blob: 226924f0f900c190df4c24e2119dbf84dac6c22f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas;
import static org.apache.beam.sdk.values.SchemaVerification.verifyFieldValue;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.annotations.Experimental;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.annotations.Experimental.Kind;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.Row;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
/** {@link Schema} describes the fields in {@link Row}. */
public class Schema implements Serializable {
// This is the metadata field used to store the logical type identifier.
private static final String LOGICAL_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = "SchemaLogicalTypeId";
private static final String LOGICAL_TYPE_ARGUMENT = "SchemaLogicalTypeArg";
// Helper class that adds proper equality checks to byte arrays.
static class ByteArrayWrapper implements Serializable {
final byte[] array;
private ByteArrayWrapper(byte[] array) {
this.array = array;
static ByteArrayWrapper wrap(byte[] array) {
return new ByteArrayWrapper(array);
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof ByteArrayWrapper)) {
return false;
return Arrays.equals(array, ((ByteArrayWrapper) other).array);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(array);
public String toString() {
return Arrays.toString(array);
// A mapping between field names an indices.
private final BiMap<String, Integer> fieldIndices = HashBiMap.create();
private Map<String, Integer> encodingPositions = Maps.newHashMap();
private final List<Field> fields;
// Cache the hashCode, so it doesn't have to be recomputed. Schema objects are immutable, so this
// is correct.
private final int hashCode;
// Every SchemaCoder has a UUID. The schemas created with the same UUID are guaranteed to be
// equal, so we can short circuit comparison.
private @Nullable UUID uuid = null;
private final Options options;
/** Builder class for building {@link Schema} objects. */
public static class Builder {
List<Field> fields;
Options options = Options.none();
public Builder() {
this.fields = Lists.newArrayList();
public Builder addFields(List<Field> fields) {
return this;
public Builder addFields(Field... fields) {
return addFields(Arrays.asList(fields));
public Builder addField(Field field) {
return this;
public Builder addField(String name, FieldType type) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, type));
return this;
public Builder addNullableField(String name, FieldType type) {
fields.add(Field.nullable(name, type));
return this;
public Builder addByteField(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.BYTE));
return this;
public Builder addByteArrayField(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.BYTES));
return this;
public Builder addInt16Field(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.INT16));
return this;
public Builder addInt32Field(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.INT32));
return this;
public Builder addInt64Field(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.INT64));
return this;
public Builder addDecimalField(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.DECIMAL));
return this;
public Builder addFloatField(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.FLOAT));
return this;
public Builder addDoubleField(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.DOUBLE));
return this;
public Builder addStringField(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.STRING));
return this;
public Builder addDateTimeField(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.DATETIME));
return this;
public Builder addBooleanField(String name) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.BOOLEAN));
return this;
public <InputT, BaseT> Builder addLogicalTypeField(
String name, LogicalType<InputT, BaseT> logicalType) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.logicalType(logicalType)));
return this;
public Builder addArrayField(String name, FieldType collectionElementType) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.array(collectionElementType)));
return this;
public Builder addIterableField(String name, FieldType collectionElementType) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.iterable(collectionElementType)));
return this;
public Builder addRowField(String name, Schema fieldSchema) {
fields.add(Field.of(name, FieldType.row(fieldSchema)));
return this;
public Builder addMapField(String name, FieldType keyType, FieldType valueType) {
fields.add(Field.of(name,, valueType)));
return this;
/** Returns a copy of the Field with isNullable set. */
public Builder setOptions(Options options) {
this.options = options;
return this;
public Builder setOptions(Options.Builder optionsBuilder) {
this.options =;
return this;
public int getLastFieldId() {
return fields.size() - 1;
public Schema build() {
return new Schema(fields, options);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public Schema(List<Field> fields) {
this(fields, Options.none());
public Schema(List<Field> fields, Options options) {
this.fields = fields;
int index = 0;
for (Field field : fields) {
fieldIndices.get(field.getName()) == null,
"Duplicate field " + field.getName() + " added to schema");
encodingPositions.put(field.getName(), index);
fieldIndices.put(field.getName(), index++);
this.hashCode = Objects.hash(fieldIndices, fields);
this.options = options;
public static Schema of(Field... fields) {
return Schema.builder().addFields(fields).build();
/** Returns a copy of the Schema with the options set. */
public Schema withOptions(Options options) {
return new Schema(fields, getOptions().toBuilder().addOptions(options).build());
/** Returns a copy of the Schema with the options set. */
public Schema withOptions(Options.Builder optionsBuilder) {
return withOptions(;
/** Set this schema's UUID. All schemas with the same UUID must be guaranteed to be identical. */
public void setUUID(UUID uuid) {
this.uuid = uuid;
/** Gets the encoding positions for this schema. */
public Map<String, Integer> getEncodingPositions() {
return encodingPositions;
/** Sets the encoding positions for this schema. */
public void setEncodingPositions(Map<String, Integer> encodingPositions) {
this.encodingPositions = encodingPositions;
/** Get this schema's UUID. */
public @Nullable UUID getUUID() {
return this.uuid;
/** Returns true if two Schemas have the same fields in the same order. */
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Schema other = (Schema) o;
// If both schemas have a UUID set, we can simply compare the UUIDs.
if (uuid != null && other.uuid != null) {
if (Objects.equals(uuid, other.uuid)) {
return true;
return Objects.equals(fieldIndices, other.fieldIndices)
&& Objects.equals(getFields(), other.getFields())
&& Objects.equals(getOptions(), other.getOptions());
/** Returns true if two schemas are equal ignoring field names and descriptions. */
public boolean typesEqual(Schema other) {
if (uuid != null && other.uuid != null && Objects.equals(uuid, other.uuid)) {
return true;
if (getFieldCount() != other.getFieldCount()) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(fieldIndices.values(), other.fieldIndices.values())) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < getFieldCount(); ++i) {
if (!getField(i).typesEqual(other.getField(i))) {
return false;
return true;
/** Control whether nullable is included in equivalence check. */
public enum EquivalenceNullablePolicy {
/** Returns true if two Schemas have the same fields, but possibly in different orders. */
public boolean equivalent(Schema other) {
return equivalent(other, EquivalenceNullablePolicy.SAME);
/** Returns true if this Schema can be assigned to another Schema. * */
public boolean assignableTo(Schema other) {
return equivalent(other, EquivalenceNullablePolicy.WEAKEN);
/** Returns true if this Schema can be assigned to another Schema, ignoring nullable. * */
public boolean assignableToIgnoreNullable(Schema other) {
return equivalent(other, EquivalenceNullablePolicy.IGNORE);
private boolean equivalent(Schema other, EquivalenceNullablePolicy nullablePolicy) {
if (other.getFieldCount() != getFieldCount()) {
return false;
List<Field> otherFields =
List<Field> actualFields =
for (int i = 0; i < otherFields.size(); ++i) {
Field otherField = otherFields.get(i);
Field actualField = actualFields.get(i);
if (!actualField.equivalent(otherField, nullablePolicy)) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (Field field : fields) {
return builder.toString();
public int hashCode() {
return hashCode;
public List<Field> getFields() {
return fields;
* An enumerated list of type constructors.
* <ul>
* <li>Atomic types are built from type constructors that take no arguments
* <li>Arrays, rows, and maps are type constructors that take additional arguments to form a
* valid {@link FieldType}.
* </ul>
public enum TypeName {
BYTE, // One-byte signed integer.
INT16, // two-byte signed integer.
INT32, // four-byte signed integer.
INT64, // eight-byte signed integer.
DECIMAL, // Arbitrary-precision decimal number
STRING, // String.
DATETIME, // Date and time.
BOOLEAN, // Boolean.
BYTES, // Byte array.
ITERABLE, // Iterable. Different than array in that it might not fit completely in memory.
ROW, // The field is itself a nested row.
public static final Set<TypeName> NUMERIC_TYPES =
ImmutableSet.of(BYTE, INT16, INT32, INT64, DECIMAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE);
public static final Set<TypeName> STRING_TYPES = ImmutableSet.of(STRING);
public static final Set<TypeName> DATE_TYPES = ImmutableSet.of(DATETIME);
public static final Set<TypeName> COLLECTION_TYPES = ImmutableSet.of(ARRAY, ITERABLE);
public static final Set<TypeName> MAP_TYPES = ImmutableSet.of(MAP);
public static final Set<TypeName> COMPOSITE_TYPES = ImmutableSet.of(ROW);
public boolean isPrimitiveType() {
return !isCollectionType() && !isMapType() && !isCompositeType() && !isLogicalType();
public boolean isNumericType() {
return NUMERIC_TYPES.contains(this);
public boolean isStringType() {
return STRING_TYPES.contains(this);
public boolean isDateType() {
return DATE_TYPES.contains(this);
public boolean isCollectionType() {
return COLLECTION_TYPES.contains(this);
public boolean isMapType() {
return MAP_TYPES.contains(this);
public boolean isCompositeType() {
return COMPOSITE_TYPES.contains(this);
public boolean isLogicalType() {
return this.equals(LOGICAL_TYPE);
public boolean isSubtypeOf(TypeName other) {
return other.isSupertypeOf(this);
/** Whether this is a super type of the another type. */
public boolean isSupertypeOf(TypeName other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
// defined only for numeric types
if (!isNumericType() || !other.isNumericType()) {
return false;
switch (this) {
case BYTE:
return false;
case INT16:
return other == BYTE;
case INT32:
return other == BYTE || other == INT16;
case INT64:
return other == BYTE || other == INT16 || other == INT32;
case FLOAT:
return false;
case DOUBLE:
return other == FLOAT;
return other == FLOAT || other == DOUBLE;
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected numeric type: " + this);
* A LogicalType allows users to define a custom schema type.
* <p>A LogicalType is a way to define a new type that can be stored in a schema field using an
* underlying FieldType as storage. A LogicalType must specify a base FieldType used to store the
* data by overriding the {@link #getBaseType()} method. Usually the FieldType returned will be
* one of the standard ones implemented by Schema. It is legal to return another LogicalType, but
* the storage types must eventually resolve to one of the standard Schema types; it is not
* allowed to have LogicalTypes reference each other recursively via getBaseType. The {@link
* #toBaseType} and {@link #toInputType} should convert back and forth between the Java type for
* the LogicalType (InputT) and the Java type appropriate for the underlying base type (BaseT).
* <p>{@link #getIdentifier} must define a globally unique identifier for this LogicalType. A
* LogicalType can optionally provide an identifying argument as well using {@link #getArgument}.
* An example is a LogicalType that represents a fixed-size byte array. The identifier
* "FixedBytes" uniquely identifies this LogicalType (or specifically, this class of
* LogicalTypes), while the argument returned will be the length of the fixed-size byte array. The
* combination of {@link #getIdentifier} and {@link #getArgument} must completely identify a
* LogicalType.
* <p>A LogicalType can be added to a schema using {@link Schema.Builder#addLogicalTypeField}.
* @param <InputT> The Java type used to set the type when using {@link Row.Builder#addValue}.
* @param <BaseT> The Java type for the underlying storage.
public interface LogicalType<InputT, BaseT> extends Serializable {
/** The unique identifier for this type. */
String getIdentifier();
/** A schema type representing how to interpret the argument. */
FieldType getArgumentType();
/** An optional argument to configure the type. */
default <T> T getArgument() {
return null;
/** The base {@link FieldType} used to store values of this type. */
FieldType getBaseType();
BaseT toBaseType(InputT input);
/** Convert the Java type used by the base {@link FieldType} to the input type. */
InputT toInputType(BaseT base);
* A descriptor of a single field type. This is a recursive descriptor, as nested types are
* allowed.
public abstract static class FieldType implements Serializable {
// Returns the type of this field.
public abstract TypeName getTypeName();
// Whether this type is nullable.
public abstract Boolean getNullable();
// For logical types, return the implementing class.
public abstract @Nullable LogicalType getLogicalType();
// For container types (e.g. ARRAY or ITERABLE), returns the type of the contained element.
public abstract @Nullable FieldType getCollectionElementType();
// For MAP type, returns the type of the key element, it must be a primitive type;
public abstract @Nullable FieldType getMapKeyType();
// For MAP type, returns the type of the value element, it can be a nested type;
public abstract @Nullable FieldType getMapValueType();
// For ROW types, returns the schema for the row.
public abstract @Nullable Schema getRowSchema();
* Returns optional extra metadata.
* @deprecated use schema options instead.
abstract Map<String, ByteArrayWrapper> getMetadata();
public abstract FieldType.Builder toBuilder();
public boolean isLogicalType(String logicalTypeIdentifier) {
return getTypeName().isLogicalType()
&& getLogicalType().getIdentifier().equals(logicalTypeIdentifier);
/** Helper function for retrieving the concrete logical type subclass. */
public <LogicalTypeT extends LogicalType> LogicalTypeT getLogicalType(
Class<LogicalTypeT> logicalTypeClass) {
return logicalTypeClass.cast(getLogicalType());
public static FieldType.Builder forTypeName(TypeName typeName) {
return new AutoValue_Schema_FieldType.Builder()
abstract static class Builder {
abstract Builder setTypeName(TypeName typeName);
abstract Builder setLogicalType(LogicalType logicalType);
abstract Builder setCollectionElementType(@Nullable FieldType collectionElementType);
abstract Builder setNullable(Boolean nullable);
abstract Builder setMapKeyType(@Nullable FieldType mapKeyType);
abstract Builder setMapValueType(@Nullable FieldType mapValueType);
abstract Builder setRowSchema(@Nullable Schema rowSchema);
/** @deprecated use schema options instead. */
abstract Builder setMetadata(Map<String, ByteArrayWrapper> metadata);
abstract FieldType build();
/** Create a {@link FieldType} for the given type. */
public static FieldType of(TypeName typeName) {
return forTypeName(typeName).build();
/** The type of string fields. */
public static final FieldType STRING = FieldType.of(TypeName.STRING);
/** The type of byte fields. */
public static final FieldType BYTE = FieldType.of(TypeName.BYTE);
/** The type of bytes fields. */
public static final FieldType BYTES = FieldType.of(TypeName.BYTES);
/** The type of int16 fields. */
public static final FieldType INT16 = FieldType.of(TypeName.INT16);
/** The type of int32 fields. */
public static final FieldType INT32 = FieldType.of(TypeName.INT32);
/** The type of int64 fields. */
public static final FieldType INT64 = FieldType.of(TypeName.INT64);
/** The type of float fields. */
public static final FieldType FLOAT = FieldType.of(TypeName.FLOAT);
/** The type of double fields. */
public static final FieldType DOUBLE = FieldType.of(TypeName.DOUBLE);
/** The type of decimal fields. */
public static final FieldType DECIMAL = FieldType.of(TypeName.DECIMAL);
/** The type of boolean fields. */
public static final FieldType BOOLEAN = FieldType.of(TypeName.BOOLEAN);
/** The type of datetime fields. */
public static final FieldType DATETIME = FieldType.of(TypeName.DATETIME);
/** Create an array type for the given field type. */
public static FieldType array(FieldType elementType) {
return FieldType.forTypeName(TypeName.ARRAY).setCollectionElementType(elementType).build();
/** @deprecated Set the nullability on the elementType instead */
public static FieldType array(FieldType elementType, boolean nullable) {
return FieldType.forTypeName(TypeName.ARRAY)
public static FieldType iterable(FieldType elementType) {
return FieldType.forTypeName(TypeName.ITERABLE).setCollectionElementType(elementType).build();
/** Create a map type for the given key and value types. */
public static FieldType map(FieldType keyType, FieldType valueType) {
return FieldType.forTypeName(TypeName.MAP)
/** @deprecated Set the nullability on the valueType instead */
public static FieldType map(FieldType keyType, FieldType valueType, boolean valueTypeNullable) {
return FieldType.forTypeName(TypeName.MAP)
/** Create a map type for the given key and value types. */
public static FieldType row(Schema schema) {
return FieldType.forTypeName(TypeName.ROW).setRowSchema(schema).build();
/** Creates a logical type based on a primitive field type. */
public static <InputT, BaseT> FieldType logicalType(LogicalType<InputT, BaseT> logicalType) {
return FieldType.forTypeName(TypeName.LOGICAL_TYPE).setLogicalType(logicalType).build();
* Set the metadata map for the type, overriding any existing metadata.
* @deprecated use schema options instead.
public FieldType withMetadata(Map<String, byte[]> metadata) {
Map<String, ByteArrayWrapper> wrapped =
Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> ByteArrayWrapper.wrap(e.getValue())));
return toBuilder().setMetadata(wrapped).build();
* Returns a copy of the descriptor with metadata set for the given key.
* @deprecated use schema options instead.
public FieldType withMetadata(String key, byte[] metadata) {
Map<String, ByteArrayWrapper> newMetadata =
ImmutableMap.<String, ByteArrayWrapper>builder()
.put(key, ByteArrayWrapper.wrap(metadata))
return toBuilder().setMetadata(newMetadata).build();
* Returns a copy of the descriptor with metadata set for the given key.
* @deprecated use schema options instead.
public FieldType withMetadata(String key, String metadata) {
return withMetadata(key, metadata.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
/** @deprecated use schema options instead. */
public Map<String, byte[]> getAllMetadata() {
return getMetadata().entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> e.getValue().array));
/** @deprecated use schema options instead. */
public byte @Nullable [] getMetadata(String key) {
ByteArrayWrapper metadata = getMetadata().get(key);
return (metadata != null) ? metadata.array : null;
/** @deprecated use schema options instead. */
public String getMetadataString(String key) {
ByteArrayWrapper metadata = getMetadata().get(key);
if (metadata != null) {
return new String(metadata.array, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} else {
return "";
public FieldType withNullable(boolean nullable) {
return toBuilder().setNullable(nullable).build();
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof FieldType)) {
return false;
FieldType other = (FieldType) o;
if (getTypeName().isLogicalType()) {
if (!other.getTypeName().isLogicalType()) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(
getLogicalType().getIdentifier(), other.getLogicalType().getIdentifier())) {
return false;
if (!getLogicalType().getArgumentType().equals(other.getLogicalType().getArgumentType())) {
return false;
if (!Row.Equals.deepEquals(
getLogicalType().getArgumentType())) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(getTypeName(), other.getTypeName())
&& Objects.equals(getNullable(), other.getNullable())
&& Objects.equals(getCollectionElementType(), other.getCollectionElementType())
&& Objects.equals(getMapKeyType(), other.getMapKeyType())
&& Objects.equals(getMapValueType(), other.getMapValueType())
&& Objects.equals(getRowSchema(), other.getRowSchema())
&& Objects.equals(getMetadata(), other.getMetadata());
/** Returns true if two FieldTypes are equal. */
public boolean typesEqual(FieldType other) {
if (!Objects.equals(getTypeName(), other.getTypeName())) {
return false;
if (getTypeName().isLogicalType()) {
if (!other.getTypeName().isLogicalType()) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(
getLogicalType().getIdentifier(), other.getLogicalType().getIdentifier())) {
return false;
if (!getLogicalType().getArgumentType().equals(other.getLogicalType().getArgumentType())) {
return false;
if (!Row.Equals.deepEquals(
getLogicalType().getArgumentType())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(getNullable(), other.getNullable())) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(getMetadata(), other.getMetadata())) {
return false;
if (getTypeName().isCollectionType()
&& !getCollectionElementType().typesEqual(other.getCollectionElementType())) {
return false;
if (getTypeName() == TypeName.MAP
&& (!getMapValueType().typesEqual(other.getMapValueType())
|| !getMapKeyType().typesEqual(other.getMapKeyType()))) {
return false;
if (getTypeName() == TypeName.ROW && !getRowSchema().typesEqual(other.getRowSchema())) {
return false;
return true;
/** Check whether two types are equivalent. */
public boolean equivalent(FieldType other, EquivalenceNullablePolicy nullablePolicy) {
if (nullablePolicy == EquivalenceNullablePolicy.SAME
&& !other.getNullable().equals(getNullable())) {
return false;
} else if (nullablePolicy == EquivalenceNullablePolicy.WEAKEN) {
if (getNullable() && !other.getNullable()) {
return false;
if (!getTypeName().equals(other.getTypeName())) {
return false;
switch (getTypeName()) {
case ROW:
if (!getRowSchema().equivalent(other.getRowSchema(), nullablePolicy)) {
return false;
case ARRAY:
if (!getCollectionElementType()
.equivalent(other.getCollectionElementType(), nullablePolicy)) {
return false;
case MAP:
if (!getMapKeyType().equivalent(other.getMapKeyType(), nullablePolicy)
|| !getMapValueType().equivalent(other.getMapValueType(), nullablePolicy)) {
return false;
return true;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.deepHashCode(
new Object[] {
/** Field of a row. Contains the {@link FieldType} along with associated metadata. */
public abstract static class Field implements Serializable {
/** Returns the field name. */
public abstract String getName();
/** Returns the field's description. */
public abstract String getDescription();
/** Returns the fields {@link FieldType}. */
public abstract FieldType getType();
/** Returns the fields {@link Options}. */
public abstract Options getOptions();
public abstract Builder toBuilder();
/** Builder for {@link Field}. */
public abstract static class Builder {
public abstract Builder setName(String name);
public abstract Builder setDescription(String description);
public abstract Builder setType(FieldType fieldType);
public abstract Builder setOptions(Options options);
public Builder setOptions(Options.Builder optionsBuilder) {
return this;
public abstract Field build();
/** Return's a field with the give name and type. */
public static Field of(String name, FieldType fieldType) {
return new AutoValue_Schema_Field.Builder()
/** Return's a nullable field with the give name and type. */
public static Field nullable(String name, FieldType fieldType) {
return new AutoValue_Schema_Field.Builder()
/** Returns a copy of the Field with the name set. */
public Field withName(String name) {
return toBuilder().setName(name).build();
/** Returns a copy of the Field with the description set. */
public Field withDescription(String description) {
return toBuilder().setDescription(description).build();
/** Returns a copy of the Field with the {@link FieldType} set. */
public Field withType(FieldType fieldType) {
return toBuilder().setType(fieldType).build();
/** Returns a copy of the Field with isNullable set. */
public Field withNullable(boolean isNullable) {
return toBuilder().setType(getType().withNullable(isNullable)).build();
/** Returns a copy of the Field with the options set. */
public Field withOptions(Options options) {
return toBuilder().setOptions(getOptions().toBuilder().addOptions(options).build()).build();
/** Returns a copy of the Field with the options set. */
public Field withOptions(Options.Builder optionsBuilder) {
return withOptions(;
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Field)) {
return false;
Field other = (Field) o;
return Objects.equals(getName(), other.getName())
&& Objects.equals(getDescription(), other.getDescription())
&& Objects.equals(getType(), other.getType())
&& Objects.equals(getOptions(), other.getOptions());
/** Returns true if two fields are equal, ignoring name and description. */
public boolean typesEqual(Field other) {
return getType().typesEqual(other.getType());
private boolean equivalent(Field otherField, EquivalenceNullablePolicy nullablePolicy) {
return getName().equals(otherField.getName())
&& getType().equivalent(otherField.getType(), nullablePolicy);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getName(), getDescription(), getType());
public static class Options implements Serializable {
private final Map<String, Option> options;
public String toString() {
TreeMap sorted = new TreeMap(options);
return "{" + sorted + '}';
Map<String, Option> getAllOptions() {
return options;
public Set<String> getOptionNames() {
return options.keySet();
public boolean hasOptions() {
return options.size() > 0;
public boolean hasOption(String name) {
return options.containsKey(name);
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Options options1 = (Options) o;
if (!options.keySet().equals(options1.options.keySet())) {
return false;
for (Map.Entry<String, Option> optionEntry : options.entrySet()) {
Option thisOption = optionEntry.getValue();
Option otherOption = options1.options.get(optionEntry.getKey());
if (!thisOption.equals(otherOption)) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(options);
static class Option implements Serializable {
Option(FieldType type, Object value) {
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
private FieldType type;
private Object value;
<T> T getValue() {
return (T) value;
FieldType getType() {
return type;
public String toString() {
return "Option{type=" + type + ", value=" + value + '}';
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Option option = (Option) o;
return Objects.equals(type, option.type)
&& Row.Equals.deepEquals(value, option.value, type);
public int hashCode() {
return Row.Equals.deepHashCode(value, type);
public static class Builder {
private Map<String, Option> options;
Builder(Map<String, Option> init) {
this.options = new HashMap<>(init);
Builder() {
this(new HashMap<>());
public Builder setOption(String optionName, Row value) {
setOption(optionName, FieldType.row(value.getSchema()), value);
return this;
public Builder setOption(String optionName, FieldType fieldType, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
if (fieldType.getNullable()) {
options.put(optionName, new Option(fieldType, null));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Option %s is not nullable", optionName));
} else {
optionName, new Option(fieldType, verifyFieldValue(value, fieldType, optionName)));
return this;
public Options build() {
return new Options(this.options);
public Builder addOptions(Options options) {
return this;
Options(Map<String, Option> options) {
this.options = options;
Options() {
this.options = new HashMap<>();
Options.Builder toBuilder() {
return new Builder(new HashMap<>(this.options));
public static Options.Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static Options none() {
return new Options();
/** Get the value of an option. If the option is not found null is returned. */
public <T> T getValue(String optionName) {
Option option = options.get(optionName);
if (option != null) {
return option.getValue();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("No option found with name %s.", optionName));
/** Get the value of an option. If the option is not found null is returned. */
public <T> T getValue(String optionName, Class<T> valueClass) {
return getValue(optionName);
/** Get the value of an option. If the option is not found the default value is returned. */
public <T> T getValueOrDefault(String optionName, T defaultValue) {
Option option = options.get(optionName);
if (option != null) {
return option.getValue();
return defaultValue;
/** Get the type of an option. */
public FieldType getType(String optionName) {
Option option = options.get(optionName);
if (option != null) {
return option.getType();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("No option found with name %s.", optionName));
public static Options.Builder setOption(String optionName, FieldType fieldType, Object value) {
return Options.builder().setOption(optionName, fieldType, value);
public static Options.Builder setOption(String optionName, Row value) {
return Options.builder().setOption(optionName, value);
/** Collects a stream of {@link Field}s into a {@link Schema}. */
public static Collector<Field, List<Field>, Schema> toSchema() {
return Collector.of(
(left, right) -> {
return left;
private static Schema fromFields(List<Field> fields) {
return new Schema(fields);
/** Return the list of all field names. */
public List<String> getFieldNames() {
return getFields().stream().map(Schema.Field::getName).collect(Collectors.toList());
/** Return a field by index. */
public Field getField(int index) {
return getFields().get(index);
public Field getField(String name) {
return getFields().get(indexOf(name));
/** Find the index of a given field. */
public int indexOf(String fieldName) {
Integer index = fieldIndices.get(fieldName);
index != null, "Cannot find field %s in schema %s", fieldName, this);
return index;
/** Returns true if {@code fieldName} exists in the schema, false otherwise. */
public boolean hasField(String fieldName) {
return fieldIndices.containsKey(fieldName);
/** Return the name of field by index. */
public String nameOf(int fieldIndex) {
String name = fieldIndices.inverse().get(fieldIndex);
Preconditions.checkArgument(name != null, "Cannot find field %s", fieldIndex);
return name;
/** Return the count of fields. */
public int getFieldCount() {
return getFields().size();
public Options getOptions() {
return this.options;