blob: b75f447d8b41d6c22e2c9b56030bba965e127fd6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
"""UnitTests for Batched DoFn (process_batch) API."""
# pytype: skip-file
import unittest
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import no_type_check
from parameterized import parameterized_class
import apache_beam as beam
class ElementDoFn(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[float]:
yield element / 2
class BatchDoFn(beam.DoFn):
def process_batch(self, batch: List[int], *args,
**kwargs) -> Iterator[List[float]]:
yield [element / 2 for element in batch]
class BatchDoFnNoReturnAnnotation(beam.DoFn):
def process_batch(self, batch: List[int], *args, **kwargs):
yield [element * 2 for element in batch]
class BatchDoFnOverrideTypeInference(beam.DoFn):
def process_batch(self, batch, *args, **kwargs):
yield [element * 2 for element in batch]
def get_input_batch_type(self, input_element_type):
return List[input_element_type]
def get_output_batch_type(self, input_element_type):
return List[input_element_type]
class EitherDoFn(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[float]:
yield element / 2
def process_batch(self, batch: List[int], *args,
**kwargs) -> Iterator[List[float]]:
yield [element / 2 for element in batch]
class ElementToBatchDoFn(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[List[int]]:
yield [element] * element
def infer_output_type(self, input_element_type):
return input_element_type
class BatchToElementDoFn(beam.DoFn):
def process_batch(self, batch: List[int], *args,
**kwargs) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]:
yield (sum(batch), len(batch))
def get_test_class_name(cls, num, params_dict):
return "%s_%s" % (cls.__name__, params_dict['dofn'].__class__.__name__)
"dofn": ElementDoFn(),
"input_element_type": int,
"expected_process_defined": True,
"expected_process_batch_defined": False,
"expected_input_batch_type": None,
"expected_output_batch_type": None
"dofn": BatchDoFn(),
"input_element_type": int,
"expected_process_defined": False,
"expected_process_batch_defined": True,
"expected_input_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[int],
"expected_output_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[float]
"dofn": BatchDoFnNoReturnAnnotation(),
"input_element_type": int,
"expected_process_defined": False,
"expected_process_batch_defined": True,
"expected_input_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[int],
"expected_output_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[int]
"dofn": BatchDoFnOverrideTypeInference(),
"input_element_type": int,
"expected_process_defined": False,
"expected_process_batch_defined": True,
"expected_input_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[int],
"expected_output_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[int]
"dofn": EitherDoFn(),
"input_element_type": int,
"expected_process_defined": True,
"expected_process_batch_defined": True,
"expected_input_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[int],
"expected_output_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[float]
"dofn": ElementToBatchDoFn(),
"input_element_type": int,
"expected_process_defined": True,
"expected_process_batch_defined": False,
"expected_input_batch_type": None,
"expected_output_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[int]
"dofn": BatchToElementDoFn(),
"input_element_type": int,
"expected_process_defined": False,
"expected_process_batch_defined": True,
"expected_input_batch_type": beam.typehints.List[int],
"expected_output_batch_type": None,
class BatchDoFnParameterizedTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_process_defined(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dofn._process_defined, self.expected_process_defined)
def test_process_batch_defined(self):
self.dofn._process_batch_defined, self.expected_process_batch_defined)
def test_get_input_batch_type(self):
def test_get_output_batch_type(self):
def test_can_yield_batches(self):
expected = self.expected_output_batch_type is not None
self.assertEqual(self.dofn._can_yield_batches, expected)
class BatchDoFnNoInputAnnotation(beam.DoFn):
def process_batch(self, batch, *args, **kwargs):
yield [element * 2 for element in batch]
class MismatchedBatchProducingDoFn(beam.DoFn):
"""A DoFn that produces batches from both process and process_batch, with
mismatched return types (one yields floats, the other ints). Should yield
a construction time error when applied."""
def process(self, element: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[List[int]]:
yield [element]
def process_batch(self, batch: List[int], *args,
**kwargs) -> Iterator[List[float]]:
yield [element / 2 for element in batch]
class MismatchedElementProducingDoFn(beam.DoFn):
"""A DoFn that produces elements from both process and process_batch, with
mismatched return types (one yields floats, the other ints). Should yield
a construction time error when applied."""
def process(self, element: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[float]:
yield element / 2
def process_batch(self, batch: List[int], *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[int]:
yield batch[0]
class BatchDoFnTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_map_pardo(self):
# verify batch dofn accessors work well with beam.Map generated DoFn
# checking this in parameterized test causes a circular reference issue
dofn = beam.Map(lambda x: x * 2).dofn
self.assertEqual(dofn._get_input_batch_type_normalized(int), None)
self.assertEqual(dofn._get_output_batch_type_normalized(int), None)
def test_no_input_annotation_raises(self):
p = beam.Pipeline()
pc = p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
_ = pc | beam.ParDo(BatchDoFnNoInputAnnotation())
def test_unsupported_dofn_param_raises(self):
class BatchDoFnBadParam(beam.DoFn):
def process_batch(self, batch: List[int], key=beam.DoFn.KeyParam):
yield batch * key
p = beam.Pipeline()
pc = p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(NotImplementedError,
_ = pc | beam.ParDo(BatchDoFnBadParam())
def test_mismatched_batch_producer_raises(self):
p = beam.Pipeline()
pc = p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3])
# Note (?ms) makes this a multiline regex, where . matches newlines.
# See (?aiLmsux) at
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
r'process: List\[int\].*process_batch: List\[float\]')):
_ = pc | beam.ParDo(MismatchedBatchProducingDoFn())
def test_mismatched_element_producer_raises(self):
p = beam.Pipeline()
pc = p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3])
# Note (?ms) makes this a multiline regex, where . matches newlines.
# See (?aiLmsux) at
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
_ = pc | beam.ParDo(MismatchedElementProducingDoFn())
def test_element_to_batch_dofn_typehint(self):
# Verify that element to batch DoFn sets the correct typehint on the output
# PCollection.
p = beam.Pipeline()
pc = (p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3]) | beam.ParDo(ElementToBatchDoFn()))
self.assertEqual(pc.element_type, int)
def test_batch_to_element_dofn_typehint(self):
# Verify that batch to element DoFn sets the correct typehint on the output
# PCollection.
p = beam.Pipeline()
pc = (p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3]) | beam.ParDo(BatchToElementDoFn()))
self.assertEqual(pc.element_type, beam.typehints.Tuple[int, int])
if __name__ == '__main__':