Merge pull request #10652: [BEAM-9168] Temporary fix for RunnerAPIPTransformHolder usage

diff --git a/website/src/documentation/runners/ b/website/src/documentation/runners/
index 2e763bf..acfc6bb 100644
--- a/website/src/documentation/runners/
+++ b/website/src/documentation/runners/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 Python [FnApiRunner]( supports multi-threading and multi-processing mode.
-#### Setting parallelism
+<strong>Setting parallelism</strong>
 Number of threads or subprocesses is defined by setting the `direct_num_workers` option. There are several ways to set this option.
@@ -108,6 +108,23 @@
 pipeline_options.view_as(DirectOptions).direct_num_workers = 2
+<strong>Setting running mode</strong>
+From 2.19, a new option was added to set running mode. We can use `direct_running_mode` option to set the running mode.
+`direct_running_mode` can be one of [`'in_memory'`, `'multi_threading'`, `'multi_processing'`].
+<b>in_memory</b>: Runner and workers' communication happens in memory (not through gRPC). This is a default mode.
+<b>multi_threading</b>: Runner and workers communicate through gRPC and each worker runs in a thread.
+<b>multi_processing</b>: Runner and workers communicate through gRPC and each worker runs in a subprocess.
+Same as other options, `direct_running_mode` can be passed through CLI or set with `PipelineOptions`.
+For the versions before 2.19.0, the running mode should be set with `FnApiRunner()`. Please refer following examples.
 #### Running with multi-threading mode