blob: 2ffe4329db52413463499305e88f430c3a58927b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
cimport cython
from apache_beam.utils.windowed_value cimport WindowedValue
from apache_beam.transforms.cy_dataflow_distribution_counter cimport DataflowDistributionCounter
from libc.stdint cimport int64_t
cdef type TaggedOutput, TimestampedValue
cdef class Receiver(object):
cpdef receive(self, WindowedValue windowed_value)
cdef class MethodWrapper(object):
cdef public object args
cdef public object defaults
cdef public object method_value
cdef bint has_userstate_arguments
cdef object state_args_to_replace
cdef object timer_args_to_replace
cdef object timestamp_arg_name
cdef object window_arg_name
cdef object key_arg_name
cdef object restriction_provider
cdef object restriction_provider_arg_name
cdef class DoFnSignature(object):
cdef public MethodWrapper process_method
cdef public MethodWrapper start_bundle_method
cdef public MethodWrapper finish_bundle_method
cdef public MethodWrapper setup_lifecycle_method
cdef public MethodWrapper teardown_lifecycle_method
cdef public MethodWrapper initial_restriction_method
cdef public MethodWrapper restriction_coder_method
cdef public MethodWrapper create_tracker_method
cdef public MethodWrapper split_method
cdef public object do_fn
cdef public object timer_methods
cdef bint _is_stateful_dofn
cdef class DoFnInvoker(object):
cdef public DoFnSignature signature
cdef OutputProcessor output_processor
cdef object user_state_context
cdef public object bundle_finalizer_param
cpdef invoke_process(self, WindowedValue windowed_value,
OutputProcessor output_processor=*,
additional_args=*, additional_kwargs=*)
cpdef invoke_start_bundle(self)
cpdef invoke_finish_bundle(self)
cpdef invoke_split(self, element, restriction)
cpdef invoke_initial_restriction(self, element)
cpdef invoke_restriction_coder(self)
cpdef invoke_create_tracker(self, restriction)
cdef class SimpleInvoker(DoFnInvoker):
cdef object process_method
cdef class PerWindowInvoker(DoFnInvoker):
cdef list side_inputs
cdef DoFnContext context
cdef list args_for_process
cdef dict kwargs_for_process
cdef list placeholders
cdef bint has_windowed_inputs
cdef bint cache_globally_windowed_args
cdef object process_method
cdef bint is_splittable
cdef object restriction_tracker
cdef WindowedValue current_windowed_value
cdef bint is_key_param_required
cdef class DoFnRunner(Receiver):
cdef DoFnContext context
cdef object step_name
cdef list side_inputs
cdef DoFnInvoker do_fn_invoker
cdef public object bundle_finalizer_param
cpdef process(self, WindowedValue windowed_value)
cdef class OutputProcessor(object):
cpdef process_outputs(self, WindowedValue element, results)
cdef class _OutputProcessor(OutputProcessor):
cdef object window_fn
cdef Receiver main_receivers
cdef object tagged_receivers
cdef DataflowDistributionCounter per_element_output_counter
cpdef process_outputs(self, WindowedValue element, results)
cdef class DoFnContext(object):
cdef object label
cdef object state
cdef WindowedValue windowed_value
cpdef set_element(self, WindowedValue windowed_value)
cdef class _ReceiverAdapter(Receiver):
cdef object underlying