blob: 3872ccbe01ae5955c8c1f47dfb4a0b17ca0e2496 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Concat Source, which reads the union of several other sources.
# pytype: skip-file
import bisect
import threading
from import iobase
class ConcatSource(iobase.BoundedSource):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
A ``BoundedSource`` that can group a set of ``BoundedSources``.
Primarily for internal use, use the ``apache_beam.Flatten`` transform
to create the union of several reads.
def __init__(self, sources):
self._source_bundles = [
source if isinstance(source, iobase.SourceBundle) else
iobase.SourceBundle(None, source, None, None) for source in sources
def sources(self):
return [s.source for s in self._source_bundles]
def estimate_size(self):
return sum(s.source.estimate_size() for s in self._source_bundles)
def split(
self, desired_bundle_size=None, start_position=None, stop_position=None):
if start_position or stop_position:
raise ValueError(
'Multi-level initial splitting is not supported. Expected start and '
'stop positions to be None. Received %r and %r respectively.' %
(start_position, stop_position))
for source in self._source_bundles:
# We assume all sub-sources to produce bundles that specify weight using
# the same unit. For example, all sub-sources may specify the size in
# bytes as their weight.
for bundle in source.source.split(desired_bundle_size,
yield bundle
def get_range_tracker(self, start_position=None, stop_position=None):
if start_position is None:
start_position = (0, None)
if stop_position is None:
stop_position = (len(self._source_bundles), None)
return ConcatRangeTracker(
start_position, stop_position, self._source_bundles)
def read(self, range_tracker):
start_source, _ = range_tracker.start_position()
stop_source, stop_pos = range_tracker.stop_position()
if stop_pos is not None:
stop_source += 1
for source_ix in range(start_source, stop_source):
if not range_tracker.try_claim((source_ix, None)):
for record in self._source_bundles[source_ix]
yield record
def default_output_coder(self):
if self._source_bundles:
# Getting coder from the first sub-sources. This assumes all sub-sources
# to produce the same coder.
return self._source_bundles[0].source.default_output_coder()
return super(ConcatSource, self).default_output_coder()
class ConcatRangeTracker(iobase.RangeTracker):
"""For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Range tracker for ConcatSource"""
def __init__(self, start, end, source_bundles):
"""Initializes ``ConcatRangeTracker``
start: start position, a tuple of (source_index, source_position)
end: end position, a tuple of (source_index, source_position)
source_bundles: the list of source bundles in the ConcatSource
super(ConcatRangeTracker, self).__init__()
self._start = start
self._end = end
self._source_bundles = source_bundles
self._lock = threading.RLock()
# Lazily-initialized list of RangeTrackers corresponding to each source.
self._range_trackers = [None] * len(source_bundles)
# The currently-being-iterated-over (and latest claimed) source.
self._claimed_source_ix = self._start[0]
# Now compute cumulative progress through the sources for converting
# between global fractions and fractions within specific sources.
# TODO(robertwb): Implement fraction-at-position to properly scale
# partial start and end sources.
# Note, however, that in practice splits are typically on source
# boundaries anyways.
last = end[0] if end[1] is None else end[0] + 1
self._cumulative_weights = (
[0] * start[0] +
self._compute_cumulative_weights(source_bundles[start[0]:last]) + [1] *
(len(source_bundles) - last - start[0]))
def _compute_cumulative_weights(source_bundles):
# Two adjacent sources must differ so that they can be uniquely
# identified by a single global fraction. Let min_diff be the
# smallest allowable difference between sources.
min_diff = 1e-5
# For the computation below, we need weights for all sources.
# Substitute average weights for those whose weights are
# unspecified (or 1.0 for everything if none are known).
known = [s.weight for s in source_bundles if s.weight is not None]
avg = sum(known) / len(known) if known else 1.0
weights = [s.weight or avg for s in source_bundles]
# Now compute running totals of the percent done upon reaching
# each source, with respect to the start and end positions.
# E.g. if the weights were [100, 20, 3] we would produce
# [0.0, 100/123, 120/123, 1.0]
total = float(sum(weights))
running_total = [0]
for w in weights:
running_total.append(max(min_diff, min(1, running_total[-1] + w / total)))
running_total[-1] = 1 # In case of rounding error.
# There are issues if, due to rouding error or greatly differing sizes,
# two adjacent running total weights are equal. Normalize this things so
# that this never happens.
for k in range(1, len(running_total)):
if running_total[k] == running_total[k - 1]:
for j in range(k):
running_total[j] *= (1 - min_diff)
return running_total
def start_position(self):
return self._start
def stop_position(self):
return self._end
def try_claim(self, pos):
source_ix, source_pos = pos
with self._lock:
if source_ix > self._end[0]:
return False
elif source_ix == self._end[0] and self._end[1] is None:
return False
assert source_ix >= self._claimed_source_ix
self._claimed_source_ix = source_ix
if source_pos is None:
return True
return self.sub_range_tracker(source_ix).try_claim(source_pos)
def try_split(self, pos):
source_ix, source_pos = pos
with self._lock:
if source_ix < self._claimed_source_ix:
# Already claimed.
return None
elif source_ix > self._end[0]:
# After end.
return None
elif source_ix == self._end[0] and self._end[1] is None:
# At/after end.
return None
if source_ix > self._claimed_source_ix:
# Prefer to split on even boundary.
split_pos = None
ratio = self._cumulative_weights[source_ix]
# Split the current subsource.
split = self.sub_range_tracker(source_ix).try_split(source_pos)
if not split:
return None
split_pos, frac = split
ratio = self.local_to_global(source_ix, frac)
self._end = source_ix, split_pos
self._cumulative_weights = [
min(w / ratio, 1) for w in self._cumulative_weights
return (source_ix, split_pos), ratio
def set_current_position(self, pos):
raise NotImplementedError('Should only be called on sub-trackers')
def position_at_fraction(self, fraction):
source_ix, source_frac = self.global_to_local(fraction)
last = self._end[0] if self._end[1] is None else self._end[0] + 1
if source_ix == last:
return (source_ix, None)
return (
def fraction_consumed(self):
with self._lock:
if self._claimed_source_ix == len(self._source_bundles):
return 1.0
return self.local_to_global(
def local_to_global(self, source_ix, source_frac):
cw = self._cumulative_weights
# The global fraction is the fraction to source_ix plus some portion of
# the way towards the next source.
return cw[source_ix] + source_frac * (cw[source_ix + 1] - cw[source_ix])
def global_to_local(self, frac):
if frac == 1:
last = self._end[0] if self._end[1] is None else self._end[0] + 1
return (last, None)
cw = self._cumulative_weights
# Find the last source that starts at or before frac.
source_ix = bisect.bisect(cw, frac) - 1
# Return this source, converting what's left of frac after starting
# this source into a value in [0.0, 1.0) representing how far we are
# towards the next source.
return (
(frac - cw[source_ix]) / (cw[source_ix + 1] - cw[source_ix]))
def sub_range_tracker(self, source_ix):
assert self._start[0] <= source_ix <= self._end[0]
if self._range_trackers[source_ix] is None:
with self._lock:
if self._range_trackers[source_ix] is None:
source = self._source_bundles[source_ix]
if source_ix == self._start[0] and self._start[1] is not None:
start = self._start[1]
start = source.start_position
if source_ix == self._end[0] and self._end[1] is not None:
stop = self._end[1]
stop = source.stop_position
self._range_trackers[source_ix] = source.source.get_range_tracker(
start, stop)
return self._range_trackers[source_ix]