blob: 83695dc9ce0116c96f299fd4d912e67678b33202 [file] [log] [blame]
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"content": "The graph shows: average greenness of critical post-commit tests jobs per week. This graph show health of our project.\n\nTable shows list of relevant jobs failures during selected time interval (You can change time interval on top-right corner of the dashboard). Please, triage failed jobs and update or create corresponding jira tickets. You can utilized provided links to help with this.",
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"title": "Failed builds",
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"content": "[List existing jira tickets](\n\n[Create new Jira ticket](!init.jspa?pid=12319527&issuetype=1&summary=%5BjobName%5D%5BTestName%5D%5BIsFlake%5D%20Failure%20summary&priority=3&components=12334203&description=%3CFailure%20summary%3E%0AFailing%20job%20url:%0AJob%20history%20url:%0ARelevant%20log:)",
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"title": "Stability critical jobs status",
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