blob: adb357de5f7caa6a884cd342320ed2c81e80c20c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Protocol Buffers describing the Runner API, which is the runner-independent,
* SDK-independent definition of the Beam model.
syntax = "proto3";
package org.apache.beam.model.pipeline.v1;
option go_package = ";pipeline_v1";
option java_package = "org.apache.beam.model.pipeline.v1";
option java_outer_classname = "StandardWindowFns";
import "beam_runner_api.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// By default, all data in a PCollection is assigned to the single global
// window. See BeamConstants for the time span this window encompasses.
// See
// for additional details.
message GlobalWindowsPayload {
enum Enum {
PROPERTIES = 0 [(beam_urn) = "beam:window_fn:global_windows:v1"];
// Empty payload
// A fixed time window represents a consistent duration size, non overlapping
// time interval in the data stream.
// See
// for additional details.
message FixedWindowsPayload {
enum Enum {
PROPERTIES = 0 [(beam_urn) = "beam:window_fn:fixed_windows:v1"];
// (Required) Represents the size of the window.
google.protobuf.Duration size = 1;
// (Required) Represents the timestamp of when the first window begins.
// Window N will start at offset + N * size.
google.protobuf.Timestamp offset = 2;
// A sliding time window represents time intervals in the data stream that can
// overlap. For example, each window might capture 60 seconds worth of data, but
// a new window starts every 30 seconds. The frequency with which sliding
// windows begin is called the period. Therefore, our example would have a
// window size of 60 seconds and a period of 30 seconds.
// Because multiple windows overlap, most elements in a data set will belong to
// more than one window. This kind of windowing is useful for taking running
// averages of data; using sliding time windows, you can compute a running
// average of the past 60 seconds’ worth of data, updated every 30 seconds, in
// our example.
// See
// for additional details.
message SlidingWindowsPayload {
enum Enum {
PROPERTIES = 0 [(beam_urn) = "beam:window_fn:sliding_windows:v1"];
// (Required) Represents the size of the window.
google.protobuf.Duration size = 1;
// (Required) Represents the timestamp of when the first window begins.
// Window N will start at offset + N * period.
google.protobuf.Timestamp offset = 2;
// (Required) Represents the amount of time between each start of a window.
google.protobuf.Duration period = 3;
// A session window function defines windows that contain elements that are
// within a certain gap size of another element. Session windowing applies
// on a per-key basis and is useful for data that is irregularly distributed
// with respect to time. For example, a data stream representing user mouse
// activity may have long periods of idle time interspersed with high
// concentrations of clicks. If data arrives after the minimum specified gap
// size duration, this initiates the start of a new window.
// See
// for additional details.
message SessionWindowsPayload {
enum Enum {
PROPERTIES = 0 [(beam_urn) = "beam:window_fn:session_windows:v1"];
// (Required) Minimum duration of gaps between sessions.
google.protobuf.Duration gap_size = 1;