_impl
self.iterable_coder_impl = IterableCoderImpl(self)
def register_iterable_like_type(t):
def get_estimated_size_and_observables(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> Tuple[int, Observables]
if isinstance(value, observable.ObservableMixin):
# FastPrimitivesCoderImpl can presumably encode the elements too.
return 1, [(value, self)]
out = ByteCountingOutputStream()
self.encode_to_stream(value, out, nested)
return out.get_count(), []
def encode_to_stream(self, value, stream, nested):
# type: (Any, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
t = type(value)
if value is None:
elif t is int:
# In Python 3, an int may be larger than 64 bits.
# We need to check whether value fits into a 64 bit integer before
# writing the marker byte.
# In Cython-compiled code this will throw an overflow error
# when value does not fit into int64.
int_value = value
# If Cython is not used, we must do a (slower) check ourselves.
if not TYPE_CHECKING and not is_compiled:
if not fits_in_64_bits(value):
raise OverflowError()
except OverflowError:
self.fallback_coder_impl.encode_to_stream(value, stream, nested)
elif t is float:
elif t is bytes:
stream.write(value, nested)
elif t is past_unicode:
unicode_value = value # for typing
stream.write(unicode_value.encode('utf-8'), nested)
elif t is list or t is tuple or t is set:
LIST_TYPE if t is list else TUPLE_TYPE if t is tuple else SET_TYPE)
for e in value:
self.encode_to_stream(e, stream, True)
elif t is dict:
dict_value = value # for typing
for k, v in dict_value.items():
self.encode_to_stream(k, stream, True)
self.encode_to_stream(v, stream, True)
elif t is bool:
self.iterable_coder_impl.encode_to_stream(value, stream, nested)
self.fallback_coder_impl.encode_to_stream(value, stream, nested)
def decode_from_stream(self, stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Any
t = stream.read_byte()
if t == NONE_TYPE:
return None
elif t == INT_TYPE:
return stream.read_var_int64()
elif t == FLOAT_TYPE:
return stream.read_bigendian_double()
elif t == BYTES_TYPE:
return stream.read_all(nested)
elif t == UNICODE_TYPE:
return stream.read_all(nested).decode('utf-8')
elif t == LIST_TYPE or t == TUPLE_TYPE or t == SET_TYPE:
vlen = stream.read_var_int64()
vlist = [self.decode_from_stream(stream, True) for _ in range(vlen)]
if t == LIST_TYPE:
return vlist
elif t == TUPLE_TYPE:
return tuple(vlist)
return set(vlist)
elif t == DICT_TYPE:
vlen = stream.read_var_int64()
v = {}
for _ in range(vlen):
k = self.decode_from_stream(stream, True)
v[k] = self.decode_from_stream(stream, True)
return v
elif t == BOOL_TYPE:
return not not stream.read_byte()
return self.iterable_coder_impl.decode_from_stream(stream, nested)
elif t == UNKNOWN_TYPE:
return self.fallback_coder_impl.decode_from_stream(stream, nested)
raise ValueError('Unknown type tag %x' % t)
class BytesCoderImpl(CoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder for bytes/str objects."""
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (bytes, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
out.write(value, nested)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> bytes
return in_stream.read_all(nested)
def encode(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, bytes), (value, type(value))
return value
def decode(self, encoded):
return encoded
class BooleanCoderImpl(CoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder for bool objects."""
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
out.write_byte(1 if value else 0)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
value = in_stream.read_byte()
if value == 0:
return False
elif value == 1:
return True
raise ValueError("Expected 0 or 1, got %s" % value)
def encode(self, value):
return b'\x01' if value else b'\x00'
def decode(self, encoded):
value = ord(encoded)
if value == 0:
return False
elif value == 1:
return True
raise ValueError("Expected 0 or 1, got %s" % value)
def estimate_size(self, unused_value, nested=False):
# Note that booleans are encoded the same way regardless of nesting.
return 1
class FloatCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (float, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> float
return in_stream.read_bigendian_double()
def estimate_size(self, unused_value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
# A double is encoded as 8 bytes, regardless of nesting.
return 8
IntervalWindow = None
class IntervalWindowCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
# TODO: Fn Harness only supports millis. Is this important enough to fix?
def _to_normal_time(self, value):
"""Convert "lexicographically ordered unsigned" to signed."""
return value - _TIME_SHIFT
def _from_normal_time(self, value):
"""Convert signed to "lexicographically ordered unsigned"."""
return value + _TIME_SHIFT
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (IntervalWindow, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
typed_value = value
span_millis = (
typed_value._end_micros // 1000 - typed_value._start_micros // 1000)
self._from_normal_time(typed_value._end_micros // 1000))
def decode_from_stream(self, in_, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> IntervalWindow
global IntervalWindow
if IntervalWindow is None:
from apache_beam.transforms.window import IntervalWindow
# instantiating with None is not part of the public interface
typed_value = IntervalWindow(None, None) # type: ignore[arg-type]
typed_value._end_micros = (
1000 * self._to_normal_time(in_.read_bigendian_uint64()))
typed_value._start_micros = (
typed_value._end_micros - 1000 * in_.read_var_int64())
return typed_value
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
# An IntervalWindow is context-insensitive, with a timestamp (8 bytes)
# and a varint timespam.
typed_value = value
span_millis = (
typed_value._end_micros // 1000 - typed_value._start_micros // 1000)
return 8 + get_varint_size(span_millis)
class TimestampCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
TODO: SDK agnostic encoding
For interoperability with Java SDK, encoding needs to match
that of the Java SDK InstantCoder.
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (Timestamp, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
millis = value.micros // 1000
if millis >= 0:
millis = millis - _TIME_SHIFT
millis = millis + _TIME_SHIFT
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Timestamp
millis = in_stream.read_bigendian_int64()
if millis < 0:
millis = millis + _TIME_SHIFT
millis = millis - _TIME_SHIFT
return Timestamp(micros=millis * 1000)
def estimate_size(self, unused_value, nested=False):
# A Timestamp is encoded as a 64-bit integer in 8 bytes, regardless of
# nesting.
return 8
class TimerCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
def __init__(self, key_coder_impl, window_coder_impl):
self._timestamp_coder_impl = TimestampCoderImpl()
self._boolean_coder_impl = BooleanCoderImpl()
self._pane_info_coder_impl = PaneInfoCoderImpl()
self._key_coder_impl = key_coder_impl
self._windows_coder_impl = TupleSequenceCoderImpl(window_coder_impl)
from apache_beam.coders.coders import StrUtf8Coder
self._tag_coder_impl = StrUtf8Coder().get_impl()
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (dict, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
self._key_coder_impl.encode_to_stream(value.user_key, out, True)
self._tag_coder_impl.encode_to_stream(value.dynamic_timer_tag, out, True)
self._windows_coder_impl.encode_to_stream(, out, True)
self._boolean_coder_impl.encode_to_stream(value.clear_bit, out, True)
if not value.clear_bit:
value.fire_timestamp, out, True)
value.hold_timestamp, out, True)
self._pane_info_coder_impl.encode_to_stream(value.paneinfo, out, True)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> dict
from apache_beam.transforms import userstate
user_key = self._key_coder_impl.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True)
dynamic_timer_tag = self._tag_coder_impl.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True)
windows = self._windows_coder_impl.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True)
clear_bit = self._boolean_coder_impl.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True)
if clear_bit:
return userstate.Timer(
return userstate.Timer(
in_stream, True),
in_stream, True),
paneinfo=self._pane_info_coder_impl.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True))
small_ints = [chr(_).encode('latin-1') for _ in range(128)]
class VarIntCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder for long/int objects."""
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (int, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> int
return in_stream.read_var_int64()
def encode(self, value):
ivalue = value # type cast
if 0 <= ivalue < len(small_ints):
return small_ints[ivalue]
return StreamCoderImpl.encode(self, value)
def decode(self, encoded):
if len(encoded) == 1:
i = ord(encoded)
if 0 <= i < 128:
return i
return StreamCoderImpl.decode(self, encoded)
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
# Note that VarInts are encoded the same way regardless of nesting.
return get_varint_size(value)
class SingletonCoderImpl(CoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder that always encodes exactly one value."""
def __init__(self, value):
self._value = value
def encode_to_stream(self, value, stream, nested):
# type: (Any, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
def decode_from_stream(self, stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Any
return self._value
def encode(self, value):
b = b'' # avoid byte vs str vs unicode error
return b
def decode(self, encoded):
return self._value
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
return 0
class AbstractComponentCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
CoderImpl for coders that are comprised of several component coders."""
def __init__(self, coder_impls):
for c in coder_impls:
assert isinstance(c, CoderImpl), c
self._coder_impls = tuple(coder_impls)
def _extract_components(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError
def _construct_from_components(self, components):
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (Any, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
values = self._extract_components(value)
if len(self._coder_impls) != len(values):
raise ValueError('Number of components does not match number of coders.')
for i in range(0, len(self._coder_impls)):
c = self._coder_impls[i] # type cast
values[i], out, nested or i + 1 < len(self._coder_impls))
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Any
return self._construct_from_components([
in_stream, nested or i + 1 < len(self._coder_impls)) for i,
c in enumerate(self._coder_impls)
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
"""Estimates the encoded size of the given value, in bytes."""
# TODO(ccy): This ignores sizes of observable components.
estimated_size, _ = (self.get_estimated_size_and_observables(value))
return estimated_size
def get_estimated_size_and_observables(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> Tuple[int, Observables]
"""Returns estimated size of value along with any nested observables."""
values = self._extract_components(value)
estimated_size = 0
observables = [] # type: Observables
for i in range(0, len(self._coder_impls)):
c = self._coder_impls[i] # type cast
child_size, child_observables = (
values[i], nested=nested or i + 1 < len(self._coder_impls)))
estimated_size += child_size
observables += child_observables
return estimated_size, observables
class AvroCoderImpl(SimpleCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees."""
def __init__(self, schema):
self.parsed_schema = parse_schema(json.loads(schema))
def encode(self, value):
assert issubclass(type(value), AvroRecord)
with BytesIO() as buf:
schemaless_writer(buf, self.parsed_schema, value.record)
return buf.getvalue()
def decode(self, encoded):
with BytesIO(encoded) as buf:
return AvroRecord(schemaless_reader(buf, self.parsed_schema))
class TupleCoderImpl(AbstractComponentCoderImpl):
"""A coder for tuple objects."""
def _extract_components(self, value):
return value
def _construct_from_components(self, components):
return tuple(components)
class _ConcatSequence(object):
def __init__(self, head, tail):
# type: (Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any]) -> None
self._head = head
self._tail = tail
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[Any]
for elem in self._head:
yield elem
for elem in self._tail:
yield elem
def __eq__(self, other):
return list(self) == list(other)
def __hash__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def __reduce__(self):
return list, (list(self), )
class SequenceCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder for sequences.
If the length of the sequence in known we encode the length as a 32 bit
``int`` followed by the encoded bytes.
If the length of the sequence is unknown, we encode the length as ``-1``
followed by the encoding of elements buffered up to 64K bytes before prefixing
the count of number of elements. A ``0`` is encoded at the end to indicate the
end of stream.
The resulting encoding would look like this::
countA element(0) element(1) ... element(countA - 1)
countB element(0) element(1) ... element(countB - 1)
countX element(0) element(1) ... element(countX - 1)
If writing to state is enabled, the final terminating 0 will instead be
repaced with::
where state_token is a bytes object used to retrieve the remainder of the
iterable via the state API.
# Default buffer size of 64kB of handling iterables of unknown length.
def __init__(self,
elem_coder, # type: CoderImpl
read_state=None, # type: Optional[IterableStateReader]
write_state=None, # type: Optional[IterableStateWriter]
write_state_threshold=0 # type: int
self._elem_coder = elem_coder
self._read_state = read_state
self._write_state = write_state
self._write_state_threshold = write_state_threshold
def _construct_from_sequence(self, values):
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (Sequence, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
# Compatible with Java's IterableLikeCoder.
if hasattr(value, '__len__') and self._write_state is None:
for elem in value:
self._elem_coder.encode_to_stream(elem, out, True)
# We don't know the size without traversing it so use a fixed size buffer
# and encode as many elements as possible into it before outputting
# the size followed by the elements.
# -1 to indicate that the length is not known.
buffer = create_OutputStream()
if self._write_state is None:
target_buffer_size = self._DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
target_buffer_size = min(
self._DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, self._write_state_threshold)
prev_index = index = -1
# Don't want to miss out on fast list iteration optimization.
value_iter = value if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) else iter(value)
start_size = out.size()
for elem in value_iter:
index += 1
self._elem_coder.encode_to_stream(elem, buffer, True)
if buffer.size() > target_buffer_size:
out.write_var_int64(index - prev_index)
prev_index = index
buffer = create_OutputStream()
if (self._write_state is not None and
out.size() - start_size > self._write_state_threshold):
tail = (
value_iter[index +
1:] if isinstance(value_iter,
(list, tuple)) else value_iter)
state_token = self._write_state(tail, self._elem_coder)
out.write(state_token, True)
if index > prev_index:
out.write_var_int64(index - prev_index)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Sequence
size = in_stream.read_bigendian_int32()
if size >= 0:
elements = [
self._elem_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True)
for _ in range(size)
] # type: Iterable[Any]
elements = []
count = in_stream.read_var_int64()
while count > 0:
for _ in range(count):
elements.append(self._elem_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True))
count = in_stream.read_var_int64()
if count == -1:
if self._read_state is None:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot read state-written iterable without state reader.')
state_token = in_stream.read_all(True)
elements = _ConcatSequence(
elements, self._read_state(state_token, self._elem_coder))
return self._construct_from_sequence(elements)
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
"""Estimates the encoded size of the given value, in bytes."""
# TODO(ccy): This ignores element sizes.
estimated_size, _ = (self.get_estimated_size_and_observables(value))
return estimated_size
def get_estimated_size_and_observables(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> Tuple[int, Observables]
"""Returns estimated size of value along with any nested observables."""
estimated_size = 0
# Size of 32-bit integer storing number of elements.
estimated_size += 4
if isinstance(value, observable.ObservableMixin):
return estimated_size, [(value, self._elem_coder)]
observables = [] # type: Observables
for elem in value:
child_size, child_observables = (
elem, nested=True))
estimated_size += child_size
observables += child_observables
# TODO: (BEAM-1537) Update to use an accurate count depending on size and
# count, currently we are underestimating the size by up to 10 bytes
# per block of data since we are not including the count prefix which
# occurs at most once per 64k of data and is upto 10 bytes long. The upper
# bound of the underestimate is 10 / 65536 ~= 0.0153% of the actual size.
# TODO: More efficient size estimation in the case of state-backed
# iterables.
return estimated_size, observables
class TupleSequenceCoderImpl(SequenceCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder for homogeneous tuple objects."""
def _construct_from_sequence(self, components):
return tuple(components)
class IterableCoderImpl(SequenceCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder for homogeneous iterable objects."""
def _construct_from_sequence(self, components):
return components
class PaneInfoEncoding(object):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Encoding used to describe a PaneInfo descriptor. A PaneInfo descriptor
can be encoded in three different ways: with a single byte (FIRST), with a
single byte followed by a varint describing a single index (ONE_INDEX) or
with a single byte followed by two varints describing two separate indices:
the index and nonspeculative index.
# These are cdef'd to ints to optimized the common case.
PaneInfoTiming_UNKNOWN = windowed_value.PaneInfoTiming.UNKNOWN
PaneInfoEncoding_FIRST = PaneInfoEncoding.FIRST
class PaneInfoCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Coder for a PaneInfo descriptor."""
def _choose_encoding(self, value):
if ((value._index == 0 and value._nonspeculative_index == 0) or
value._timing == PaneInfoTiming_UNKNOWN):
return PaneInfoEncoding_FIRST
elif (value._index == value._nonspeculative_index or
value._timing == windowed_value.PaneInfoTiming.EARLY):
return PaneInfoEncoding.ONE_INDEX
return PaneInfoEncoding.TWO_INDICES
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (windowed_value.PaneInfo, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
pane_info = value # cast
encoding_type = self._choose_encoding(pane_info)
out.write_byte(pane_info._encoded_byte | (encoding_type << 4))
if encoding_type == PaneInfoEncoding_FIRST:
elif encoding_type == PaneInfoEncoding.ONE_INDEX:
elif encoding_type == PaneInfoEncoding.TWO_INDICES:
raise NotImplementedError('Invalid PaneInfoEncoding: %s' % encoding_type)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> windowed_value.PaneInfo
encoded_first_byte = in_stream.read_byte()
base = windowed_value._BYTE_TO_PANE_INFO[encoded_first_byte & 0xF]
assert base is not None
encoding_type = encoded_first_byte >> 4
if encoding_type == PaneInfoEncoding_FIRST:
return base
elif encoding_type == PaneInfoEncoding.ONE_INDEX:
index = in_stream.read_var_int64()
if base.timing == windowed_value.PaneInfoTiming.EARLY:
nonspeculative_index = -1
nonspeculative_index = index
elif encoding_type == PaneInfoEncoding.TWO_INDICES:
index = in_stream.read_var_int64()
nonspeculative_index = in_stream.read_var_int64()
raise NotImplementedError('Invalid PaneInfoEncoding: %s' % encoding_type)
return windowed_value.PaneInfo(
base.is_first, base.is_last, base.timing, index, nonspeculative_index)
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
"""Estimates the encoded size of the given value, in bytes."""
size = 1
encoding_type = self._choose_encoding(value)
if encoding_type == PaneInfoEncoding.ONE_INDEX:
size += get_varint_size(value.index)
elif encoding_type == PaneInfoEncoding.TWO_INDICES:
size += get_varint_size(value.index)
size += get_varint_size(value.nonspeculative_index)
return size
class WindowedValueCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder for windowed values."""
# Ensure that lexicographic ordering of the bytes corresponds to
# chronological order of timestamps.
# TODO(BEAM-1524): Clean this up once we have a BEAM wide consensus on
# byte representation of timestamps.
def _to_normal_time(self, value):
"""Convert "lexicographically ordered unsigned" to signed."""
return value - _TIME_SHIFT
def _from_normal_time(self, value):
"""Convert signed to "lexicographically ordered unsigned"."""
return value + _TIME_SHIFT
def __init__(self, value_coder, timestamp_coder, window_coder):
# TODO(lcwik): Remove the timestamp coder field
self._value_coder = value_coder
self._timestamp_coder = timestamp_coder
self._windows_coder = TupleSequenceCoderImpl(window_coder)
self._pane_info_coder = PaneInfoCoderImpl()
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (windowed_value.WindowedValue, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
wv = value # type cast
# Avoid creation of Timestamp object.
restore_sign = -1 if wv.timestamp_micros < 0 else 1
# Convert to postive number and divide, since python rounds off to the
# lower negative number. For ex: -3 / 2 = -2, but we expect it to be -1,
# to be consistent across SDKs.
# TODO(BEAM-1524): Clean this up once we have a BEAM wide consensus on
# precision of timestamps.
restore_sign * (
MIN_TIMESTAMP_micros if wv.timestamp_micros <
MIN_TIMESTAMP_micros else wv.timestamp_micros) // 1000)))
self._windows_coder.encode_to_stream(, out, True)
# Default PaneInfo encoded byte representing NO_FIRING.
self._pane_info_coder.encode_to_stream(wv.pane_info, out, True)
self._value_coder.encode_to_stream(wv.value, out, nested)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> windowed_value.WindowedValue
timestamp = self._to_normal_time(in_stream.read_bigendian_uint64())
# Restore MIN/MAX timestamps to their actual values as encoding incurs loss
# of precision while converting to millis.
# Note: This is only a best effort here as there is no way to know if these
# were indeed MIN/MAX timestamps.
# TODO(BEAM-1524): Clean this up once we have a BEAM wide consensus on
# precision of timestamps.
if timestamp <= -(abs(MIN_TIMESTAMP_micros) // 1000):
timestamp = MIN_TIMESTAMP_micros
elif timestamp >= MAX_TIMESTAMP_micros // 1000:
timestamp = MAX_TIMESTAMP_micros
timestamp *= 1000
windows = self._windows_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True)
# Read PaneInfo encoded byte.
pane_info = self._pane_info_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, True)
value = self._value_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, nested)
return windowed_value.create(
# Avoid creation of Timestamp object.
def get_estimated_size_and_observables(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> Tuple[int, Observables]
"""Returns estimated size of value along with any nested observables."""
if isinstance(value, observable.ObservableMixin):
# Should never be here.
# TODO(robertwb): Remove when coders are set correctly.
return 0, [(value, self._value_coder)]
estimated_size = 0
observables = [] # type: Observables
value_estimated_size, value_observables = (
value.value, nested=nested))
estimated_size += value_estimated_size
observables += value_observables
estimated_size += (
self._timestamp_coder.estimate_size(value.timestamp, nested=True))
estimated_size += (
self._windows_coder.estimate_size(, nested=True))
estimated_size += (
self._pane_info_coder.estimate_size(value.pane_info, nested=True))
return estimated_size, observables
class ParamWindowedValueCoderImpl(WindowedValueCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A coder for windowed values with constant timestamp, windows and
pane info. The coder drops timestamp, windows and pane info during
encoding, and uses the supplied parameterized timestamp, windows
and pane info values during decoding when reconstructing the windowed
def __init__(self, value_coder, window_coder, payload):
self).__init__(value_coder, TimestampCoderImpl(), window_coder)
self._timestamp, self._windows, self._pane_info = self._from_proto(
payload, window_coder)
def _from_proto(self, payload, window_coder):
windowed_value_coder = WindowedValueCoderImpl(
BytesCoderImpl(), TimestampCoderImpl(), window_coder)
wv = windowed_value_coder.decode(payload)
return wv.timestamp_micros,, wv.pane_info
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
wv = value # type cast
self._value_coder.encode_to_stream(wv.value, out, nested)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
value = self._value_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, nested)
return windowed_value.create(
value, self._timestamp, self._windows, self._pane_info)
def get_estimated_size_and_observables(self, value, nested=False):
"""Returns estimated size of value along with any nested observables."""
if isinstance(value, observable.ObservableMixin):
# Should never be here.
# TODO(robertwb): Remove when coders are set correctly.
return 0, [(value, self._value_coder)]
estimated_size = 0
observables = []
value_estimated_size, value_observables = (
value.value, nested=nested))
estimated_size += value_estimated_size
observables += value_observables
return estimated_size, observables
class LengthPrefixCoderImpl(StreamCoderImpl):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Coder which prefixes the length of the encoded object in the stream."""
def __init__(self, value_coder):
# type: (CoderImpl) -> None
self._value_coder = value_coder
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out, nested):
# type: (Any, create_OutputStream, bool) -> None
encoded_value = self._value_coder.encode(value)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream, nested):
# type: (create_InputStream, bool) -> Any
value_length = in_stream.read_var_int64()
return self._value_coder.decode(
def estimate_size(self, value, nested=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> int
value_size = self._value_coder.estimate_size(value)
return get_varint_size(value_size) + value_size