blob: 5ac1f595a33a27e13805000a037f03b886f9a101 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package graphx
import (
v1 ""
pb ""
const (
// Model constants
urnBytesCoder = "beam:coder:bytes:v1"
urnVarIntCoder = "beam:coder:varint:v1"
urnLengthPrefixCoder = "beam:coder:length_prefix:v1"
urnKVCoder = "beam:coder:kv:v1"
urnIterableCoder = "beam:coder:iterable:v1"
urnStateBackedIterableCoder = "beam:coder:state_backed_iterable:v1"
urnWindowedValueCoder = "beam:coder:windowed_value:v1"
urnGlobalWindow = "beam:coder:global_window:v1"
urnIntervalWindow = "beam:coder:interval_window:v1"
// SDK constants
urnCustomCoder = "beam:go:coder:custom:v1"
urnCoGBKList = "beam:go:coder:cogbklist:v1" // CoGBK representation. Not a coder.
// MarshalCoders marshals a list of coders into model coders.
func MarshalCoders(coders []*coder.Coder) ([]string, map[string]*pb.Coder) {
b := NewCoderMarshaller()
ids := b.AddMulti(coders)
return ids, b.Build()
// UnmarshalCoders unmarshals coders.
func UnmarshalCoders(ids []string, m map[string]*pb.Coder) ([]*coder.Coder, error) {
b := NewCoderUnmarshaller(m)
var coders []*coder.Coder
for _, id := range ids {
c, err := b.Coder(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
coders = append(coders, c)
return coders, nil
// CoderUnmarshaller is an incremental unmarshaller of model coders. Identical
// coders are shared.
type CoderUnmarshaller struct {
models map[string]*pb.Coder
coders map[string]*coder.Coder
windowCoders map[string]*coder.WindowCoder
// NewCoderUnmarshaller returns a new CoderUnmarshaller.
func NewCoderUnmarshaller(m map[string]*pb.Coder) *CoderUnmarshaller {
return &CoderUnmarshaller{
models: m,
coders: make(map[string]*coder.Coder),
windowCoders: make(map[string]*coder.WindowCoder),
func (b *CoderUnmarshaller) Coders(ids []string) ([]*coder.Coder, error) {
coders := make([]*coder.Coder, len(ids))
for i, id := range ids {
c, err := b.Coder(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
coders[i] = c
return coders, nil
// Coder unmarshals a coder with the given id.
func (b *CoderUnmarshaller) Coder(id string) (*coder.Coder, error) {
if c, exists := b.coders[id]; exists {
return c, nil
c, ok := b.models[id]
if !ok {
err := errors.Errorf("coder with id %v not found", id)
return nil, errors.WithContextf(err, "unmarshalling coder %v", id)
ret, err := b.makeCoder(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithContextf(err, "unmarshalling coder %v", id)
b.coders[id] = ret
return ret, nil
// WindowCoder unmarshals a window coder with the given id.
func (b *CoderUnmarshaller) WindowCoder(id string) (*coder.WindowCoder, error) {
if w, exists := b.windowCoders[id]; exists {
return w, nil
c, err := b.peek(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w := urnToWindowCoder(c.GetSpec().GetUrn())
b.windowCoders[id] = w
return w, nil
func urnToWindowCoder(urn string) *coder.WindowCoder {
switch urn {
case urnGlobalWindow:
return coder.NewGlobalWindow()
case urnIntervalWindow:
return coder.NewIntervalWindow()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to translate URN to window coder, unexpected URN: %v", urn))
func (b *CoderUnmarshaller) makeCoder(c *pb.Coder) (*coder.Coder, error) {
urn := c.GetSpec().GetUrn()
components := c.GetComponentCoderIds()
switch urn {
case urnBytesCoder:
return coder.NewBytes(), nil
case urnVarIntCoder:
return coder.NewVarInt(), nil
case urnKVCoder:
if len(components) != 2 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not unmarshal KV coder from %v, want exactly 2 components but have %d", c, len(components))
key, err := b.Coder(components[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
id := components[1]
kind := coder.KV
root := typex.KVType
elm, err := b.peek(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch elm.GetSpec().GetUrn() {
case urnIterableCoder, urnStateBackedIterableCoder:
id = elm.GetComponentCoderIds()[0]
kind = coder.CoGBK
root = typex.CoGBKType
// TODO(BEAM-490): If CoGBK with > 1 input, handle as special GBK. We expect
// it to be encoded as CoGBK<K,LP<CoGBKList<V,W,..>>>. Remove this handling once
// CoGBK has a first-class representation.
if ids, ok := b.isCoGBKList(id); ok {
// CoGBK<K,V,W,..>
values, err := b.Coders(ids)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t := typex.New(root, append([]typex.FullType{key.T}, coder.Types(values)...)...)
return &coder.Coder{Kind: kind, T: t, Components: append([]*coder.Coder{key}, values...)}, nil
value, err := b.Coder(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t := typex.New(root, key.T, value.T)
return &coder.Coder{Kind: kind, T: t, Components: []*coder.Coder{key, value}}, nil
case urnLengthPrefixCoder:
if len(components) != 1 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not unmarshal length prefix coder from %v, want a single sub component but have %d", c, len(components))
elm, err := b.peek(components[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(lostluck) 2018/10/17: Make this strict again, once dataflow can use
// the portable pipeline model directly (BEAM-2885)
if elm.GetSpec().GetUrn() != "" && elm.GetSpec().GetUrn() != urnCustomCoder {
// TODO(herohde) 11/17/2017: revisit this restriction
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not unmarshal length prefix coder from %v, want a custom coder as a sub component but got %v", c, elm)
var ref v1.CustomCoder
if err := protox.DecodeBase64(string(elm.GetSpec().GetPayload()), &ref); err != nil {
return nil, err
custom, err := decodeCustomCoder(&ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t := typex.New(custom.Type)
return &coder.Coder{Kind: coder.Custom, T: t, Custom: custom}, nil
case urnWindowedValueCoder:
if len(components) != 2 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not unmarshal windowed value coder from %v, expected two components but got %d", c, len(components))
elm, err := b.Coder(components[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w, err := b.WindowCoder(components[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t := typex.New(typex.WindowedValueType, elm.T)
return &coder.Coder{Kind: coder.WindowedValue, T: t, Components: []*coder.Coder{elm}, Window: w}, nil
case streamType:
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not unmarshal stream type coder from %v, stream must be pair value", c)
case "":
// TODO(herohde) 11/27/2017: we still see CoderRefs from Dataflow. Handle that
// case here, for now, so that the harness can use this logic.
payload := c.GetSpec().GetPayload()
var ref CoderRef
if err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &ref); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not unmarshal CoderRef from %v, failed to decode urn-less coder's payload \"%v\"", c, string(payload))
c, err := DecodeCoderRef(&ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not unmarshal CoderRef from %v, failed to decode CoderRef \"%v\"", c, string(payload))
return c, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not unmarshal coder from %v, unknown URN %v", c, urn)
func (b *CoderUnmarshaller) peek(id string) (*pb.Coder, error) {
c, ok := b.models[id]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("coder with id %v not found", id)
return c, nil
func (b *CoderUnmarshaller) isCoGBKList(id string) ([]string, bool) {
elm, err := b.peek(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, false
if elm.GetSpec().GetUrn() != urnLengthPrefixCoder {
return nil, false
elm2, err := b.peek(elm.GetComponentCoderIds()[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, false
if elm2.GetSpec().GetUrn() != urnCoGBKList {
return nil, false
return elm2.GetComponentCoderIds(), true
// CoderMarshaller incrementally builds a compact model representation of a set
// of coders. Identical coders are shared.
type CoderMarshaller struct {
coders map[string]*pb.Coder
coder2id map[string]string // index of serialized coders to id to deduplicate
// NewCoderMarshaller returns a new CoderMarshaller.
func NewCoderMarshaller() *CoderMarshaller {
return &CoderMarshaller{
coders: make(map[string]*pb.Coder),
coder2id: make(map[string]string),
// Add adds the given coder to the set and returns its id. Idempotent.
func (b *CoderMarshaller) Add(c *coder.Coder) string {
switch c.Kind {
case coder.Custom:
ref, err := encodeCustomCoder(c.Custom)
if err != nil {
typeName := c.Custom.Name
panic(errors.SetTopLevelMsgf(err, "Failed to encode custom coder for type %s. "+
"Make sure the type was registered before calling beam.Init. For example: "+
"beam.RegisterType(reflect.TypeOf((*TypeName)(nil)).Elem())", typeName))
data, err := protox.EncodeBase64(ref)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to marshal custom coder %v", c))
inner := b.internCoder(&pb.Coder{
Spec: &pb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: urnCustomCoder,
Payload: []byte(data),
return b.internBuiltInCoder(urnLengthPrefixCoder, inner)
case coder.KV:
comp := b.AddMulti(c.Components)
return b.internBuiltInCoder(urnKVCoder, comp...)
case coder.CoGBK:
comp := b.AddMulti(c.Components)
value := comp[1]
if len(comp) > 2 {
// TODO(BEAM-490): don't inject union coder for CoGBK.
union := b.internBuiltInCoder(urnCoGBKList, comp[1:]...)
value = b.internBuiltInCoder(urnLengthPrefixCoder, union)
// SDKs always provide iterableCoder to runners, but can receive StateBackedIterables in return.
stream := b.internBuiltInCoder(urnIterableCoder, value)
return b.internBuiltInCoder(urnKVCoder, comp[0], stream)
case coder.WindowedValue:
comp := b.AddMulti(c.Components)
comp = append(comp, b.AddWindowCoder(c.Window))
return b.internBuiltInCoder(urnWindowedValueCoder, comp...)
case coder.Bytes:
// TODO(herohde) 6/27/2017: add length-prefix and not assume nested by context?
return b.internBuiltInCoder(urnBytesCoder)
case coder.VarInt:
return b.internBuiltInCoder(urnVarIntCoder)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to marshal custom coder %v, unexpected coder kind: %v", c, c.Kind))
// AddMulti adds the given coders to the set and returns their ids. Idempotent.
func (b *CoderMarshaller) AddMulti(list []*coder.Coder) []string {
var ids []string
for _, c := range list {
ids = append(ids, b.Add(c))
return ids
// AddWindowCoder adds a window coder.
func (b *CoderMarshaller) AddWindowCoder(w *coder.WindowCoder) string {
switch w.Kind {
case coder.GlobalWindow:
return b.internBuiltInCoder(urnGlobalWindow)
case coder.IntervalWindow:
return b.internBuiltInCoder(urnIntervalWindow)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add window coder %v, unexpected window kind: %v", w, w.Kind))
// Build returns the set of model coders. Note that the map may be larger
// than the number of coders added, because component coders are included.
func (b *CoderMarshaller) Build() map[string]*pb.Coder {
return b.coders
func (b *CoderMarshaller) internBuiltInCoder(urn string, components ...string) string {
return b.internCoder(&pb.Coder{
Spec: &pb.FunctionSpec{
Urn: urn,
ComponentCoderIds: components,
func (b *CoderMarshaller) internCoder(coder *pb.Coder) string {
key := proto.MarshalTextString(coder)
if id, exists := b.coder2id[key]; exists {
return id
id := fmt.Sprintf("c%v", len(b.coder2id))
b.coder2id[key] = id
b.coders[id] = coder
return id