blob: 054e34fe0bc9a69b5ded8e318fcefb1708b5db00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package exec
import (
// DataSource is a Root execution unit.
type DataSource struct {
SID StreamID
Name string
Coder *coder.Coder
Out Node
source DataManager
state StateReader
// TODO(lostluck) 2020/02/06: refactor to support more general PCollection metrics on nodes.
outputPID string // The index is the output count for the PCollection.
index int64
splitIdx int64
start time.Time
// rt is non-nil if this DataSource feeds directly to a splittable unit,
// and receives the current restriction tracker being processed.
rt chan sdf.RTracker
mu sync.Mutex
// Initializes the rt channel from the following unit when applicable.
func (n *DataSource) InitSplittable() {
if n.Out == nil {
if u, ok := n.Out.(*ProcessSizedElementsAndRestrictions); ok == true {
n.rt = u.Rt
// ID returns the UnitID for this node.
func (n *DataSource) ID() UnitID {
return n.UID
// Up initializes this datasource.
func (n *DataSource) Up(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
// StartBundle initializes this datasource for the bundle.
func (n *DataSource) StartBundle(ctx context.Context, id string, data DataContext) error {
n.source = data.Data
n.state = data.State
n.start = time.Now()
n.index = -1
n.splitIdx = math.MaxInt64
return n.Out.StartBundle(ctx, id, data)
// Process opens the data source, reads and decodes data, kicking off element processing.
func (n *DataSource) Process(ctx context.Context) error {
r, err := n.source.OpenRead(ctx, n.SID)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Close()
c := coder.SkipW(n.Coder)
wc := MakeWindowDecoder(n.Coder.Window)
var cp ElementDecoder // Decoder for the primary element or the key in CoGBKs.
var cvs []ElementDecoder // Decoders for each value stream in CoGBKs.
switch {
case coder.IsCoGBK(c):
cp = MakeElementDecoder(c.Components[0])
// TODO(BEAM-490): Support multiple value streams (coder components) with
// with CoGBK.
cvs = []ElementDecoder{MakeElementDecoder(c.Components[1])}
cp = MakeElementDecoder(c)
for {
if n.incrementIndexAndCheckSplit() {
return nil
ws, t, err := DecodeWindowedValueHeader(wc, r)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
return errors.Wrap(err, "source failed")
// Decode key or parallel element.
pe, err := cp.Decode(r)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "source decode failed")
pe.Timestamp = t
pe.Windows = ws
var valReStreams []ReStream
for _, cv := range cvs {
values, err := n.makeReStream(ctx, pe, cv, r)
if err != nil {
return err
valReStreams = append(valReStreams, values)
if err := n.Out.ProcessElement(ctx, pe, valReStreams...); err != nil {
return err
func (n *DataSource) makeReStream(ctx context.Context, key *FullValue, cv ElementDecoder, r io.ReadCloser) (ReStream, error) {
size, err := coder.DecodeInt32(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "stream size decoding failed")
switch {
case size >= 0:
// Single chunk streams are fully read in and buffered in memory.
buf := make([]FullValue, 0, size)
buf, err = readStreamToBuffer(cv, r, int64(size), buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &FixedReStream{Buf: buf}, nil
case size == -1: // Shouldn't this be 0?
// Multi-chunked stream.
var buf []FullValue
for {
chunk, err := coder.DecodeVarInt(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "stream chunk size decoding failed")
// All done, escape out.
switch {
case chunk == 0: // End of stream, return buffer.
return &FixedReStream{Buf: buf}, nil
case chunk > 0: // Non-zero chunk, read that many elements from the stream, and buffer them.
chunkBuf := make([]FullValue, 0, chunk)
chunkBuf, err = readStreamToBuffer(cv, r, chunk, chunkBuf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf = append(buf, chunkBuf...)
case chunk == -1: // State backed iterable!
chunk, err := coder.DecodeVarInt(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
token, err := ioutilx.ReadN(r, (int)(chunk))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &concatReStream{
first: &FixedReStream{Buf: buf},
next: &proxyReStream{
open: func() (Stream, error) {
r, err := n.state.OpenIterable(ctx, n.SID, token)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &elementStream{r: r, ec: cv}, nil
}, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("multi-chunk stream with invalid chunk size of %d", chunk)
return nil, errors.Errorf("received stream with marker size of %d", size)
func readStreamToBuffer(cv ElementDecoder, r io.ReadCloser, size int64, buf []FullValue) ([]FullValue, error) {
for i := int64(0); i < size; i++ {
value, err := cv.Decode(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "stream value decode failed")
buf = append(buf, *value)
return buf, nil
// FinishBundle resets the source.
func (n *DataSource) FinishBundle(ctx context.Context) error {
log.Infof(ctx, "DataSource: %d elements in %d ns", n.index, time.Now().Sub(n.start))
n.source = nil
n.splitIdx = 0 // Ensure errors are returned for split requests if this plan is re-used.
return n.Out.FinishBundle(ctx)
// Down resets the source.
func (n *DataSource) Down(ctx context.Context) error {
n.source = nil
return nil
func (n *DataSource) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("DataSource[%v, %v] Coder:%v Out:%v", n.SID, n.Name, n.Coder, n.Out.ID())
// incrementIndexAndCheckSplit increments DataSource.index by one and checks if
// the caller should abort further element processing, and finish the bundle.
// Returns true if the new value of index is greater than or equal to the split
// index, and false otherwise.
func (n *DataSource) incrementIndexAndCheckSplit() bool {
b := false
if n.index >= n.splitIdx {
b = true
return b
// ProgressReportSnapshot captures the progress reading an input source.
// TODO(lostluck) 2020/02/06: Add a visitor pattern for collecting progress
// metrics from downstream Nodes.
type ProgressReportSnapshot struct {
ID, Name, PID string
Count int64
// Progress returns a snapshot of the source's progress.
func (n *DataSource) Progress() ProgressReportSnapshot {
if n == nil {
return ProgressReportSnapshot{}
// The count is the number of "completely processed elements"
// which matches the index of the currently processing element.
c := n.index
// Do not sent negative progress reports, index is initialized to 0.
if c < 0 {
c = 0
return ProgressReportSnapshot{PID: n.outputPID, ID: n.SID.PtransformID, Name: n.Name, Count: c}
// Split takes a sorted set of potential split indices and a fraction of the
// remainder to split at, selects and actuates a split on an appropriate split
// index, and returns the selected split index if successful or an error when
// unsuccessful.
// The bufSize param specifies the estimated number of elements that will be
// sent to this DataSource, and is used to be able to perform accurate splits
// even if the DataSource has not yet received all its elements. A bufSize of
// 0 or less indicates that its unknown, and so uses the current known size.
func (n *DataSource) Split(splits []int64, frac float64, bufSize int64) (int64, error) {
if n == nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to split at requested splits: {%v}, DataSource not initialized", splits)
if frac > 1.0 {
frac = 1.0
} else if frac < 0.0 {
frac = 0.0
var currProg float64 // Current element progress.
if n.index < 0 { // Progress is at the end of the non-existant -1st element.
currProg = 1.0
} else if n.rt == nil { // If this isn't sub-element splittable, estimate some progress.
currProg = 0.5
} else { // If this is sub-element splittable, get progress of the current element.
rt := <-n.rt
d, r := rt.GetProgress()
currProg = d / (d + r)
n.rt <- rt
// Size to split within is the minimum of bufSize or splitIdx so we avoid
// including elements we already know won't be processed.
if bufSize <= 0 || n.splitIdx < bufSize {
bufSize = n.splitIdx
s, _, err := splitHelper(n.index, bufSize, currProg, splits, frac, false)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n.splitIdx = s
fs := n.splitIdx
return fs, nil
// splitHelper is a helper function that finds a split point in a range.
// currIdx and endIdx should match the DataSource's index and splitIdx fields,
// and represent the start and end of the splittable range respectively.
// currProg represents the progress through the current element (currIdx).
// splits is an optional slice of valid split indices, and if nil then all
// indices are considered valid split points.
// frac must be between [0, 1], and represents a fraction of the remaining work
// that the split point aims to be as close as possible to.
// splittable indicates that sub-element splitting is possible (i.e. the next
// unit is an SDF).
// Returns the element index to split at (first element of residual), and the
// fraction within that element to split, iff the split point is the current
// element, the splittable param is set to true, and both the element being
// split and the following element are valid split points.
func splitHelper(
currIdx, endIdx int64,
currProg float64,
splits []int64,
frac float64,
splittable bool) (int64, float64, error) {
// Get split index from fraction. Find the closest index to the fraction of
// the remainder.
start := float64(currIdx) + currProg
safeStart := currIdx + 1 // safeStart avoids splitting at 0, or <= currIdx
if safeStart <= 0 {
safeStart = 1
var splitFloat = start + frac*(float64(endIdx)-start)
// Handle simpler cases where all split points are valid first.
if len(splits) == 0 {
if splittable && int64(splitFloat) == currIdx {
// Sub-element splitting is valid here, so return fraction.
_, f := math.Modf(splitFloat)
return int64(splitFloat), f, nil
// All split points are valid so just split at safe index closest to
// fraction.
splitIdx := int64(math.Round(splitFloat))
if splitIdx < safeStart {
splitIdx = safeStart
return splitIdx, 0.0, nil
// Cases where we have to find a valid split point.
sort.Slice(splits, func(i, j int) bool { return splits[i] < splits[j] })
if splittable && int64(splitFloat) == currIdx {
// Check valid split points to see if we can do a sub-element split.
// We need to find the currIdx and currIdx + 1 for it to be valid.
c, cp1 := false, false
for _, s := range splits {
if s == currIdx {
c = true
} else if s == currIdx+1 {
cp1 = true
} else if s > currIdx+1 {
if c && cp1 {
// Sub-element splitting is valid here, so return fraction.
_, f := math.Modf(splitFloat)
return int64(splitFloat), f, nil
// For non-sub-element splitting, find the closest unprocessed split
// point to our fraction.
var prevDiff = math.MaxFloat64
var bestS int64 = -1
for _, s := range splits {
if s >= safeStart && s <= endIdx {
diff := math.Abs(splitFloat - float64(s))
if diff <= prevDiff {
prevDiff = diff
bestS = s
} else {
break // Stop early if the difference starts increasing.
if bestS != -1 {
return bestS, 0.0, nil
return -1, 0.0, fmt.Errorf("failed to split DataSource (at index: %v) at requested splits: {%v}", currIdx, splits)
type concatReStream struct {
first, next ReStream
func (c *concatReStream) Open() (Stream, error) {
firstStream, err := c.first.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &concatStream{first: firstStream, nextStream:}, nil
type concatStream struct {
first Stream
nextStream ReStream
// Close nils the stream.
func (s *concatStream) Close() error {
if s.first == nil {
return nil
defer func() {
s.first = nil
s.nextStream = nil
return s.first.Close()
func (s *concatStream) Read() (*FullValue, error) {
if s.first == nil { // When the stream is closed.
return nil, io.EOF
fv, err := s.first.Read()
if err == nil {
return fv, nil
if err == io.EOF {
if err := s.first.Close(); err != nil {
s.nextStream = nil
return nil, err
if s.nextStream == nil {
s.first = nil
return nil, io.EOF
s.first, err = s.nextStream.Open()
s.nextStream = nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fv, err := s.first.Read()
return fv, err
return nil, err