blob: 5603ec3d7ffa98db89cd1f0815738fe10b229d60 [file] [log] [blame]
RewriteEngine On
# This is a 301 (permanent) redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.
# The next rule applies conditionally:
# * the host is "",
# * the host comparison is case insensitive (NC),
# * HTTPS is not used.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^beam\.apache\.org [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
# Rewrite the URL as follows:
# * Redirect (R) permanently (301) to,
# * Stop processing more rules (L).
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]
# Javadocs / pydocs are available only on the published website, published from
# They were previously hosted within this repository, and published at the URL
# path /documentation/sdks/(javadoc|pydoc)/..
# The following redirect maintains the previously supported URLs.
RedirectMatch permanent "/documentation/sdks/(javadoc|pydoc)(.*)" "$1$2"
# Keep this updated to point to the current release.
RedirectMatch "/releases/([^/]+)/current(.*)" "$1/2.29.0$2"
RedirectMatch "/contribute/design-documents" ""