blob: 13aabc83af1d454f472bfee3eb6967bc807f030d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.annotations.Experimental;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.annotations.Experimental.Kind;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.AtomicCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.AvroCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.ByteArrayCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.Coder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.CoderRegistry;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.KvCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.VarIntCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.VarLongCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.expansion.ExternalTransformRegistrar;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptions;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.DoFn;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ExternalTransformBuilder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.MapElements;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.PTransform;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDo;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.SerializableFunction;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.SimpleFunction;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.display.DisplayData;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.KV;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PBegin;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PDone;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* An unbounded source and a sink for <a href="">Kafka</a> topics.
* <h3>Reading from Kafka topics</h3>
* <p>KafkaIO source returns unbounded collection of Kafka records as {@code
* PCollection<KafkaRecord<K, V>>}. A {@link KafkaRecord} includes basic metadata like
* topic-partition and offset, along with key and value associated with a Kafka record.
* <p>Although most applications consume a single topic, the source can be configured to consume
* multiple topics or even a specific set of {@link TopicPartition}s.
* <p>To configure a Kafka source, you must specify at the minimum Kafka <tt>bootstrapServers</tt>,
* one or more topics to consume, and key and value deserializers. For example:
* <pre>{@code
* pipeline
* .apply(KafkaIO.<Long, String>read()
* .withBootstrapServers("broker_1:9092,broker_2:9092")
* .withTopic("my_topic") // use withTopics(List<String>) to read from multiple topics.
* .withKeyDeserializer(LongDeserializer.class)
* .withValueDeserializer(StringDeserializer.class)
* // Above four are required configuration. returns PCollection<KafkaRecord<Long, String>>
* // Rest of the settings are optional :
* // you can further customize KafkaConsumer used to read the records by adding more
* // settings for ConsumerConfig. e.g :
* .withConsumerConfigUpdates(ImmutableMap.of("", "my_beam_app_1"))
* // set event times and watermark based on 'LogAppendTime'. To provide a custom
* // policy see withTimestampPolicyFactory(). withProcessingTime() is the default.
* // Use withCreateTime() with topics that have 'CreateTime' timestamps.
* .withLogAppendTime()
* // restrict reader to committed messages on Kafka (see method documentation).
* .withReadCommitted()
* // offset consumed by the pipeline can be committed back.
* .commitOffsetsInFinalize()
* // finally, if you don't need Kafka metadata, you can drop it.g
* .withoutMetadata() // PCollection<KV<Long, String>>
* )
* .apply(Values.<String>create()) // PCollection<String>
* ...
* }</pre>
* <p>Kafka provides deserializers for common types in {@link
* org.apache.kafka.common.serialization}. In addition to deserializers, Beam runners need {@link
* Coder} to materialize key and value objects if necessary. In most cases, you don't need to
* specify {@link Coder} for key and value in the resulting collection because the coders are
* inferred from deserializer types. However, in cases when coder inference fails, they can be
* specified explicitly along with deserializers using {@link
* Read#withKeyDeserializerAndCoder(Class, Coder)} and {@link
* Read#withValueDeserializerAndCoder(Class, Coder)}. Note that Kafka messages are interpreted using
* key and value <i>deserializers</i>.
* <h3>Partition Assignment and Checkpointing</h3>
* The Kafka partitions are evenly distributed among splits (workers).
* <p>Checkpointing is fully supported and each split can resume from previous checkpoint (to the
* extent supported by runner). See {@link KafkaUnboundedSource#split(int, PipelineOptions)} for
* more details on splits and checkpoint support.
* <p>When the pipeline starts for the first time, or without any checkpoint, the source starts
* consuming from the <em>latest</em> offsets. You can override this behavior to consume from the
* beginning by setting appropriate appropriate properties in {@link ConsumerConfig}, through {@link
* Read#withConsumerConfigUpdates(Map)}. You can also enable offset auto_commit in Kafka to resume
* from last committed.
* <p>In summary, follows below sequence to set initial offset:<br>
* 1. {@link KafkaCheckpointMark} provided by runner;<br>
* 2. Consumer offset stored in Kafka when {@code ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG = true};
* <br>
* 3. Start from <em>latest</em> offset by default;
* <p>Seek to initial offset is a blocking operation in Kafka API, which can block forever for
* certain versions of Kafka client library. This is resolved by <a
* href="">KIP-266</a>
* which provides `` consumer config setting to control such timeouts.
* implements timeout itself, to not to block forever in case older Kafka client is
* used. It does recognize `` setting and will honor the timeout value if it
* is passes in consumer config.
* <h3>Use Avro schema with Confluent Schema Registry</h3>
* <p>If you want to deserialize the keys and/or values based on a schema available in Confluent
* Schema Registry, KafkaIO can fetch this schema from a specified Schema Registry URL and use it
* for deserialization. A {@link Coder} will be inferred automatically based on the respective
* {@link Deserializer}.
* <p>For an Avro schema it will return a {@link PCollection} of {@link KafkaRecord}s where key
* and/or value will be typed as {@link org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord}. In this case, users
* don't need to specify key or/and value deserializers and coders since they will be set to {@link
* KafkaAvroDeserializer} and {@link AvroCoder} by default accordingly.
* <p>For example, below topic values are serialized with Avro schema stored in Schema Registry,
* keys are typed as {@link Long}:
* <pre>{@code
* PCollection<KafkaRecord<Long, GenericRecord>> input = pipeline
* .apply(KafkaIO.<Long, GenericRecord>read()
* .withBootstrapServers("broker_1:9092,broker_2:9092")
* .withTopic("my_topic")
* .withKeyDeserializer(LongDeserializer.class)
* // Use Confluent Schema Registry, specify schema registry URL and value subject
* .withValueDeserializer(
* ConfluentSchemaRegistryDeserializerProvider.of("http://localhost:8081", "my_topic-value"))
* ...
* }</pre>
* <h3>Writing to Kafka</h3>
* <p>KafkaIO sink supports writing key-value pairs to a Kafka topic. Users can also write just the
* values or native Kafka producer records using {@link
* org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord}. To configure a Kafka sink, you must specify at
* the minimum Kafka <tt>bootstrapServers</tt>, the topic to write to, and key and value
* serializers. For example:
* <pre>{@code
* PCollection<KV<Long, String>> kvColl = ...;
* kvColl.apply(KafkaIO.<Long, String>write()
* .withBootstrapServers("broker_1:9092,broker_2:9092")
* .withTopic("results")
* .withKeySerializer(LongSerializer.class)
* .withValueSerializer(StringSerializer.class)
* // You can further customize KafkaProducer used to write the records by adding more
* // settings for ProducerConfig. e.g, to enable compression :
* .withProducerConfigUpdates(ImmutableMap.of("compression.type", "gzip"))
* // You set publish timestamp for the Kafka records.
* .withInputTimestamp() // element timestamp is used while publishing to Kafka
* // or you can also set a custom timestamp with a function.
* .withPublishTimestampFunction((elem, elemTs) -> ...)
* // Optionally enable exactly-once sink (on supported runners). See JavaDoc for withEOS().
* .withEOS(20, "eos-sink-group-id");
* );
* }</pre>
* <p>Often you might want to write just values without any keys to Kafka. Use {@code values()} to
* write records with default empty(null) key:
* <pre>{@code
* PCollection<String> strings = ...;
* strings.apply(KafkaIO.<Void, String>write()
* .withBootstrapServers("broker_1:9092,broker_2:9092")
* .withTopic("results")
* .withValueSerializer(StringSerializer.class) // just need serializer for value
* .values()
* );
* }</pre>
* <p>Also, if you want to write Kafka {@link ProducerRecord} then you should use {@link
* KafkaIO#writeRecords()}:
* <pre>{@code
* PCollection<ProducerRecord<Long, String>> records = ...;
* records.apply(KafkaIO.<Long, String>writeRecords()
* .withBootstrapServers("broker_1:9092,broker_2:9092")
* .withTopic("results")
* .withKeySerializer(LongSerializer.class)
* .withValueSerializer(StringSerializer.class)
* );
* }</pre>
* <h3>Advanced Kafka Configuration</h3>
* KafkaIO allows setting most of the properties in {@link ConsumerConfig} for source or in {@link
* ProducerConfig} for sink. E.g. if you would like to enable offset <em>auto commit</em> (for
* external monitoring or other purposes), you can set <tt>""</tt>,
* <tt>""</tt>, etc.
* <h3>Event Timestamps and Watermark</h3>
* By default, record timestamp (event time) is set to processing time in KafkaIO reader and source
* watermark is current wall time. If a topic has Kafka server-side ingestion timestamp enabled
* ('LogAppendTime'), it can enabled with {@link Read#withLogAppendTime()}. A custom timestamp
* policy can be provided by implementing {@link TimestampPolicyFactory}. See {@link
* Read#withTimestampPolicyFactory(TimestampPolicyFactory)} for more information.
* <h3>Supported Kafka Client Versions</h3>
* KafkaIO relies on <i>kafka-clients</i> for all its interactions with the Kafka cluster.
* <i>kafka-clients</i> versions 0.10.1 and newer are supported at runtime. The older versions 0.9.x
* - are also supported, but are deprecated and likely be removed in near future. Please
* ensure that the version included with the application is compatible with the version of your
* Kafka cluster. Kafka client usually fails to initialize with a clear error message in case of
* incompatibility.
public class KafkaIO {
* A specific instance of uninitialized {@link #read()} where key and values are bytes. See
* #read().
public static Read<byte[], byte[]> readBytes() {
return KafkaIO.<byte[], byte[]>read()
* Creates an uninitialized {@link Read} {@link PTransform}. Before use, basic Kafka configuration
* should set with {@link Read#withBootstrapServers(String)} and {@link Read#withTopics(List)}.
* Other optional settings include key and value {@link Deserializer}s, custom timestamp and
* watermark functions.
public static <K, V> Read<K, V> read() {
return new AutoValue_KafkaIO_Read.Builder<K, V>()
.setTopics(new ArrayList<>())
.setTopicPartitions(new ArrayList<>())
* Creates an uninitialized {@link Write} {@link PTransform}. Before use, Kafka configuration
* should be set with {@link Write#withBootstrapServers(String)} and {@link Write#withTopic} along
* with {@link Deserializer}s for (optional) key and values.
public static <K, V> Write<K, V> write() {
return new AutoValue_KafkaIO_Write.Builder<K, V>()
new AutoValue_KafkaIO_WriteRecords.Builder<K, V>()
* Creates an uninitialized {@link WriteRecords} {@link PTransform}. Before use, Kafka
* configuration should be set with {@link WriteRecords#withBootstrapServers(String)} and {@link
* WriteRecords#withTopic} along with {@link Deserializer}s for (optional) key and values.
public static <K, V> WriteRecords<K, V> writeRecords() {
return new AutoValue_KafkaIO_WriteRecords.Builder<K, V>()
///////////////////////// Read Support \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
* A {@link PTransform} to read from Kafka topics. See {@link KafkaIO} for more information on
* usage and configuration.
public abstract static class Read<K, V>
extends PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<KafkaRecord<K, V>>> {
abstract Map<String, Object> getConsumerConfig();
abstract List<String> getTopics();
abstract List<TopicPartition> getTopicPartitions();
abstract @Nullable Coder<K> getKeyCoder();
abstract @Nullable Coder<V> getValueCoder();
abstract SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, Consumer<byte[], byte[]>>
abstract @Nullable SerializableFunction<KafkaRecord<K, V>, Instant> getWatermarkFn();
abstract long getMaxNumRecords();
abstract @Nullable Duration getMaxReadTime();
abstract @Nullable Instant getStartReadTime();
abstract boolean isCommitOffsetsInFinalizeEnabled();
abstract TimestampPolicyFactory<K, V> getTimestampPolicyFactory();
abstract @Nullable Map<String, Object> getOffsetConsumerConfig();
abstract @Nullable DeserializerProvider getKeyDeserializerProvider();
abstract @Nullable DeserializerProvider getValueDeserializerProvider();
abstract Builder<K, V> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<K, V>
implements ExternalTransformBuilder<External.Configuration, PBegin, PCollection<KV<K, V>>> {
abstract Builder<K, V> setConsumerConfig(Map<String, Object> config);
abstract Builder<K, V> setTopics(List<String> topics);
abstract Builder<K, V> setTopicPartitions(List<TopicPartition> topicPartitions);
abstract Builder<K, V> setKeyCoder(Coder<K> keyCoder);
abstract Builder<K, V> setValueCoder(Coder<V> valueCoder);
abstract Builder<K, V> setConsumerFactoryFn(
SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, Consumer<byte[], byte[]>> consumerFactoryFn);
abstract Builder<K, V> setWatermarkFn(SerializableFunction<KafkaRecord<K, V>, Instant> fn);
abstract Builder<K, V> setMaxNumRecords(long maxNumRecords);
abstract Builder<K, V> setMaxReadTime(Duration maxReadTime);
abstract Builder<K, V> setStartReadTime(Instant startReadTime);
abstract Builder<K, V> setCommitOffsetsInFinalizeEnabled(boolean commitOffsetInFinalize);
abstract Builder<K, V> setTimestampPolicyFactory(
TimestampPolicyFactory<K, V> timestampPolicyFactory);
abstract Builder<K, V> setOffsetConsumerConfig(Map<String, Object> offsetConsumerConfig);
abstract Builder<K, V> setKeyDeserializerProvider(DeserializerProvider deserializerProvider);
abstract Builder<K, V> setValueDeserializerProvider(
DeserializerProvider deserializerProvider);
abstract Read<K, V> build();
public PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<KV<K, V>>> buildExternal(
External.Configuration config) {
ImmutableList.Builder<String> listBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (String topic : config.topics) {
Class keyDeserializer = resolveClass(config.keyDeserializer);
Class valueDeserializer = resolveClass(config.valueDeserializer);
Map<String, Object> consumerConfig = new HashMap<>();
for (KV<String, String> kv : config.consumerConfig) {
consumerConfig.put(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());
// Key and Value Deserializers always have to be in the config.
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, keyDeserializer.getName());
ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, valueDeserializer.getName());
// Set required defaults
// We do not include Metadata until we can encode KafkaRecords cross-language
return build().withoutMetadata();
private static Coder resolveCoder(Class deserializer) {
for (Method method : deserializer.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (method.getName().equals("deserialize")) {
Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType();
if (returnType.equals(Object.class)) {
if (returnType.equals(byte[].class)) {
return ByteArrayCoder.of();
} else if (returnType.equals(Integer.class)) {
return VarIntCoder.of();
} else if (returnType.equals(Long.class)) {
return VarLongCoder.of();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't infer Coder from " + deserializer);
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't resolve coder for Deserializer: " + deserializer);
* Exposes {@link KafkaIO.TypedWithoutMetadata} as an external transform for cross-language
* usage.
public static class External implements ExternalTransformRegistrar {
public static final String URN = "beam:external:java:kafka:read:v1";
public Map<String, Class<? extends ExternalTransformBuilder<?, ?, ?>>> knownBuilders() {
return ImmutableMap.of(
(Class<? extends ExternalTransformBuilder<?, ?, ?>>)
(Class<?>) AutoValue_KafkaIO_Read.Builder.class);
/** Parameters class to expose the Read transform to an external SDK. */
public static class Configuration {
// All byte arrays are UTF-8 encoded strings
private Iterable<KV<String, String>> consumerConfig;
private Iterable<String> topics;
private String keyDeserializer;
private String valueDeserializer;
public void setConsumerConfig(Iterable<KV<String, String>> consumerConfig) {
this.consumerConfig = consumerConfig;
public void setTopics(Iterable<String> topics) {
this.topics = topics;
public void setKeyDeserializer(String keyDeserializer) {
this.keyDeserializer = keyDeserializer;
public void setValueDeserializer(String valueDeserializer) {
this.valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer;
/** Sets the bootstrap servers for the Kafka consumer. */
public Read<K, V> withBootstrapServers(String bootstrapServers) {
return withConsumerConfigUpdates(
ImmutableMap.of(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers));
* Sets the topic to read from.
* <p>See {@link KafkaUnboundedSource#split(int, PipelineOptions)} for description of how the
* partitions are distributed among the splits.
public Read<K, V> withTopic(String topic) {
return withTopics(ImmutableList.of(topic));
* Sets a list of topics to read from. All the partitions from each of the topics are read.
* <p>See {@link KafkaUnboundedSource#split(int, PipelineOptions)} for description of how the
* partitions are distributed among the splits.
public Read<K, V> withTopics(List<String> topics) {
getTopicPartitions().isEmpty(), "Only topics or topicPartitions can be set, not both");
return toBuilder().setTopics(ImmutableList.copyOf(topics)).build();
* Sets a list of partitions to read from. This allows reading only a subset of partitions for
* one or more topics when (if ever) needed.
* <p>See {@link KafkaUnboundedSource#split(int, PipelineOptions)} for description of how the
* partitions are distributed among the splits.
public Read<K, V> withTopicPartitions(List<TopicPartition> topicPartitions) {
checkState(getTopics().isEmpty(), "Only topics or topicPartitions can be set, not both");
return toBuilder().setTopicPartitions(ImmutableList.copyOf(topicPartitions)).build();
* Sets a Kafka {@link Deserializer} to interpret key bytes read from Kafka.
* <p>In addition, Beam also needs a {@link Coder} to serialize and deserialize key objects at
* runtime. KafkaIO tries to infer a coder for the key based on the {@link Deserializer} class,
* however in case that fails, you can use {@link #withKeyDeserializerAndCoder(Class, Coder)} to
* provide the key coder explicitly.
public Read<K, V> withKeyDeserializer(Class<? extends Deserializer<K>> keyDeserializer) {
return withKeyDeserializer(LocalDeserializerProvider.of(keyDeserializer));
* Sets a Kafka {@link Deserializer} for interpreting key bytes read from Kafka along with a
* {@link Coder} for helping the Beam runner materialize key objects at runtime if necessary.
* <p>Use this method only if your pipeline doesn't work with plain {@link
* #withKeyDeserializer(Class)}.
public Read<K, V> withKeyDeserializerAndCoder(
Class<? extends Deserializer<K>> keyDeserializer, Coder<K> keyCoder) {
return withKeyDeserializer(keyDeserializer).toBuilder().setKeyCoder(keyCoder).build();
public Read<K, V> withKeyDeserializer(DeserializerProvider<K> deserializerProvider) {
return toBuilder().setKeyDeserializerProvider(deserializerProvider).build();
* Sets a Kafka {@link Deserializer} to interpret value bytes read from Kafka.
* <p>In addition, Beam also needs a {@link Coder} to serialize and deserialize value objects at
* runtime. KafkaIO tries to infer a coder for the value based on the {@link Deserializer}
* class, however in case that fails, you can use {@link #withValueDeserializerAndCoder(Class,
* Coder)} to provide the value coder explicitly.
public Read<K, V> withValueDeserializer(Class<? extends Deserializer<V>> valueDeserializer) {
return withValueDeserializer(LocalDeserializerProvider.of(valueDeserializer));
* Sets a Kafka {@link Deserializer} for interpreting value bytes read from Kafka along with a
* {@link Coder} for helping the Beam runner materialize value objects at runtime if necessary.
* <p>Use this method only if your pipeline doesn't work with plain {@link
* #withValueDeserializer(Class)}.
public Read<K, V> withValueDeserializerAndCoder(
Class<? extends Deserializer<V>> valueDeserializer, Coder<V> valueCoder) {
return withValueDeserializer(valueDeserializer).toBuilder().setValueCoder(valueCoder).build();
public Read<K, V> withValueDeserializer(DeserializerProvider<V> deserializerProvider) {
return toBuilder().setValueDeserializerProvider(deserializerProvider).build();
* A factory to create Kafka {@link Consumer} from consumer configuration. This is useful for
* supporting another version of Kafka consumer. Default is {@link KafkaConsumer}.
public Read<K, V> withConsumerFactoryFn(
SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, Consumer<byte[], byte[]>> consumerFactoryFn) {
return toBuilder().setConsumerFactoryFn(consumerFactoryFn).build();
* Update consumer configuration with new properties.
* @deprecated as of version 2.13. Use {@link #withConsumerConfigUpdates(Map)} instead
public Read<K, V> updateConsumerProperties(Map<String, Object> configUpdates) {
Map<String, Object> config =
updateKafkaProperties(getConsumerConfig(), IGNORED_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES, configUpdates);
return toBuilder().setConsumerConfig(config).build();
* Similar to {@link}. Mainly used
* for tests and demo applications.
public Read<K, V> withMaxNumRecords(long maxNumRecords) {
return toBuilder().setMaxNumRecords(maxNumRecords).build();
* Use timestamp to set up start offset. It is only supported by Kafka Client onwards
* and the message format version after 0.10.0.
* <p>Note that this take priority over start offset configuration {@code
* ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG} and any auto committed offsets.
* <p>This results in hard failures in either of the following two cases : 1. If one of more
* partitions do not contain any messages with timestamp larger than or equal to desired
* timestamp. 2. If the message format version in a partition is before 0.10.0, i.e. the
* messages do not have timestamps.
public Read<K, V> withStartReadTime(Instant startReadTime) {
return toBuilder().setStartReadTime(startReadTime).build();
* Similar to {@link}. Mainly
* used for tests and demo applications.
public Read<K, V> withMaxReadTime(Duration maxReadTime) {
return toBuilder().setMaxReadTime(maxReadTime).build();
* Sets {@link TimestampPolicy} to {@link TimestampPolicyFactory.LogAppendTimePolicy}. The
* policy assigns Kafka's log append time (server side ingestion time) to each record. The
* watermark for each Kafka partition is the timestamp of the last record read. If a partition
* is idle, the watermark advances to couple of seconds behind wall time. Every record consumed
* from Kafka is expected to have its timestamp type set to 'LOG_APPEND_TIME'.
* <p>In Kafka, log append time needs to be enabled for each topic, and all the subsequent
* records wil have their timestamp set to log append time. If a record does not have its
* timestamp type set to 'LOG_APPEND_TIME' for any reason, it's timestamp is set to previous
* record timestamp or latest watermark, whichever is larger.
* <p>The watermark for the entire source is the oldest of each partition's watermark. If one of
* the readers falls behind possibly due to uneven distribution of records among Kafka
* partitions, it ends up holding the watermark for the entire source.
public Read<K, V> withLogAppendTime() {
return withTimestampPolicyFactory(TimestampPolicyFactory.withLogAppendTime());
* Sets {@link TimestampPolicy} to {@link TimestampPolicyFactory.ProcessingTimePolicy}. This is
* the default timestamp policy. It assigns processing time to each record. Specifically, this
* is the timestamp when the record becomes 'current' in the reader. The watermark aways
* advances to current time. If server side time (log append time) is enabled in Kafka, {@link
* #withLogAppendTime()} is recommended over this.
public Read<K, V> withProcessingTime() {
return withTimestampPolicyFactory(TimestampPolicyFactory.withProcessingTime());
* Sets the timestamps policy based on {@link KafkaTimestampType#CREATE_TIME} timestamp of the
* records. It is an error if a record's timestamp type is not {@link
* KafkaTimestampType#CREATE_TIME}. The timestamps within a partition are expected to be roughly
* monotonically increasing with a cap on out of order delays (e.g. 'max delay' of 1 minute).
* The watermark at any time is '({@code Min(now(), Max(event timestamp so far)) - max delay})'.
* However, watermark is never set in future and capped to 'now - max delay'. In addition,
* watermark advanced to 'now - max delay' when a partition is idle.
* @param maxDelay For any record in the Kafka partition, the timestamp of any subsequent record
* is expected to be after {@code current record timestamp - maxDelay}.
public Read<K, V> withCreateTime(Duration maxDelay) {
return withTimestampPolicyFactory(TimestampPolicyFactory.withCreateTime(maxDelay));
* Provide custom {@link TimestampPolicyFactory} to set event times and watermark for each
* partition. {@link TimestampPolicyFactory#createTimestampPolicy(TopicPartition, Optional)} is
* invoked for each partition when the reader starts.
* @see #withLogAppendTime()
* @see #withCreateTime(Duration)
* @see #withProcessingTime()
public Read<K, V> withTimestampPolicyFactory(
TimestampPolicyFactory<K, V> timestampPolicyFactory) {
return toBuilder().setTimestampPolicyFactory(timestampPolicyFactory).build();
* A function to assign a timestamp to a record. Default is processing timestamp.
* @deprecated as of version 2.4. Use {@link
* #withTimestampPolicyFactory(TimestampPolicyFactory)} instead.
public Read<K, V> withTimestampFn2(
SerializableFunction<KafkaRecord<K, V>, Instant> timestampFn) {
checkArgument(timestampFn != null, "timestampFn can not be null");
return toBuilder()
* A function to calculate watermark after a record. Default is last record timestamp.
* @see #withTimestampFn(SerializableFunction)
* @deprecated as of version 2.4. Use {@link
* #withTimestampPolicyFactory(TimestampPolicyFactory)} instead.
public Read<K, V> withWatermarkFn2(
SerializableFunction<KafkaRecord<K, V>, Instant> watermarkFn) {
checkArgument(watermarkFn != null, "watermarkFn can not be null");
return toBuilder().setWatermarkFn(watermarkFn).build();
* A function to assign a timestamp to a record. Default is processing timestamp.
* @deprecated as of version 2.4. Use {@link
* #withTimestampPolicyFactory(TimestampPolicyFactory)} instead.
public Read<K, V> withTimestampFn(SerializableFunction<KV<K, V>, Instant> timestampFn) {
checkArgument(timestampFn != null, "timestampFn can not be null");
return withTimestampFn2(unwrapKafkaAndThen(timestampFn));
* A function to calculate watermark after a record. Default is last record timestamp.
* @see #withTimestampFn(SerializableFunction)
* @deprecated as of version 2.4. Use {@link
* #withTimestampPolicyFactory(TimestampPolicyFactory)} instead.
public Read<K, V> withWatermarkFn(SerializableFunction<KV<K, V>, Instant> watermarkFn) {
checkArgument(watermarkFn != null, "watermarkFn can not be null");
return withWatermarkFn2(unwrapKafkaAndThen(watermarkFn));
* Sets "isolation_level" to "read_committed" in Kafka consumer configuration. This is ensures
* that the consumer does not read uncommitted messages. Kafka version 0.11 introduced
* transactional writes. Applications requiring end-to-end exactly-once semantics should only
* read committed messages. See JavaDoc for {@link KafkaConsumer} for more description.
public Read<K, V> withReadCommitted() {
return withConsumerConfigUpdates(ImmutableMap.of("isolation.level", "read_committed"));
* Finalized offsets are committed to Kafka. See {@link CheckpointMark#finalizeCheckpoint()}. It
* helps with minimizing gaps or duplicate processing of records while restarting a pipeline
* from scratch. But it does not provide hard processing guarantees. There could be a short
* delay to commit after {@link CheckpointMark#finalizeCheckpoint()} is invoked, as reader might
* be blocked on reading from Kafka. Note that it is independent of 'AUTO_COMMIT' Kafka consumer
* configuration. Usually either this or AUTO_COMMIT in Kafka consumer is enabled, but not both.
public Read<K, V> commitOffsetsInFinalize() {
return toBuilder().setCommitOffsetsInFinalizeEnabled(true).build();
* Set additional configuration for the backend offset consumer. It may be required for a
* secured Kafka cluster, especially when you see similar WARN log message 'exception while
* fetching latest offset for partition {}. will be retried'.
* <p>In {@link KafkaIO#read()}, there're two consumers running in the backend actually:<br>
* 1. the main consumer, which reads data from kafka;<br>
* 2. the secondary offset consumer, which is used to estimate backlog, by fetching latest
* offset;<br>
* <p>By default, offset consumer inherits the configuration from main consumer, with an
* auto-generated {@link ConsumerConfig#GROUP_ID_CONFIG}. This may not work in a secured Kafka
* which requires more configurations.
public Read<K, V> withOffsetConsumerConfigOverrides(Map<String, Object> offsetConsumerConfig) {
return toBuilder().setOffsetConsumerConfig(offsetConsumerConfig).build();
* Update configuration for the backend main consumer. Note that the default consumer properties
* will not be completely overridden. This method only updates the value which has the same key.
* <p>In {@link KafkaIO#read()}, there're two consumers running in the backend actually:<br>
* 1. the main consumer, which reads data from kafka;<br>
* 2. the secondary offset consumer, which is used to estimate backlog, by fetching latest
* offset;<br>
* <p>By default, main consumer uses the configuration from {@link
public Read<K, V> withConsumerConfigUpdates(Map<String, Object> configUpdates) {
Map<String, Object> config =
updateKafkaProperties(getConsumerConfig(), IGNORED_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES, configUpdates);
return toBuilder().setConsumerConfig(config).build();
/** Returns a {@link PTransform} for PCollection of {@link KV}, dropping Kafka metatdata. */
public PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<KV<K, V>>> withoutMetadata() {
return new TypedWithoutMetadata<>(this);
public PCollection<KafkaRecord<K, V>> expand(PBegin input) {
getConsumerConfig().get(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG) != null,
"withBootstrapServers() is required");
getTopics().size() > 0 || getTopicPartitions().size() > 0,
"Either withTopic(), withTopics() or withTopicPartitions() is required");
checkArgument(getKeyDeserializerProvider() != null, "withKeyDeserializer() is required");
checkArgument(getValueDeserializerProvider() != null, "withValueDeserializer() is required");
ConsumerSpEL consumerSpEL = new ConsumerSpEL();
if (!consumerSpEL.hasOffsetsForTimes()) {
"Kafka client version {} is too old. Versions before are deprecated and "
+ "may not be supported in next release of Apache Beam. "
+ "Please upgrade your Kafka client version.",
if (getStartReadTime() != null) {
"Consumer.offsetsForTimes is only supported by Kafka Client onwards, "
+ "current version of Kafka Client is "
+ AppInfoParser.getVersion()
+ ". If you are building with maven, set \"kafka.clients.version\" "
+ "maven property to or newer.");
if (isCommitOffsetsInFinalizeEnabled()) {
getConsumerConfig().get(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG) != null,
"commitOffsetsInFinalize() is enabled, but in Kafka consumer config "
+ "is not set. Offset management requires");
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(
getConsumerConfig().get(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG))) {
"'{}' in consumer config is enabled even though commitOffsetsInFinalize() "
+ "is set. You need only one of them.",
// Infer key/value coders if not specified explicitly
CoderRegistry coderRegistry = input.getPipeline().getCoderRegistry();
Coder<K> keyCoder = getKeyCoder(coderRegistry);
Coder<V> valueCoder = getValueCoder(coderRegistry);
// Handles unbounded source to bounded conversion if maxNumRecords or maxReadTime is set.
Unbounded<KafkaRecord<K, V>> unbounded =
PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<KafkaRecord<K, V>>> transform = unbounded;
if (getMaxNumRecords() < Long.MAX_VALUE || getMaxReadTime() != null) {
transform =
return input.getPipeline().apply(transform);
private Coder<K> getKeyCoder(CoderRegistry coderRegistry) {
return (getKeyCoder() != null)
? getKeyCoder()
: getKeyDeserializerProvider().getCoder(coderRegistry);
private Coder<V> getValueCoder(CoderRegistry coderRegistry) {
return (getValueCoder() != null)
? getValueCoder()
: getValueDeserializerProvider().getCoder(coderRegistry);
* Creates an {@link UnboundedSource UnboundedSource&lt;KafkaRecord&lt;K, V&gt;, ?&gt;} with the
* configuration in {@link Read}. Primary use case is unit tests, should not be used in an
* application.
UnboundedSource<KafkaRecord<K, V>, KafkaCheckpointMark> makeSource() {
return new KafkaUnboundedSource<>(this, -1);
// utility method to convert KafkaRecord<K, V> to user KV<K, V> before applying user functions
private static <KeyT, ValueT, OutT>
SerializableFunction<KafkaRecord<KeyT, ValueT>, OutT> unwrapKafkaAndThen(
final SerializableFunction<KV<KeyT, ValueT>, OutT> fn) {
return record -> fn.apply(record.getKV());
/** A set of properties that are not required or don't make sense for our consumer. */
private static final Map<String, String> IGNORED_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES =
ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, "Set keyDeserializer instead",
ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, "Set valueDeserializer instead"
// "", "", "" :
// lets allow these, applications can have better resume point for restarts.
// set config defaults
private static final Map<String, Object> DEFAULT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES =
// Use large receive buffer. Once KAFKA-3135 is fixed, this _may_ not be required.
// with default value of of 32K, It takes multiple seconds between successful polls.
// All the consumer work is done inside poll(), with smaller send buffer size, it
// takes many polls before a 1MB chunk from the server is fully read. In my testing
// about half of the time select() inside kafka consumer waited for 20-30ms, though
// the server had lots of data in tcp send buffers on its side. Compared to default,
// this setting increased throughput by many fold (3-4x).
512 * 1024,
// default to latest offset when we are not resuming.
// disable auto commit of offsets. we don't require group_id. could be enabled by user.
// default Kafka 0.9 Consumer supplier.
private static final SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, Consumer<byte[], byte[]>>
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
List<String> topics = getTopics();
List<TopicPartition> topicPartitions = getTopicPartitions();
if (topics.size() > 0) {
builder.add(DisplayData.item("topics", Joiner.on(",").join(topics)).withLabel("Topic/s"));
} else if (topicPartitions.size() > 0) {
DisplayData.item("topicPartitions", Joiner.on(",").join(topicPartitions))
.withLabel("Topic Partition/s"));
Set<String> ignoredConsumerPropertiesKeys = IGNORED_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES.keySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> conf : getConsumerConfig().entrySet()) {
String key = conf.getKey();
if (!ignoredConsumerPropertiesKeys.contains(key)) {
Object value =
DisplayData.inferType(conf.getValue()) != null
? conf.getValue()
: String.valueOf(conf.getValue());
builder.add(DisplayData.item(key, ValueProvider.StaticValueProvider.of(value)));
* A {@link PTransform} to read from Kafka topics. Similar to {@link KafkaIO.Read}, but removes
* Kafka metatdata and returns a {@link PCollection} of {@link KV}. See {@link KafkaIO} for more
* information on usage and configuration of reader.
public static class TypedWithoutMetadata<K, V> extends PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<KV<K, V>>> {
private final Read<K, V> read;
TypedWithoutMetadata(Read<K, V> read) {
super("KafkaIO.Read"); = read;
public PCollection<KV<K, V>> expand(PBegin begin) {
return begin
"Remove Kafka Metadata",
new DoFn<KafkaRecord<K, V>, KV<K, V>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext ctx) {
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaIO.class);
* Returns a new config map which is merge of current config and updates. Verifies the updates do
* not includes ignored properties.
private static Map<String, Object> updateKafkaProperties(
Map<String, Object> currentConfig,
Map<String, String> ignoredProperties,
Map<String, Object> updates) {
for (String key : updates.keySet()) {
"No need to configure '%s'. %s",
Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>(currentConfig);
return config;
/** Static class, prevent instantiation. */
private KafkaIO() {}
//////////////////////// Sink Support \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
* A {@link PTransform} to write to a Kafka topic with ProducerRecord's. See {@link KafkaIO} for
* more information on usage and configuration.
public abstract static class WriteRecords<K, V>
extends PTransform<PCollection<ProducerRecord<K, V>>, PDone> {
// TODO (Version 3.0): Create the only one generic {@code Write<T>} transform which will be
// parameterized depending on type of input collection (KV, ProducerRecords, etc). In such case,
// we shouldn't have to duplicate the same API for similar transforms like {@link Write} and
// {@link WriteRecords}. See example at {@link PubsubIO.Write}.
abstract @Nullable String getTopic();
abstract Map<String, Object> getProducerConfig();
abstract @Nullable SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, Producer<K, V>>
abstract @Nullable Class<? extends Serializer<K>> getKeySerializer();
abstract @Nullable Class<? extends Serializer<V>> getValueSerializer();
abstract @Nullable KafkaPublishTimestampFunction<ProducerRecord<K, V>>
// Configuration for EOS sink
abstract boolean isEOS();
abstract @Nullable String getSinkGroupId();
abstract int getNumShards();
abstract @Nullable SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, ? extends Consumer<?, ?>>
abstract Builder<K, V> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<K, V> {
abstract Builder<K, V> setTopic(String topic);
abstract Builder<K, V> setProducerConfig(Map<String, Object> producerConfig);
abstract Builder<K, V> setProducerFactoryFn(
SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, Producer<K, V>> fn);
abstract Builder<K, V> setKeySerializer(Class<? extends Serializer<K>> serializer);
abstract Builder<K, V> setValueSerializer(Class<? extends Serializer<V>> serializer);
abstract Builder<K, V> setPublishTimestampFunction(
KafkaPublishTimestampFunction<ProducerRecord<K, V>> timestampFunction);
abstract Builder<K, V> setEOS(boolean eosEnabled);
abstract Builder<K, V> setSinkGroupId(String sinkGroupId);
abstract Builder<K, V> setNumShards(int numShards);
abstract Builder<K, V> setConsumerFactoryFn(
SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, ? extends Consumer<?, ?>> fn);
abstract WriteRecords<K, V> build();
* Returns a new {@link Write} transform with Kafka producer pointing to {@code
* bootstrapServers}.
public WriteRecords<K, V> withBootstrapServers(String bootstrapServers) {
return withProducerConfigUpdates(
ImmutableMap.of(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers));
* Sets the default Kafka topic to write to. Use {@code ProducerRecords} to set topic name per
* published record.
public WriteRecords<K, V> withTopic(String topic) {
return toBuilder().setTopic(topic).build();
* Sets a {@link Serializer} for serializing key (if any) to bytes.
* <p>A key is optional while writing to Kafka. Note when a key is set, its hash is used to
* determine partition in Kafka (see {@link ProducerRecord} for more details).
public WriteRecords<K, V> withKeySerializer(Class<? extends Serializer<K>> keySerializer) {
return toBuilder().setKeySerializer(keySerializer).build();
/** Sets a {@link Serializer} for serializing value to bytes. */
public WriteRecords<K, V> withValueSerializer(Class<? extends Serializer<V>> valueSerializer) {
return toBuilder().setValueSerializer(valueSerializer).build();
* Adds the given producer properties, overriding old values of properties with the same key.
* @deprecated as of version 2.13. Use {@link #withProducerConfigUpdates(Map)} instead.
public WriteRecords<K, V> updateProducerProperties(Map<String, Object> configUpdates) {
Map<String, Object> config =
updateKafkaProperties(getProducerConfig(), IGNORED_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES, configUpdates);
return toBuilder().setProducerConfig(config).build();
* Update configuration for the producer. Note that the default producer properties will not be
* completely overridden. This method only updates the value which has the same key.
* <p>By default, the producer uses the configuration from {@link #DEFAULT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES}.
public WriteRecords<K, V> withProducerConfigUpdates(Map<String, Object> configUpdates) {
Map<String, Object> config =
updateKafkaProperties(getProducerConfig(), IGNORED_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES, configUpdates);
return toBuilder().setProducerConfig(config).build();
* Sets a custom function to create Kafka producer. Primarily used for tests. Default is {@link
* KafkaProducer}
public WriteRecords<K, V> withProducerFactoryFn(
SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, Producer<K, V>> producerFactoryFn) {
return toBuilder().setProducerFactoryFn(producerFactoryFn).build();
* The timestamp for each record being published is set to timestamp of the element in the
* pipeline. This is equivalent to {@code withPublishTimestampFunction((e, ts) -> ts)}. <br>
* NOTE: Kafka's retention policies are based on message timestamps. If the pipeline is
* processing messages from the past, they might be deleted immediately by Kafka after being
* published if the timestamps are older than Kafka cluster's {@code log.retention.hours}.
public WriteRecords<K, V> withInputTimestamp() {
return withPublishTimestampFunction(KafkaPublishTimestampFunction.withElementTimestamp());
* A function to provide timestamp for records being published. <br>
* NOTE: Kafka's retention policies are based on message timestamps. If the pipeline is
* processing messages from the past, they might be deleted immediately by Kafka after being
* published if the timestamps are older than Kafka cluster's {@code log.retention.hours}.
* @deprecated use {@code ProducerRecords} to set publish timestamp.
public WriteRecords<K, V> withPublishTimestampFunction(
KafkaPublishTimestampFunction<ProducerRecord<K, V>> timestampFunction) {
return toBuilder().setPublishTimestampFunction(timestampFunction).build();
* Provides exactly-once semantics while writing to Kafka, which enables applications with
* end-to-end exactly-once guarantees on top of exactly-once semantics <i>within</i> Beam
* pipelines. It ensures that records written to sink are committed on Kafka exactly once, even
* in the case of retries during pipeline execution even when some processing is retried.
* Retries typically occur when workers restart (as in failure recovery), or when the work is
* redistributed (as in an autoscaling event).
* <p>Beam runners typically provide exactly-once semantics for results of a pipeline, but not
* for side effects from user code in transform. If a transform such as Kafka sink writes to an
* external system, those writes might occur more than once. When EOS is enabled here, the sink
* transform ties checkpointing semantics in compatible Beam runners and transactions in Kafka
* (version 0.11+) to ensure a record is written only once. As the implementation relies on
* runners checkpoint semantics, not all the runners are compatible. The sink throws an
* exception during initialization if the runner is not explicitly allowed. Flink runner is one
* of the runners whose checkpoint semantics are not compatible with current implementation
* (hope to provide a solution in near future). Dataflow runner and Spark runners are
* compatible.
* <p>Note on performance: Exactly-once sink involves two shuffles of the records. In addition
* to cost of shuffling the records among workers, the records go through 2
* serialization-deserialization cycles. Depending on volume and cost of serialization, the CPU
* cost might be noticeable. The CPU cost can be reduced by writing byte arrays (i.e.
* serializing them to byte before writing to Kafka sink).
* @param numShards Sets sink parallelism. The state metadata stored on Kafka is stored across
* this many virtual partitions using {@code sinkGroupId}. A good rule of thumb is to set
* this to be around number of partitions in Kafka topic.
* @param sinkGroupId The <i>group id</i> used to store small amount of state as metadata on
* Kafka. It is similar to <i>consumer group id</i> used with a {@link KafkaConsumer}. Each
* job should use a unique group id so that restarts/updates of job preserve the state to
* ensure exactly-once semantics. The state is committed atomically with sink transactions
* on Kafka. See {@link KafkaProducer#sendOffsetsToTransaction(Map, String)} for more
* information. The sink performs multiple sanity checks during initialization to catch
* common mistakes so that it does not end up using state that does not <i>seem</i> to be
* written by the same job.
public WriteRecords<K, V> withEOS(int numShards, String sinkGroupId) {
checkArgument(numShards >= 1, "numShards should be >= 1");
checkArgument(sinkGroupId != null, "sinkGroupId is required for exactly-once sink");
return toBuilder().setEOS(true).setNumShards(numShards).setSinkGroupId(sinkGroupId).build();
* When exactly-once semantics are enabled (see {@link #withEOS(int, String)}), the sink needs
* to fetch previously stored state with Kafka topic. Fetching the metadata requires a consumer.
* Similar to {@link Read#withConsumerFactoryFn(SerializableFunction)}, a factory function can
* be supplied if required in a specific case. The default is {@link KafkaConsumer}.
public WriteRecords<K, V> withConsumerFactoryFn(
SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, ? extends Consumer<?, ?>> consumerFactoryFn) {
return toBuilder().setConsumerFactoryFn(consumerFactoryFn).build();
public PDone expand(PCollection<ProducerRecord<K, V>> input) {
getProducerConfig().get(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG) != null,
"withBootstrapServers() is required");
checkArgument(getKeySerializer() != null, "withKeySerializer() is required");
checkArgument(getValueSerializer() != null, "withValueSerializer() is required");
if (isEOS()) {
checkArgument(getTopic() != null, "withTopic() is required when isEOS() is true");
// TODO: Verify that the group_id does not have existing state stored on Kafka unless
// this is an upgrade. This avoids issues with simple mistake of reusing group_id
// across multiple runs or across multiple jobs. This is checked when the sink
// transform initializes while processing the output. It might be better to
// check here to catch common mistake.
input.apply(new KafkaExactlyOnceSink<>(this));
} else {
input.apply(ParDo.of(new KafkaWriter<>(this)));
public void validate(PipelineOptions options) {
if (isEOS()) {
String runner = options.getRunner().getName();
if ("".equals(runner)
|| runner.startsWith("org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.")
|| runner.startsWith("org.apache.beam.runners.spark.")
|| runner.startsWith("org.apache.beam.runners.flink.")) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+ " is not a runner known to be compatible with Kafka exactly-once sink. This"
+ " implementation of exactly-once sink relies on specific checkpoint guarantees."
+ " Only the runners with known to have compatible checkpoint semantics are"
+ " allowed.");
// set config defaults
private static final Map<String, Object> DEFAULT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES =
ImmutableMap.of(ProducerConfig.RETRIES_CONFIG, 3);
/** A set of properties that are not required or don't make sense for our producer. */
private static final Map<String, String> IGNORED_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES =
ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, "Use withKeySerializer instead",
ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, "Use withValueSerializer instead");
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("topic", getTopic()).withLabel("Topic"));
Set<String> ignoredProducerPropertiesKeys = IGNORED_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES.keySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> conf : getProducerConfig().entrySet()) {
String key = conf.getKey();
if (!ignoredProducerPropertiesKeys.contains(key)) {
Object value =
DisplayData.inferType(conf.getValue()) != null
? conf.getValue()
: String.valueOf(conf.getValue());
builder.add(DisplayData.item(key, ValueProvider.StaticValueProvider.of(value)));
* A {@link PTransform} to write to a Kafka topic with KVs . See {@link KafkaIO} for more
* information on usage and configuration.
public abstract static class Write<K, V> extends PTransform<PCollection<KV<K, V>>, PDone> {
// TODO (Version 3.0): Create the only one generic {@code Write<T>} transform which will be
// parameterized depending on type of input collection (KV, ProducerRecords, etc). In such case,
// we shouldn't have to duplicate the same API for similar transforms like {@link Write} and
// {@link WriteRecords}. See example at {@link PubsubIO.Write}.
abstract @Nullable String getTopic();
abstract WriteRecords<K, V> getWriteRecordsTransform();
abstract Builder<K, V> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<K, V>
implements ExternalTransformBuilder<External.Configuration, PCollection<KV<K, V>>, PDone> {
abstract Builder<K, V> setTopic(String topic);
abstract Builder<K, V> setWriteRecordsTransform(WriteRecords<K, V> transform);
abstract Write<K, V> build();
public PTransform<PCollection<KV<K, V>>, PDone> buildExternal(
External.Configuration configuration) {
Map<String, Object> producerConfig = new HashMap<>();
for (KV<String, String> kv : configuration.producerConfig) {
producerConfig.put(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());
Class keySerializer = resolveClass(configuration.keySerializer);
Class valSerializer = resolveClass(configuration.valueSerializer);
WriteRecords<K, V> writeRecords =
KafkaIO.<K, V>writeRecords()
return build();
/** Exposes {@link KafkaIO.Write} as an external transform for cross-language usage. */
public static class External implements ExternalTransformRegistrar {
public static final String URN = "beam:external:java:kafka:write:v1";
public Map<String, Class<? extends ExternalTransformBuilder<?, ?, ?>>> knownBuilders() {
return ImmutableMap.of(
(Class<KafkaIO.Write.Builder<?, ?>>) (Class<?>) AutoValue_KafkaIO_Write.Builder.class);
/** Parameters class to expose the Write transform to an external SDK. */
public static class Configuration {
// All byte arrays are UTF-8 encoded strings
private Iterable<KV<String, String>> producerConfig;
private String topic;
private String keySerializer;
private String valueSerializer;
public void setProducerConfig(Iterable<KV<String, String>> producerConfig) {
this.producerConfig = producerConfig;
public void setTopic(String topic) {
this.topic = topic;
public void setKeySerializer(String keySerializer) {
this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
public void setValueSerializer(String valueSerializer) {
this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
/** Used mostly to reduce using of boilerplate of wrapping {@link WriteRecords} methods. */
private Write<K, V> withWriteRecordsTransform(WriteRecords<K, V> transform) {
return toBuilder().setWriteRecordsTransform(transform).build();
* Wrapper method over {@link WriteRecords#withBootstrapServers(String)}, used to keep the
* compatibility with old API based on KV type of element.
public Write<K, V> withBootstrapServers(String bootstrapServers) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(
* Wrapper method over {@link WriteRecords#withTopic(String)}, used to keep the compatibility
* with old API based on KV type of element.
public Write<K, V> withTopic(String topic) {
return toBuilder()
* Wrapper method over {@link WriteRecords#withKeySerializer(Class)}, used to keep the
* compatibility with old API based on KV type of element.
public Write<K, V> withKeySerializer(Class<? extends Serializer<K>> keySerializer) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(getWriteRecordsTransform().withKeySerializer(keySerializer));
* Wrapper method over {@link WriteRecords#withValueSerializer(Class)}, used to keep the
* compatibility with old API based on KV type of element.
public Write<K, V> withValueSerializer(Class<? extends Serializer<V>> valueSerializer) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(
* Wrapper method over {@link WriteRecords#withProducerFactoryFn(SerializableFunction)}, used to
* keep the compatibility with old API based on KV type of element.
public Write<K, V> withProducerFactoryFn(
SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, Producer<K, V>> producerFactoryFn) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(
* Wrapper method over {@link WriteRecords#withInputTimestamp()}, used to keep the compatibility
* with old API based on KV type of element.
public Write<K, V> withInputTimestamp() {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(getWriteRecordsTransform().withInputTimestamp());
* Wrapper method over {@link
* WriteRecords#withPublishTimestampFunction(KafkaPublishTimestampFunction)}, used to keep the
* compatibility with old API based on KV type of element.
* @deprecated use {@link WriteRecords} and {@code ProducerRecords} to set publish timestamp.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public Write<K, V> withPublishTimestampFunction(
KafkaPublishTimestampFunction<KV<K, V>> timestampFunction) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(
.withPublishTimestampFunction(new PublishTimestampFunctionKV(timestampFunction)));
* Wrapper method over {@link WriteRecords#withEOS(int, String)}, used to keep the compatibility
* with old API based on KV type of element.
public Write<K, V> withEOS(int numShards, String sinkGroupId) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(getWriteRecordsTransform().withEOS(numShards, sinkGroupId));
* Wrapper method over {@link WriteRecords#withConsumerFactoryFn(SerializableFunction)}, used to
* keep the compatibility with old API based on KV type of element.
public Write<K, V> withConsumerFactoryFn(
SerializableFunction<Map<String, Object>, ? extends Consumer<?, ?>> consumerFactoryFn) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(
* Adds the given producer properties, overriding old values of properties with the same key.
* @deprecated as of version 2.13. Use {@link #withProducerConfigUpdates(Map)} instead.
public Write<K, V> updateProducerProperties(Map<String, Object> configUpdates) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(
* Update configuration for the producer. Note that the default producer properties will not be
* completely overridden. This method only updates the value which has the same key.
* <p>By default, the producer uses the configuration from {@link
public Write<K, V> withProducerConfigUpdates(Map<String, Object> configUpdates) {
return withWriteRecordsTransform(
public PDone expand(PCollection<KV<K, V>> input) {
checkArgument(getTopic() != null, "withTopic() is required");
KvCoder<K, V> kvCoder = (KvCoder<K, V>) input.getCoder();
return input
"Kafka ProducerRecord",
new SimpleFunction<KV<K, V>, ProducerRecord<K, V>>() {
public ProducerRecord<K, V> apply(KV<K, V> element) {
return new ProducerRecord<>(getTopic(), element.getKey(), element.getValue());
.setCoder(ProducerRecordCoder.of(kvCoder.getKeyCoder(), kvCoder.getValueCoder()))
public void validate(PipelineOptions options) {
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
* Writes just the values to Kafka. This is useful for writing collections of values rather
* thank {@link KV}s.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public PTransform<PCollection<V>, PDone> values() {
return new KafkaValueWrite<K, V>(this.withKeySerializer((Class) StringSerializer.class));
* Wrapper class which allows to use {@code KafkaPublishTimestampFunction<KV<K, V>} with {@link
* WriteRecords#withPublishTimestampFunction(KafkaPublishTimestampFunction)}.
private static class PublishTimestampFunctionKV<K, V>
implements KafkaPublishTimestampFunction<ProducerRecord<K, V>> {
private KafkaPublishTimestampFunction<KV<K, V>> fn;
public PublishTimestampFunctionKV(KafkaPublishTimestampFunction<KV<K, V>> fn) {
this.fn = fn;
public Instant getTimestamp(ProducerRecord<K, V> e, Instant ts) {
return fn.getTimestamp(KV.of(e.key(), e.value()), ts);
* Same as {@code Write<K, V>} without a Key. Null is used for key as it is the convention is
* Kafka when there is no key specified. Majority of Kafka writers don't specify a key.
private static class KafkaValueWrite<K, V> extends PTransform<PCollection<V>, PDone> {
private final Write<K, V> kvWriteTransform;
private KafkaValueWrite(Write<K, V> kvWriteTransform) {
this.kvWriteTransform = kvWriteTransform;
public PDone expand(PCollection<V> input) {
return input
"Kafka values with default key",
new SimpleFunction<V, KV<K, V>>() {
public KV<K, V> apply(V element) {
return KV.of(null, element);
.setCoder(KvCoder.of(new NullOnlyCoder<>(), input.getCoder()))
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
private static class NullOnlyCoder<T> extends AtomicCoder<T> {
public void encode(T value, OutputStream outStream) {
checkArgument(value == null, "Can only encode nulls");
// Encode as no bytes.
public T decode(InputStream inStream) {
return null;
private static Class resolveClass(String className) {
try {
return Class.forName(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find class: " + className);