blob: 352e2cef8e51f2686b7c4c4661c1b9ab10a311ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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// Package xlang contains functionality for testing cross-language transforms.
package xlang
import (
func init() {
// prefixPayload is a struct used to represent the payload of the Prefix
// cross-language transform.
// This must match the struct that the expansion service is expecting to
// receive. For example, at the time of writing this comment, that struct is
// the one in the following link.
type prefixPayload struct {
Data string
// Prefix wraps a cross-language transform call to the Prefix transform. This
// transform takes a PCollection of strings as input, and a payload defining a
// prefix string, and appends that as prefix to each input string.
// This serves as an example of a cross-language transform with a payload.
func Prefix(s beam.Scope, prefix string, addr string, col beam.PCollection) beam.PCollection {
s = s.Scope("XLangTest.Prefix")
pl := beam.CrossLanguagePayload(prefixPayload{Data: prefix})
outT := beam.UnnamedOutput(typex.New(reflectx.String))
outs := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:test:prefix", pl, addr, beam.UnnamedInput(col), outT)
return outs[graph.UnnamedOutputTag]
func CoGroupByKey(s beam.Scope, addr string, col1, col2 beam.PCollection) beam.PCollection {
s = s.Scope("XLangTest.CoGroupByKey")
namedInputs := map[string]beam.PCollection{"col1": col1, "col2": col2}
outT := beam.UnnamedOutput(typex.NewCoGBK(typex.New(reflectx.Int64), typex.New(reflectx.String)))
outs := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:test:cgbk", nil, addr, namedInputs, outT)
return outs[graph.UnnamedOutputTag]
func CombinePerKey(s beam.Scope, addr string, col beam.PCollection) beam.PCollection {
s = s.Scope("XLangTest.CombinePerKey")
outT := beam.UnnamedOutput(typex.NewKV(typex.New(reflectx.String), typex.New(reflectx.Int64)))
outs := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:test:compk", nil, addr, beam.UnnamedInput(col), outT)
return outs[graph.UnnamedOutputTag]
func CombineGlobally(s beam.Scope, addr string, col beam.PCollection) beam.PCollection {
s = s.Scope("XLangTest.CombineGlobally")
outT := beam.UnnamedOutput(typex.New(reflectx.Int64))
outs := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:test:comgl", nil, addr, beam.UnnamedInput(col), outT)
return outs[graph.UnnamedOutputTag]
func Flatten(s beam.Scope, addr string, col1, col2 beam.PCollection) beam.PCollection {
s = s.Scope("XLangTest.Flatten")
namedInputs := map[string]beam.PCollection{"col1": col1, "col2": col2}
outT := beam.UnnamedOutput(typex.New(reflectx.Int64))
outs := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:test:flatten", nil, addr, namedInputs, outT)
return outs[graph.UnnamedOutputTag]
func GroupByKey(s beam.Scope, addr string, col beam.PCollection) beam.PCollection {
s = s.Scope("XLangTest.GroupByKey")
outT := beam.UnnamedOutput(typex.NewCoGBK(typex.New(reflectx.String), typex.New(reflectx.Int64)))
outs := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:test:gbk", nil, addr, beam.UnnamedInput(col), outT)
return outs[graph.UnnamedOutputTag]
func Multi(s beam.Scope, addr string, main1, main2, side beam.PCollection) (mainOut, sideOut beam.PCollection) {
s = s.Scope("XLangTest.Multi")
namedInputs := map[string]beam.PCollection{"main1": main1, "main2": main2, "side": side}
outT := typex.New(reflectx.String)
namedOutputs := map[string]typex.FullType{"main": outT, "side": outT}
multi := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:test:multi", nil, addr, namedInputs, namedOutputs)
return multi["main"], multi["side"]
func Partition(s beam.Scope, addr string, col beam.PCollection) (out0, out1 beam.PCollection) {
s = s.Scope("XLangTest.Partition")
outT := typex.New(reflectx.Int64)
namedOutputs := map[string]typex.FullType{"0": outT, "1": outT}
c := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:test:partition", nil, addr, beam.UnnamedInput(col), namedOutputs)
return c["0"], c["1"]
func Count(s beam.Scope, addr string, col beam.PCollection) beam.PCollection {
s = s.Scope("XLang.Count")
outT := beam.UnnamedOutput(typex.NewKV(typex.New(reflectx.String), typex.New(reflectx.Int64)))
c := beam.CrossLanguage(s, "beam:transforms:xlang:count", nil, addr, beam.UnnamedInput(col), outT)
return c[graph.UnnamedOutputTag]