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<li id="projectVersion">Version: 1.7.4
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<h2><a name="Apache_Axis2_1.7.0_Release_Note"></a>Apache Axis2 1.7.0 Release Note</h2>
<p>Apache Axis2 1.7.0 is a major release that contains lots of bug fixes and improvements, some of which introduce backward incompatible changes with respect to Axis2 1.6.x (as described below). A complete list of JIRA issues fixed in this release can be found <a class="externalLink" href=";version=12316136">here</a>. Note that some of these fixes have also been backported into Axis2 1.6.x maintenance releases; for more information, check the &#x201c;Fix Version/s&#x201d; field of the relevant JIRA issues.</p>
<p>Please note that generated code such as client stubs is generally not compatible across different major Axis2 releases. Therefore all such code needs to be regenerated when upgrading to Axis2 1.7.0. This applies in particular to code generated using the JAXBRI databinding which has been significantly improved.</p>
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<h3><a name="Changes_in_this_release"></a>Changes in this release</h3>
<p>XmlSchema has been upgraded from 1.4.x to 2.2.x and Woden from 1.0M9 to 1.0M10. This is a backwards incompatible change with respect to Axis2 1.6.x; application code that interacts with XmlSchema or Woden needs to be updated to support the new versions.</p></li>
<p>Axis2 1.7.0 supports Apache HttpClient 4.x in addition to the no longer maintained Commons HttpClient 3.x. To enable the support for HttpClient 4.x, use <tt>org.apache.axis2.transport.http.impl.httpclient4.HTTPClient4TransportSender</tt> instead of <tt>org.apache.axis2.transport.http.CommonsHTTPTransportSender</tt> in <tt>axis2.xml</tt>. Please note that the code was written for HttpClient 4.2.x and should work with 4.3.x and 4.4.x, but is incompatible with 4.5.x.</p></li>
<p>Several classes, methods and constants deprecated in Axis2 1.3 and 1.4 have been removed. See <a class="externalLink" href="">AXIS2-5315</a> for more details.</p>
<p>As a consequence, MEP URIs in the form <tt></tt> and <tt></tt> are no longer supported. Instead use <tt></tt>.</p></li>
<p>The semantics of the <tt>getAttachmentMap()</tt> method in <tt>MessageContext</tt> has changed for incoming messages so that they match those for outgoing messages (For more details and context, see <a class="externalLink" href="">AXIS2-5308</a>):</p>
<li>For SwA messages, the <tt>Attachments</tt> object on the message context no longer contains the root part (as in Axis2 1.6.x), but only attachment parts.</li>
<li>For MTOM messages, application code should no longer assume that the <tt>Attachments</tt> object is set on the message context and contains all MIME parts of the message. Note that as of Axis2 1.7.0, this assumption is still true (because the JAX-WS implementation internally relies on this), but this will change in a subsequent release.</li>
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