blob: 44e9497dac915644972fd496c1d65bf3723202cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import CommonJobProperties as commonJobProperties
import LoadTestsBuilder as loadTestsBuilder
import PhraseTriggeringPostCommitBuilder
import InfluxDBCredentialsHelper
def now = new Date().format("MMddHHmmss", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
def loadTestConfigurations = { mode, datasetName ->
title : 'ParDo Python Load test: 2GB 100 byte records 10 times',
test : 'apache_beam.testing.load_tests.pardo_test',
runner : CommonTestProperties.Runner.DATAFLOW,
pipelineOptions: [
job_name : "load-tests-python-dataflow-${mode}-pardo-1-${now}",
project : 'apache-beam-testing',
region : 'us-central1',
temp_location : 'gs://temp-storage-for-perf-tests/loadtests',
publish_to_big_query : true,
metrics_dataset : datasetName,
metrics_table : "python_dataflow_${mode}_pardo_1",
influx_measurement : "python_${mode}_pardo_1",
input_options : '\'{' +
'"num_records": 20000000,' +
'"key_size": 10,' +
'"value_size": 90}\'',
iterations : 10,
number_of_counter_operations: 0,
number_of_counters : 0,
num_workers : 5,
autoscaling_algorithm: 'NONE',
title : 'ParDo Python Load test: 2GB 100 byte records 200 times',
test : 'apache_beam.testing.load_tests.pardo_test',
runner : CommonTestProperties.Runner.DATAFLOW,
pipelineOptions: [
job_name : "load-tests-python-dataflow-${mode}-pardo-2-${now}",
project : 'apache-beam-testing',
region : 'us-central1',
temp_location : 'gs://temp-storage-for-perf-tests/loadtests',
publish_to_big_query : true,
metrics_dataset : datasetName,
metrics_table : "python_dataflow_${mode}_pardo_2",
influx_measurement : "python_${mode}_pardo_2",
input_options : '\'{' +
'"num_records": 20000000,' +
'"key_size": 10,' +
'"value_size": 90}\'',
iterations : 200,
number_of_counter_operations: 0,
number_of_counters : 0,
num_workers : 5,
autoscaling_algorithm: 'NONE',
title : 'ParDo Python Load test: 2GB 100 byte records 10 counters',
test : 'apache_beam.testing.load_tests.pardo_test',
runner : CommonTestProperties.Runner.DATAFLOW,
pipelineOptions: [
job_name : "load-tests-python-dataflow-${mode}-pardo-3-${now}",
project : 'apache-beam-testing',
region : 'us-central1',
temp_location : 'gs://temp-storage-for-perf-tests/loadtests',
publish_to_big_query : true,
metrics_dataset : datasetName,
metrics_table : "python_dataflow_${mode}_pardo_3",
influx_measurement : "python_${mode}_pardo_3",
input_options : '\'{' +
'"num_records": 20000000,' +
'"key_size": 10,' +
'"value_size": 90}\'',
iterations : 1,
number_of_counter_operations: 10,
number_of_counters : 1,
num_workers : 5,
autoscaling_algorithm: 'NONE',
title : 'ParDo Python Load test: 2GB 100 byte records 100 counters',
test : 'apache_beam.testing.load_tests.pardo_test',
runner : CommonTestProperties.Runner.DATAFLOW,
pipelineOptions: [
job_name : "load-tests-python-dataflow-${mode}-pardo-4-${now}",
project : 'apache-beam-testing',
region : 'us-central1',
temp_location : 'gs://temp-storage-for-perf-tests/loadtests',
publish_to_big_query : true,
metrics_dataset : datasetName,
metrics_table : "python_dataflow_${mode}_pardo_4",
influx_measurement : "python_${mode}_pardo_4",
input_options : '\'{' +
'"num_records": 20000000,' +
'"key_size": 10,' +
'"value_size": 90}\'',
iterations : 1,
number_of_counter_operations: 100,
number_of_counters : 1,
num_workers : 5,
autoscaling_algorithm: 'NONE',
].each { test -> test.pipelineOptions.putAll(additionalPipelineArgs) }
.each{ test -> (mode != 'streaming') ?: addStreamingOptions(test) }
def addStreamingOptions(test) {
test.pipelineOptions << [
streaming: null,
// Use the new Dataflow runner, which offers improved efficiency of Dataflow jobs.
// See
// for more details.
// TODO( remove shuffle_mode=appliance with runner v2 once issue is resolved.
experiments: 'use_runner_v2,shuffle_mode=appliance',
def loadTestJob = { scope, triggeringContext, jobType ->
scope.description("Runs Python ParDo load tests on Dataflow runner in ${jobType} mode")
commonJobProperties.setTopLevelMainJobProperties(scope, 'master', 120)
def datasetName = loadTestsBuilder.getBigQueryDataset('load_test', triggeringContext)
for (testConfiguration in loadTestConfigurations(jobType, datasetName)) {
loadTestsBuilder.loadTest(scope, testConfiguration.title, testConfiguration.runner, CommonTestProperties.SDK.PYTHON, testConfiguration.pipelineOptions, testConfiguration.test)
'Run Load Tests Python ParDo Dataflow Batch',
'Load Tests Python ParDo Dataflow Batch suite',
) {
additionalPipelineArgs = [:]
loadTestJob(delegate, CommonTestProperties.TriggeringContext.PR, "batch")
CronJobBuilder.cronJob('beam_LoadTests_Python_ParDo_Dataflow_Batch', 'H 13 * * *', this) {
additionalPipelineArgs = [
influx_db_name: InfluxDBCredentialsHelper.InfluxDBDatabaseName,
influx_hostname: InfluxDBCredentialsHelper.InfluxDBHostUrl,
loadTestJob(delegate, CommonTestProperties.TriggeringContext.POST_COMMIT, "batch")
'Run Python Load Tests ParDo Dataflow Streaming',
'Load Tests Python ParDo Dataflow Streaming suite',
) {
additionalPipelineArgs = [:]
loadTestJob(delegate, CommonTestProperties.TriggeringContext.PR, "streaming")
CronJobBuilder.cronJob('beam_LoadTests_Python_ParDo_Dataflow_Streaming', 'H 13 * * *', this) {
additionalPipelineArgs = [
influx_db_name: InfluxDBCredentialsHelper.InfluxDBDatabaseName,
influx_hostname: InfluxDBCredentialsHelper.InfluxDBHostUrl,
loadTestJob(delegate, CommonTestProperties.TriggeringContext.POST_COMMIT, "streaming")