blob: dc27fc6f696949701ef6dccc6c1a7091f250a8e4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* Protocol Buffers describing the Artifact API, for communicating with a runner
* for artifact staging and retrieval over GRPC.
syntax = "proto3";
package org.apache.beam.model.job_management.v1;
option go_package = ";jobmanagement_v1";
option java_package = "org.apache.beam.model.jobmanagement.v1";
option java_outer_classname = "ArtifactApi";
import "beam_runner_api.proto";
// A service to retrieve artifacts for use in a Job.
service ArtifactRetrievalService {
// Resolves the given artifact references into one or more replacement
// artifact references (e.g. a Maven dependency into a (transitive) set
// of jars.
rpc ResolveArtifacts(ResolveArtifactsRequest) returns (ResolveArtifactsResponse);
// Retrieves the given artifact as a stream of bytes.
rpc GetArtifact(GetArtifactRequest) returns (stream GetArtifactResponse);
// TODO(robertwb): Consider a MergeArtifacts rpc that takes a list of
// lists of artifacts and tries to consistently resolve them.
// A service that allows the client to act as an ArtifactRetrievalService,
// for a particular job with the server initiating requests and receiving
// responses.
// A client calls the service with an ArtifactResponseWrapper that has the
// staging token set, and thereafter responds to the server's requests.
service ArtifactStagingService {
rpc ReverseArtifactRetrievalService(stream ArtifactResponseWrapper)
returns (stream ArtifactRequestWrapper);
// A request for artifact resolution.
message ResolveArtifactsRequest {
// An (ordered) set of artifacts to (jointly) resolve.
repeated org.apache.beam.model.pipeline.v1.ArtifactInformation artifacts = 1;
// A set of artifact type urns that are understood by the requester.
// An attempt should be made to resolve the artifacts in terms of these URNs,
// but other URNs may be used as well with the understanding that they must
// be fetch-able as bytes via GetArtifact.
repeated string preferred_urns = 2;
// A response for artifact resolution.
message ResolveArtifactsResponse {
// A full (ordered) set of replacements for the set of requested artifacts,
// preferably in terms of the requested type URNs. If there is no better
// resolution, the original list is returned.
repeated org.apache.beam.model.pipeline.v1.ArtifactInformation replacements = 1;
// A request to get an artifact.
message GetArtifactRequest {
org.apache.beam.model.pipeline.v1.ArtifactInformation artifact = 1;
// Part of a response to getting an artifact.
message GetArtifactResponse {
bytes data = 1;
// Wraps an ArtifactRetrievalService request for use in ReverseArtifactRetrievalService.
message ArtifactRequestWrapper {
oneof request {
ResolveArtifactsRequest resolve_artifact = 1000;
GetArtifactRequest get_artifact = 1001;
// Wraps an ArtifactRetrievalService response for use in ReverseArtifactRetrievalService.
message ArtifactResponseWrapper {
// A token indicating which job these artifacts are being staged for.
string staging_token = 1;
// Whether this is the last response for this request (for those responses that
// would typically be terminated by the end of the response stream.)
bool is_last = 2;
// The response itself.
oneof response {
ResolveArtifactsResponse resolve_artifact_response = 1000;
GetArtifactResponse get_artifact_response = 1001;
// Legacy artifact staging service for pipeline-level artifacts.
// A service to stage artifacts for use in a Job.
service LegacyArtifactStagingService {
// Stage an artifact to be available during job execution. The first request must contain the
// name of the artifact. All future requests must contain sequential chunks of the content of
// the artifact.
rpc PutArtifact(stream PutArtifactRequest) returns (PutArtifactResponse);
// Commit the manifest for a Job. All artifacts must have been successfully uploaded
// before this call is made.
// Throws error INVALID_ARGUMENT if not all of the members of the manifest are present
rpc CommitManifest(CommitManifestRequest) returns (CommitManifestResponse);
// A service to retrieve artifacts for use in a Job.
service LegacyArtifactRetrievalService {
// Get the manifest for the job
rpc GetManifest(GetManifestRequest) returns (GetManifestResponse);
// Get an artifact staged for the job. The requested artifact must be within the manifest
rpc GetArtifact(LegacyGetArtifactRequest) returns (stream ArtifactChunk);
// An artifact identifier and associated metadata.
message ArtifactMetadata {
// (Required) The name of the artifact.
string name = 1;
// (Optional) The Unix-like permissions of the artifact
uint32 permissions = 2;
// (Optional) The hex-encoded sha256 checksum of the artifact. Used, among other things, by
// harness boot code to validate the integrity of the artifact.
string sha256 = 4;
// A collection of artifacts.
message Manifest {
repeated ArtifactMetadata artifact = 1;
// A manifest with location information.
message ProxyManifest {
Manifest manifest = 1;
message Location {
string name = 1;
string uri = 2;
repeated Location location = 2;
// A request to get the manifest of a Job.
message GetManifestRequest {
// (Required) An opaque token representing the entirety of the staged artifacts.
// Returned in CommitManifestResponse.
string retrieval_token = 1;
// A response containing a job manifest.
message GetManifestResponse {
Manifest manifest = 1;
// A request to get an artifact. The artifact must be present in the manifest for the job.
message LegacyGetArtifactRequest {
// (Required) The name of the artifact to retrieve.
string name = 1;
// (Required) An opaque token representing the entirety of the staged artifacts.
// Returned in CommitManifestResponse.
string retrieval_token = 2;
// Part of an artifact.
message ArtifactChunk {
bytes data = 1;
message PutArtifactMetadata {
// (Required) A token for artifact staging session. This token can be obtained
// from PrepareJob request in JobService
string staging_session_token = 1;
// (Required) The Artifact metadata.
ArtifactMetadata metadata = 2;
// A request to stage an artifact.
message PutArtifactRequest {
// (Required)
oneof content {
// The first message in a PutArtifact call must contain this field.
PutArtifactMetadata metadata = 1;
// A chunk of the artifact. All messages after the first in a PutArtifact call must contain a
// chunk.
ArtifactChunk data = 2;
message PutArtifactResponse {
// A request to commit the manifest for a Job. All artifacts must have been successfully uploaded
// before this call is made.
message CommitManifestRequest {
// (Required) The manifest to commit.
Manifest manifest = 1;
// (Required) A token for artifact staging session. This token can be obtained
// from PrepareJob request in JobService
string staging_session_token = 2;
// The result of committing a manifest.
message CommitManifestResponse {
enum Constants {
// Token indicating that no artifacts were staged and therefore no retrieval attempt is necessary.
NO_ARTIFACTS_STAGED_TOKEN = 0 [(org.apache.beam.model.pipeline.v1.beam_constant) = "__no_artifacts_staged__"];
// (Required) An opaque token representing the entirety of the staged artifacts.
// This can be used to retrieve the manifest and artifacts from an associated
// LegacyArtifactRetrievalService.
string retrieval_token = 1;