blob: 903b15e58c653fe1a69ef7889bc931fe61a1f5a7 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.handler;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.ExceptionFactory;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.i18n.Messages;
public class HandlerChainProcessor {
public enum Direction {
// the type of message, not indicative of one-way vs. request-response
public enum MEP {
private MessageContext mc;
private ArrayList<Handler> handlers = null;
// track start/end of logical and protocol handlers in the list
// The two scenarios are: 1) run logical handlers only, 2) run all handlers
// logical start is always 0
// protocol start is always logicalLength + 1
// list end is always handlers.size()-1
private int logicalLength = 0;
private final static int SUCCESSFUL = 0;
private final static int FAILED = 1;
private final static int PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION = 2;
private final static int OTHER_EXCEPTION = 3;
// save it if Handler.handleMessage throws one in HandlerChainProcessor.handleMessage
private RuntimeException savedException;
* HandlerChainProcess expects null, empty list, or an already-sorted
* list. If the chain passed into here came from our HandlerChainResolver,
* it is sorted already. If a client app created or manipulated the list,
* it may not be sorted. The processChain and processFault methods check
* for this by calling verifyChain.
public HandlerChainProcessor(ArrayList<Handler> chain) {
if (chain == null) {
handlers = new ArrayList<Handler>();
handlers = chain;
* verifyChain will check that the chain is properly sorted, since it may be
* a chain built or modified by a client application. Also keep track of
* start/end for each type of handler.
private void verifyChain() throws WebServiceException {
boolean protocolHandlersStarted = false;
for (Handler handlerClass : handlers) {
if (LogicalHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(handlerClass.getClass())) {
if (protocolHandlersStarted)
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("handlerChainErr0", handlerClass.getClass().getName()));
else {
else if (SOAPHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(handlerClass.getClass()))
protocolHandlersStarted = true;
else if (Handler.class.isAssignableFrom(handlerClass.getClass())) {
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("handlerChainErr1", handlerClass.getClass().getName()));
} else {
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("handlerChainErr2", handlerClass.getClass().getName()));
* @param mc
* By the time processChain method is called, we already have the sorted chain,
* and now we have the direction, MEP, MessageContext, and if a response is expected. We should
* be able to handle everything from here, no pun intended.
* Two things a user of processChain should check when the method completes:
* 1. Has the MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY changed, indicating reversal of message direction
* 2. Has the message been converted to a fault message? (indicated by a flag in the message)
public void processChain(MessageContext mc, Direction direction, MEP mep, boolean expectResponse) {
// make sure it's set:
mc.put(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY, (direction == Direction.OUT)); = mc;
if (SOAPMessageContext.class.isAssignableFrom(mc.getClass())) { // all handlers
if (direction == Direction.OUT) { // 9.3.2 outbound
callGenericHandlers(mep, expectResponse, 0, handlers.size()-1, direction);
else { // IN case - 9.3.2 inbound
callGenericHandlers(mep, expectResponse, handlers.size()-1, 0, direction);
else { // logical handlers only
if (direction == Direction.OUT) { // 9.3.2 outbound
callGenericHandlers(mep, expectResponse, 0, logicalLength-1, direction);
else { // IN case - 9.3.2 inbound
callGenericHandlers(mep, expectResponse, logicalLength-1, 0, direction);
* This is the implementation of JAX-WS 2.0 section
private void callGenericHandlers(MEP mep, boolean expectResponse, int start, int end, Direction direction) throws RuntimeException {
// if this is a response message, expectResponse should always be false
if (mep == MEP.RESPONSE)
expectResponse = false;
int i = start;
int result = SUCCESSFUL;
// declared and initialized just in case we need them
// in a reverse flow situation
int newStart = 0, newStart_inclusive = 0, newEnd = 0;
Direction newDirection = direction;
if (direction == Direction.OUT) {
while ((i <= end) && (result == SUCCESSFUL)) {
result = handleMessage(((Handler)handlers.get(i)), mc, direction, expectResponse);
newStart = i-1;
newStart_inclusive = i;
newEnd = 0;
newDirection = Direction.IN;
else { // IN case
while ((i >= end) && (result == SUCCESSFUL)) {
result = handleMessage(((Handler)handlers.get(i)), mc, direction, expectResponse);
newStart = i+1;
newStart_inclusive = i;
newEnd = handlers.size()-1;
newDirection = Direction.OUT;
if (newDirection == direction) // we didn't actually process anything, probably due to empty list
return; // no need to continue
// in all situations, we want to close as many handlers as
// were invoked prior to completion or exception throwing
if (expectResponse) {
if (result == FAILED) {
// we should only use callGenericHandlers_avoidRecursion in this case
callGenericHandlers_avoidRecursion(newStart, newEnd, newDirection);
callCloseHandlers(newStart_inclusive, newEnd, newDirection);
} else if (result == PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION) {
try {
callGenericHandleFault(newStart, newEnd, newDirection);
callCloseHandlers(newStart_inclusive, newEnd, newDirection);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
callCloseHandlers(newStart_inclusive, newEnd, newDirection);
// TODO: NLS log and throw
throw re;
} else if (result == OTHER_EXCEPTION) {
callCloseHandlers(newStart_inclusive, newEnd, newDirection);
// savedException initialized in HandlerChainProcessor.handleMessage
// TODO: NLS log and throw
throw savedException;
} else { // everything was successful OR finished processing handlers
callCloseHandlers(newStart_inclusive, newEnd, newDirection);
* callGenericHandlers_avoidRecursion should ONLY be called from one place.
* We can safely assume no false returns and no exceptions will be thrown
* from here since the handlers we will be calling have all already
* succeeded in callGenericHandlers.
private void callGenericHandlers_avoidRecursion(int start,
int end, Direction direction) {
int i = start;
if (direction == Direction.OUT) {
for (; i <= end; i++) {
((Handler) handlers.get(i)).handleMessage(mc);
} else { // IN case
for (; i >= end; i--) {
((Handler) handlers.get(i)).handleMessage(mc);
* Calls handleMessage on the Handler.
* If an exception is thrown and a response is expected, the MessageContext is updated with the handler information
* @returns SUCCESSFUL if successfully, UNSUCCESSFUL if false, EXCEPTION if exception thrown
private int handleMessage(Handler handler, MessageContext mc, Direction direction,
boolean expectResponse) throws RuntimeException {
try {
boolean success = handler.handleMessage(mc);
if (success)
else {
if (expectResponse)
mc.put(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY, (direction != Direction.OUT));
return FAILED;
} catch (RuntimeException re) { // RuntimeException and ProtocolException
savedException = re;
if (expectResponse)
mc.put(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY, (direction != Direction.OUT));
if (ProtocolException.class.isAssignableFrom(re.getClass())) {
convertToFaultMessage(mc, re);
* start and end should be INclusive of the handlers that have already been
* invoked on Handler.handleMessage or Handler.handleFault
private void callCloseHandlers(int start, int end,
Direction direction) {
if (direction == Direction.OUT) {
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
try {
((Handler) handlers.get(i)).close(mc);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: log it, but otherwise ignore
} else { // IN case
for (int i = start; i >= end; i--) {
try {
((Handler) handlers.get(i)).close(mc);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: log it, but otherwise ignore
* callHandleFault is available for a server to use when the endpoint
* throws an exception or a client when it gets a fault response message
* In both cases, all of the handlers have run successfully in the
* opposite direction as this call to callHandleFault, and thus
* should be closed.
public void processFault(SOAPMessageContext mc, Direction direction) {
// direction.IN = client
// direction.OUT = server
// make sure it's right:
mc.put(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY, (direction == Direction.OUT));
try {
if (direction == Direction.OUT) {
callGenericHandleFault(0, handlers.size()-1, direction);
else { // IN case
callGenericHandleFault(handlers.size()-1, 0, direction);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
// TODO: log it
throw re;
} finally {
// we can close all the Handlers in reverse order
if (direction == Direction.OUT) {
callCloseHandlers(handlers.size()-1, 0, Direction.IN);
else { // IN case
callCloseHandlers(0, handlers.size()-1, Direction.OUT);
* The callGenericHandleFault caller is responsible for closing any invoked
* Handlers. We don't know how far the Handler.handleMessage calls got
* before a failure may have occurred.
* Regardless of the Handler.handleFault result, the flow is the same (
private void callGenericHandleFault(int start, int end,
Direction direction) throws RuntimeException {
int i = start;
if (direction == Direction.OUT) {
for (; i <= end; i++) {
if (((Handler) handlers.get(i)).handleFault(mc) == false) {
} else { // IN case
for (; i >= end; i--) {
if (((Handler) handlers.get(i)).handleFault(mc) == false) {
private void convertToFaultMessage(MessageContext mc, Exception e) {
// TODO: implement
// need to check if message is already a fault message or not,
// probably by way of a flag (isFault) in the MessageContext or Message