blob: b22905a177f4ae9a97b843c030024be74739962a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: JDBC</name>
<description>IO to read and write on JDBC datasource.</description>
The dataflow-runner and spark-runner profiles support using those runners during an integration test. These are
not the long-term way we want to support using runners in ITs (e.g. it is annoying to add to all IO modules.)
We cannot create a dependency IO -> Runners since the runners depend on IO (e.g. kafka depends on spark.)
<!-- Include the Apache Spark runner -P spark-runner -->
This profile invokes PerfKitBenchmarker, which does benchmarking of
the IO ITs. The arguments passed to it allow it to invoke mvn again
with the desired benchmark.
To invoke this, run:
mvn verify -Dio-it-suite -pl sdks/java/io/jdbc
-DpkbLocation="" \
<!-- This is based on the location of the current pom relative to the root
See discussion in BEAM-2460 -->
<!-- runner overrides, controlled via forceDirectRunner -->
<!-- specific to this IO -->
<!-- arguments typically defined by user -->
io-it-suite-local overrides part of io-it-suite, allowing users to run tests
when they are on a separate network from the kubernetes cluster by
creating a LoadBalancer service.
<!-- This is based on the location of the current pom relative to the root
See discussion in BEAM-2460 -->
<!-- runner overrides, controlled via forceDirectRunner -->
<!-- specific to this IO -->
<!-- arguments typically defined by user -->
<!-- Include the Google Cloud Dataflow runner -P dataflow-runner -->
<!-- compile dependencies -->
<!-- test dependencies -->