[BEAM-12876] Adding doc and glossary entry for resource hints (#15499)

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 * [Overview](/documentation/programming-guide/#overview)
 * [Transforms](/documentation/programming-guide/#transforms)
+## Resource hints
+A Beam feature that lets you provide information to a runner about the compute resource requirements of your pipeline. You can use resource hints to define requirements for specific transforms or for an entire pipeline. For example, you could use a resource hint to specify the minimum amount of memory to allocate to workers. The runner is responsible for interpreting resource hints, and runners can ignore unsupported hints.
+To learn more, see:
+* [Resource hints](/documentation/runtime/resource-hints)
 ## Runner
 A runner runs a pipeline on a specific platform. Most runners are translators or adapters to massively parallel big data processing systems. Other runners exist for local testing and debugging. Among the supported runners are Google Cloud Dataflow, Apache Spark, Apache Samza, Apache Flink, the Interactive Runner, and the Direct Runner.
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+title: "Resource hints"
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+# Resource hints
+Resource hints let pipeline authors provide information to a runner about compute resource requirements. You can use resource hints to define requirements for specific transforms or for an entire pipeline. The runner is responsible for interpreting resource hints, and runners can ignore unsupported hints.
+Resource hints can be nested. For example, resource hints can be specified on subtransforms of a composite transform, and that composite transform can also have resource hints applied. By default, the innermost hint takes precedence. However, hints can define custom reconciliation behavior. For example,  `min_ram` takes the maximum value for all `min_ram` values set on a given step in the pipeline.
+{{< language-switcher java py >}}
+## Available hints
+Currently, Beam supports the following resource hints:
+* `min_ram="numberXB"`: The minimum amount of RAM to allocate to workers. Beam can parse various byte units, including MB, GB, MiB, and GiB (for example, `min_ram="4GB"`). This hint is intended to provide advisory minimal memory requirements for processing a transform.
+* `accelerator="hint"`: This hint is intended to describe a hardware accelerator to use for processing a transform. For example, the following is valid accelerator syntax for the Dataflow runner: `accelerator="type:<type>;count:<n>;<options>"`
+The interpretaton and actuation of resource hints can vary between runners. For an example implementation, see the [Dataflow resource hints](https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/guides/right-fitting#available_resource_hints).
+## Specifying resource hints for a pipeline
+To specify resource hints for an entire pipeline, you can use pipeline options. The following command shows the basic syntax.
+{{< highlight java >}}
+mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.example.MyPipeline \
+    -Dexec.args="... \
+                 --resourceHints=min_ram=<N>GB \
+                 --resourceHints=accelerator='hint'" \
+    -Pdirect-runner
+{{< /highlight >}}
+{{< highlight py >}}
+python my_pipeline.py \
+    ... \
+    --resource_hints min_ram=<N>GB \
+    --resource_hints accelerator="hint"
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## Specifying resource hints for a transform
+{{< paragraph class="language-java" >}}
+You can set resource hints programmatically on pipeline transforms using [setResourceHints](https://beam.apache.org/releases/javadoc/current/org/apache/beam/sdk/transforms/PTransform.html#setResourceHints-org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.resourcehints.ResourceHints-).
+{{< /paragraph >}}
+{{< paragraph class="language-py" >}}
+You can set resource hints programmatically on pipeline transforms using [PTransforms.with_resource_hints](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/current/apache_beam.transforms.ptransform.html#apache_beam.transforms.ptransform.PTransform.with_resource_hints) (also see [ResourceHint](https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/python/apache_beam/transforms/resources.py#L51)).
+{{< /paragraph >}}
+{{< highlight java >}}
+    .setResourceHints(
+        ResourceHints.create()
+            .withMinRam("15GB")
+            .withAccelerator("type:nvidia-tesla-k80;count:1;install-nvidia-driver")))
+pcoll.apply(ParDo.of(new BigMemFn())
+    .setResourceHints(
+        ResourceHints.create().withMinRam("30GB")))
+{{< /highlight >}}
+{{< highlight py >}}
+pcoll | MyPTransform().with_resource_hints(
+    min_ram="4GB",
+    accelerator="type:nvidia-tesla-k80;count:1;install-nvidia-driver")
+pcoll | beam.ParDo(BigMemFn()).with_resource_hints(
+    min_ram="30GB")
+{{< /highlight >}}
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   <ul class="section-nav-list">
     <li><a href="/documentation/runtime/environments/">Container environments</a></li>
+    <li><a href="/documentation/runtime/resource-hints/">Resource hints</a></li>
     <li><a href="/documentation/runtime/sdk-harness-config/">SDK Harness Configuration</a></li>