blob: 001aedb4a315ddc4c0fa4f4b0795fc51a70895c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.display.DisplayDataMatchers.hasDisplayItem;
import static org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.display.DisplayDataMatchers.includesDisplayDataFor;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.Coder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.SerializableCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptions;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider.StaticValueProvider;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.SourceTestUtils;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.display.DisplayData;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.LzoCompression;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.KV;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2CompressorOutputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.deflate.DeflateCompressorOutputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.GzipCompressorOutputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.snappy.SnappyCompressorOutputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.zstandard.ZstdCompressorOutputStream;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
/** Tests for CompressedSource. */
public class CompressedSourceTest {
private final double delta = 1e-6;
@Rule public TemporaryFolder tmpFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
@Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
/** Test reading nonempty input with gzip. */
public void testReadGzip() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(5000);
runReadTest(input, Compression.GZIP);
/** Test reading nonempty input with lzo. */
public void testReadLzo() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(5000);
runReadTest(input, Compression.LZO);
/** Test reading nonempty input with lzop. */
public void testReadLzop() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(5000);
runReadTest(input, Compression.LZOP);
/** Test reading nonempty input with snappy. */
public void testReadSnappy() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(5000);
runReadTest(input, Compression.SNAPPY);
/** Test splittability of files in AUTO mode. */
public void testAutoSplittable() {
CompressedSource<Byte> source;
// GZip files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.gz", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.GZ", 1));
// BZ2 files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.bz2", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.BZ2", 1));
// ZIP files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.ZIP", 1));
// ZSTD files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.zst", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.ZST", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.zstd", 1));
// LZO files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.lzo_deflate", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.LZO_DEFLATE", 1));
// LZOP files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.lzo", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.LZO", 1));
// DEFLATE files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.deflate", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.DEFLATE", 1));
// SNAPPY files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.snappy", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.SNAPPY", 1));
// Other extensions are assumed to be splittable.
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.txt", 1));
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.csv", 1));
/** Test splittability of files in GZIP mode -- none should be splittable. */
public void testGzipSplittable() {
CompressedSource<Byte> source;
// GZip files are not splittable
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.gz", 1)).withCompression(Compression.GZIP);
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.GZ", 1)).withCompression(Compression.GZIP);
// Other extensions are also not splittable.
source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.txt", 1)).withCompression(Compression.GZIP);
source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.csv", 1)).withCompression(Compression.GZIP);
/** Test splittability of files in LZO mode -- none should be splittable. */
public void testLzoSplittable() {
CompressedSource<Byte> source;
// LZO files are not splittable
source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.lzo_deflate", 1))
// Other extensions are also not splittable.
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.txt", 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZO);
source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.csv", 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZO);
/** Test splittability of files in LZOP mode -- none should be splittable. */
public void testLzopSplittable() {
CompressedSource<Byte> source;
// LZO files are not splittable
source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.lzo", 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZOP);
// Other extensions are also not splittable.
source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.txt", 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZOP);
source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.csv", 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZOP);
/** Test splittability of files in SNAPPY mode -- none should be splittable. */
public void testSnappySplittable() {
CompressedSource<Byte> source;
source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.snappy", 1))
source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource("input.snappy", 1))
/** Test reading nonempty input with bzip2. */
public void testReadBzip2() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(5000);
runReadTest(input, Compression.BZIP2);
/** Test reading nonempty input with zip. */
public void testReadZip() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(5000);
runReadTest(input, Compression.ZIP);
/** Test reading nonempty input with deflate. */
public void testReadDeflate() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(5000);
runReadTest(input, Compression.DEFLATE);
/** Test reading empty input with gzip. */
public void testEmptyReadGzip() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(0);
runReadTest(input, Compression.GZIP);
/** Test reading empty input with zstd. */
public void testEmptyReadZstd() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(0);
runReadTest(input, Compression.ZSTD);
/** Test reading empty input with lzo. */
public void testEmptyReadLzo() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(0);
runReadTest(input, Compression.LZO);
/** Test reading empty input with lzop. */
public void testEmptyReadLzop() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(0);
runReadTest(input, Compression.LZOP);
/** Test reading empty input with snappy. */
public void testEmptyReadSnappy() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(0);
runReadTest(input, Compression.SNAPPY);
private static byte[] compressGzip(byte[] input) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream res = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (GZIPOutputStream gzipStream = new GZIPOutputStream(res)) {
return res.toByteArray();
private static byte[] compressLzo(byte[] input) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream res = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream lzoStream = LzoCompression.createLzoOutputStream(res)) {
return res.toByteArray();
private static byte[] compressLzop(byte[] input) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream res = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream lzopStream = LzoCompression.createLzopOutputStream(res)) {
return res.toByteArray();
private static byte[] compressSnappy(byte[] input) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream res = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream snappyStream = new SnappyCompressorOutputStream(res, input.length)) {
return res.toByteArray();
private static byte[] concat(byte[] first, byte[] second) {
byte[] res = new byte[first.length + second.length];
System.arraycopy(first, 0, res, 0, first.length);
System.arraycopy(second, 0, res, first.length, second.length);
return res;
* Test a concatenation of gzip files is correctly decompressed.
* <p>A concatenation of gzip files as one file is a valid gzip file and should decompress to be
* the concatenation of those individual files.
public void testReadConcatenatedGzip() throws IOException {
byte[] header = "a,b,c\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] body = "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n7,8,9\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] expected = concat(header, body);
byte[] totalGz = concat(compressGzip(header), compressGzip(body));
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(), 1))
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertEquals(Bytes.asList(expected), actual);
* Using Lzo Codec Test a concatenation of lzo files is correctly decompressed.
* <p>A concatenation of lzo files as one file is a valid lzo file and should decompress to be the
* concatenation of those individual files.
public void testReadConcatenatedLzo() throws IOException {
byte[] header = "a,b,c\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] body = "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n7,8,9\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] expected = concat(header, body);
byte[] totalLzo = concat(compressLzo(header), compressLzo(body));
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(), 1))
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertEquals(Bytes.asList(expected), actual);
* Using Lzop Codec Test a concatenation of lzop files is not correctly decompressed.
* <p>The current behaviour of LZOP codec returns the contents of the first file only
public void testFalseReadConcatenatedLzop() throws IOException {
byte[] header = "a,b,c\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] body = "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n7,8,9\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] expected = concat(header, body);
byte[] totalLzop = concat(compressLzop(header), compressLzop(body));
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(), 1))
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertNotEquals(Bytes.asList(expected), actual);
* Test that a concatenation of snappy files is not correctly decompressed. The current behaviour
* of the decompressor returns the contents of the first file only.
public void testFalseReadConcatenatedSnappy() throws IOException {
byte[] header = "a,b,c\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] body = "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n7,8,9\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] headerAndBody = concat(header, body);
byte[] totalSnappy = concat(compressSnappy(header), compressSnappy(body));
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(), 1))
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertNotEquals(Bytes.asList(headerAndBody), actual);
assertEquals(Bytes.asList(header), actual);
* Test a bzip2 file containing multiple streams is correctly decompressed.
* <p>A bzip2 file may contain multiple streams and should decompress as the concatenation of
* those streams.
public void testReadMultiStreamBzip2() throws IOException {
Compression compression = Compression.BZIP2;
byte[] input1 = generateInput(5, 587973);
byte[] input2 = generateInput(5, 387374);
ByteArrayOutputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, stream1, input1)) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, stream2, input2)) {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
byte[] output = Bytes.concat(input1, input2);
verifyReadContents(output, tmpFile, compression);
* Test a lzo file containing multiple streams is correctly decompressed.
* <p>A lzo file may contain multiple streams and should decompress as the concatenation of those
* streams.
public void testReadMultiStreamLzo() throws IOException {
Compression compression = Compression.LZO;
byte[] input1 = generateInput(5, 587973);
byte[] input2 = generateInput(5, 387374);
ByteArrayOutputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, stream1, input1)) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, stream2, input2)) {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
byte[] output = Bytes.concat(input1, input2);
verifyReadContents(output, tmpFile, compression);
* Test a lzop file containing multiple streams is not correctly decompressed. The current
* behavior is it only reads the contents of the first file.
public void testFalseReadMultiStreamLzop() throws IOException {
Compression compression = Compression.LZOP;
byte[] input1 = generateInput(5, 587973);
byte[] input2 = generateInput(5, 387374);
ByteArrayOutputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, stream1, input1)) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, stream2, input2)) {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
byte[] output = Bytes.concat(input1, input2);
verifyReadContents(output, tmpFile, compression);
* Test a snappy file containing multiple streams is not correctly decompressed. The current
* behavior is it only reads the contents of the first file.
public void testFalseReadMultiStreamSnappy() throws IOException {
Compression compression = Compression.SNAPPY;
byte[] input1 = generateInput(5, 587973);
byte[] input2 = generateInput(5, 387374);
ByteArrayOutputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, stream1, input1)) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, stream2, input2)) {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
byte[] output = Bytes.concat(input1, input2);
verifyReadContents(output, tmpFile, compression);
/** Test reading empty input with bzip2. */
public void testCompressedReadBzip2() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(0);
runReadTest(input, Compression.BZIP2);
/** Test reading empty input with zstd. */
public void testCompressedReadZstd() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(0);
runReadTest(input, Compression.ZSTD);
/** Test reading according to filepattern when the file is gzipped. */
public void testCompressedAccordingToFilepatternGzip() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.gz");
writeFile(tmpFile, input, Compression.GZIP);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, null /* default auto decompression factory */);
/** Test reading according to filepattern when the file is bzipped. */
public void testCompressedAccordingToFilepatternBzip2() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.bz2");
writeFile(tmpFile, input, Compression.BZIP2);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, null /* default auto decompression factory */);
/** Test reading according to filepattern when the file is zstd compressed. */
public void testCompressedAccordingToFilepatternZstd() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.zst");
writeFile(tmpFile, input, Compression.ZSTD);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, null /* default auto decompression factory */);
/** Test reading according to filepattern when the file is lzo compressed using LZO Codec. */
public void testCompressedAccordingToFilepatternLzo() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.lzo_deflate");
writeFile(tmpFile, input, Compression.LZO);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, null /* default auto decompression factory */);
/** Test reading according to filepattern when the file is lzo compressed using LZOP Codec. */
public void testCompressedAccordingToFilepatternLzop() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.lzo");
writeFile(tmpFile, input, Compression.LZOP);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, null /* default auto decompression factory */);
/** Test reading according to filepattern when the file is snappy compressed. */
public void testCompressedAccordingToFilepatternSnappy() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.snappy");
writeFile(tmpFile, input, Compression.SNAPPY);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, null /* default auto decompression factory */);
/** Test reading multiple files with different compression. */
public void testHeterogeneousCompression() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
// Expected data
byte[] generated;
// Every sort of compression
File uncompressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".bin");
generated = generateInput(1000, 1);
Files.write(generated, uncompressedFile);
List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>(Bytes.asList(generated));
File gzipFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".gz");
generated = generateInput(1000, 2);
writeFile(gzipFile, generated, Compression.GZIP);
File bzip2File = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".bz2");
generated = generateInput(1000, 3);
writeFile(bzip2File, generated, Compression.BZIP2);
File zstdFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".zst");
generated = generateInput(1000, 4);
writeFile(zstdFile, generated, Compression.ZSTD);
File lzoFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".lzo_deflate");
generated = generateInput(1000, 4);
writeFile(lzoFile, generated, Compression.LZO);
File snappyFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".snappy");
generated = generateInput(1000, 4);
writeFile(snappyFile, generated, Compression.SNAPPY);
String filePattern = new File(tmpFolder.getRoot().toString(), baseName + ".*").toString();
CompressedSource<Byte> source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filePattern, 1));
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertEquals(HashMultiset.create(actual), HashMultiset.create(expected));
public void testUncompressedFileWithAutoIsSplittable() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
File uncompressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".bin");
Files.write(generateInput(10), uncompressedFile);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(uncompressedFile.getPath(), 1));
SourceTestUtils.assertSplitAtFractionExhaustive(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
public void testUncompressedFileWithUncompressedIsSplittable() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
File uncompressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".bin");
Files.write(generateInput(10), uncompressedFile);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(uncompressedFile.getPath(), 1))
SourceTestUtils.assertSplitAtFractionExhaustive(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
public void testGzipFileIsNotSplittable() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
File compressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".gz");
writeFile(compressedFile, generateInput(10), Compression.GZIP);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(compressedFile.getPath(), 1));
public void testBzip2FileIsNotSplittable() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
File compressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".bz2");
writeFile(compressedFile, generateInput(10), Compression.BZIP2);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(compressedFile.getPath(), 1));
public void testZstdFileIsNotSplittable() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
File compressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".zst");
writeFile(compressedFile, generateInput(10), Compression.ZSTD);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(compressedFile.getPath(), 1));
public void testLzoFileIsNotSplittable() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
File compressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".lzo_deflate");
writeFile(compressedFile, generateInput(10), Compression.LZO);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(compressedFile.getPath(), 1));
public void testLzopFileIsNotSplittable() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
File compressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".lzo");
writeFile(compressedFile, generateInput(10), Compression.LZOP);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(compressedFile.getPath(), 1));
public void testSnappyFileIsNotSplittable() throws Exception {
String baseName = "test-input";
File compressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".snappy");
writeFile(compressedFile, generateInput(10), Compression.SNAPPY);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(compressedFile.getPath(), 1));
* Test reading an uncompressed file with {@link Compression#GZIP}, since we must support this due
* to properties of services that we read from.
public void testFalseGzipStream() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(1000);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.gz");
Files.write(input, tmpFile);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, Compression.GZIP);
/** Test reading an uncompressed file with {@link Compression#BZIP2}, and show that we fail. */
public void testFalseBzip2Stream() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(1000);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.bz2");
Files.write(input, tmpFile);
thrown.expectMessage("Stream is not in the BZip2 format");
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, Compression.BZIP2);
/** Test reading an uncompressed file with {@link Compression#ZSTD}, and show that we fail. */
public void testFalseZstdStream() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(1000);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.zst");
Files.write(input, tmpFile);
thrown.expectMessage("Decompression error: Unknown frame descriptor");
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, Compression.ZSTD);
/** Test reading an uncompressed file with {@link Compression#LZO}, and show that we fail. */
public void testFalseLzoStream() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(1000);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.lzo_deflate");
Files.write(input, tmpFile);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, Compression.LZO);
/** Test reading an uncompressed file with {@link Compression#LZOP}, and show that we fail. */
public void testFalseLzopStream() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(1000);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.lzo");
Files.write(input, tmpFile);
thrown.expectMessage("Not an LZOP file");
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, Compression.LZOP);
/** Test reading an uncompressed file with {@link Compression#SNAPPY}, and show that we fail. */
public void testFalseSnappyStream() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(1000);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.snappy");
Files.write(input, tmpFile);
thrown.expectMessage("Illegal block with bad offset found");
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, Compression.SNAPPY);
* Test reading an empty input file with gzip; it must be interpreted as uncompressed because the
* gzip header is two bytes.
public void testEmptyReadGzipUncompressed() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(0);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.gz");
Files.write(input, tmpFile);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, Compression.GZIP);
* Test reading single byte input with gzip; it must be interpreted as uncompressed because the
* gzip header is two bytes.
public void testOneByteReadGzipUncompressed() throws Exception {
byte[] input = generateInput(1);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("test.gz");
Files.write(input, tmpFile);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, Compression.GZIP);
/** Test reading multiple files. */
public void testCompressedReadMultipleFiles() throws Exception {
int numFiles = 3;
String baseName = "test_input-";
String filePattern = new File(tmpFolder.getRoot().toString(), baseName + "*").toString();
List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
byte[] generated = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + i);
writeFile(tmpFile, generated, Compression.GZIP);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filePattern, 1)).withCompression(Compression.GZIP);
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertEquals(HashMultiset.create(expected), HashMultiset.create(actual));
/** Test reading multiple files. LZO Codec */
public void testCompressedReadMultipleLzoFiles() throws Exception {
int numFiles = 3;
String baseName = "test_input-";
String filePattern = new File(tmpFolder.getRoot().toString(), baseName + "*").toString();
List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
byte[] generated = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + i);
writeFile(tmpFile, generated, Compression.LZO);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filePattern, 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZO);
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertEquals(HashMultiset.create(expected), HashMultiset.create(actual));
/** Test reading multiple files. LZOP Codec */
public void testCompressedReadMultipleLzopFiles() throws Exception {
int numFiles = 3;
String baseName = "test_input-";
String filePattern = new File(tmpFolder.getRoot().toString(), baseName + "*").toString();
List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
byte[] generated = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + i);
writeFile(tmpFile, generated, Compression.LZOP);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filePattern, 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZOP);
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertEquals(HashMultiset.create(expected), HashMultiset.create(actual));
/** Test reading multiple files that are snappy compressed. */
public void testCompressedReadMultipleSnappyFiles() throws Exception {
int numFiles = 3;
String baseName = "test_input-";
String filePattern = new File(tmpFolder.getRoot().toString(), baseName + "*").toString();
List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
byte[] generated = generateInput(100);
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + i);
writeFile(tmpFile, generated, Compression.SNAPPY);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filePattern, 1)).withCompression(Compression.SNAPPY);
List<Byte> actual = SourceTestUtils.readFromSource(source, PipelineOptionsFactory.create());
assertEquals(HashMultiset.create(expected), HashMultiset.create(actual));
public void testDisplayData() {
ByteSource inputSource =
new ByteSource("foobar.txt", 1) {
public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
builder.add(DisplayData.item("foo", "bar"));
CompressedSource<?> compressedSource = CompressedSource.from(inputSource);
CompressedSource<?> gzipSource = compressedSource.withCompression(Compression.GZIP);
DisplayData compressedSourceDisplayData = DisplayData.from(compressedSource);
DisplayData gzipDisplayData = DisplayData.from(gzipSource);
assertThat(compressedSourceDisplayData, hasDisplayItem("compressionMode"));
assertThat(gzipDisplayData, hasDisplayItem("compressionMode", Compression.GZIP.toString()));
assertThat(compressedSourceDisplayData, hasDisplayItem("source", inputSource.getClass()));
assertThat(compressedSourceDisplayData, includesDisplayDataFor("source", inputSource));
/** Generate byte array of given size. */
private byte[] generateInput(int size) {
// Arbitrary but fixed seed
return generateInput(size, 285930);
/** Generate byte array of given size. */
private byte[] generateInput(int size, int seed) {
// Arbitrary but fixed seed
Random random = new Random(seed);
byte[] buff = new byte[size];
return buff;
/** Get a compressing stream for a given compression mode. */
private OutputStream getOutputStreamForMode(
Compression compression, OutputStream stream, byte[] input) throws IOException {
switch (compression) {
case GZIP:
return new GzipCompressorOutputStream(stream);
case BZIP2:
return new BZip2CompressorOutputStream(stream);
case ZIP:
return new TestZipOutputStream(stream);
case ZSTD:
return new ZstdCompressorOutputStream(stream);
return new DeflateCompressorOutputStream(stream);
case LZO:
return LzoCompression.createLzoOutputStream(stream);
case LZOP:
return LzoCompression.createLzopOutputStream(stream);
case SNAPPY:
return new SnappyCompressorOutputStream(stream, input.length);
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected compression mode");
/** Extend of {@link ZipOutputStream} that splits up bytes into multiple entries. */
private static class TestZipOutputStream extends OutputStream {
private final ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream;
private long offset = 0;
private int entry = 0;
public TestZipOutputStream(OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(stream);
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(String.format("entry-%05d", entry)));
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
if (offset % 100 == 0) {
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(String.format("entry-%05d", entry)));
public void close() throws IOException {
/** Writes a single output file. */
private void writeFile(File file, byte[] input, Compression compression) throws IOException {
try (OutputStream os = getOutputStreamForMode(compression, new FileOutputStream(file), input)) {
/** Run a single read test, writing and reading back input with the given compression mode. */
private void runReadTest(byte[] input, Compression compression) throws IOException {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile();
writeFile(tmpFile, input, compression);
verifyReadContents(input, tmpFile, compression);
private void verifyReadContents(
byte[] expected, File inputFile, @Nullable Compression compression) throws IOException {
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(inputFile.toPath().toString(), 1));
if (compression != null) {
source = source.withCompression(compression);
List<KV<Long, Byte>> actualOutput = Lists.newArrayList();
try (BoundedReader<Byte> reader = source.createReader(PipelineOptionsFactory.create())) {
for (boolean more = reader.start(); more; more = reader.advance()) {
actualOutput.add(KV.of(reader.getCurrentTimestamp().getMillis(), reader.getCurrent()));
List<KV<Long, Byte>> expectedOutput = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
expectedOutput.add(KV.of((long) i, expected[i]));
assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);
/** Dummy source for use in tests. */
private static class ByteSource extends FileBasedSource<Byte> {
public ByteSource(String fileOrPatternSpec, long minBundleSize) {
super(StaticValueProvider.of(fileOrPatternSpec), minBundleSize);
public ByteSource(Metadata metadata, long minBundleSize, long startOffset, long endOffset) {
super(metadata, minBundleSize, startOffset, endOffset);
protected ByteSource createForSubrangeOfFile(Metadata metadata, long start, long end) {
return new ByteSource(metadata, getMinBundleSize(), start, end);
protected FileBasedReader<Byte> createSingleFileReader(PipelineOptions options) {
return new ByteReader(this);
public Coder<Byte> getOutputCoder() {
return SerializableCoder.of(Byte.class);
private static class ByteReader extends FileBasedReader<Byte> {
ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);
Byte current;
long offset;
ReadableByteChannel channel;
public ByteReader(ByteSource source) {
offset = source.getStartOffset() - 1;
public Byte getCurrent() throws NoSuchElementException {
return current;
protected boolean isAtSplitPoint() {
return true;
protected void startReading(ReadableByteChannel channel) { = channel;
protected boolean readNextRecord() throws IOException {
if ( != 1) {
return false;
current = buff.get(0);
offset += 1;
return true;
protected long getCurrentOffset() {
return offset;
public Instant getCurrentTimestamp() throws NoSuchElementException {
return new Instant(getCurrentOffset());
public void testEmptyGzipProgress() throws IOException {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("empty.gz");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
writeFile(tmpFile, new byte[0], Compression.GZIP);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1));
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(CompressedReader.class));
CompressedReader<Byte> reader = (CompressedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// confirm empty
// after reading empty source
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
public void testGzipProgress() throws IOException {
int numRecords = 3;
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("nonempty.gz");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
writeFile(tmpFile, new byte[numRecords], Compression.GZIP);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1));
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(CompressedReader.class));
CompressedReader<Byte> reader = (CompressedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// confirm has three records
for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; ++i) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// after reading source
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
public void testEmptyLzoProgress() throws IOException {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("empty.lzo_deflate");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
writeFile(tmpFile, new byte[0], Compression.LZO);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZO);
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(CompressedReader.class));
CompressedReader<Byte> reader = (CompressedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// confirm empty
// after reading empty source
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
public void testLzoProgress() throws IOException {
int numRecords = 3;
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("nonempty.lzo");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
writeFile(tmpFile, new byte[numRecords], Compression.LZO);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZO);
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(CompressedReader.class));
CompressedReader<Byte> reader = (CompressedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// confirm has three records
for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; ++i) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// after reading source
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
public void testEmptyLzopProgress() throws IOException {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("empty.lzo");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
writeFile(tmpFile, new byte[0], Compression.LZOP);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZOP);
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(CompressedReader.class));
CompressedReader<Byte> reader = (CompressedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// confirm empty
// after reading empty source
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
public void testLzopProgress() throws IOException {
int numRecords = 3;
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("nonempty.lzo");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
writeFile(tmpFile, new byte[numRecords], Compression.LZOP);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1)).withCompression(Compression.LZOP);
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(CompressedReader.class));
CompressedReader<Byte> reader = (CompressedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// confirm has three records
for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; ++i) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// after reading source
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
public void testEmptySnappyProgress() throws IOException {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("empty.snappy");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
writeFile(tmpFile, new byte[0], Compression.SNAPPY);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1)).withCompression(Compression.SNAPPY);
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(CompressedReader.class));
CompressedReader<Byte> reader = (CompressedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// confirm empty
// after reading empty source
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
public void testSnappyProgress() throws IOException {
int numRecords = 3;
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("nonempty.snappy");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
writeFile(tmpFile, new byte[numRecords], Compression.SNAPPY);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1)).withCompression(Compression.SNAPPY);
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(CompressedReader.class));
CompressedReader<Byte> reader = (CompressedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// confirm has three records
for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; ++i) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// after reading source
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
public void testUnsplittable() throws IOException {
String baseName = "test-input";
File compressedFile = tmpFolder.newFile(baseName + ".gz");
byte[] input = generateInput(10000);
writeFile(compressedFile, input, Compression.GZIP);
CompressedSource<Byte> source =
CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(compressedFile.getPath(), 1));
List<Byte> expected = Lists.newArrayList();
for (byte i : input) {
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
BoundedReader<Byte> reader = source.createReader(options);
List<Byte> actual = Lists.newArrayList();
for (boolean hasNext = reader.start(); hasNext; hasNext = reader.advance()) {
// checkpoint every 9 elements
if (actual.size() % 9 == 0) {
Double fractionConsumed = reader.getFractionConsumed();
assertEquals(expected.size(), actual.size());
assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(expected), Sets.newHashSet(actual));
public void testSplittableProgress() throws IOException {
File tmpFile = tmpFolder.newFile("nonempty.txt");
String filename = tmpFile.toPath().toString();
Files.write(new byte[2], tmpFile);
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
CompressedSource<Byte> source = CompressedSource.from(new ByteSource(filename, 1));
try (BoundedReader<Byte> readerOrig = source.createReader(options)) {
assertThat(readerOrig, not(instanceOf(CompressedReader.class)));
assertThat(readerOrig, instanceOf(FileBasedReader.class));
FileBasedReader<Byte> reader = (FileBasedReader<Byte>) readerOrig;
// Check preconditions before starting
assertEquals(0.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(BoundedReader.SPLIT_POINTS_UNKNOWN, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// First record: none consumed, unknown remaining.
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(BoundedReader.SPLIT_POINTS_UNKNOWN, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// Second record: 1 consumed, know that we're on the last record.
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(1, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());
// Confirm empty and check post-conditions
assertEquals(1.0, reader.getFractionConsumed(), delta);
assertEquals(2, reader.getSplitPointsConsumed());
assertEquals(0, reader.getSplitPointsRemaining());