blob: 1de3f5cc08590a8469d4779f5ed797f781700dc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package contains interfaces used specifically for splittable DoFns.
// Warning: Splittable DoFns are still experimental, largely untested, and
// likely to have bugs.
package sdf
// RTracker is an interface used to interact with restrictions while processing elements in
// splittable DoFns (specifically, in the ProcessElement method). Each RTracker tracks the progress
// of a single restriction.
// All RTracker methods should be thread-safe for dynamic splits to function correctly.
type RTracker interface {
// TryClaim attempts to claim the block of work located in the given position of the
// restriction. This method must be called in ProcessElement to claim work before it can be
// processed. Processing work without claiming it first can lead to incorrect output.
// The position type is up to individual implementations, and will usually be related to the
// kind of restriction used. For example, a simple restriction representing a numeric range
// might use an int64. A more complex restriction, such as one representing a multidimensional
// space, might use a more complex type.
// If the claim is successful, the DoFn must process the entire block. If the claim is
// unsuccessful ProcessElement method of the DoFn must return without performing
// any additional work or emitting any outputs.
// If the claim fails due to an error, that error is stored and will be automatically emitted
// when the RTracker is validated, or can be manually retrieved with GetError.
// This pseudocode example illustrates the typical usage of TryClaim:
// pos = position of first block within the restriction
// for TryClaim(pos) == true {
// // Do all work in the claimed block and emit outputs.
// pos = position of next block within the restriction
// }
// return
TryClaim(pos interface{}) (ok bool)
// GetError returns the error that made this RTracker stop executing, and returns nil if no
// error occurred. This is the error that is emitted if automated validation fails.
GetError() error
// TrySplit splits the current restriction into a primary (currently executing work) and
// residual (work to be split off) based on a fraction of work remaining. The split is performed
// at the first valid split point located after the given fraction of remaining work.
// For example, a fraction of 0.5 means to split at the halfway point of remaining work only. If
// 50% of work is done and 50% remaining, then a fraction of 0.5 would split after 75% of work.
// This method modifies the underlying restriction in the RTracker to reflect the primary. It
// then returns a copy of the newly modified restriction as a primary, and returns a new
// restriction for the residual. If the split would produce an empty residual (either because
// the only split point is the end of the restriction, or the split failed for some recoverable
// reason), then this function returns nil as the residual.
// If an error is returned, some catastrophic failure occurred and the entire bundle will fail.
TrySplit(fraction float64) (primary, residual interface{}, err error)
// GetProgress returns two abstract scalars representing the amount of done and remaining work.
// These values have no specific units, but are used to estimate work in relation to each other
// and should be self-consistent.
GetProgress() (done float64, remaining float64)
// IsDone returns a boolean indicating whether all blocks inside the restriction have been
// claimed. This method is called by the SDK Harness to validate that a splittable DoFn has
// correctly processed all work in a restriction before finishing. If this method still returns
// false after processing, then GetError is expected to return a non-nil error.
IsDone() bool
// GetRestriction returns the restriction this tracker is tracking, or nil if the restriction
// is unavailable for some reason.
GetRestriction() interface{}