blob: 5f673efcceddf92ef9448de52bf76ab201a30457 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script performs basic analytic of performance tests results.
# It operates in two modes:
# --mode=report - In this mode script iterates over list of BigQuery tables and
# analyses the data. This mode is intended to be run on a regulars basis, e.g. daily.
# Report will contain average tests execution time of given metric, its comparison with
# average calculated from historical data, recent standard deviation and standard
# deviation calculated based on historical data.
# --mode=validation - In this mode script will analyse single BigQuery table and check
# recent results.
# Other parameters are described in script. Notification is optional parameter.
# --send_notification - if present, script will send notification to slack channel.
# Requires setting env variable SLACK_WEBOOK_URL which value could be obtained by
# creating incoming webhook on Slack.
# This script is intended to be used only by Jenkins.
# Example script usage:
# \
# --bqtable='["beam_performance.avroioit_hdfs_pkb_results", \
# "beam_performance.textioit_pkb_results"]' \
# --metric="run_time" --mode=report --send_notification
import argparse, time, calendar, json, re, os, requests
from import bigquery
### TIME SETTINGS ###########
TIME_PATTERN = '%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S'
NOW = int(time.time())
# First analysis time interval definition - 24h before
TIME_POINT_1 = NOW - 1 * 86400
# Second analysis time interval definition - week before
TIME_POINT_2 = NOW - 7 * 86400
SLACK_USER = os.getenv('SLACK_USER', "jenkins-beam")
SLACK_CHANNEL = os.getenv('SLACK_CHANNEL', "beam-testing")
def submit_big_query_job(sql_command, return_type):
""" Submits job to BigQuery.
:param sql_command: string that contains SQL command that will be run on BigQuery table.
:param return_type: type of the result expected after executing SQL command.
:return: depending on return type, this could be a single value or None
query_job = client.query(sql_command)
results = query_job.result()
if return_type == "value":
# All queries must have single element in output displayed as query_result
for row in results:
return row.query_result
print("This type is not supported")
return None
def count_queries(table_name, time_start, time_stop, metric):
""" Counts how many rows of data was inserted in given time interval for given metric name
:param table_name: BigQuery table name that query will be run over.
:param time_start: timestamp value representing the starting point in further history.
:param time_stop: timestamp representing the ending point in closer history/present.
:param metric: string with metric name that will be checked.
:return: number of rows.
sql_command = 'select count(*) as query_result from {} where TIMESTAMP > {} and TIMESTAMP < {} and METRIC=\'{}\''.format(
count = submit_big_query_job(sql_command, "value")
print("Number of records inserted into {} between {} - {}: {}".format(
time.strftime(TIME_PATTERN, time.gmtime(time_start)),
time.strftime(TIME_PATTERN, time.gmtime(time_stop)),
return count
def get_average_from(table_name, time_start, time_stop, metric):
""" Calculates the average value of given metric in a period of time.
:param table_name: BigQuery table name that query will be run over.
:param time_start: timestamp value representing the starting point in further history.
:param time_stop: timestamp representing the ending point in closer history/present.
:param metric: string with metric name that will be checked.
:return: calculated average value.
sql_command = 'select avg(value) as query_result from {} where TIMESTAMP > {} and TIMESTAMP < {} and METRIC=\'{}\''.format(
average = submit_big_query_job(sql_command, "value")
return average
def get_stddev_from(table_name, time_start, time_stop, metric):
""" Calculates the standard deviation of give metric in a period of time.
:param table_name: BigQuery table name that query will be run over.
:param time_start: timestamp value representing the starting point in further history.
:param time_stop: timestamp representing the ending point in closer history/present.
:param metric: string with metric name that will be checked.
:return: calculated standard deviation value.
sql_command = 'select stddev(value) as query_result from {} where TIMESTAMP > {} and TIMESTAMP < {} and METRIC=\'{}\''.format(
stddev = submit_big_query_job(sql_command, "value")
return stddev
def calculate_historical_data(table_name, time_start, time_stop, metric, nb_older_records, average_recent):
""" Calculates percentage increase/descrease of average. Recent average is given as parameter
and historical average is calculated in given period of time. Additionally historical standard
deviation is calculated.
:param table_name: BigQuery table name that query will be run over.
:param time_start: timestamp value representing the starting point in further history.
:param time_stop: timestamp representing the ending point in closer history/present.
:param metric: string with metric name that will be checked.
:param nb_older_records: number of rows with historical data.
:param average_recent: average value from recent data.
:returns: percentage increase and historical standard deviation.
average_old = get_average_from(table_name, time_start, time_stop, metric)
if nb_older_records > 1:
stddev_old = get_stddev_from(table_name, time_start, time_stop, metric)
# Standard deviation is 0 when there is only single value.
stddev_old = 0
percentage_increase = 100*(average_recent - average_old)/average_old
return percentage_increase, stddev_old
def update_messages(table_name, metric, average_recent, percentage_increase, stddev_recent, stddev_old,
report_message, slack_report_message):
""" This function updates messages for given table.
:param table_name: BigQuery table name that was analysed.
:param metric: string with metric name.
:param average_recent: calculated average from recent data.
:param percentage_increase: calculated percentage increase based on recent and historical data.
:param stddev_recent: calculated standard deviation from recent data.
:param stddev_old: calculated standard deviation based on historical data.
:param report_message: message to be updated. This message will be printed out in Jenkins.
:param slack_report_message: message to be updated. This message will be sent on Slack.
:returns: updated messages.
if percentage_increase > 10:
msg_app = '+++'
elif 5 < percentage_increase <= 10:
msg_app = '++'
elif 0 < percentage_increase <= 5:
msg_app = '+'
elif -5 < percentage_increase < 0:
msg_app = '-'
elif -10 < percentage_increase <= -5:
msg_app = '--'
elif percentage_increase < -10:
msg_app = '---'
msg_app = ''
report_message = report_message + '{} - {}, avg_time {:.2f}s, change {:+.3f}%, stddev {:.2f}, stddev_old {:.2f} # => {} \n'.format(
table_name, metric, average_recent, percentage_increase, stddev_recent, stddev_old, msg_app)
slack_report_message = slack_report_message + format_slack_message(
table_name, metric, average_recent, percentage_increase, stddev_recent, stddev_old)
return report_message, slack_report_message
def create_report(bq_tables, metric, send_notification):
""" Creates daily report. This method takes a list of BigQuery tables. For each table
averages, standard deviation and percentage increase is calculated, those values are
used to update report messages and provide visible notification about changes of given metric.
Report is printed out once all tables are processed.
:param bq_tables: list of BigQuery tables to be included in generated report.
:param metric: string with metric name.
:param send_notification: boolean, if set to True report will be sent to Slack.
:return: message containing generated report.
report_message = ''
slack_report_message = ''
for bq_table in bq_tables:
# Get raw table name
bq_table_name = re.sub(r'\"|\[|\]', '', bq_table).strip()
# Make sure there was data records inserted
nb_recent_records = count_queries(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_1, NOW, metric)
if nb_recent_records == 0:
report_message = report_message + '{} there were no test results uploaded in recent 24h. \n'.format(bq_table_name)
slack_report_message = slack_report_message + '`{}` there were no test results uploaded in recent 24h. :bangbang:\n'.format(bq_table_name)
average_recent = get_average_from(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_1, NOW, metric)
if nb_recent_records > 1:
stddev_recent = get_stddev_from(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_1, NOW, metric)
# Standard deviation is 0 when there is only single value.
stddev_recent = 0
nb_older_records = count_queries(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_2, TIME_POINT_1, metric)
if nb_older_records > 0:
percentage_change, stddev_old = \
calculate_historical_data(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_2, TIME_POINT_1, metric, nb_older_records, average_recent)
report_message, slack_report_message = \
update_messages(bq_table_name, metric, average_recent, percentage_change, stddev_recent, stddev_old, report_message, slack_report_message)
if send_notification:
return report_message
def validate_single_performance_test(bq_tables, metric, send_notification):
# This function validates single test, runs after tests execution
report_message = ''
slack_report_message = ''
for bq_table in bq_tables:
# Get raw table name
bq_table_name = re.sub(r'\"|\[|\]', '', bq_table).strip()
nb_recent_records = count_queries(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_1, NOW, metric)
average_recent = get_average_from(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_1, NOW, metric)
if nb_recent_records > 1:
stddev_recent = get_stddev_from(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_1, NOW, metric)
stddev_recent = 0
nb_older_records = count_queries(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_2, TIME_POINT_1, metric)
if nb_older_records > 0:
percentage_change, stddev_old = \
calculate_historical_data(bq_table_name, TIME_POINT_2, TIME_POINT_1, metric, nb_older_records, average_recent)
report_message, slack_report_message = \
update_messages(bq_table_name, metric, average_recent, percentage_change, stddev_recent, stddev_old, report_message, slack_report_message)
if send_notification:
return report_message
def format_slack_message(table_name, metric, avg_time, increase, stddev, stddev_old):
""" Formats slack message using slack emojis.
:param table_name: BigQuery table name that was analysed.
:param metric: string with metric name.
:param avg_time: calculated average time for recent data of given metric.
:param increase: percentage increase.
:param stddev: calculated standard deviation based on historical data.
:param stddev_old: calculated standard deviation based on historical data.
:return: formatted message.
table_name_formatted = '`{}`'.format(table_name)
# Depending on change value bold or highlight and add emoji
if increase is None:
increase_formatted = "NA"
elif increase >= 0:
increase_formatted = '`{:+.3f}%` :-1:'.format(increase)
increase_formatted = '*{:+.3f}%* :+1:'.format(increase)
# Bold if value available
stddev_formatted = '*{:.2f}*'.format(stddev)
stddev_old_formatted = '*{:.2f}*'.format(stddev_old)
return '{} - \"{}\", avg_time {:.2f}s, change {}, stddev {}, stddev_old {} \n'.format(
table_name_formatted, metric, avg_time, increase_formatted, stddev_formatted, stddev_old_formatted)
def notify_on_slack(message):
""" This function sends message to Slack as SLACK_USER to channel defined in SLACK_CHANNEL
variable using token in SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL variable.
:param message: message to be send on Slack.
:return: None
data = {
'text': message,
'username': SLACK_USER,
'icon_emoji': ':robot_face:',
'channel': SLACK_CHANNEL
response =, data=json.dumps(
data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
print('Response: ' + str(response.text))
print('Response code: ' + str(response.status_code))
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--bqtable", help="List of tables you want to check.")
parser.add_argument("--metric", help="Metric name you want to validate.")
parser.add_argument("--mode", help="Script mode: report/validate", default="validate")
parser.add_argument("--send_notification", help="Send slack notification.", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
client = bigquery.Client()
bq_tables = args.bqtable.split(",")
metric = args.metric.strip()
send_notification = args.send_notification
if args.mode == "report":
create_report(bq_tables, metric, send_notification)
elif args.mode == "validate":
validate_single_performance_test(bq_tables, metric, send_notification)
print("This mode is not supported yet.")