blob: 578e227076caa474d1650e62d5acc9b3fd1c6f8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
// work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
// licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
package beam
import (
jobpb ""
// xlang exposes an API to execute cross-language transforms within the Go SDK.
// It is experimental and likely to change. It exposes convenient wrappers
// around the core functions to pass in any combination of named/unnamed
// inputs/outputs.
// CrossLanguage executes a cross-language transform that uses named inputs and
// returns named outputs.
func CrossLanguage(
s Scope,
urn string,
payload []byte,
expansionAddr string,
namedInputs map[string]PCollection,
namedOutputTypes map[string]FullType,
) map[string]PCollection {
if !s.IsValid() {
panic(errors.New("invalid scope"))
inputsMap, inboundLinks := graph.NamedInboundLinks(mapPCollectionToNode(namedInputs))
outputsMap, outboundLinks := graph.NamedOutboundLinks(s.real, namedOutputTypes)
ext := graph.ExternalTransform{
Urn: urn,
Payload: payload,
ExpansionAddr: expansionAddr,
namedOutputs, err := TryCrossLanguage(s, &ext, inboundLinks, outboundLinks)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.WithContextf(err, "tried cross-language and failed"))
return mapNodeToPCollection(namedOutputs)
// CrossLanguageWithSingleInputOutput executes a cross-language transform that
// uses a single unnamed input and returns a single unnamed output.
func CrossLanguageWithSingleInputOutput(
s Scope,
urn string,
payload []byte,
expansionAddr string,
input PCollection,
outputType FullType,
) PCollection {
if !s.IsValid() {
panic(errors.New("invalid scope"))
// Adding dummy SourceInputTag to process it as a named input
namedInput := mapPCollectionToNode(map[string]PCollection{graph.SourceInputTag: input})
// Adding dummy SinkOutputTag to process it as a named output
namedOutputType := map[string]typex.FullType{graph.SinkOutputTag: outputType}
inputsMap, inboundLinks := graph.NamedInboundLinks(namedInput)
outputsMap, outboundLinks := graph.NamedOutboundLinks(s.real, namedOutputType)
ext := graph.ExternalTransform{
Urn: urn,
Payload: payload,
ExpansionAddr: expansionAddr,
namedOutput, err := TryCrossLanguage(s, &ext, inboundLinks, outboundLinks)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.WithContextf(err, "tried cross-language and failed"))
return nodeToPCollection(namedOutput[graph.SinkOutputTag])
// CrossLanguageWithSink executes a cross-language transform that uses named
// inputs and returns a single unnamed output.
func CrossLanguageWithSink(
s Scope,
urn string,
payload []byte,
expansionAddr string,
namedInputs map[string]PCollection,
outputType FullType,
) PCollection {
if !s.IsValid() {
panic(errors.New("invalid scope"))
// Adding dummy SinkOutputTag to process it as a named output
namedOutputType := map[string]typex.FullType{graph.SinkOutputTag: outputType}
inputsMap, inboundLinks := graph.NamedInboundLinks(mapPCollectionToNode(namedInputs))
outputsMap, outboundLinks := graph.NamedOutboundLinks(s.real, namedOutputType)
ext := graph.ExternalTransform{
Urn: urn,
Payload: payload,
ExpansionAddr: expansionAddr,
namedOutput, err := TryCrossLanguage(s, &ext, inboundLinks, outboundLinks)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.WithContextf(err, "tried cross-language and failed"))
return nodeToPCollection(namedOutput[graph.SinkOutputTag])
// CrossLanguageWithSource executes a cross-language transform that uses a
// single unnamed input and returns named outputs
func CrossLanguageWithSource(
s Scope,
urn string,
payload []byte,
expansionAddr string,
input PCollection,
namedOutputTypes map[string]FullType,
) map[string]PCollection {
if !s.IsValid() {
panic(errors.New("invalid scope"))
// Adding dummy SourceInputTag to process it as a named input
namedInput := mapPCollectionToNode(map[string]PCollection{graph.SourceInputTag: input})
inputsMap, inboundLinks := graph.NamedInboundLinks(namedInput)
outputsMap, outboundLinks := graph.NamedOutboundLinks(s.real, namedOutputTypes)
ext := graph.ExternalTransform{
Urn: urn,
Payload: payload,
ExpansionAddr: expansionAddr,
namedOutputs, err := TryCrossLanguage(s, &ext, inboundLinks, outboundLinks)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.WithContextf(err, "tried cross-language and failed"))
return mapNodeToPCollection(namedOutputs)
// TryCrossLanguage coordinates the core functions required to execute the cross-language transform
func TryCrossLanguage(s Scope, ext *graph.ExternalTransform, ins []*graph.Inbound, outs []*graph.Outbound) (map[string]*graph.Node, error) {
// Adding an edge in the graph corresponding to the ExternalTransform
edge, isBoundedUpdater := graph.NewCrossLanguage(s.real, s.scope, ext, ins, outs)
// Once the appropriate input and output nodes are added to the edge, a
// unique namespace can be requested.
ext.Namespace = graph.NewNamespace()
// Build the ExpansionRequest
// Obtaining the components and transform proto representing this transform
p, err := graphx.Marshal([]*graph.MultiEdge{edge}, &graphx.Options{})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to generate proto representation of %v", ext)
// Assembling ExpansionRequest proto
transforms := p.GetComponents().GetTransforms()
rootTransformID := p.GetRootTransformIds()[0] // External transform is the only root transform
rootTransform := transforms[rootTransformID]
// Scoping the ExternalTransform with respect to it's unique namespace, thus
// avoiding future collisions
xlangx.AddNamespace(rootTransform, p.GetComponents(), ext.Namespace)
xlangx.AddFakeImpulses(p) // Inputs need to have sources
delete(transforms, rootTransformID)
req := &jobpb.ExpansionRequest{
Components: p.GetComponents(),
Transform: rootTransform,
Namespace: ext.Namespace,
// Querying the expansion service
res, err := xlangx.Expand(context.Background(), req, ext.ExpansionAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithContextf(err, "failed to expand external transform with error [%v] for ExpansionRequest: %v", res.GetError(), req)
// Handling ExpansionResponse
// Previously added fake impulses need to be removed to avoid having
// multiple sources to the same pcollection in the graph
xlangx.RemoveFakeImpulses(res.GetComponents(), res.GetTransform())
exp := &graph.ExpandedTransform{
Components: res.GetComponents(),
Transform: res.GetTransform(),
Requirements: res.GetRequirements(),
ext.Expanded = exp
// Ensures the expected named outputs are present
// Using the expanded outputs, the graph's counterpart outputs are updated with bounded values
xlangx.ResolveOutputIsBounded(edge, isBoundedUpdater)
return graphx.ExternalOutputs(edge), nil
// Wrapper functions to handle beam <-> graph boundaries
func pCollectionToNode(p PCollection) *graph.Node {
if !p.IsValid() {
panic("tried converting invalid PCollection")
return p.n
func nodeToPCollection(n *graph.Node) PCollection {
if n == nil {
panic("tried converting invalid Node")
c := PCollection{n}
return c
func mapPCollectionToNode(pMap map[string]PCollection) map[string]*graph.Node {
if pMap == nil {
return nil
nMap := make(map[string]*graph.Node)
for k, p := range pMap {
nMap[k] = pCollectionToNode(p)
return nMap
func mapNodeToPCollection(nMap map[string]*graph.Node) map[string]PCollection {
if nMap == nil {
return nil
pMap := make(map[string]PCollection)
for k, n := range nMap {
pMap[k] = nodeToPCollection(n)
return pMap