blob: 77797d756f162552593880db2517df9834cc5393 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package graphx
import (
v1pb ""
pipepb ""
// Model constants for interfacing with a Beam runner.
// TODO(lostluck): 2018/05/28 Extract these from their enum descriptors in the pipeline_v1 proto
const (
URNImpulse = "beam:transform:impulse:v1"
URNParDo = "beam:transform:pardo:v1"
URNFlatten = "beam:transform:flatten:v1"
URNGBK = "beam:transform:group_by_key:v1"
URNReshuffle = "beam:transform:reshuffle:v1"
URNCombinePerKey = "beam:transform:combine_per_key:v1"
URNWindow = "beam:transform:window_into:v1"
URNIterableSideInput = "beam:side_input:iterable:v1"
URNMultimapSideInput = "beam:side_input:multimap:v1"
URNGlobalWindowsWindowFn = "beam:window_fn:global_windows:v1"
URNFixedWindowsWindowFn = "beam:window_fn:fixed_windows:v1"
URNSlidingWindowsWindowFn = "beam:window_fn:sliding_windows:v1"
URNSessionsWindowFn = "beam:window_fn:session_windows:v1"
// SDK constants
URNDoFn = "beam:go:transform:dofn:v1"
URNIterableSideInputKey = "beam:go:transform:iterablesideinputkey:v1"
URNReshuffleInput = "beam:go:transform:reshuffleinput:v1"
URNReshuffleOutput = "beam:go:transform:reshuffleoutput:v1"
URNWindowMappingGlobal = "beam:go:windowmapping:global:v1"
URNWindowMappingFixed = "beam:go:windowmapping:fixed:v1"
URNWindowMappingSliding = "beam:go:windowmapping:sliding:v1"
URNProgressReporting = "beam:protocol:progress_reporting:v1"
URNMultiCore = "beam:protocol:multi_core_bundle_processing:v1"
URNWorkerStatus = "beam:protocol:worker_status:v1"
URNMonitoringInfoShortID = "beam:protocol:monitoring_info_short_ids:v1"
URNRequiresSplittableDoFn = "beam:requirement:pardo:splittable_dofn:v1"
URNRequiresBundleFinalization = "beam:requirement:pardo:finalization:v1"
URNTruncate = "beam:transform:sdf_truncate_sized_restrictions:v1"
// Deprecated: Determine worker binary based on GoWorkerBinary Role instead.
URNArtifactGoWorker = "beam:artifact:type:go_worker_binary:v1"
URNArtifactFileType = "beam:artifact:type:file:v1"
URNArtifactURLType = "beam:artifact:type:url:v1"
URNArtifactGoWorkerRole = "beam:artifact:role:go_worker_binary:v1"
// Environment Urns.
URNEnvProcess = "beam:env:process:v1"
URNEnvExternal = "beam:env:external:v1"
URNEnvDocker = "beam:env:docker:v1"
func goCapabilities() []string {
capabilities := []string{
// TOOD( Make this versioned.
return append(capabilities, knownStandardCoders()...)
// CreateEnvironment produces the appropriate payload for the type of environment.
func CreateEnvironment(ctx context.Context, urn string, extractEnvironmentConfig func(context.Context) string) (*pipepb.Environment, error) {
var serializedPayload []byte
switch urn {
case URNEnvProcess:
// TODO Support process based SDK Harness.
return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported environment %v", urn)
case URNEnvExternal:
config := extractEnvironmentConfig(ctx)
payload := &pipepb.ExternalPayload{Endpoint: &pipepb.ApiServiceDescriptor{Url: config}}
serializedPayload = protox.MustEncode(payload)
case URNEnvDocker:
config := extractEnvironmentConfig(ctx)
payload := &pipepb.DockerPayload{ContainerImage: config}
serializedPayload = protox.MustEncode(payload)
return &pipepb.Environment{
Urn: urn,
Payload: serializedPayload,
Capabilities: goCapabilities(),
Dependencies: []*pipepb.ArtifactInformation{
TypeUrn: URNArtifactFileType,
TypePayload: protox.MustEncode(&pipepb.ArtifactFilePayload{}),
RoleUrn: URNArtifactGoWorkerRole,
}, nil
// TODO(herohde) 11/6/2017: move some of the configuration into the graph during construction.
// Options for marshalling a graph into a model pipeline.
type Options struct {
// Environment used to run the user code.
Environment *pipepb.Environment
// Marshal converts a graph to a model pipeline.
func Marshal(edges []*graph.MultiEdge, opt *Options) (*pipepb.Pipeline, error) {
if len(edges) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("empty graph")
tree := NewScopeTree(edges)
m := newMarshaller(opt)
for _, edge := range tree.Edges {
_, err := m.addMultiEdge(edge)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, t := range tree.Children {
_, err := m.addScopeTree(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := &pipepb.Pipeline{
Requirements: m.getRequirements(),
p, err := pipelinex.Normalize(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there are external transforms that need expanding, do it now.
if m.needsExpansion {
// Merge the expanded components into the existing pipeline
mergeExpandedWithPipeline(edges, p)
// Remap outputs of expanded external transforms to be the inputs for all downstream consumers
// Must happen after merging, so that the inputs in the expanded transforms are also updated.
purgeOutputInput(edges, p)
return p, nil
type marshaller struct {
opt *Options
transforms map[string]*pipepb.PTransform
pcollections map[string]*pipepb.PCollection
windowing map[string]*pipepb.WindowingStrategy
environments map[string]*pipepb.Environment
requirements map[string]bool
coders *CoderMarshaller
windowing2id map[string]string
needsExpansion bool // Indicates external transforms need to be expanded.
func newMarshaller(opt *Options) *marshaller {
return &marshaller{
opt: opt,
transforms: make(map[string]*pipepb.PTransform),
pcollections: make(map[string]*pipepb.PCollection),
windowing: make(map[string]*pipepb.WindowingStrategy),
environments: make(map[string]*pipepb.Environment),
requirements: make(map[string]bool),
coders: NewCoderMarshaller(),
windowing2id: make(map[string]string),
func (m *marshaller) build() *pipepb.Components {
return &pipepb.Components{
Transforms: m.transforms,
Pcollections: m.pcollections,
WindowingStrategies: m.windowing,
Environments: m.environments,
Coders: m.coders.Build(),
func (m *marshaller) getRequirements() []string {
var reqs []string
for req, ok := range m.requirements {
if ok {
reqs = append(reqs, req)
return reqs
func (m *marshaller) addScopeTree(s *ScopeTree) (string, error) {
id := scopeID(s.Scope.Scope)
if _, exists := m.transforms[id]; exists {
return id, nil
var subtransforms []string
for _, edge := range s.Edges {
ids, err := m.addMultiEdge(edge)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add scope tree: %v", s)
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, ids...)
for _, tree := range s.Children {
id, err := m.addScopeTree(tree)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add scope tree: %v", s)
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, id)
transform := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: s.Scope.Name,
Subtransforms: subtransforms,
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
if err := m.updateIfCombineComposite(s, transform); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add scope tree: %v", s)
m.transforms[id] = transform
return id, nil
// updateIfCombineComposite examines the scope tree and sets the PTransform Spec
// to be a CombinePerKey with a CombinePayload if it's a liftable composite.
// Beam Portability requires that composites contain an implementation for runners
// that don't understand the URN and Payload, which this lightly checks for.
func (m *marshaller) updateIfCombineComposite(s *ScopeTree, transform *pipepb.PTransform) error {
if s.Scope.Name != graph.CombinePerKeyScope ||
len(s.Edges) != 2 ||
len(s.Edges[0].Edge.Input) != 1 ||
len(s.Edges[1].Edge.Output) != 1 ||
s.Edges[1].Edge.Op != graph.Combine {
return nil
edge := s.Edges[1].Edge
acID, err := m.coders.Add(edge.AccumCoder)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to update PTransform spec: %v", transform)
mustEncodeMultiEdge, err := mustEncodeMultiEdgeBase64(edge)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to update PTransform spec: %v", transform)
payload := &pipepb.CombinePayload{
CombineFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNDoFn,
Payload: []byte(mustEncodeMultiEdge),
AccumulatorCoderId: acID,
transform.Spec = &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNCombinePerKey, Payload: protox.MustEncode(payload)}
return nil
func getSideWindowMappingUrn(winFn *window.Fn) string {
var mappingUrn string
switch winFn.Kind {
case window.GlobalWindows:
mappingUrn = URNWindowMappingGlobal
case window.FixedWindows:
mappingUrn = URNWindowMappingFixed
case window.SlidingWindows:
mappingUrn = URNWindowMappingSliding
case window.Sessions:
panic("session windowing is not supported for side inputs")
return mappingUrn
func (m *marshaller) addMultiEdge(edge NamedEdge) ([]string, error) {
handleErr := func(err error) ([]string, error) {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add input kind: %v", edge)
id := edgeID(edge.Edge)
if _, exists := m.transforms[id]; exists {
return []string{id}, nil
switch {
case edge.Edge.Op == graph.CoGBK && len(edge.Edge.Input) > 1:
cogbkID, err := m.expandCoGBK(edge)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
return []string{cogbkID}, nil
case edge.Edge.Op == graph.Reshuffle:
reshuffleID, err := m.expandReshuffle(edge)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
return []string{reshuffleID}, nil
case edge.Edge.Op == graph.External:
if edge.Edge.External != nil {
if edge.Edge.External.Expanded != nil {
m.needsExpansion = true
if edge.Edge.Payload == nil {
edgeID, err := m.expandCrossLanguage(edge)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
return []string{edgeID}, nil
inputs := make(map[string]string)
for i, in := range edge.Edge.Input {
if _, err := m.addNode(in.From); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
inputs[fmt.Sprintf("i%v", i)] = nodeID(in.From)
outputs := make(map[string]string)
for i, out := range edge.Edge.Output {
if _, err := m.addNode(out.To); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
outputs[fmt.Sprintf("i%v", i)] = nodeID(out.To)
var annotations map[string][]byte
// allPIds tracks additional PTransformIDs generated for the pipeline
var allPIds []string
var spec *pipepb.FunctionSpec
switch edge.Edge.Op {
case graph.Impulse:
spec = &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNImpulse}
case graph.ParDo:
si := make(map[string]*pipepb.SideInput)
for i, in := range edge.Edge.Input {
switch in.Kind {
case graph.Main:
// ignore: not a side input
case graph.Singleton, graph.Slice, graph.Iter, graph.ReIter:
siWfn := in.From.WindowingStrategy().Fn
mappingUrn := getSideWindowMappingUrn(siWfn)
siWSpec, err := makeWindowFn(siWfn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
si[fmt.Sprintf("i%v", i)] = &pipepb.SideInput{
AccessPattern: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNIterableSideInput,
ViewFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: "foo",
WindowMappingFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: mappingUrn,
Payload: siWSpec.Payload,
case graph.Map, graph.MultiMap:
// Already in a MultiMap form, don't need to add a fixed key.
// Get window mapping, arrange proto field.
siWfn := in.From.WindowingStrategy().Fn
mappingUrn := getSideWindowMappingUrn(siWfn)
siWSpec, err := makeWindowFn(siWfn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
si[fmt.Sprintf("i%v", i)] = &pipepb.SideInput{
AccessPattern: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNMultimapSideInput,
ViewFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: "foo",
WindowMappingFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: mappingUrn,
Payload: siWSpec.Payload,
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected input kind: %v", edge)
mustEncodeMultiEdge, err := mustEncodeMultiEdgeBase64(edge.Edge)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
payload := &pipepb.ParDoPayload{
DoFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNDoFn,
Payload: []byte(mustEncodeMultiEdge),
SideInputs: si,
if edge.Edge.DoFn.IsSplittable() {
coderId, err := m.coders.Add(edge.Edge.RestrictionCoder)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
payload.RestrictionCoderId = coderId
m.requirements[URNRequiresSplittableDoFn] = true
if _, ok := edge.Edge.DoFn.ProcessElementFn().BundleFinalization(); ok {
m.requirements[URNRequiresBundleFinalization] = true
spec = &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNParDo, Payload: protox.MustEncode(payload)}
annotations = edge.Edge.DoFn.Annotations()
case graph.Combine:
mustEncodeMultiEdge, err := mustEncodeMultiEdgeBase64(edge.Edge)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
payload := &pipepb.ParDoPayload{
DoFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNDoFn,
Payload: []byte(mustEncodeMultiEdge),
spec = &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNParDo, Payload: protox.MustEncode(payload)}
case graph.Flatten:
spec = &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNFlatten}
case graph.CoGBK:
spec = &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNGBK}
case graph.WindowInto:
windowFn, err := makeWindowFn(edge.Edge.WindowFn)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
payload := &pipepb.WindowIntoPayload{
WindowFn: windowFn,
spec = &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNWindow, Payload: protox.MustEncode(payload)}
case graph.External:
pyld := edge.Edge.Payload
spec = &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: pyld.URN, Payload: pyld.Data}
if len(pyld.InputsMap) != 0 {
if got, want := len(pyld.InputsMap), len(edge.Edge.Input); got != want {
return handleErr(errors.Errorf("mismatch'd counts between External tags (%v) and inputs (%v)", got, want))
inputs = make(map[string]string)
for tag, in := range InboundTagToNode(pyld.InputsMap, edge.Edge.Input) {
if _, err := m.addNode(in); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
inputs[tag] = nodeID(in)
if len(pyld.OutputsMap) != 0 {
if got, want := len(pyld.OutputsMap), len(edge.Edge.Output); got != want {
return handleErr(errors.Errorf("mismatch'd counts between External tags (%v) and outputs (%v)", got, want))
outputs = make(map[string]string)
for tag, out := range OutboundTagToNode(pyld.OutputsMap, edge.Edge.Output) {
if _, err := m.addNode(out); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
outputs[tag] = nodeID(out)
err := errors.Errorf("unexpected opcode: %v", edge.Edge.Op)
return handleErr(err)
var transformEnvID = ""
if !(spec.Urn == URNGBK || spec.Urn == URNImpulse) {
transformEnvID = m.addDefaultEnv()
transform := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: edge.Name,
Spec: spec,
Inputs: inputs,
Outputs: outputs,
EnvironmentId: transformEnvID,
Annotations: annotations,
m.transforms[id] = transform
allPIds = append(allPIds, id)
return allPIds, nil
func (m *marshaller) expandCrossLanguage(namedEdge NamedEdge) (string, error) {
edge := namedEdge.Edge
id := edgeID(edge)
inputs := make(map[string]string)
for tag, n := range ExternalInputs(edge) {
if _, err := m.addNode(n); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand cross language transform for edge: %v", namedEdge)
// Ignore tag if it is a dummy UnnamedInputTag
if tag == graph.UnnamedInputTag {
tag = fmt.Sprintf("i%v", edge.External.InputsMap[tag])
inputs[tag] = nodeID(n)
spec := &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: edge.External.Urn,
Payload: edge.External.Payload,
transform := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: namedEdge.Name,
Spec: spec,
Inputs: inputs,
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
if edge.External.Expanded != nil {
// Outputs need to temporarily match format of unnamed Go SDK Nodes.
// After the initial pipeline is constructed, these will be used to correctly
// map consumers of these outputs to the expanded transform's outputs.
outputs := make(map[string]string)
for i, out := range edge.Output {
if _, err := m.addNode(out.To); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand cross language transform for edge: %v", namedEdge)
outputs[fmt.Sprintf("i%v", i)] = nodeID(out.To)
transform.Outputs = outputs
environment, err := ExpandedTransform(edge.External.Expanded)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand cross language transform for edge: %v", namedEdge)
transform.EnvironmentId = environment.EnvironmentId
m.transforms[id] = transform
return id, nil
func (m *marshaller) expandCoGBK(edge NamedEdge) (string, error) {
// TODO( replace once CoGBK is a primitive. For now, we have to translate
// CoGBK with multiple PCollections as described in cogbk.go.
handleErr := func(err error) (string, error) {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand CoGBK transform for edge: %v", edge)
id := edgeID(edge.Edge)
kvCoder, err := MakeKVUnionCoder(edge.Edge)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
kvCoderID, err := m.coders.Add(kvCoder)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
gbkCoder, err := MakeGBKUnionCoder(edge.Edge)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
gbkCoderID, err := m.coders.Add(gbkCoder)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
var subtransforms []string
inputs := make(map[string]string)
for i, in := range edge.Edge.Input {
if _, err := m.addNode(in.From); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
out := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v_inject%v", nodeID(in.From), id, i)
if _, err := m.makeNode(out, kvCoderID, in.From); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
// Inject(i)
injectID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_inject%v", id, i)
payload := &pipepb.ParDoPayload{
DoFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNInject,
Payload: []byte(protox.MustEncodeBase64(&v1pb.TransformPayload{
Urn: URNInject,
Inject: &v1pb.InjectPayload{N: (int32)(i)},
inject := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: injectID,
Spec: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNParDo,
Payload: protox.MustEncode(payload),
Inputs: map[string]string{"i0": nodeID(in.From)},
Outputs: map[string]string{"i0": out},
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
m.transforms[injectID] = inject
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, injectID)
inputs[fmt.Sprintf("i%v", i)] = out
outNode := edge.Edge.Output[0].To
// Flatten
out := fmt.Sprintf("%v_flatten", nodeID(outNode))
if _, err := m.makeNode(out, kvCoderID, outNode); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
flattenID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_flatten", id)
flatten := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: flattenID,
Spec: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNFlatten},
Inputs: inputs,
Outputs: map[string]string{"i0": out},
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
m.transforms[flattenID] = flatten
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, flattenID)
// CoGBK
gbkOut := fmt.Sprintf("%v_out", nodeID(outNode))
if _, err := m.makeNode(gbkOut, gbkCoderID, outNode); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
gbkID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_gbk", id)
gbk := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: gbkID,
Spec: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNGBK},
Inputs: map[string]string{"i0": out},
Outputs: map[string]string{"i0": gbkOut},
m.transforms[gbkID] = gbk
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, gbkID)
// Expand
if _, err := m.addNode(outNode); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
expandID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_expand", id)
payload := &pipepb.ParDoPayload{
DoFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNExpand,
Payload: []byte(protox.MustEncodeBase64(&v1pb.TransformPayload{
Urn: URNExpand,
expand := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: expandID,
Spec: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNParDo,
Payload: protox.MustEncode(payload),
Inputs: map[string]string{"i0": gbkOut},
Outputs: map[string]string{"i0": nodeID(outNode)},
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
m.transforms[id] = expand
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, id)
// Add composite for visualization
cogbkID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_cogbk", id)
m.transforms[cogbkID] = &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: edge.Name,
Subtransforms: subtransforms,
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
return cogbkID, nil
// expandReshuffle translates resharding to a composite reshuffle
// transform.
// With proper runner support, the SDK doesn't need to do anything.
// However, we still need to provide a backup plan in terms of other
// PTransforms in the event the runner doesn't have a native implementation.
// In particular, the "backup plan" needs to:
// * Encode the windowed element, preserving timestamps.
// * Add random keys to the encoded windowed element []bytes
// * GroupByKey (in the global window).
// * Explode the resulting elements list.
// * Decode the windowed element []bytes.
// While a simple reshard can be written in user terms, (timestamps and windows
// are accessible to user functions) there are some framework internal
// optimizations that can be done if the framework is aware of the reshard, though
// ideally this is handled on the runner side.
// User code is able to write reshards, but it's easier to access
// the window coders framework side, which is critical for the reshard
// to function with unbounded inputs.
func (m *marshaller) expandReshuffle(edge NamedEdge) (string, error) {
handleErr := func(err error) (string, error) {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand Reshuffle transform for edge: %v", edge)
id := edgeID(edge.Edge)
kvCoder, err := makeUnionCoder()
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
kvCoderID, err := m.coders.Add(kvCoder)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
gbkCoderID, err := m.coders.Add(coder.NewCoGBK(kvCoder.Components))
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
var subtransforms []string
in := edge.Edge.Input[0]
origInput, err := m.addNode(in.From)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
// We need to preserve the old windowing/triggering here
// for re-instatement after the GBK.
preservedWSID := m.pcollections[origInput].GetWindowingStrategyId()
preservedCoderID, coderPayloads := m.marshalReshuffleCodersForPCollection(origInput)
// Get the windowing strategy from before:
postReify := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v_reifyts", nodeID(in.From), id)
if _, err := m.makeNode(postReify, kvCoderID, in.From); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
// We need to replace postReify's windowing strategy with one appropriate
// for reshuffles.
wfn := window.NewGlobalWindows()
windowFn, err := makeWindowFn(wfn)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
coderId, err := makeWindowCoder(wfn)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
windowCoderId, err := m.coders.AddWindowCoder(coderId)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
m.pcollections[postReify].WindowingStrategyId =
// Not segregated by time...
WindowFn: windowFn,
// ...output after every element is received...
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_Always_{
Always: &pipepb.Trigger_Always{},
// ...and after outputing, discard the output elements...
AccumulationMode: pipepb.AccumulationMode_DISCARDING,
// ...and since every pane should have 1 element,
// try to preserve the timestamp.
OutputTime: pipepb.OutputTime_EARLIEST_IN_PANE,
// Defaults copied from MarshalWindowingStrategy.
// TODO(BEAM-3304): migrate to user side operations once trigger support is in.
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
MergeStatus: pipepb.MergeStatus_NON_MERGING,
WindowCoderId: windowCoderId,
ClosingBehavior: pipepb.ClosingBehavior_EMIT_IF_NONEMPTY,
AllowedLateness: int64(in.From.WindowingStrategy().AllowedLateness),
OnTimeBehavior: pipepb.OnTimeBehavior_FIRE_ALWAYS,
// Inputs (i)
inputID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_reifyts", id)
payload := &pipepb.ParDoPayload{
DoFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNReshuffleInput,
Payload: []byte(protox.MustEncodeBase64(&v1pb.TransformPayload{
Urn: URNReshuffleInput,
Reshuffle: &v1pb.ReshufflePayload{
CoderId: preservedCoderID,
CoderPayloads: coderPayloads,
input := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: inputID,
Spec: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNParDo,
Payload: protox.MustEncode(payload),
Inputs: map[string]string{"i0": nodeID(in.From)},
Outputs: map[string]string{"i0": postReify},
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
m.transforms[inputID] = input
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, inputID)
outNode := edge.Edge.Output[0].To
// GBK
gbkOut := fmt.Sprintf("%v_out", nodeID(outNode))
if _, err := m.makeNode(gbkOut, gbkCoderID, outNode); err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
gbkID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_gbk", id)
gbk := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: gbkID,
Spec: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{Urn: URNGBK},
Inputs: map[string]string{"i0": postReify},
Outputs: map[string]string{"i0": gbkOut},
m.transforms[gbkID] = gbk
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, gbkID)
// Expand
outPCol, err := m.addNode(outNode)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(err)
m.pcollections[outPCol].WindowingStrategyId = preservedWSID
outputID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_unreify", id)
outputPayload := &pipepb.ParDoPayload{
DoFn: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNReshuffleOutput,
Payload: []byte(protox.MustEncodeBase64(&v1pb.TransformPayload{
Urn: URNReshuffleOutput,
Reshuffle: &v1pb.ReshufflePayload{
CoderId: preservedCoderID,
CoderPayloads: coderPayloads,
output := &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: outputID,
Spec: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNParDo,
Payload: protox.MustEncode(outputPayload),
Inputs: map[string]string{"i0": gbkOut},
Outputs: map[string]string{"i0": nodeID(outNode)},
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
m.transforms[id] = output
subtransforms = append(subtransforms, id)
// Add composite for visualization, or runner optimization
reshuffleID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_reshuffle", id)
m.transforms[reshuffleID] = &pipepb.PTransform{
UniqueName: edge.Name,
Subtransforms: subtransforms,
Spec: &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNReshuffle,
EnvironmentId: m.addDefaultEnv(),
return reshuffleID, nil
func (m *marshaller) marshalReshuffleCodersForPCollection(pcolID string) (string, map[string][]byte) {
preservedCoderId := m.pcollections[pcolID].GetCoderId()
cps := map[string][]byte{}
cs := []string{preservedCoderId}
for cs != nil {
var next []string
for _, cid := range cs {
c := m.coders.coders[cid]
cps[cid] = protox.MustEncode(c)
for _, newCid := range c.GetComponentCoderIds() {
if _, ok := cps[newCid]; !ok {
next = append(next, c.GetComponentCoderIds()...)
cs = next
return preservedCoderId, cps
func (m *marshaller) addNode(n *graph.Node) (string, error) {
id := nodeID(n)
if _, exists := m.pcollections[id]; exists {
return id, nil
// TODO(herohde) 11/15/2017: expose UniqueName to user.
cid, err := m.coders.Add(n.Coder)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return m.makeNode(id, cid, n)
func (m *marshaller) makeNode(id, cid string, n *graph.Node) (string, error) {
windowingStrategyId, err := m.addWindowingStrategy(n.WindowingStrategy())
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to make node %v with node id %v", n, id)
col := &pipepb.PCollection{
UniqueName: id,
CoderId: cid,
IsBounded: boolToBounded(n.Bounded()),
WindowingStrategyId: windowingStrategyId,
m.pcollections[id] = col
return id, nil
func boolToBounded(bounded bool) pipepb.IsBounded_Enum {
if bounded {
return pipepb.IsBounded_BOUNDED
return pipepb.IsBounded_UNBOUNDED
// defaultEnvId is the environment ID used for Go Pipeline Environments.
const defaultEnvId = "go"
func (m *marshaller) addDefaultEnv() string {
if _, exists := m.environments[defaultEnvId]; !exists {
m.environments[defaultEnvId] = m.opt.Environment
return defaultEnvId
func (m *marshaller) addWindowingStrategy(w *window.WindowingStrategy) (string, error) {
ws, err := MarshalWindowingStrategy(m.coders, w)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add window strategy %v", w)
ws.EnvironmentId = m.addDefaultEnv()
return m.internWindowingStrategy(ws), nil
func (m *marshaller) internWindowingStrategy(w *pipepb.WindowingStrategy) string {
key := proto.MarshalTextString(w)
if id, exists := m.windowing2id[key]; exists {
return id
id := fmt.Sprintf("w%v", len(m.windowing2id))
m.windowing2id[key] = id
m.windowing[id] = w
return id
// MarshalWindowingStrategy marshals the given windowing strategy in
// the given coder context.
func MarshalWindowingStrategy(c *CoderMarshaller, w *window.WindowingStrategy) (*pipepb.WindowingStrategy, error) {
windowFn, err := makeWindowFn(w.Fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
coderId, err := makeWindowCoder(w.Fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
windowCoderId, err := c.AddWindowCoder(coderId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mergeStat pipepb.MergeStatus_Enum
if w.Fn.Kind == window.Sessions {
mergeStat = pipepb.MergeStatus_NEEDS_MERGE
} else {
mergeStat = pipepb.MergeStatus_NON_MERGING
ws := &pipepb.WindowingStrategy{
WindowFn: windowFn,
MergeStatus: mergeStat,
WindowCoderId: windowCoderId,
Trigger: makeTrigger(w.Trigger),
AccumulationMode: makeAccumulationMode(w.AccumulationMode),
OutputTime: pipepb.OutputTime_END_OF_WINDOW,
ClosingBehavior: pipepb.ClosingBehavior_EMIT_IF_NONEMPTY,
AllowedLateness: int64(w.AllowedLateness),
OnTimeBehavior: pipepb.OnTimeBehavior_FIRE_IF_NONEMPTY,
return ws, nil
func makeAccumulationMode(m window.AccumulationMode) pipepb.AccumulationMode_Enum {
switch m {
case window.Accumulating:
return pipepb.AccumulationMode_ACCUMULATING
case window.Discarding:
return pipepb.AccumulationMode_DISCARDING
case window.Unspecified:
return pipepb.AccumulationMode_UNSPECIFIED
case window.Retracting:
return pipepb.AccumulationMode_RETRACTING
return pipepb.AccumulationMode_DISCARDING
func makeTrigger(t trigger.Trigger) *pipepb.Trigger {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *trigger.DefaultTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_Default_{
Default: &pipepb.Trigger_Default{},
case *trigger.AlwaysTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_Always_{
Always: &pipepb.Trigger_Always{},
case *trigger.AfterAnyTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterAny_{
AfterAny: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterAny{
Subtriggers: extractSubtriggers(t.SubTriggers()),
case *trigger.AfterAllTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterAll_{
AfterAll: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterAll{
Subtriggers: extractSubtriggers(t.SubTriggers()),
case *trigger.AfterProcessingTimeTrigger:
if len(t.TimestampTransforms()) == 0 {
panic("AfterProcessingTime trigger set without a delay or alignment.")
tts := []*pipepb.TimestampTransform{}
for _, tt := range t.TimestampTransforms() {
var ttp *pipepb.TimestampTransform
switch tt := tt.(type) {
case trigger.DelayTransform:
ttp = &pipepb.TimestampTransform{
TimestampTransform: &pipepb.TimestampTransform_Delay_{
Delay: &pipepb.TimestampTransform_Delay{DelayMillis: tt.Delay},
case trigger.AlignToTransform:
ttp = &pipepb.TimestampTransform{
TimestampTransform: &pipepb.TimestampTransform_AlignTo_{
AlignTo: &pipepb.TimestampTransform_AlignTo{
Period: tt.Period,
Offset: tt.Offset,
tts = append(tts, ttp)
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterProcessingTime_{
AfterProcessingTime: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterProcessingTime{
TimestampTransforms: tts,
case *trigger.AfterCountTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_ElementCount_{
ElementCount: &pipepb.Trigger_ElementCount{ElementCount: t.ElementCount()},
case *trigger.AfterEndOfWindowTrigger:
var lateTrigger *pipepb.Trigger
if t.Late() != nil {
lateTrigger = makeTrigger(t.Late())
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterEndOfWindow_{
AfterEndOfWindow: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterEndOfWindow{
EarlyFirings: makeTrigger(t.Early()),
LateFirings: lateTrigger,
case *trigger.RepeatTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_Repeat_{
Repeat: &pipepb.Trigger_Repeat{Subtrigger: makeTrigger(t.SubTrigger())},
case *trigger.NeverTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_Never_{
Never: &pipepb.Trigger_Never{},
case *trigger.AfterSynchronizedProcessingTimeTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterSynchronizedProcessingTime_{
AfterSynchronizedProcessingTime: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterSynchronizedProcessingTime{},
case *trigger.OrFinallyTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_OrFinally_{
OrFinally: &pipepb.Trigger_OrFinally{
Main: makeTrigger(t.Main()),
Finally: makeTrigger(t.Finally()),
case *trigger.AfterEachTrigger:
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterEach_{
AfterEach: &pipepb.Trigger_AfterEach{
Subtriggers: extractSubtriggers(t.Subtriggers()),
return &pipepb.Trigger{
Trigger: &pipepb.Trigger_Default_{
Default: &pipepb.Trigger_Default{},
func extractSubtriggers(t []trigger.Trigger) []*pipepb.Trigger {
if len(t) <= 0 {
panic("At least one subtrigger required for composite triggers.")
var result []*pipepb.Trigger
for _, tr := range t {
result = append(result, makeTrigger(tr))
return result
func makeWindowFn(w *window.Fn) (*pipepb.FunctionSpec, error) {
switch w.Kind {
case window.GlobalWindows:
return &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNGlobalWindowsWindowFn,
}, nil
case window.FixedWindows:
return &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNFixedWindowsWindowFn,
Payload: protox.MustEncode(
Size: durationpb.New(w.Size),
}, nil
case window.SlidingWindows:
return &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNSlidingWindowsWindowFn,
Payload: protox.MustEncode(
Size: durationpb.New(w.Size),
Period: durationpb.New(w.Period),
}, nil
case window.Sessions:
return &pipepb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: URNSessionsWindowFn,
Payload: protox.MustEncode(
GapSize: durationpb.New(w.Gap),
}, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected windowing strategy: %v", w)
func makeWindowCoder(w *window.Fn) (*coder.WindowCoder, error) {
switch w.Kind {
case window.GlobalWindows:
return coder.NewGlobalWindow(), nil
case window.FixedWindows, window.SlidingWindows, window.Sessions, URNSlidingWindowsWindowFn:
return coder.NewIntervalWindow(), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected windowing strategy for coder: %v", w)
func mustEncodeMultiEdgeBase64(edge *graph.MultiEdge) (string, error) {
ref, err := EncodeMultiEdge(edge)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to serialize %v", edge)
return protox.MustEncodeBase64(&v1pb.TransformPayload{
Urn: URNDoFn,
Edge: ref,
}), nil
func edgeID(edge *graph.MultiEdge) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("e%v", edge.ID())
func nodeID(n *graph.Node) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("n%v", n.ID())
func scopeID(s *graph.Scope) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("s%v", s.ID())
// UpdateDefaultEnvWorkerType is so runners can update the pipeline's default environment
// with the correct artifact type and payload for the Go worker binary.
func UpdateDefaultEnvWorkerType(typeUrn string, pyld []byte, p *pipepb.Pipeline) error {
// Get the Go environment out.
envs := p.GetComponents().GetEnvironments()
env, ok := envs[defaultEnvId]
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("unable to find default Go environment with ID %q", defaultEnvId)
for _, dep := range env.GetDependencies() {
if dep.RoleUrn != URNArtifactGoWorkerRole {
dep.TypeUrn = typeUrn
dep.TypePayload = pyld
return nil
return errors.Errorf("unable to find dependency with %q role in environment with ID %q,", URNArtifactGoWorkerRole, defaultEnvId)