blob: 9dc0bab19f2e73af9590975496bbefa42d63521d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: File-based-io-tests</name>
<description>Integration tests for reading/writing using file-based sources/sinks.</description>
<!-- Include the Google Cloud Dataflow runner activated by -DintegrationTestRunner=dataflow -->
This profile invokes PerfKitBenchmarker, which does benchmarking of
the IO ITs. The arguments passed to it allow it to invoke mvn again
with the desired benchmark.
To invoke this, run:
mvn verify -Dio-it-suite -pl sdks/java/io/file-based-io-tests
-DpkbLocation="" \
-DintegrationTestPipelineOptions='["&ndash;&ndash;numberOfRecords=100000"]' \
-DfileBasedIoItClass=file-based IO IT class, eg.
For DirectRunner, please use -DforceDirectRunner=true argument
For other runners please check doc in BEAM-3060 and
<!-- This is based on the location of the current pom relative to the root
See discussion in BEAM-2460 -->
<!-- runner overrides, controlled via forceDirectRunner -->
<!-- specific to this IO -->
<!-- arguments typically defined by user -->
optional array of key=value items. It will be passed to
target mvn command by pkb. eg. -DpkbExtraProperties='["filesystem=local"]'
This profile invokes PerfKitBenchmarker, which does benchmarking of
the IO ITs with HDFS filesystem. The arguments passed to it allow it
to invoke mvn again with the desired benchmark.
To invoke this, run:
mvn verify -Dio-it-hdfs-small -pl sdks/java/io/file-based-io-tests
-DpkbLocation="" \
-DintegrationTestPipelineOptions='["&ndash;&ndash;numberOfRecords=100000", \
"&ndash;&ndash;tempRoot=gs://bucket-name/"]' \
-DpkbExtraProperties='["filesystem=hdfs"]' \
-DfileBasedIoItClass=file-based IO IT class, eg.
For DirectRunner, please use -DforceDirectRunner=true argument and check
.test-infra/kubernetes/hadoop/SmallITCluster/pkb-config.yml for info about necessary modifications.
Line containing argument beam_kubernetes_scripts must be commented out, because test infrastructure
when testing on DirectRunner must be created manually using provided scripts.
For other runners please check doc in BEAM-3060 and
<!-- This is based on the location of the current pom relative to the root
See discussion in BEAM-2460 -->
<!-- runner overrides, controlled via forceDirectRunner -->
<!-- specific to this IO -->
<!-- arguments typically defined by user -->
optional array of key=value items. It will be passed to
target mvn command by pkb. eg. -DpkbExtraProperties='["filesystem=local"]'
<!-- Include the google-cloud-platform activated by -Dfilesystem=gcs
Support for protocol scheme gs:// - allow to read/write to google storage -->
<!-- Include the hadoop connectivity dependencies activated by -Dfilesystem=hdfs
Support for protocol scheme hdfs:// - allow to read/write to HDFS -->