blob: a011a7893d355235bdd2f91a78b815e74e783a53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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// limitations under the License.
package schema
import (
pipepb ""
var (
defaultRegistry = NewRegistry()
// RegisterLogicalType registers a logical type with the beam schema system.
// A logical type is a type that has distinct representations and storage.
// RegisterLogicalType will panic if the storage type of the LogicalType
// instance is not a valid storage type.
func RegisterLogicalType(lt LogicalType) {
// RegisterLogicalTypeProvider allows registration of providers for interface types.
func RegisterLogicalTypeProvider(rt reflect.Type, ltp LogicalTypeProvider) {
defaultRegistry.RegisterLogicalTypeProvider(rt, ltp)
// LogicalTypeProvider produces a logical type for a given Go type.
// If unable to produce a logical type, it instead produces an error.
// Typically used to handle mapping LogicalTypes from interface types
// to a concrete implementation. The provider will be passed a
// type, and will produce an appropriate LogicalType for it.
type LogicalTypeProvider = func(reflect.Type) (reflect.Type, error)
// Registry retains mappings from go types to Schemas and LogicalTypes.
type Registry struct {
lastShortID int64
typeToSchema map[reflect.Type]*pipepb.Schema
idToType map[string]reflect.Type
syntheticToUser map[reflect.Type]reflect.Type
logicalTypeProviders map[reflect.Type]LogicalTypeProvider
logicalTypeInterfaces []reflect.Type
// Maps logical type identifiers to their reflect.Type and the schema representation.
// the type identifier is the reflect.Type name, and included in the proto as well.
// We don't treat all types as "logical" types.
// ... why don't we treat all types as Logical types?
logicalTypes map[string]LogicalType
logicalTypeIdentifiers map[reflect.Type]string
// toReconcile contains a list of types that have been registered
// but not yet processed. Registration actually happens on first
// call to ToType or FromType or once Initialize is called on beam.Init.
toReconcile []reflect.Type
// NewRegistry creates an initialized LogicalTypeRegistry.
func NewRegistry() *Registry {
return &Registry{
typeToSchema: map[reflect.Type]*pipepb.Schema{},
idToType: map[string]reflect.Type{},
syntheticToUser: map[reflect.Type]reflect.Type{},
logicalTypes: map[string]LogicalType{},
logicalTypeIdentifiers: map[reflect.Type]string{},
logicalTypeProviders: map[reflect.Type]LogicalTypeProvider{},
// RegisterLogicalType a single logical type.
func (r *Registry) RegisterLogicalType(lt LogicalType) {
// Validates that the storage type has known handling.
st := lt.StorageType()
_, err := r.reflectTypeToFieldType(st)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("LogicalType[%v] has an invalid StorageType %v: %v", lt.ID(), st, err))
if len(lt.ID()) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid logical type, bad id: %v -> %v", lt.GoType(), lt.StorageType()))
// TODO add duplication checks.
r.logicalTypeIdentifiers[lt.GoType()] = lt.ID()
r.logicalTypes[lt.ID()] = lt
// RegisterLogicalTypeProvider allows registration of providers for interface types.
func (r *Registry) RegisterLogicalTypeProvider(rt reflect.Type, ltp LogicalTypeProvider) {
if rt.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Logical Types must be registered with interface types. %v is not an interface type.", rt))
if rt.NumMethod() == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Logical Types may not be registered with empty interface types. %v has no methods.", rt))
r.logicalTypeProviders[rt] = ltp
r.logicalTypeInterfaces = append(r.logicalTypeInterfaces, rt)
// LogicalType is a mapping between custom Go types, and their schema equivalent storage types.
// A LogicalType is a way to define a type that can be stored in a schema field
// using a known underlying type for storage. The storage type must be comprised of
// known schema field types, or pre-registered LogicalTypes.
// LogicalTypes may not be mutually recursive at any level of indirection.
// LogicalTypes must map from a Go type to a single Schema Equivalent storage type.
type LogicalType struct {
identifier string
goT, storageT, argT reflect.Type
argV reflect.Value
toStorage, toGo func(value reflect.Value) reflect.Value
// ID is a unique identifier for the logical type.
func (l *LogicalType) ID() string {
return l.identifier
// ArgumentType returns the Go type of the argument for parameterized types.
func (l *LogicalType) ArgumentType() reflect.Type {
return l.argT
// ArgumentValue returns the Go value of the argument for parameterized types.
func (l *LogicalType) ArgumentValue() reflect.Value {
return l.argV
// GoType returns the Go type of the logical type. This is the type in a Go
// field.
func (l *LogicalType) GoType() reflect.Type {
return l.goT
// StorageType is the schema equivalent representation of this logical type.
// The storage type is how the logical type is encoded in bytes, and if the
// logical type is unknown, can be decoded into a value of this type instead.
func (l *LogicalType) StorageType() reflect.Type {
return l.storageT
// ToLogicalType creates a LogicalType, indicating that there's a conversion from one to the other.
func ToLogicalType(identifier string, goType, storageType reflect.Type) LogicalType {
return LogicalType{identifier: identifier, goT: goType, storageT: storageType}
func preRegLogicalTypes(r *Registry) {
r.RegisterLogicalType(ToLogicalType("int", reflectx.Int, reflectx.Int64))
r.RegisterLogicalType(ToLogicalType("int8", reflectx.Int8, reflectx.Int64))
r.RegisterLogicalType(ToLogicalType("uint16", reflectx.Uint16, reflectx.Int16))
r.RegisterLogicalType(ToLogicalType("uint32", reflectx.Uint32, reflectx.Int32))
r.RegisterLogicalType(ToLogicalType("uint64", reflectx.Uint64, reflectx.Int64))
r.RegisterLogicalType(ToLogicalType("uint", reflectx.Uint, reflectx.Int64))
func init() {