blob: 713acea0f41d83b555b7c7ce640315e3ea10427b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* License); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
plugins { id 'org.apache.beam.module' }
// Basic build and Python environment setup/cleanup
def buildPython = tasks.register("buildPython") {
dependsOn setupVirtualenv
doLast {'Building Python Dependencies')
exec {
executable 'sh'
// args '-c', ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && python build --build-base ${buildDir}"
args '-c', ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && pip install -e ."
build.dependsOn tasks.named("buildPython")
// Create a Python source distribution tarball.
def tarball = "apache-beam.tar.gz"
def sdist = tasks.register("sdist") {
description "Create a Python source distribution tarball"
dependsOn setupVirtualenv
doLast {
// Build artifact
exec {
executable 'sh'
args '-c', ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && pip install -U build && python -m build --sdist --outdir=${buildDir}"
def collection = fileTree(buildDir){ include "**/*${project.sdk_version}*.tar.gz" exclude 'srcs/**'}
// we need a fixed name for the artifact
copy { from collection.singleFile; into buildDir; rename { tarball } }'Create distribution tar file {} in {}', tarball, buildDir)
outputs.file "${buildDir}/${tarball}"
artifacts {
distTarBall file: file("${buildDir}/${tarball}"), builtBy: sdist
tasks.register("generateExternalTransformsConfig") {
description "Discovers external transforms and regenerates the config at sdks/standard_expansion_services.yaml"
dependsOn buildPython
// Need to build all expansion services listed in sdks/standard_expansion_services.yaml
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:google-cloud-platform:expansion-service:build"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:expansion-service:build"
// Keep this in-sync with pyproject.toml
def PyYaml = "'pyyaml>=3.12,<7.0.0'"
doLast {
exec {
executable 'sh'
args '-c', "pip install $PyYaml && " +
"python -m --cleanup --generate-config-only"
tasks.register("generateYamlDocs") {
description "Generates the reference documentation for all YAML transforms."
dependsOn buildPython
// Need to build all expansion services referenced in apache_beam/yaml/*.*
// grep -oh 'sdk.*Jar' sdks/python/apache_beam/yaml/*.yaml | sort | uniq
dependsOn ":sdks:java:extensions:schemaio-expansion-service:shadowJar"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:extensions:sql:expansion-service:shadowJar"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:expansion-service:build"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:google-cloud-platform:expansion-service:build"
def extraPackages = "pyyaml markdown docstring_parser pandas pygments"
doLast {
exec {
executable 'sh'
args '-c', "${envdir}/bin/pip install $extraPackages && " +
"${envdir}/bin/python -m apache_beam.yaml.generate_yaml_docs --html_file=${buildDir}/yaml-ref.html"
outputs.file "${buildDir}/yaml-ref.html"
tasks.register("yamlIntegrationTests") {
description "Runs integration tests for yaml pipelines."
dependsOn installGcpTest
// Need to build all expansion services referenced in apache_beam/yaml/*.*
// grep -oh 'sdk.*Jar' sdks/python/apache_beam/yaml/*.yaml | sort | uniq
dependsOn ":sdks:java:extensions:schemaio-expansion-service:shadowJar"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:extensions:sql:expansion-service:shadowJar"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:expansion-service:build"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:google-cloud-platform:expansion-service:build"
doLast {
exec {
executable 'sh'
args '-c', "${envdir}/bin/pytest -v apache_beam/yaml/"
// Create Python wheels for given platform and Python version
// build identifiers for cibuildwheel
def platform_identifiers_map = [
linux: 'manylinux_*64*', // e.g. manylinux_x86_64, manylinux_aarch64
macos:'macosx_*64*', // e.g. macosx_x86_64, macosx_arm64
windows: 'win_*64*', // e.g. win_amd64, win_arm64
platform_identifiers_map.each { platform, idsuffix ->
def archs = 'auto'
// note: A fix for arm64 platform in gradle environment. For some reason the
// task fails with "Invalid archs option {<Architecture.arm64: 'arm64'>}."
// even though os.arch is 'aarch64'
// Running cibuildwheel command directly in shell it succeeded, however
if (platform == 'linux' && 'aarch64'.equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("os.arch"))) {
archs = 'aarch64'
getVersionsAsList('python_versions').each { it ->
def pyversion = it.replace('.', '')
project.tasks.register("bdistPy${pyversion}${platform}") {
description "Build a Python wheel distribution for Py${pyversion} ${platform}"
dependsOn setupVirtualenv
// need sdist task to generate protos
dependsOn ':sdks:python:sdist'
// generated installable Python SDK package
doLast {
int maxRetries = 3
int retryCount = 0
// note( cibuildwheel appears to timeout occasionally.
while (retryCount < maxRetries) {
try {
exec {
environment CIBW_BUILD: "cp${pyversion}-${idsuffix}"
executable 'sh'
args '-c', ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && " +
// note: sync cibuildwheel version with GitHub Action
// .github/workflows/build_wheel.yml:build_wheels "Install cibuildwheel" step
"pip install cibuildwheel==2.9.0 && " +
"cibuildwheel --print-build-identifiers --platform ${platform} --archs ${archs} && " +
"cibuildwheel --output-dir ${buildDir} --platform ${platform} --archs ${archs} "
catch (Exception e) {
if (retryCount < maxRetries) {
println "cibuildwheel failed on attempt ${retryCount}. Will retry."
} else {
throw e
// Non-testing builds and analysis tasks
// Snapshot of dependency requirements defined in
// Results will be stored in files under Gradle build directory.
def depSnapshot = tasks.register("depSnapshot") {
dependsOn installGcpTest
doLast {
def outputDir = file(buildDir)
if (!outputDir.exists()) {
def requirementsFile = "${outputDir}/requirements.txt"'Snapshoting full dependencies requirements with versions info to build/requirements.txt.')
exec {
// Remove useless item "pkg-resources" from file which is introduced by a bug in Ubuntu.
executable 'sh'
args '-c', ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && pip freeze --local --all | grep -v \"pkg-resources\" > ${requirementsFile}"
tasks.register("buildSnapshot") {
dependsOn sdist
dependsOn depSnapshot
tasks.register("startPortableRunner") {
dependsOn buildPython
doLast {
def jobPort = project.findProperty("jobPort") ?: 8099
exec {
executable 'sh'
args '-c', ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && python -m apache_beam.runners.portability.local_job_service_main --job_port ${jobPort}"
// Run this task to validate the python environment setup for contributors
tasks.register("wordCount") {
description "Run the Python word count example"
dependsOn installGcpTest
doLast {
exec {
executable 'sh'
args '-c', ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && python -m apache_beam.examples.wordcount --runner DirectRunner --output /tmp/output.txt"