blob: 047d81853fca159f04423f615534bdb178571bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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// limitations under the License.
package dataflowlib
import (
pubsub_v1 ""
pb ""
df ""
const (
impulseKind = "CreateCollection"
parDoKind = "ParallelDo"
combineKind = "CombineValues"
flattenKind = "Flatten"
gbkKind = "GroupByKey"
windowIntoKind = "Bucket"
sideInputKind = "CollectionToSingleton"
// Support for Dataflow native I/O, such as PubSub.
readKind = "ParallelRead"
writeKind = "ParallelWrite"
// translate translates a pipeline into a sequence of Dataflow steps. The step
// representation and its semantics are complex. In particular, the service
// optimizes the steps (step fusing, etc.) and may move steps around. Our
// decorations of the steps must thus be robust against such changes, so that
// they can be properly decoded in the harness. There are multiple quirks and
// requirements of specific semi-opaque formats, such as base64 encoded blobs.
// Moreover, the harness sees pieces of the translated steps only -- not the
// full graph. Special steps are also inserted around GBK, for example, which
// makes the placement of the decoration somewhat tricky. The harness will
// also never see steps that the service executes directly, notably GBK/CoGBK.
func translate(p *pb.Pipeline) ([]*df.Step, error) {
// NOTE: Dataflow apparently assumes that the steps are in topological order.
// Otherwise, it fails with "Output out for step was not found.". We assume
// the pipeline has been normalized and each subtransform list is in such order.
x := newTranslator(p.GetComponents())
return x.translateTransforms("", p.GetRootTransformIds())
type translator struct {
comp *pb.Components
pcollections map[string]*outputReference
coders *graphx.CoderUnmarshaller
bogusCoderRef *graphx.CoderRef
func newTranslator(comp *pb.Components) *translator {
bytesCoderRef, _ := graphx.EncodeCoderRef(coder.NewW(coder.NewBytes(), coder.NewGlobalWindow()))
return &translator{
comp: comp,
pcollections: makeOutputReferences(comp.GetTransforms()),
coders: graphx.NewCoderUnmarshaller(comp.GetCoders()),
bogusCoderRef: bytesCoderRef,
func (x *translator) translateTransforms(trunk string, ids []string) ([]*df.Step, error) {
var steps []*df.Step
for _, id := range ids {
sub, err := x.translateTransform(trunk, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
steps = append(steps, sub...)
return steps, nil
func (x *translator) translateTransform(trunk string, id string) ([]*df.Step, error) {
t := x.comp.Transforms[id]
prop := properties{
UserName: userName(trunk, t.UniqueName),
OutputInfo: x.translateOutputs(t.Outputs),
urn := t.GetSpec().GetUrn()
switch urn {
case graphx.URNImpulse:
// NOTE: The impulse []data value is encoded in a special way as a
// URL Query-escaped windowed _unnested_ value. It is read back in
// a nested context at runtime.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := exec.EncodeWindowedValueHeader(exec.MakeWindowEncoder(coder.NewGlobalWindow()), window.SingleGlobalWindow, mtime.ZeroTimestamp, &buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
value := string(append(buf.Bytes(), t.GetSpec().Payload...))
// log.Printf("Impulse data: %v", url.QueryEscape(value))
prop.Element = []string{url.QueryEscape(value)}
return []*df.Step{x.newStep(id, impulseKind, prop)}, nil
case graphx.URNParDo:
var payload pb.ParDoPayload
if err := proto.Unmarshal(t.Spec.Payload, &payload); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid ParDo payload for %v", t)
var steps []*df.Step
rem := reflectx.ShallowClone(t.Inputs).(map[string]string)
prop.NonParallelInputs = make(map[string]*outputReference)
for key := range payload.SideInputs {
// Side input require an additional conversion step, which must
// be before the present one.
delete(rem, key)
pcol := x.comp.Pcollections[t.Inputs[key]]
ref := x.pcollections[t.Inputs[key]]
c := x.translateCoder(pcol, pcol.CoderId)
side := &df.Step{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("view%v_%v", id, key),
Kind: sideInputKind,
Properties: newMsg(properties{
ParallelInput: ref,
OutputInfo: []output{{
UserName: "i0",
OutputName: "i0",
Encoding: graphx.WrapIterable(c),
UserName: userName(trunk, fmt.Sprintf("AsView%v_%v", id, key)),
steps = append(steps, side)
prop.NonParallelInputs[key] = newOutputReference(side.Name, "i0")
in := stringx.SingleValue(rem)
prop.ParallelInput = x.pcollections[in]
prop.SerializedFn = id // == reference into the proto pipeline
return append(steps, x.newStep(id, parDoKind, prop)), nil
case graphx.URNCombinePerKey:
// Dataflow uses a GBK followed by a CombineValues to determine when it can lift.
// To achieve this, we use the combine composite's subtransforms, and modify the
// Combine ParDo with the CombineValues kind, set its SerializedFn to map to the
// composite payload, and the accumulator coding.
if len(t.Subtransforms) != 2 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid CombinePerKey, expected 2 subtransforms but got %d in %v", len(t.Subtransforms), t)
steps, err := x.translateTransforms(fmt.Sprintf("%v%v/", trunk, path.Base(t.UniqueName)), t.Subtransforms)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid CombinePerKey, couldn't extract GBK from %v", t)
var payload pb.CombinePayload
if err := proto.Unmarshal(t.Spec.Payload, &payload); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid Combine payload for %v", t)
c, err := x.coders.Coder(payload.AccumulatorCoderId)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid Combine payload , missing Accumulator Coder %v", t)
enc, err := graphx.EncodeCoderRef(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid Combine payload, couldn't encode Accumulator Coder %v", t)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(steps[1].Properties), &prop)
prop.Encoding = enc
prop.SerializedFn = id
steps[1].Kind = combineKind
steps[1].Properties = newMsg(prop)
return steps, nil
case graphx.URNFlatten:
for _, in := range t.Inputs {
prop.Inputs = append(prop.Inputs, x.pcollections[in])
return []*df.Step{x.newStep(id, flattenKind, prop)}, nil
case graphx.URNGBK:
in := stringx.SingleValue(t.Inputs)
prop.ParallelInput = x.pcollections[in]
prop.SerializedFn = encodeSerializedFn(x.extractWindowingStrategy(in))
return []*df.Step{x.newStep(id, gbkKind, prop)}, nil
case graphx.URNWindow:
in := stringx.SingleValue(t.Inputs)
out := stringx.SingleValue(t.Outputs)
prop.ParallelInput = x.pcollections[in]
prop.SerializedFn = encodeSerializedFn(x.extractWindowingStrategy(out))
return []*df.Step{x.newStep(id, windowIntoKind, prop)}, nil
case pubsub_v1.PubSubPayloadURN:
// Translate to native handling of PubSub I/O.
var msg pubsub_v1.PubSubPayload
if err := proto.Unmarshal(t.Spec.Payload, &msg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "bad pubsub payload")
prop.Format = "pubsub"
prop.PubSubTopic = msg.GetTopic()
prop.PubSubSubscription = msg.GetSubscription()
prop.PubSubIDLabel = msg.GetIdAttribute()
prop.PubSubTimestampLabel = msg.GetTimestampAttribute()
prop.PubSubWithAttributes = msg.GetWithAttributes()
if prop.PubSubSubscription != "" {
prop.PubSubTopic = ""
switch msg.Op {
case pubsub_v1.PubSubPayload_READ:
return []*df.Step{x.newStep(id, readKind, prop)}, nil
case pubsub_v1.PubSubPayload_WRITE:
in := stringx.SingleValue(t.Inputs)
prop.ParallelInput = x.pcollections[in]
prop.Encoding = x.wrapCoder(x.comp.Pcollections[in], coder.NewBytes())
return []*df.Step{x.newStep(id, writeKind, prop)}, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("bad pubsub op: %v", msg.Op)
if len(t.Subtransforms) > 0 {
return x.translateTransforms(fmt.Sprintf("%v%v/", trunk, path.Base(t.UniqueName)), t.Subtransforms)
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected primitive urn: %v", t)
func (x *translator) newStep(id, kind string, prop properties) *df.Step {
step := &df.Step{
Name: id,
Kind: kind,
Properties: newMsg(prop),
if prop.PubSubWithAttributes {
// Hack to add a empty-value property for PubSub IO. This
// will make PubSub send the entire message, not just
// the payload.
prop.PubSubWithAttributes = false
step.Properties = newMsg(propertiesWithPubSubMessage{properties: prop})
return step
func (x *translator) translateOutputs(outputs map[string]string) []output {
var ret []output
for _, out := range outputs {
pcol := x.comp.Pcollections[out]
ref := x.pcollections[out]
info := output{
UserName: ref.OutputName,
OutputName: ref.OutputName,
Encoding: x.translateCoder(pcol, pcol.CoderId),
ret = append(ret, info)
if len(ret) == 0 {
// Dataflow seems to require at least one output. We insert
// a bogus one (named "bogus") and remove it in the harness.
ret = []output{{
UserName: "bogus",
OutputName: "bogus",
Encoding: x.bogusCoderRef,
return ret
func (x *translator) translateCoder(pcol *pb.PCollection, id string) *graphx.CoderRef {
c, err := x.coders.Coder(id)
if err != nil {
return x.wrapCoder(pcol, c)
func (x *translator) wrapCoder(pcol *pb.PCollection, c *coder.Coder) *graphx.CoderRef {
// TODO(herohde) 3/16/2018: ensure windowed values for Dataflow
ws := x.comp.WindowingStrategies[pcol.WindowingStrategyId]
wc, err := x.coders.WindowCoder(ws.WindowCoderId)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to decode window coder %v for windowing strategy %v", ws.WindowCoderId, pcol.WindowingStrategyId))
ret, err := graphx.EncodeCoderRef(coder.NewW(c, wc))
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to wrap coder %v for windowing strategy %v", c, pcol.WindowingStrategyId))
return ret
// extractWindowingStrategy returns a self-contained windowing strategy from
// the given pcollection id.
func (x *translator) extractWindowingStrategy(pid string) *pb.MessageWithComponents {
ws := x.comp.WindowingStrategies[x.comp.Pcollections[pid].WindowingStrategyId]
msg := &pb.MessageWithComponents{
Components: &pb.Components{
Coders: pipelinex.TrimCoders(x.comp.Coders, ws.WindowCoderId),
Root: &pb.MessageWithComponents_WindowingStrategy{
WindowingStrategy: ws,
return msg
// makeOutputReferences builds a map from PCollection id to the Dataflow representation.
// Each output is named after the generating transform.
func makeOutputReferences(xforms map[string]*pb.PTransform) map[string]*outputReference {
ret := make(map[string]*outputReference)
for id, t := range xforms {
if len(t.Subtransforms) > 0 {
continue // ignore composites
for name, out := range t.Outputs {
ret[out] = newOutputReference(id, name)
return ret
// userName computes a Dataflow composite name understood by the Dataflow UI,
// determined by the scope nesting. Dataflow simply uses "/" to separate
// composite transforms, so we must remove them from the otherwise qualified
// package names of DoFns, etc. Assumes trunk ends in / or is empty.
func userName(trunk, name string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", trunk, path.Base(name))
func encodeSerializedFn(in proto.Message) string {
// The Beam Runner API uses percent-encoding for serialized fn messages.
// See:
data := protox.MustEncode(in)
return url.PathEscape(string(data))