blob: 837689f228e327dbad11f27421a5eb10208130f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// ** Experimental **
// Protocol Buffers describing Beam Schemas, a portable representation for
// complex types.
// The primary application of Schema is as the payload for the standard coder
// "beam:coder:row:v1", defined in beam_runner_api.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package org.apache.beam.model.pipeline.v1;
option go_package = ";pipeline_v1";
option java_package = "org.apache.beam.model.pipeline.v1";
option java_outer_classname = "SchemaApi";
message Schema {
// List of fields for this schema. Two fields may not share a name.
repeated Field fields = 1;
string id = 2;
repeated Option options = 3;
// Indicates that encoding positions have been overridden.
bool encoding_positions_set = 4;
message Field {
// REQUIRED. Name of this field within the schema.
string name = 1;
// OPTIONAL. Human readable description of this field, such as the query that generated it.
string description = 2;
FieldType type = 3;
int32 id = 4;
// OPTIONAL. The position of this field's data when encoded, e.g. with beam:coder:row:v1.
// Either no fields in a given row are have encoding position populated,
// or all of them are. Used to support backwards compatibility with schema
// changes.
// If no fields have encoding position populated the order of encoding is the same as the order in the Schema.
// If this Field is part of a Schema where encoding_positions_set is True then encoding_position must be
// defined, otherwise this field is ignored.
int32 encoding_position = 5;
repeated Option options = 6;
message FieldType {
bool nullable = 1;
oneof type_info {
AtomicType atomic_type = 2;
ArrayType array_type = 3;
IterableType iterable_type = 4;
MapType map_type = 5;
RowType row_type = 6;
LogicalType logical_type = 7;
enum AtomicType {
BYTE = 1;
INT16 = 2;
INT32 = 3;
INT64 = 4;
FLOAT = 5;
BYTES = 9;
message ArrayType {
FieldType element_type = 1;
message IterableType {
FieldType element_type = 1;
message MapType {
FieldType key_type = 1;
FieldType value_type = 2;
message RowType {
Schema schema = 1;
message LogicalType {
string urn = 1;
bytes payload = 2;
FieldType representation = 3;
FieldType argument_type = 4;
FieldValue argument = 5;
message Option {
// REQUIRED. Identifier for the option.
string name = 1;
// OPTIONAL. Type specifer for the structure of value.
// If not present, assumes no additional configuration is needed
// for this option and value is ignored.
FieldType type = 2;
FieldValue value = 3;
message Row {
repeated FieldValue values = 1;
message FieldValue {
oneof field_value {
AtomicTypeValue atomic_value = 1;
ArrayTypeValue array_value = 2;
IterableTypeValue iterable_value = 3;
MapTypeValue map_value = 4;
Row row_value = 5;
LogicalTypeValue logical_type_value = 6;
message AtomicTypeValue {
oneof value {
int32 byte = 1;
int32 int16 = 2;
int32 int32 = 3;
int64 int64 = 4;
float float = 5;
double double = 6;
string string = 7;
bool boolean = 8;
bytes bytes = 9;
message ArrayTypeValue {
repeated FieldValue element = 1;
message IterableTypeValue {
repeated FieldValue element = 1;
message MapTypeValue {
repeated MapTypeEntry entries = 1;
message MapTypeEntry {
FieldValue key = 1;
FieldValue value = 2;
message LogicalTypeValue {
FieldValue value = 1;