blob: cb4cf0114263609f3c9edc31e5b8ceb354e52753 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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""" Support for mapping python types to proto Schemas and back again.
Python Schema
np.int8 <-----> BYTE
np.int16 <-----> INT16
np.int32 <-----> INT32
np.int64 <-----> INT64
int ---/
np.float32 <-----> FLOAT
np.float64 <-----> DOUBLE
float ---/
bool <-----> BOOLEAN
The mappings for STRING and BYTES are different between python 2 and python 3,
because of the changes to str:
str/unicode <-----> STRING
bytes <-----> BYTES
ByteString ---/
str will be rejected since it is ambiguous.
unicode <-----> STRING
ByteString <-----> BYTES
# pytype: skip-file
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from typing import ByteString
from typing import Mapping
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from uuid import uuid4
import numpy as np
from past.builtins import unicode
from apache_beam.portability.api import schema_pb2
from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import _get_args
from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import _match_is_exactly_mapping
from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import _match_is_named_tuple
from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import _match_is_optional
from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import _safe_issubclass
from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import extract_optional_type
from apache_beam.utils import proto_utils
# Registry of typings for a schema by UUID
class SchemaTypeRegistry(object):
def __init__(self):
self.by_id = {}
self.by_typing = {}
def add(self, typing, schema):
self.by_id[] = (typing, schema)
def get_typing_by_id(self, unique_id):
result = self.by_id.get(unique_id, None)
return result[0] if result is not None else None
def get_schema_by_id(self, unique_id):
result = self.by_id.get(unique_id, None)
return result[1] if result is not None else None
SCHEMA_REGISTRY = SchemaTypeRegistry()
# Bi-directional mappings
(np.int8, schema_pb2.BYTE),
(np.int16, schema_pb2.INT16),
(np.int32, schema_pb2.INT32),
(np.int64, schema_pb2.INT64),
(np.float32, schema_pb2.FLOAT),
(np.float64, schema_pb2.DOUBLE),
(unicode, schema_pb2.STRING),
(bool, schema_pb2.BOOLEAN),
# TODO(BEAM-7372): Use bytes instead of ByteString
(bytes if sys.version_info.major >= 3 else ByteString, schema_pb2.BYTES),
PRIMITIVE_TO_ATOMIC_TYPE = dict((typ, atomic) for typ, atomic in _PRIMITIVES)
ATOMIC_TYPE_TO_PRIMITIVE = dict((atomic, typ) for typ, atomic in _PRIMITIVES)
# One-way mappings
# In python 2, this is a no-op because we define it as the bi-directional
# mapping above. This just ensures the one-way mapping is defined in python
# 3.
# TODO(BEAM-7372): Use bytes instead of ByteString
ByteString: schema_pb2.BYTES,
# Allow users to specify a native int, and use INT64 as the cross-language
# representation. Technically ints have unlimited precision, but RowCoder
# should throw an error if it sees one with a bit width > 64 when encoding.
int: schema_pb2.INT64,
float: schema_pb2.DOUBLE,
# Name of the attribute added to user types (existing and generated) to store
# the corresponding schema ID
_BEAM_SCHEMA_ID = "_beam_schema_id"
def named_fields_to_schema(names_and_types):
return schema_pb2.Schema(
schema_pb2.Field(name=name, type=typing_to_runner_api(type))
for (name, type) in names_and_types
def typing_to_runner_api(type_):
if _match_is_named_tuple(type_):
schema = None
if hasattr(type_, _BEAM_SCHEMA_ID):
schema = SCHEMA_REGISTRY.get_schema_by_id(getattr(type_, _BEAM_SCHEMA_ID))
if schema is None:
fields = [
name=name, type=typing_to_runner_api(type_._field_types[name]))
for name in type_._fields
type_id = str(uuid4())
schema = schema_pb2.Schema(fields=fields, id=type_id)
setattr(type_, _BEAM_SCHEMA_ID, type_id)
SCHEMA_REGISTRY.add(type_, schema)
return schema_pb2.FieldType(row_type=schema_pb2.RowType(schema=schema))
# All concrete types (other than NamedTuple sub-classes) should map to
# a supported primitive type.
return schema_pb2.FieldType(atomic_type=PRIMITIVE_TO_ATOMIC_TYPE[type_])
elif sys.version_info.major == 2 and type_ == str:
raise ValueError(
"type 'str' is not supported in python 2. Please use 'unicode' or "
"'typing.ByteString' instead to unambiguously indicate if this is a "
"UTF-8 string or a byte array.")
elif _match_is_exactly_mapping(type_):
key_type, value_type = map(typing_to_runner_api, _get_args(type_))
return schema_pb2.FieldType(
map_type=schema_pb2.MapType(key_type=key_type, value_type=value_type))
elif _match_is_optional(type_):
# It's possible that a user passes us Optional[Optional[T]], but in python
# typing this is indistinguishable from Optional[T] - both resolve to
# Union[T, None] - so there's no need to check for that case here.
result = typing_to_runner_api(extract_optional_type(type_))
result.nullable = True
return result
elif _safe_issubclass(type_, Sequence):
element_type = typing_to_runner_api(_get_args(type_)[0])
return schema_pb2.FieldType(
elif _safe_issubclass(type_, Mapping):
key_type, value_type = map(typing_to_runner_api, _get_args(type_))
return schema_pb2.FieldType(
map_type=schema_pb2.MapType(key_type=key_type, value_type=value_type))
raise ValueError("Unsupported type: %s" % type_)
def typing_from_runner_api(fieldtype_proto):
if fieldtype_proto.nullable:
# In order to determine the inner type, create a copy of fieldtype_proto
# with nullable=False and pass back to typing_from_runner_api
base_type = schema_pb2.FieldType()
base_type.nullable = False
return Optional[typing_from_runner_api(base_type)]
type_info = fieldtype_proto.WhichOneof("type_info")
if type_info == "atomic_type":
return ATOMIC_TYPE_TO_PRIMITIVE[fieldtype_proto.atomic_type]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported atomic type: {0}".format(fieldtype_proto.atomic_type))
elif type_info == "array_type":
return Sequence[typing_from_runner_api(
elif type_info == "map_type":
return Mapping[typing_from_runner_api(fieldtype_proto.map_type.key_type),
elif type_info == "row_type":
schema = fieldtype_proto.row_type.schema
user_type = SCHEMA_REGISTRY.get_typing_by_id(
if user_type is None:
from apache_beam import coders
type_name = 'BeamSchema_{}'.format('-', '_'))
user_type = NamedTuple(
[(, typing_from_runner_api(field.type))
for field in schema.fields])
setattr(user_type, _BEAM_SCHEMA_ID,
# Define a reduce function, otherwise these types can't be pickled
# (See BEAM-9574)
def __reduce__(self):
return (
(schema.SerializeToString(), tuple(self)))
setattr(user_type, '__reduce__', __reduce__)
SCHEMA_REGISTRY.add(user_type, schema)
coders.registry.register_coder(user_type, coders.RowCoder)
return user_type
elif type_info == "logical_type":
pass # TODO
def _hydrate_namedtuple_instance(encoded_schema, values):
return named_tuple_from_schema(
proto_utils.parse_Bytes(encoded_schema, schema_pb2.Schema))(*values)
def named_tuple_from_schema(schema):
return typing_from_runner_api(
def named_tuple_to_schema(named_tuple):
return typing_to_runner_api(named_tuple).row_type.schema