blob: 17ecdb1aeb831943063cd8bbfb3ab647a7121e18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.file.CodecFactory;
import org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumWriter;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord;
import org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord;
import org.apache.avro.reflect.ReflectData;
import org.apache.avro.reflect.ReflectDatumWriter;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.annotations.Experimental;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.annotations.Experimental.Kind;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.AvroCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.CannotProvideCoderException;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.Coder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.CoderRegistry;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.StringUtf8Coder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider.NestedValueProvider;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider.StaticValueProvider;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.utils.AvroUtils;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.Create;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.PTransform;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.SerializableFunction;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.SerializableFunctions;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.Watch.Growth.TerminationCondition;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.display.DisplayData;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PBegin;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PDone;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TypeDescriptors;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
* {@link PTransform}s for reading and writing Avro files.
* <h2>Reading Avro files</h2>
* <p>To read a {@link PCollection} from one or more Avro files with the same schema known at
* pipeline construction time, use {@link #read}, using {@link AvroIO.Read#from} to specify the
* filename or filepattern to read from. If the filepatterns to be read are themselves in a {@link
* PCollection} you can use {@link FileIO} to match them and {@link AvroIO#readFiles} to read them.
* If the schema is unknown at pipeline construction time, use {@link #parseGenericRecords} or
* {@link #parseFilesGenericRecords}.
* <p>Many configuration options below apply to several or all of these transforms.
* <p>See {@link FileSystems} for information on supported file systems and filepatterns.
* <h3>Filepattern expansion and watching</h3>
* <p>By default, the filepatterns are expanded only once. {@link Read#watchForNewFiles} or the
* combination of {@link FileIO.Match#continuously(Duration, TerminationCondition)} and {@link
* AvroIO#readFiles(Class)} allow streaming of new files matching the filepattern(s).
* <p>By default, {@link #read} prohibits filepatterns that match no files, and {@link
* AvroIO#readFiles(Class)} allows them in case the filepattern contains a glob wildcard character.
* Use {@link Read#withEmptyMatchTreatment} or {@link
* FileIO.Match#withEmptyMatchTreatment(EmptyMatchTreatment)} plus {@link AvroIO#readFiles(Class)}
* to configure this behavior.
* <h3>Reading records of a known schema</h3>
* <p>To read specific records, such as Avro-generated classes, use {@link #read(Class)}. To read
* {@link GenericRecord GenericRecords}, use {@link #readGenericRecords(Schema)} which takes a
* {@link Schema} object, or {@link #readGenericRecords(String)} which takes an Avro schema in a
* JSON-encoded string form. An exception will be thrown if a record doesn't match the specified
* schema. Likewise, to read a {@link PCollection} of filepatterns, apply {@link FileIO} matching
* plus {@link #readFilesGenericRecords}.
* <p>For example:
* <pre>{@code
* Pipeline p = ...;
* // Read Avro-generated classes from files on GCS
* PCollection<AvroAutoGenClass> records =
* p.apply("gs://my_bucket/path/to/records-*.avro"));
* // Read GenericRecord's of the given schema from files on GCS
* Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(new File("schema.avsc"));
* PCollection<GenericRecord> records =
* p.apply(AvroIO.readGenericRecords(schema)
* .from("gs://my_bucket/path/to/records-*.avro"));
* }</pre>
* <h3>Reading records of an unknown schema</h3>
* <p>To read records from files whose schema is unknown at pipeline construction time or differs
* between files, use {@link #parseGenericRecords} - in this case, you will need to specify a
* parsing function for converting each {@link GenericRecord} into a value of your custom type.
* Likewise, to read a {@link PCollection} of filepatterns with unknown schema, use {@link FileIO}
* matching plus {@link #parseFilesGenericRecords(SerializableFunction)}.
* <p>For example:
* <pre>{@code
* Pipeline p = ...;
* PCollection<Foo> records =
* p.apply(AvroIO.parseGenericRecords(new SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, Foo>() {
* public Foo apply(GenericRecord record) {
* // If needed, access the schema of the record using record.getSchema()
* return ...;
* }
* }));
* }</pre>
* <h3>Reading from a {@link PCollection} of filepatterns</h3>
* <pre>{@code
* Pipeline p = ...;
* PCollection<String> filepatterns = p.apply(...);
* PCollection<AvroAutoGenClass> records =
* filepatterns.apply(AvroIO.readAll(AvroAutoGenClass.class));
* PCollection<AvroAutoGenClass> records =
* filepatterns
* .apply(FileIO.matchAll())
* .apply(FileIO.readMatches())
* .apply(AvroIO.readFiles(AvroAutoGenClass.class));
* PCollection<GenericRecord> genericRecords =
* filepatterns.apply(AvroIO.readGenericRecords(schema));
* PCollection<Foo> records =
* filepatterns
* .apply(FileIO.matchAll())
* .apply(FileIO.readMatches())
* .apply(AvroIO.parseFilesGenericRecords(new SerializableFunction...);
* }</pre>
* <h3>Streaming new files matching a filepattern</h3>
* <pre>{@code
* Pipeline p = ...;
* PCollection<AvroAutoGenClass> lines = p.apply(AvroIO
* .read(AvroAutoGenClass.class)
* .from("gs://my_bucket/path/to/records-*.avro")
* .watchForNewFiles(
* // Check for new files every minute
* Duration.standardMinutes(1),
* // Stop watching the filepattern if no new files appear within an hour
* afterTimeSinceNewOutput(Duration.standardHours(1))));
* }</pre>
* <h3>Reading a very large number of files</h3>
* <p>If it is known that the filepattern will match a very large number of files (e.g. tens of
* thousands or more), use {@link Read#withHintMatchesManyFiles} for better performance and
* scalability. Note that it may decrease performance if the filepattern matches only a small number
* of files.
* <h3>Inferring Beam schemas from Avro files</h3>
* <p>If you want to use SQL or schema based operations on an Avro-based PCollection, you must
* configure the read transform to infer the Beam schema and automatically setup the Beam related
* coders by doing:
* <pre>{@code
* PCollection<AvroAutoGenClass> records =
* p.apply(;
* }</pre>
* <h3>Inferring Beam schemas from Avro PCollections</h3>
* <p>If you created an Avro-based PCollection by other means e.g. reading records from Kafka or as
* the output of another PTransform, you may be interested on making your PCollection schema-aware
* so you can use the Schema-based APIs or Beam's SqlTransform.
* <p>If you are using Avro specific records (generated classes from an Avro schema), you can
* register a schema provider for the specific Avro class to make any PCollection of these objects
* schema-aware.
* <pre>{@code
* pipeline.getSchemaRegistry().registerSchemaProvider(AvroAutoGenClass.class, AvroAutoGenClass.getClassSchema());
* }</pre>
* You can also manually set an Avro-backed Schema coder for a PCollection using {@link
* org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.utils.AvroUtils#schemaCoder(Class, Schema)} to make it schema-aware.
* <pre>{@code
* PCollection<AvroAutoGenClass> records = ...
* AvroCoder<AvroAutoGenClass> coder = (AvroCoder<AvroAutoGenClass>) users.getCoder();
* records.setCoder(AvroUtils.schemaCoder(coder.getType(), coder.getSchema()));
* }</pre>
* <p>If you are using GenericRecords you may need to set a specific Beam schema coder for each
* PCollection to match their internal Avro schema.
* <pre>{@code
* org.apache.avro.Schema avroSchema = ...
* PCollection<GenericRecord> records = ...
* records.setCoder(AvroUtils.schemaCoder(avroSchema));
* }</pre>
* <h2>Writing Avro files</h2>
* <p>To write a {@link PCollection} to one or more Avro files, use {@link AvroIO.Write}, using
* {@code AvroIO.write().to(String)} to specify the output filename prefix. The default {@link
* DefaultFilenamePolicy} will use this prefix, in conjunction with a {@link ShardNameTemplate} (set
* via {@link Write#withShardNameTemplate(String)}) and optional filename suffix (set via {@link
* Write#withSuffix(String)}, to generate output filenames in a sharded way. You can override this
* default write filename policy using {@link Write#to(FileBasedSink.FilenamePolicy)} to specify a
* custom file naming policy.
* <p>By default, {@link AvroIO.Write} produces output files that are compressed using the {@link
* org.apache.avro.file.Codec CodecFactory.snappyCodec()}. This default can be changed or overridden
* using {@link AvroIO.Write#withCodec}.
* <h3>Writing specific or generic records</h3>
* <p>To write specific records, such as Avro-generated classes, use {@link #write(Class)}. To write
* {@link GenericRecord GenericRecords}, use either {@link #writeGenericRecords(Schema)} which takes
* a {@link Schema} object, or {@link #writeGenericRecords(String)} which takes a schema in a
* JSON-encoded string form. An exception will be thrown if a record doesn't match the specified
* schema.
* <p>For example:
* <pre>{@code
* // A simple Write to a local file (only runs locally):
* PCollection<AvroAutoGenClass> records = ...;
* records.apply(AvroIO.write(AvroAutoGenClass.class).to("/path/to/file.avro"));
* // A Write to a sharded GCS file (runs locally and using remote execution):
* Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(new File("schema.avsc"));
* PCollection<GenericRecord> records = ...;
* records.apply("WriteToAvro", AvroIO.writeGenericRecords(schema)
* .to("gs://my_bucket/path/to/numbers")
* .withSuffix(".avro"));
* }</pre>
* <h3>Writing windowed or unbounded data</h3>
* <p>By default, all input is put into the global window before writing. If per-window writes are
* desired - for example, when using a streaming runner - {@link AvroIO.Write#withWindowedWrites()}
* will cause windowing and triggering to be preserved. When producing windowed writes with a
* streaming runner that supports triggers, the number of output shards must be set explicitly using
* {@link AvroIO.Write#withNumShards(int)}; some runners may set this for you to a runner-chosen
* value, so you may need not set it yourself. A {@link FileBasedSink.FilenamePolicy} must be set,
* and unique windows and triggers must produce unique filenames.
* <h3>Writing data to multiple destinations</h3>
* <p>The following shows a more-complex example of AvroIO.Write usage, generating dynamic file
* destinations as well as a dynamic Avro schema per file. In this example, a PCollection of user
* events (e.g. actions on a website) is written out to Avro files. Each event contains the user id
* as an integer field. We want events for each user to go into a specific directory for that user,
* and each user's data should be written with a specific schema for that user; a side input is
* used, so the schema can be calculated in a different stage.
* <pre>{@code
* // This is the user class that controls dynamic destinations for this avro write. The input to
* // AvroIO.Write will be UserEvent, and we will be writing GenericRecords to the file (in order
* // to have dynamic schemas). Everything is per userid, so we define a dynamic destination type
* // of Integer.
* class UserDynamicAvroDestinations
* extends DynamicAvroDestinations<UserEvent, Integer, GenericRecord> {
* private final PCollectionView<Map<Integer, String>> userToSchemaMap;
* public UserDynamicAvroDestinations( PCollectionView<Map<Integer, String>> userToSchemaMap) {
* this.userToSchemaMap = userToSchemaMap;
* }
* public GenericRecord formatRecord(UserEvent record) {
* return formatUserRecord(record, getSchema(record.getUserId()));
* }
* public Schema getSchema(Integer userId) {
* return new Schema.Parser().parse(sideInput(userToSchemaMap).get(userId));
* }
* public Integer getDestination(UserEvent record) {
* return record.getUserId();
* }
* public Integer getDefaultDestination() {
* return 0;
* }
* public FilenamePolicy getFilenamePolicy(Integer userId) {
* return DefaultFilenamePolicy.fromParams(new Params().withBaseFilename(baseDir + "/user-"
* + userId + "/events"));
* }
* public List<PCollectionView<?>> getSideInputs() {
* return ImmutableList.<PCollectionView<?>>of(userToSchemaMap);
* }
* }
* PCollection<UserEvents> events = ...;
* PCollectionView<Map<Integer, String>> userToSchemaMap = events.apply(
* "ComputePerUserSchemas", new ComputePerUserSchemas());
* events.apply("WriteAvros", AvroIO.<Integer>writeCustomTypeToGenericRecords()
* .to(new UserDynamicAvroDestinations(userToSchemaMap)));
* }</pre>
"nullness" // TODO(
public class AvroIO {
* Reads records of the given type from an Avro file (or multiple Avro files matching a pattern).
* <p>The schema must be specified using one of the {@code withSchema} functions.
public static <T> Read<T> read(Class<T> recordClass) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_Read.Builder<T>()
* Like {@link #read}, but reads each file in a {@link PCollection} of {@link ReadableFile},
* returned by {@link FileIO#readMatches}.
* <p>You can read {@link GenericRecord} by using {@code #readFiles(GenericRecord.class)} or
* {@code #readFiles(new Schema.Parser().parse(schema))} if the schema is a String.
public static <T> ReadFiles<T> readFiles(Class<T> recordClass) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_ReadFiles.Builder<T>()
* Like {@link #read}, but reads each filepattern in the input {@link PCollection}.
* @deprecated You can achieve The functionality of {@link #readAll} using {@link FileIO} matching
* plus {@link #readFiles(Class)}. This is the preferred method to make composition explicit.
* {@link ReadAll} will not receive upgrades and will be removed in a future version of Beam.
public static <T> ReadAll<T> readAll(Class<T> recordClass) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_ReadAll.Builder<T>()
/** Reads Avro file(s) containing records of the specified schema. */
public static Read<GenericRecord> readGenericRecords(Schema schema) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_Read.Builder<GenericRecord>()
* Like {@link #readGenericRecords(Schema)}, but for a {@link PCollection} of {@link
* ReadableFile}, for example, returned by {@link FileIO#readMatches}.
public static ReadFiles<GenericRecord> readFilesGenericRecords(Schema schema) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_ReadFiles.Builder<GenericRecord>()
* Like {@link #readGenericRecords(Schema)}, but for a {@link PCollection} of {@link
* ReadableFile}, for example, returned by {@link FileIO#readMatches}.
* @deprecated You can achieve The functionality of {@link #readAllGenericRecords(Schema)} using
* {@link FileIO} matching plus {@link #readFilesGenericRecords(Schema)}. This is the
* preferred method to make composition explicit. {@link ReadAll} will not receive upgrades
* and will be removed in a future version of Beam.
public static ReadAll<GenericRecord> readAllGenericRecords(Schema schema) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_ReadAll.Builder<GenericRecord>()
* Reads Avro file(s) containing records of the specified schema. The schema is specified as a
* JSON-encoded string.
public static Read<GenericRecord> readGenericRecords(String schema) {
return readGenericRecords(new Schema.Parser().parse(schema));
/** Like {@link #readGenericRecords(String)}, but for {@link ReadableFile} collections. */
public static ReadFiles<GenericRecord> readFilesGenericRecords(String schema) {
return readFilesGenericRecords(new Schema.Parser().parse(schema));
* Like {@link #readGenericRecords(String)}, but reads each filepattern in the input {@link
* PCollection}.
* @deprecated You can achieve The functionality of {@link #readAllGenericRecords(String)} using
* {@link FileIO} matching plus {@link #readFilesGenericRecords(String)}. This is the
* preferred method to make composition explicit. {@link ReadAll} will not receive upgrades
* and will be removed in a future version of Beam.
public static ReadAll<GenericRecord> readAllGenericRecords(String schema) {
return readAllGenericRecords(new Schema.Parser().parse(schema));
* Reads Avro file(s) containing records of an unspecified schema and converting each record to a
* custom type.
public static <T> Parse<T> parseGenericRecords(SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_Parse.Builder<T>()
* Like {@link #parseGenericRecords(SerializableFunction)}, but reads each {@link ReadableFile} in
* the input {@link PCollection}.
public static <T> ParseFiles<T> parseFilesGenericRecords(
SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_ParseFiles.Builder<T>()
* Like {@link #parseGenericRecords(SerializableFunction)}, but reads each filepattern in the
* input {@link PCollection}.
* @deprecated You can achieve The functionality of {@link
* #parseAllGenericRecords(SerializableFunction)} using {@link FileIO} matching plus {@link
* #parseFilesGenericRecords(SerializableFunction)} ()}. This is the preferred method to make
* composition explicit. {@link ParseAll} will not receive upgrades and will be removed in a
* future version of Beam.
public static <T> ParseAll<T> parseAllGenericRecords(
SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_ParseAll.Builder<T>()
* Writes a {@link PCollection} to an Avro file (or multiple Avro files matching a sharding
* pattern).
public static <T> Write<T> write(Class<T> recordClass) {
return new Write<>(
AvroIO.<T, T>defaultWriteBuilder()
/** Writes Avro records of the specified schema. */
public static Write<GenericRecord> writeGenericRecords(Schema schema) {
return new Write<>(
AvroIO.<GenericRecord, GenericRecord>defaultWriteBuilder()
* A {@link PTransform} that writes a {@link PCollection} to an avro file (or multiple avro files
* matching a sharding pattern), with each element of the input collection encoded into its own
* record of type OutputT.
* <p>This version allows you to apply {@link AvroIO} writes to a PCollection of a custom type
* {@link UserT}. A format mechanism that converts the input type {@link UserT} to the output type
* that will be written to the file must be specified. If using a custom {@link
* DynamicAvroDestinations} object this is done using {@link
* DynamicAvroDestinations#formatRecord}, otherwise the {@link
* AvroIO.TypedWrite#withFormatFunction} can be used to specify a format function.
* <p>The advantage of using a custom type is that is it allows a user-provided {@link
* DynamicAvroDestinations} object, set via {@link AvroIO.Write#to(DynamicAvroDestinations)} to
* examine the custom type when choosing a destination.
* <p>If the output type is {@link GenericRecord} use {@link #writeCustomTypeToGenericRecords()}
* instead.
public static <UserT, OutputT> TypedWrite<UserT, Void, OutputT> writeCustomType() {
return AvroIO.<UserT, OutputT>defaultWriteBuilder().setGenericRecords(false).build();
* Similar to {@link #writeCustomType()}, but specialized for the case where the output type is
* {@link GenericRecord}. A schema must be specified either in {@link
* DynamicAvroDestinations#getSchema} or if not using dynamic destinations, by using {@link
* TypedWrite#withSchema(Schema)}.
public static <UserT> TypedWrite<UserT, Void, GenericRecord> writeCustomTypeToGenericRecords() {
return AvroIO.<UserT, GenericRecord>defaultWriteBuilder().setGenericRecords(true).build();
* Writes Avro records of the specified schema. The schema is specified as a JSON-encoded string.
public static Write<GenericRecord> writeGenericRecords(String schema) {
return writeGenericRecords(new Schema.Parser().parse(schema));
private static <UserT, OutputT> TypedWrite.Builder<UserT, Void, OutputT> defaultWriteBuilder() {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_TypedWrite.Builder<UserT, Void, OutputT>()
private static <T> PCollection<T> setBeamSchema(
PCollection<T> pc, Class<T> clazz, @Nullable Schema schema) {
return pc.setCoder(AvroUtils.schemaCoder(clazz, schema));
* 64MB is a reasonable value that allows to amortize the cost of opening files, but is not so
* large as to exhaust a typical runner's maximum amount of output per ProcessElement call.
private static final long DEFAULT_BUNDLE_SIZE_BYTES = 64 * 1024 * 1024L;
/** Implementation of {@link #read} and {@link #readGenericRecords}. */
public abstract static class Read<T> extends PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<T>> {
abstract @Nullable ValueProvider<String> getFilepattern();
abstract MatchConfiguration getMatchConfiguration();
abstract @Nullable Class<T> getRecordClass();
abstract @Nullable Schema getSchema();
abstract boolean getInferBeamSchema();
abstract boolean getHintMatchesManyFiles();
abstract Builder<T> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<T> {
abstract Builder<T> setFilepattern(ValueProvider<String> filepattern);
abstract Builder<T> setMatchConfiguration(MatchConfiguration matchConfiguration);
abstract Builder<T> setRecordClass(Class<T> recordClass);
abstract Builder<T> setSchema(Schema schema);
abstract Builder<T> setInferBeamSchema(boolean infer);
abstract Builder<T> setHintMatchesManyFiles(boolean hintManyFiles);
abstract Read<T> build();
* Reads from the given filename or filepattern.
* <p>If it is known that the filepattern will match a very large number of files (at least tens
* of thousands), use {@link #withHintMatchesManyFiles} for better performance and scalability.
public Read<T> from(ValueProvider<String> filepattern) {
return toBuilder().setFilepattern(filepattern).build();
/** Like {@link #from(ValueProvider)}. */
public Read<T> from(String filepattern) {
return from(StaticValueProvider.of(filepattern));
/** Sets the {@link MatchConfiguration}. */
public Read<T> withMatchConfiguration(MatchConfiguration matchConfiguration) {
return toBuilder().setMatchConfiguration(matchConfiguration).build();
/** Configures whether or not a filepattern matching no files is allowed. */
public Read<T> withEmptyMatchTreatment(EmptyMatchTreatment treatment) {
return withMatchConfiguration(getMatchConfiguration().withEmptyMatchTreatment(treatment));
* Continuously watches for new files matching the filepattern, polling it at the given
* interval, until the given termination condition is reached. The returned {@link PCollection}
* is unbounded.
* <p>This works only in runners supporting splittable {@link
* org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.DoFn}.
public Read<T> watchForNewFiles(
Duration pollInterval, TerminationCondition<String, ?> terminationCondition) {
return withMatchConfiguration(
getMatchConfiguration().continuously(pollInterval, terminationCondition));
* Hints that the filepattern specified in {@link #from(String)} matches a very large number of
* files.
* <p>This hint may cause a runner to execute the transform differently, in a way that improves
* performance for this case, but it may worsen performance if the filepattern matches only a
* small number of files (e.g., in a runner that supports dynamic work rebalancing, it will
* happen less efficiently within individual files).
public Read<T> withHintMatchesManyFiles() {
return toBuilder().setHintMatchesManyFiles(true).build();
* If set to true, a Beam schema will be inferred from the AVRO schema. This allows the output
* to be used by SQL and by the schema-transform library.
public Read<T> withBeamSchemas(boolean withBeamSchemas) {
return toBuilder().setInferBeamSchema(withBeamSchemas).build();
public PCollection<T> expand(PBegin input) {
checkNotNull(getFilepattern(), "filepattern");
checkNotNull(getSchema(), "schema");
if (getMatchConfiguration().getWatchInterval() == null && !getHintMatchesManyFiles()) {
PCollection<T> read =
return getInferBeamSchema() ? setBeamSchema(read, getRecordClass(), getSchema()) : read;
// All other cases go through FileIO + ReadFiles
ReadFiles<T> readFiles =
(getRecordClass() == GenericRecord.class)
? (ReadFiles<T>) readFilesGenericRecords(getSchema())
: readFiles(getRecordClass());
return input
.apply("Create filepattern", Create.ofProvider(getFilepattern(), StringUtf8Coder.of()))
.apply("Match All", FileIO.matchAll().withConfiguration(getMatchConfiguration()))
"Read Matches",
.apply("Via ReadFiles", readFiles);
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
DisplayData.item("inferBeamSchema", getInferBeamSchema())
.withLabel("Infer Beam Schema"))
.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("schema", String.valueOf(getSchema())))
.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("recordClass", getRecordClass()).withLabel("Record Class"))
DisplayData.item("filePattern", getFilepattern()).withLabel("Input File Pattern"))
.include("matchConfiguration", getMatchConfiguration());
private static <T> AvroSource<T> createSource(
ValueProvider<String> filepattern,
EmptyMatchTreatment emptyMatchTreatment,
Class<T> recordClass,
Schema schema,
AvroSource.@Nullable DatumReaderFactory<T> readerFactory) {
AvroSource<?> source =
if (readerFactory != null) {
source = source.withDatumReaderFactory(readerFactory);
return recordClass == GenericRecord.class
? (AvroSource<T>) source.withSchema(schema)
: source.withSchema(recordClass);
/** Implementation of {@link #readFiles}. */
public abstract static class ReadFiles<T>
extends PTransform<PCollection<ReadableFile>, PCollection<T>> {
abstract @Nullable Class<T> getRecordClass();
abstract @Nullable Schema getSchema();
abstract long getDesiredBundleSizeBytes();
abstract boolean getInferBeamSchema();
abstract AvroSource.@Nullable DatumReaderFactory<T> getDatumReaderFactory();
abstract Builder<T> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<T> {
abstract Builder<T> setRecordClass(Class<T> recordClass);
abstract Builder<T> setSchema(Schema schema);
abstract Builder<T> setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(long desiredBundleSizeBytes);
abstract Builder<T> setInferBeamSchema(boolean infer);
abstract Builder<T> setDatumReaderFactory(AvroSource.DatumReaderFactory<T> factory);
abstract ReadFiles<T> build();
ReadFiles<T> withDesiredBundleSizeBytes(long desiredBundleSizeBytes) {
return toBuilder().setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(desiredBundleSizeBytes).build();
* If set to true, a Beam schema will be inferred from the AVRO schema. This allows the output
* to be used by SQL and by the schema-transform library.
public ReadFiles<T> withBeamSchemas(boolean withBeamSchemas) {
return toBuilder().setInferBeamSchema(withBeamSchemas).build();
public ReadFiles<T> withDatumReaderFactory(AvroSource.DatumReaderFactory<T> factory) {
return toBuilder().setDatumReaderFactory(factory).build();
public PCollection<T> expand(PCollection<ReadableFile> input) {
checkNotNull(getSchema(), "schema");
PCollection<T> read =
"Read all via FileBasedSource",
new ReadAllViaFileBasedSource<>(
new CreateSourceFn<>(
getRecordClass(), getSchema().toString(), getDatumReaderFactory()),
AvroCoder.of(getRecordClass(), getSchema())));
return getInferBeamSchema() ? setBeamSchema(read, getRecordClass(), getSchema()) : read;
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
DisplayData.item("inferBeamSchema", getInferBeamSchema())
.withLabel("Infer Beam Schema"))
.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("schema", String.valueOf(getSchema())))
DisplayData.item("recordClass", getRecordClass()).withLabel("Record Class"));
* Implementation of {@link #readAll}.
* @deprecated See {@link #readAll(Class)} for details.
public abstract static class ReadAll<T> extends PTransform<PCollection<String>, PCollection<T>> {
abstract MatchConfiguration getMatchConfiguration();
abstract @Nullable Class<T> getRecordClass();
abstract @Nullable Schema getSchema();
abstract long getDesiredBundleSizeBytes();
abstract boolean getInferBeamSchema();
abstract Builder<T> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<T> {
abstract Builder<T> setMatchConfiguration(MatchConfiguration matchConfiguration);
abstract Builder<T> setRecordClass(Class<T> recordClass);
abstract Builder<T> setSchema(Schema schema);
abstract Builder<T> setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(long desiredBundleSizeBytes);
abstract Builder<T> setInferBeamSchema(boolean infer);
abstract ReadAll<T> build();
/** Sets the {@link MatchConfiguration}. */
public ReadAll<T> withMatchConfiguration(MatchConfiguration configuration) {
return toBuilder().setMatchConfiguration(configuration).build();
/** Like {@link Read#withEmptyMatchTreatment}. */
public ReadAll<T> withEmptyMatchTreatment(EmptyMatchTreatment treatment) {
return withMatchConfiguration(getMatchConfiguration().withEmptyMatchTreatment(treatment));
/** Like {@link Read#watchForNewFiles}. */
public ReadAll<T> watchForNewFiles(
Duration pollInterval, TerminationCondition<String, ?> terminationCondition) {
return withMatchConfiguration(
getMatchConfiguration().continuously(pollInterval, terminationCondition));
ReadAll<T> withDesiredBundleSizeBytes(long desiredBundleSizeBytes) {
return toBuilder().setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(desiredBundleSizeBytes).build();
* If set to true, a Beam schema will be inferred from the AVRO schema. This allows the output
* to be used by SQL and by the schema-transform library.
public ReadAll<T> withBeamSchemas(boolean withBeamSchemas) {
return toBuilder().setInferBeamSchema(withBeamSchemas).build();
public PCollection<T> expand(PCollection<String> input) {
checkNotNull(getSchema(), "schema");
PCollection<T> read =
return getInferBeamSchema() ? setBeamSchema(read, getRecordClass(), getSchema()) : read;
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
DisplayData.item("inferBeamSchema", getInferBeamSchema())
.withLabel("Infer Beam Schema"))
.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("schema", String.valueOf(getSchema())))
.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("recordClass", getRecordClass()).withLabel("Record Class"))
.include("matchConfiguration", getMatchConfiguration());
private static class CreateSourceFn<T>
implements SerializableFunction<String, FileBasedSource<T>> {
private final Class<T> recordClass;
private final Supplier<Schema> schemaSupplier;
private final AvroSource.DatumReaderFactory<T> readerFactory;
Class<T> recordClass, String jsonSchema, AvroSource.DatumReaderFactory<T> readerFactory) {
this.recordClass = recordClass;
this.schemaSupplier =
Suppliers.compose(new JsonToSchema(), Suppliers.ofInstance(jsonSchema)));
this.readerFactory = readerFactory;
public FileBasedSource<T> apply(String input) {
return Read.createSource(
private static class JsonToSchema implements Function<String, Schema>, Serializable {
public Schema apply(String input) {
return new Schema.Parser().parse(input);
/** Implementation of {@link #parseGenericRecords}. */
public abstract static class Parse<T> extends PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<T>> {
abstract @Nullable ValueProvider<String> getFilepattern();
abstract MatchConfiguration getMatchConfiguration();
abstract SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> getParseFn();
abstract @Nullable Coder<T> getCoder();
abstract boolean getHintMatchesManyFiles();
abstract Builder<T> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<T> {
abstract Builder<T> setFilepattern(ValueProvider<String> filepattern);
abstract Builder<T> setMatchConfiguration(MatchConfiguration matchConfiguration);
abstract Builder<T> setParseFn(SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn);
abstract Builder<T> setCoder(Coder<T> coder);
abstract Builder<T> setHintMatchesManyFiles(boolean hintMatchesManyFiles);
abstract Parse<T> build();
/** Reads from the given filename or filepattern. */
public Parse<T> from(String filepattern) {
return from(StaticValueProvider.of(filepattern));
/** Like {@link #from(String)}. */
public Parse<T> from(ValueProvider<String> filepattern) {
return toBuilder().setFilepattern(filepattern).build();
/** Sets the {@link MatchConfiguration}. */
public Parse<T> withMatchConfiguration(MatchConfiguration configuration) {
return toBuilder().setMatchConfiguration(configuration).build();
/** Like {@link Read#withEmptyMatchTreatment}. */
public Parse<T> withEmptyMatchTreatment(EmptyMatchTreatment treatment) {
return withMatchConfiguration(getMatchConfiguration().withEmptyMatchTreatment(treatment));
/** Like {@link Read#watchForNewFiles}. */
public Parse<T> watchForNewFiles(
Duration pollInterval, TerminationCondition<String, ?> terminationCondition) {
return withMatchConfiguration(
getMatchConfiguration().continuously(pollInterval, terminationCondition));
/** Sets a coder for the result of the parse function. */
public Parse<T> withCoder(Coder<T> coder) {
return toBuilder().setCoder(coder).build();
/** Like {@link Read#withHintMatchesManyFiles()}. */
public Parse<T> withHintMatchesManyFiles() {
return toBuilder().setHintMatchesManyFiles(true).build();
public PCollection<T> expand(PBegin input) {
checkNotNull(getFilepattern(), "filepattern");
Coder<T> coder = inferCoder(getCoder(), getParseFn(), input.getPipeline().getCoderRegistry());
if (getMatchConfiguration().getWatchInterval() == null && !getHintMatchesManyFiles()) {
return input.apply(
AvroSource.from(getFilepattern()).withParseFn(getParseFn(), coder)));
// All other cases go through FileIO + ParseFilesGenericRecords.
return input
.apply("Create filepattern", Create.ofProvider(getFilepattern(), StringUtf8Coder.of()))
.apply("Match All", FileIO.matchAll().withConfiguration(getMatchConfiguration()))
"Read Matches",
.apply("Via ParseFiles", parseFilesGenericRecords(getParseFn()).withCoder(coder));
private static <T> Coder<T> inferCoder(
@Nullable Coder<T> explicitCoder,
SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn,
CoderRegistry coderRegistry) {
if (explicitCoder != null) {
return explicitCoder;
// If a coder was not specified explicitly, infer it from parse fn.
try {
return coderRegistry.getCoder(TypeDescriptors.outputOf(parseFn));
} catch (CannotProvideCoderException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to infer coder for output of parseFn. Specify it explicitly using withCoder().",
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
DisplayData.item("filePattern", getFilepattern()).withLabel("Input File Pattern"))
.add(DisplayData.item("parseFn", getParseFn().getClass()).withLabel("Parse function"))
.include("matchConfiguration", getMatchConfiguration());
/** Implementation of {@link #parseFilesGenericRecords}. */
public abstract static class ParseFiles<T>
extends PTransform<PCollection<ReadableFile>, PCollection<T>> {
abstract SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> getParseFn();
abstract @Nullable Coder<T> getCoder();
abstract long getDesiredBundleSizeBytes();
abstract Builder<T> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<T> {
abstract Builder<T> setParseFn(SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn);
abstract Builder<T> setCoder(Coder<T> coder);
abstract Builder<T> setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(long desiredBundleSizeBytes);
abstract ParseFiles<T> build();
/** Specifies the coder for the result of the {@code parseFn}. */
public ParseFiles<T> withCoder(Coder<T> coder) {
return toBuilder().setCoder(coder).build();
ParseFiles<T> withDesiredBundleSizeBytes(long desiredBundleSizeBytes) {
return toBuilder().setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(desiredBundleSizeBytes).build();
public PCollection<T> expand(PCollection<ReadableFile> input) {
final Coder<T> coder =
Parse.inferCoder(getCoder(), getParseFn(), input.getPipeline().getCoderRegistry());
final SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn = getParseFn();
final SerializableFunction<String, FileBasedSource<T>> createSource =
new CreateParseSourceFn<>(parseFn, coder);
return input.apply(
"Parse Files via FileBasedSource",
new ReadAllViaFileBasedSource<>(getDesiredBundleSizeBytes(), createSource, coder));
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
builder.add(DisplayData.item("parseFn", getParseFn().getClass()).withLabel("Parse function"));
private static class CreateParseSourceFn<T>
implements SerializableFunction<String, FileBasedSource<T>> {
private final SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn;
private final Coder<T> coder;
CreateParseSourceFn(SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn, Coder<T> coder) {
this.parseFn = parseFn;
this.coder = coder;
public FileBasedSource<T> apply(String input) {
return AvroSource.from(input).withParseFn(parseFn, coder);
* Implementation of {@link #parseAllGenericRecords}.
* @deprecated See {@link #parseAllGenericRecords(SerializableFunction)} for details.
public abstract static class ParseAll<T> extends PTransform<PCollection<String>, PCollection<T>> {
abstract MatchConfiguration getMatchConfiguration();
abstract SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> getParseFn();
abstract @Nullable Coder<T> getCoder();
abstract long getDesiredBundleSizeBytes();
abstract Builder<T> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<T> {
abstract Builder<T> setMatchConfiguration(MatchConfiguration matchConfiguration);
abstract Builder<T> setParseFn(SerializableFunction<GenericRecord, T> parseFn);
abstract Builder<T> setCoder(Coder<T> coder);
abstract Builder<T> setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(long desiredBundleSizeBytes);
abstract ParseAll<T> build();
/** Sets the {@link MatchConfiguration}. */
public ParseAll<T> withMatchConfiguration(MatchConfiguration configuration) {
return toBuilder().setMatchConfiguration(configuration).build();
/** Like {@link Read#withEmptyMatchTreatment}. */
public ParseAll<T> withEmptyMatchTreatment(EmptyMatchTreatment treatment) {
return withMatchConfiguration(getMatchConfiguration().withEmptyMatchTreatment(treatment));
/** Like {@link Read#watchForNewFiles}. */
public ParseAll<T> watchForNewFiles(
Duration pollInterval, TerminationCondition<String, ?> terminationCondition) {
return withMatchConfiguration(
getMatchConfiguration().continuously(pollInterval, terminationCondition));
/** Specifies the coder for the result of the {@code parseFn}. */
public ParseAll<T> withCoder(Coder<T> coder) {
return toBuilder().setCoder(coder).build();
ParseAll<T> withDesiredBundleSizeBytes(long desiredBundleSizeBytes) {
return toBuilder().setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(desiredBundleSizeBytes).build();
public PCollection<T> expand(PCollection<String> input) {
return input
"Parse all via FileBasedSource",
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
.add(DisplayData.item("parseFn", getParseFn().getClass()).withLabel("Parse function"))
.include("matchConfiguration", getMatchConfiguration());
/** Implementation of {@link #write}. */
public abstract static class TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT>
extends PTransform<PCollection<UserT>, WriteFilesResult<DestinationT>> {
static final CodecFactory DEFAULT_CODEC = CodecFactory.snappyCodec();
static final SerializableAvroCodecFactory DEFAULT_SERIALIZABLE_CODEC =
new SerializableAvroCodecFactory(DEFAULT_CODEC);
abstract @Nullable SerializableFunction<UserT, OutputT> getFormatFunction();
abstract @Nullable ValueProvider<ResourceId> getFilenamePrefix();
abstract @Nullable String getShardTemplate();
abstract @Nullable String getFilenameSuffix();
abstract @Nullable ValueProvider<ResourceId> getTempDirectory();
abstract int getNumShards();
abstract boolean getGenericRecords();
abstract @Nullable Schema getSchema();
abstract boolean getWindowedWrites();
abstract boolean getNoSpilling();
abstract @Nullable FilenamePolicy getFilenamePolicy();
abstract @Nullable DynamicAvroDestinations<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT>
abstract AvroSink.@Nullable DatumWriterFactory<OutputT> getDatumWriterFactory();
* The codec used to encode the blocks in the Avro file. String value drawn from those in
abstract SerializableAvroCodecFactory getCodec();
/** Avro file metadata. */
abstract ImmutableMap<String, Object> getMetadata();
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> {
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setFormatFunction(
@Nullable SerializableFunction<UserT, OutputT> formatFunction);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setFilenamePrefix(
ValueProvider<ResourceId> filenamePrefix);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setFilenameSuffix(
@Nullable String filenameSuffix);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setTempDirectory(
ValueProvider<ResourceId> tempDirectory);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setNumShards(int numShards);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setShardTemplate(
@Nullable String shardTemplate);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setGenericRecords(boolean genericRecords);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setSchema(Schema schema);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setWindowedWrites(boolean windowedWrites);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setNoSpilling(boolean noSpilling);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setFilenamePolicy(
FilenamePolicy filenamePolicy);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setCodec(SerializableAvroCodecFactory codec);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setMetadata(
ImmutableMap<String, Object> metadata);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setDynamicDestinations(
DynamicAvroDestinations<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> dynamicDestinations);
abstract Builder<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> setDatumWriterFactory(
AvroSink.DatumWriterFactory<OutputT> datumWriterFactory);
abstract TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> build();
* Writes to file(s) with the given output prefix. See {@link FileSystems} for information on
* supported file systems.
* <p>The name of the output files will be determined by the {@link FilenamePolicy} used.
* <p>By default, a {@link DefaultFilenamePolicy} will build output filenames using the
* specified prefix, a shard name template (see {@link #withShardNameTemplate(String)}, and a
* common suffix (if supplied using {@link #withSuffix(String)}). This default can be overridden
* using {@link #to(FilenamePolicy)}.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> to(String outputPrefix) {
return to(FileBasedSink.convertToFileResourceIfPossible(outputPrefix));
* Writes to file(s) with the given output prefix. See {@link FileSystems} for information on
* supported file systems. This prefix is used by the {@link DefaultFilenamePolicy} to generate
* filenames.
* <p>By default, a {@link DefaultFilenamePolicy} will build output filenames using the
* specified prefix, a shard name template (see {@link #withShardNameTemplate(String)}, and a
* common suffix (if supplied using {@link #withSuffix(String)}). This default can be overridden
* using {@link #to(FilenamePolicy)}.
* <p>This default policy can be overridden using {@link #to(FilenamePolicy)}, in which case
* {@link #withShardNameTemplate(String)} and {@link #withSuffix(String)} should not be set.
* Custom filename policies do not automatically see this prefix - you should explicitly pass
* the prefix into your {@link FilenamePolicy} object if you need this.
* <p>If {@link #withTempDirectory} has not been called, this filename prefix will be used to
* infer a directory for temporary files.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> to(ResourceId outputPrefix) {
return toResource(StaticValueProvider.of(outputPrefix));
private static class OutputPrefixToResourceId
implements SerializableFunction<String, ResourceId> {
public ResourceId apply(String input) {
return FileBasedSink.convertToFileResourceIfPossible(input);
/** Like {@link #to(String)}. */
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> to(ValueProvider<String> outputPrefix) {
return toResource(
// The function cannot be created as an anonymous class here since the enclosed class
// may contain unserializable members.
new OutputPrefixToResourceId()));
/** Like {@link #to(ResourceId)}. */
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> toResource(
ValueProvider<ResourceId> outputPrefix) {
return toBuilder().setFilenamePrefix(outputPrefix).build();
* Writes to files named according to the given {@link FileBasedSink.FilenamePolicy}. A
* directory for temporary files must be specified using {@link #withTempDirectory}.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> to(FilenamePolicy filenamePolicy) {
return toBuilder().setFilenamePolicy(filenamePolicy).build();
* Use a {@link DynamicAvroDestinations} object to vend {@link FilenamePolicy} objects. These
* objects can examine the input record when creating a {@link FilenamePolicy}. A directory for
* temporary files must be specified using {@link #withTempDirectory}.
* @deprecated Use {@link FileIO#write()} or {@link FileIO#writeDynamic()} instead.
public <NewDestinationT> TypedWrite<UserT, NewDestinationT, OutputT> to(
DynamicAvroDestinations<UserT, NewDestinationT, OutputT> dynamicDestinations) {
return toBuilder()
.setDynamicDestinations((DynamicAvroDestinations) dynamicDestinations)
* Sets the the output schema. Can only be used when the output type is {@link GenericRecord}
* and when not using {@link #to(DynamicAvroDestinations)}.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withSchema(Schema schema) {
return toBuilder().setSchema(schema).build();
* Specifies a format function to convert {@link UserT} to the output type. If {@link
* #to(DynamicAvroDestinations)} is used, {@link DynamicAvroDestinations#formatRecord} must be
* used instead.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withFormatFunction(
@Nullable SerializableFunction<UserT, OutputT> formatFunction) {
return toBuilder().setFormatFunction(formatFunction).build();
/** Set the base directory used to generate temporary files. */
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withTempDirectory(
ValueProvider<ResourceId> tempDirectory) {
return toBuilder().setTempDirectory(tempDirectory).build();
/** Set the base directory used to generate temporary files. */
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withTempDirectory(ResourceId tempDirectory) {
return withTempDirectory(StaticValueProvider.of(tempDirectory));
* Uses the given {@link ShardNameTemplate} for naming output files. This option may only be
* used when using one of the default filename-prefix to() overrides.
* <p>See {@link DefaultFilenamePolicy} for how the prefix, shard name template, and suffix are
* used.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withShardNameTemplate(String shardTemplate) {
return toBuilder().setShardTemplate(shardTemplate).build();
* Configures the filename suffix for written files. This option may only be used when using one
* of the default filename-prefix to() overrides.
* <p>See {@link DefaultFilenamePolicy} for how the prefix, shard name template, and suffix are
* used.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withSuffix(String filenameSuffix) {
return toBuilder().setFilenameSuffix(filenameSuffix).build();
* Configures the number of output shards produced overall (when using unwindowed writes) or
* per-window (when using windowed writes).
* <p>For unwindowed writes, constraining the number of shards is likely to reduce the
* performance of a pipeline. Setting this value is not recommended unless you require a
* specific number of output files.
* @param numShards the number of shards to use, or 0 to let the system decide.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withNumShards(int numShards) {
checkArgument(numShards >= 0);
return toBuilder().setNumShards(numShards).build();
* Forces a single file as output and empty shard name template. This option is only compatible
* with unwindowed writes.
* <p>For unwindowed writes, constraining the number of shards is likely to reduce the
* performance of a pipeline. Setting this value is not recommended unless you require a
* specific number of output files.
* <p>This is equivalent to {@code .withNumShards(1).withShardNameTemplate("")}
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withoutSharding() {
return withNumShards(1).withShardNameTemplate("");
* Preserves windowing of input elements and writes them to files based on the element's window.
* <p>If using {@link #to(FileBasedSink.FilenamePolicy)}. Filenames will be generated using
* {@link FilenamePolicy#windowedFilename}. See also {@link WriteFiles#withWindowedWrites()}.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withWindowedWrites() {
return toBuilder().setWindowedWrites(true).build();
/** See {@link WriteFiles#withNoSpilling()}. */
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withNoSpilling() {
return toBuilder().setNoSpilling(true).build();
/** Writes to Avro file(s) compressed using specified codec. */
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withCodec(CodecFactory codec) {
return toBuilder().setCodec(new SerializableAvroCodecFactory(codec)).build();
* Specifies a {@link AvroSink.DatumWriterFactory} to use for creating {@link
*} instances.
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withDatumWriterFactory(
AvroSink.DatumWriterFactory<OutputT> datumWriterFactory) {
return toBuilder().setDatumWriterFactory(datumWriterFactory).build();
* Writes to Avro file(s) with the specified metadata.
* <p>Supported value types are String, Long, and byte[].
public TypedWrite<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> withMetadata(Map<String, Object> metadata) {
Map<String, String> badKeys = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : metadata.entrySet()) {
Object v = entry.getValue();
if (!(v instanceof String || v instanceof Long || v instanceof byte[])) {
badKeys.put(entry.getKey(), v.getClass().getSimpleName());
"Metadata value type must be one of String, Long, or byte[]. Found {}",
return toBuilder().setMetadata(ImmutableMap.copyOf(metadata)).build();
DynamicAvroDestinations<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> resolveDynamicDestinations() {
DynamicAvroDestinations<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> dynamicDestinations =
if (dynamicDestinations == null) {
// In this case DestinationT is Void.
FilenamePolicy usedFilenamePolicy = getFilenamePolicy();
if (usedFilenamePolicy == null) {
usedFilenamePolicy =
dynamicDestinations =
(DynamicAvroDestinations<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT>)
return dynamicDestinations;
public WriteFilesResult<DestinationT> expand(PCollection<UserT> input) {
getFilenamePrefix() != null || getTempDirectory() != null,
"Need to set either the filename prefix or the tempDirectory of a AvroIO.Write "
+ "transform.");
if (getFilenamePolicy() != null) {
getShardTemplate() == null && getFilenameSuffix() == null,
"shardTemplate and filenameSuffix should only be used with the default "
+ "filename policy");
if (getDynamicDestinations() != null) {
getFormatFunction() == null,
"A format function should not be specified "
+ "with DynamicDestinations. Use DynamicDestinations.formatRecord instead");
} else {
getSchema() != null, "Unless using DynamicDestinations, .withSchema() is required.");
ValueProvider<ResourceId> tempDirectory = getTempDirectory();
if (tempDirectory == null) {
tempDirectory = getFilenamePrefix();
WriteFiles<UserT, DestinationT, OutputT> write =
new AvroSink<>(tempDirectory, resolveDynamicDestinations(), getGenericRecords()));
if (getNumShards() > 0) {
write = write.withNumShards(getNumShards());
if (getWindowedWrites()) {
write = write.withWindowedWrites();
if (getNoSpilling()) {
write = write.withNoSpilling();
return input.apply("Write", write);
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
DisplayData.item("numShards", getNumShards()).withLabel("Maximum Output Shards"), 0)
DisplayData.item("tempDirectory", getTempDirectory())
.withLabel("Directory for temporary files"));
* This class is used as the default return value of {@link AvroIO#write}
* <p>All methods in this class delegate to the appropriate method of {@link AvroIO.TypedWrite}.
* This class exists for backwards compatibility, and will be removed in Beam 3.0.
public static class Write<T> extends PTransform<PCollection<T>, PDone> {
@VisibleForTesting final TypedWrite<T, ?, T> inner;
Write(TypedWrite<T, ?, T> inner) {
this.inner = inner;
/** See {@link TypedWrite#to(String)}. */
public Write<T> to(String outputPrefix) {
return new Write<>(
/** See {@link TypedWrite#to(ResourceId)} . */
public Write<T> to(ResourceId outputPrefix) {
return new Write<>(;
/** See {@link TypedWrite#to(ValueProvider)}. */
public Write<T> to(ValueProvider<String> outputPrefix) {
return new Write<>(;
/** See {@link TypedWrite#to(ResourceId)}. */
public Write<T> toResource(ValueProvider<ResourceId> outputPrefix) {
return new Write<>(
/** See {@link TypedWrite#to(FilenamePolicy)}. */
public Write<T> to(FilenamePolicy filenamePolicy) {
return new Write<>(;
* See {@link TypedWrite#to(DynamicAvroDestinations)}.
* @deprecated Use {@link FileIO#write()} or {@link FileIO#writeDynamic()} instead.
public Write<T> to(DynamicAvroDestinations<T, ?, T> dynamicDestinations) {
return new Write<>(;
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withSchema}. */
public Write<T> withSchema(Schema schema) {
return new Write<>(inner.withSchema(schema));
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withTempDirectory(ValueProvider)}. */
public Write<T> withTempDirectory(ValueProvider<ResourceId> tempDirectory) {
return new Write<>(inner.withTempDirectory(tempDirectory));
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withTempDirectory(ResourceId)}. */
public Write<T> withTempDirectory(ResourceId tempDirectory) {
return new Write<>(inner.withTempDirectory(tempDirectory));
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withShardNameTemplate}. */
public Write<T> withShardNameTemplate(String shardTemplate) {
return new Write<>(inner.withShardNameTemplate(shardTemplate));
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withSuffix}. */
public Write<T> withSuffix(String filenameSuffix) {
return new Write<>(inner.withSuffix(filenameSuffix));
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withNumShards}. */
public Write<T> withNumShards(int numShards) {
return new Write<>(inner.withNumShards(numShards));
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withoutSharding}. */
public Write<T> withoutSharding() {
return new Write<>(inner.withoutSharding());
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withWindowedWrites}. */
public Write<T> withWindowedWrites() {
return new Write<>(inner.withWindowedWrites());
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withCodec}. */
public Write<T> withCodec(CodecFactory codec) {
return new Write<>(inner.withCodec(codec));
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withDatumWriterFactory}. */
public Write<T> withDatumWriterFactory(AvroSink.DatumWriterFactory<T> datumWriterFactory) {
return new Write<>(inner.withDatumWriterFactory(datumWriterFactory));
* Specify that output filenames are wanted.
* <p>The nested {@link TypedWrite}transform always has access to output filenames, however due
* to backwards-compatibility concerns, {@link Write} cannot return them. This method simply
* returns the inner {@link TypedWrite} transform which has {@link WriteFilesResult} as its
* output type, allowing access to output files.
* <p>The supplied {@code DestinationT} type must be: the same as that supplied in {@link
* #to(DynamicAvroDestinations)} if that method was used, or {@code Void} otherwise.
public <DestinationT> TypedWrite<T, DestinationT, T> withOutputFilenames() {
return (TypedWrite) inner;
/** See {@link TypedWrite#withMetadata} . */
public Write<T> withMetadata(Map<String, Object> metadata) {
return new Write<>(inner.withMetadata(metadata));
public PDone expand(PCollection<T> input) {
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
* Returns a {@link DynamicAvroDestinations} that always returns the same {@link FilenamePolicy},
* schema, metadata, and codec.
public static <UserT, OutputT> DynamicAvroDestinations<UserT, Void, OutputT> constantDestinations(
FilenamePolicy filenamePolicy,
Schema schema,
Map<String, Object> metadata,
CodecFactory codec,
SerializableFunction<UserT, OutputT> formatFunction) {
return constantDestinations(filenamePolicy, schema, metadata, codec, formatFunction, null);
* Returns a {@link DynamicAvroDestinations} that always returns the same {@link FilenamePolicy},
* schema, metadata, and codec.
public static <UserT, OutputT> DynamicAvroDestinations<UserT, Void, OutputT> constantDestinations(
FilenamePolicy filenamePolicy,
Schema schema,
Map<String, Object> metadata,
CodecFactory codec,
SerializableFunction<UserT, OutputT> formatFunction,
AvroSink.@Nullable DatumWriterFactory<OutputT> datumWriterFactory) {
return new ConstantAvroDestination<>(
filenamePolicy, schema, metadata, codec, formatFunction, datumWriterFactory);
* Formats an element of a user type into a record with the given schema.
* @deprecated Users can achieve the same by providing this transform in a {@link
* org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDo} before using write in AvroIO {@link #write(Class)}.
public interface RecordFormatter<ElementT> extends Serializable {
GenericRecord formatRecord(ElementT element, Schema schema);
* A {@link Sink} for use with {@link FileIO#write} and {@link FileIO#writeDynamic}, writing
* elements of the given generated class, like {@link #write(Class)}.
public static <ElementT> Sink<ElementT> sink(final Class<ElementT> clazz) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_Sink.Builder<ElementT>()
* A {@link Sink} for use with {@link FileIO#write} and {@link FileIO#writeDynamic}, writing
* elements with a given (common) schema, like {@link #writeGenericRecords(Schema)}.
public static <ElementT extends IndexedRecord> Sink<ElementT> sink(Schema schema) {
return sink(schema.toString());
* A {@link Sink} for use with {@link FileIO#write} and {@link FileIO#writeDynamic}, writing
* elements with a given (common) schema, like {@link #writeGenericRecords(String)}.
public static <ElementT extends IndexedRecord> Sink<ElementT> sink(String jsonSchema) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_Sink.Builder<ElementT>()
* A {@link Sink} for use with {@link FileIO#write} and {@link FileIO#writeDynamic}, writing
* elements by converting each one to a {@link GenericRecord} with a given (common) schema, like
* {@link #writeCustomTypeToGenericRecords()}.
* @deprecated RecordFormatter will be removed in future versions.
public static <ElementT> Sink<ElementT> sinkViaGenericRecords(
Schema schema, RecordFormatter<ElementT> formatter) {
return new AutoValue_AvroIO_Sink.Builder<ElementT>()
/** Implementation of {@link #sink} and {@link #sinkViaGenericRecords}. */
public abstract static class Sink<ElementT> implements FileIO.Sink<ElementT> {
/** @deprecated RecordFormatter will be removed in future versions. */
abstract @Nullable RecordFormatter<ElementT> getRecordFormatter();
abstract @Nullable String getJsonSchema();
abstract Map<String, Object> getMetadata();
abstract SerializableAvroCodecFactory getCodec();
abstract Builder<ElementT> toBuilder();
abstract static class Builder<ElementT> {
/** @deprecated RecordFormatter will be removed in future versions. */
abstract Builder<ElementT> setRecordFormatter(RecordFormatter<ElementT> formatter);
abstract Builder<ElementT> setJsonSchema(String jsonSchema);
abstract Builder<ElementT> setMetadata(Map<String, Object> metadata);
abstract Builder<ElementT> setCodec(SerializableAvroCodecFactory codec);
abstract Sink<ElementT> build();
/** Specifies to put the given metadata into each generated file. By default, empty. */
public Sink<ElementT> withMetadata(Map<String, Object> metadata) {
return toBuilder().setMetadata(metadata).build();
* Specifies to use the given {@link CodecFactory} for each generated file. By default, {@code
* CodecFactory.snappyCodec()}.
public Sink<ElementT> withCodec(CodecFactory codec) {
return toBuilder().setCodec(new SerializableAvroCodecFactory(codec)).build();
private transient @Nullable Schema schema;
private transient @Nullable DataFileWriter<ElementT> reflectWriter;
private transient @Nullable DataFileWriter<GenericRecord> genericWriter;
public void open(WritableByteChannel channel) throws IOException {
this.schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(getJsonSchema());
DataFileWriter<?> writer;
if (getRecordFormatter() == null) {
writer = reflectWriter = new DataFileWriter<>(new ReflectDatumWriter<>(schema));
} else {
writer = genericWriter = new DataFileWriter<>(new GenericDatumWriter<>(schema));
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : getMetadata().entrySet()) {
Object v = entry.getValue();
if (v instanceof String) {
writer.setMeta(entry.getKey(), (String) v);
} else if (v instanceof Long) {
writer.setMeta(entry.getKey(), (Long) v);
} else if (v instanceof byte[]) {
writer.setMeta(entry.getKey(), (byte[]) v);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Metadata value type must be one of String, Long, or byte[]. Found "
+ v.getClass().getSimpleName());
writer.create(schema, Channels.newOutputStream(channel));
public void write(ElementT element) throws IOException {
if (getRecordFormatter() == null) {
} else {
genericWriter.append(getRecordFormatter().formatRecord(element, schema));
public void flush() throws IOException {
MoreObjects.firstNonNull(reflectWriter, genericWriter).flush();
/** Disallow construction of utility class. */
private AvroIO() {}