blob: b71be1b2d8b1b8d6ca7cd14200486d861890bc79 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.client.operator;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.annotation.audience.Audience;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.annotation.operator.Basic;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.annotation.operator.StateComplexity;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.client.functional.ExtractEventTime;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.client.functional.UnaryFunctor;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.client.operator.base.Builders;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.client.operator.base.Operator;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.client.operator.hint.OutputHint;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.client.type.TypeAware;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.euphoria.core.translate.OperatorTransform;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.DoFn;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionList;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TypeDescriptor;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
* A transformation of a dataset from one type into another allowing user code to generate zero,
* one, or many output elements for a given input element.
* <p>The user supplied map function is supposed to be stateless. It is fed items from the input in
* no specified order and the results of the map function are "flattened" to the output (equally in
* no specified order.)
* <p>Example:
* <pre>{@code
* PCollection<String> strings = ...;
* PCollection<Integer> ints =
* FlatMap.named("TO-INT")
* .of(strings)
* .using((String s, Context<String> c) -> {
* try {
* int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
* c.collect(i);
* } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
* // ~ ignore the input if we failed to parse it
* }
* })
* .output();
* }</pre>
* <p>The above example tries to parse incoming strings as integers, silently skipping those which
* cannot be successfully converted. While {@link Collector#collect(Object)} has been used only once
* here, a {@link FlatMap} operator is free to invoke it multiple times or not at all to generate
* that many elements to the output dataset.
* <h3>Builders:</h3>
* <ol>
* <li>{@code [named] ..................} give name to the operator [optional]
* <li>{@code of .......................} input dataset
* <li>{@code using ....................} apply {@link UnaryFunctor} to input elements
* <li>{@code [eventTimeBy] ............} change event time characteristic of output elements
* using {@link ExtractEventTime}
* <li>{@code output ...................} build output dataset
* </ol>
@Basic(state = StateComplexity.ZERO, repartitions = 0)
public class FlatMap<InputT, OutputT> extends Operator<OutputT>
implements TypeAware.Output<OutputT> {
* Starts building a nameless {@link FlatMap} operator to transform the given input dataset.
* @param <InputT> the type of elements of the input dataset
* @param input the input data set to be transformed
* @return a builder to complete the setup of the new {@link FlatMap} operator
* @see #named(String)
* @see OfBuilder#of(PCollection)
public static <InputT> UsingBuilder<InputT> of(PCollection<InputT> input) {
return named(null).of(input);
* Starts building a named {@link FlatMap} operator.
* @param name a user provided name of the new operator to build
* @return a builder to complete the setup of the new {@link FlatMap} operator
public static OfBuilder named(@Nullable String name) {
return new Builder<>(name);
// ------------- Builders chain
/** Builder exposing {@link #of(PCollection)} method. */
public interface OfBuilder extends Builders.Of {
<InputT> UsingBuilder<InputT> of(PCollection<InputT> input);
* A builder which allows user to determine {@link FlatMap FlatMap's} {@link UnaryFunctor
* functor}.
* @param <InputT> Input elements type parameter.
public interface UsingBuilder<InputT> {
* Specifies the user defined map function by which to transform the final operator's input
* dataset.
* @param <OutputT> the type of elements the user defined map function will produce to the
* output dataset
* @param functor the user defined map function
* @return the next builder to complete the setup of the {@link FlatMap} operator
<OutputT> EventTimeBuilder<InputT, OutputT> using(UnaryFunctor<InputT, OutputT> functor);
<OutputT> EventTimeBuilder<InputT, OutputT> using(
UnaryFunctor<InputT, OutputT> functor, TypeDescriptor<OutputT> outputTypeDescriptor);
* Builder allowing user to specify how event time is associated with input elements.
* @param <InputT> input elements type
* @param <OutputT> output elements type
public interface EventTimeBuilder<InputT, OutputT> extends Builders.Output<OutputT> {
* Specifies a function to derive the input element's event time. Processing of the input stream
* continues then to proceed with this event time.
* @param eventTimeFn the event time extraction function
* @return the next builder to complete the setup of the {@link FlatMap} operator
default Builders.Output<OutputT> eventTimeBy(ExtractEventTime<InputT> eventTimeFn) {
// allowed timestamp shifts to infitive past
return eventTimeBy(eventTimeFn, null);
* Specifies a function to derive the input element's event time. Processing of the input stream
* continues then to proceed with this event time.
* @param eventTimeFn the event time extraction function
* @param timestampSkew allowed skew in milliseconds of already assigned timestamps and the
* newly assigned (see {@link DoFn#getAllowedTimestampSkew}
* @return the next builder to complete the setup of the {@link FlatMap} operator
Builders.Output<OutputT> eventTimeBy(
ExtractEventTime<InputT> eventTimeFn, @Nullable Duration timestampSkew);
/** Builder of {@link FlatMap}. */
public static class Builder<InputT, OutputT>
implements OfBuilder,
EventTimeBuilder<InputT, OutputT>,
Builders.Output<OutputT> {
@Nullable private final String name;
private PCollection<InputT> input;
private UnaryFunctor<InputT, OutputT> functor;
@Nullable private TypeDescriptor<OutputT> outputType;
@Nullable private ExtractEventTime<InputT> evtTimeFn;
private Duration allowedTimestampSkew = Duration.millis(Long.MAX_VALUE);
Builder(@Nullable String name) { = name;
public <InputLocalT> UsingBuilder<InputLocalT> of(PCollection<InputLocalT> input) {
Builder<InputLocalT, ?> cast = (Builder) this;
cast.input = requireNonNull(input);
return cast;
public <OutputLocalT> EventTimeBuilder<InputT, OutputLocalT> using(
UnaryFunctor<InputT, OutputLocalT> functor) {
return using(functor, null);
public <OutputLocalT> EventTimeBuilder<InputT, OutputLocalT> using(
UnaryFunctor<InputT, OutputLocalT> functor, TypeDescriptor<OutputLocalT> outputType) {
Builder<InputT, OutputLocalT> cast = (Builder) this;
cast.functor = requireNonNull(functor);
cast.outputType = outputType;
return cast;
public Builders.Output<OutputT> eventTimeBy(
ExtractEventTime<InputT> eventTimeFn, @Nullable Duration timestampSkew) {
this.evtTimeFn = requireNonNull(eventTimeFn);
this.allowedTimestampSkew =
MoreObjects.firstNonNull(timestampSkew, Duration.millis(Long.MAX_VALUE));
return this;
public PCollection<OutputT> output(OutputHint... outputHints) {
return OperatorTransform.apply(
new FlatMap<>(name, functor, outputType, evtTimeFn, allowedTimestampSkew),
private final UnaryFunctor<InputT, OutputT> functor;
@Nullable private final ExtractEventTime<InputT> eventTimeFn;
private final Duration allowedTimestampSkew;
private FlatMap(
@Nullable String name,
UnaryFunctor<InputT, OutputT> functor,
@Nullable TypeDescriptor<OutputT> outputType,
@Nullable ExtractEventTime<InputT> evtTimeFn,
Duration allowedTimestampSkew) {
super(name, outputType);
this.functor = functor;
this.eventTimeFn = evtTimeFn;
this.allowedTimestampSkew = requireNonNull(allowedTimestampSkew);
* Retrieves the user defined map function to be applied to this operator's input elements.
* @return the user defined map function; never {@code null}
public UnaryFunctor<InputT, OutputT> getFunctor() {
return functor;
* Retrieves the optional user defined event time assigner.
* @return the user defined event time assigner if specified
public Optional<ExtractEventTime<InputT>> getEventTimeExtractor() {
return Optional.ofNullable(eventTimeFn);
* Retrieves maximal allowed timestamp skew.
* @return the user supplied maximal allowed timestamp skew
public Duration getAllowedTimestampSkew() {
return allowedTimestampSkew;