blob: 4e9486d5c37682bf06b34e810576d427854a05a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Copyright 2006 International Business Machines Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
import javax.wsdl.Binding;
import javax.wsdl.Port;
import javax.wsdl.PortType;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.ExceptionFactory;
* An EndpointInterfaceDescription corresponds to a particular SEI-based Service
* Implementation. It can correspond to either either a client to that impl or
* the actual service impl.
* The EndpointInterfaceDescription contains information that is relevant only
* to an SEI-based (aka Endpoint-based or Java-based) enpdoint; Provider-based
* endpoint, which are not operation based and do not have an associated SEI,
* will not have an an EndpointInterfaceDescription class and sub-hierachy.
Java Name: SEI Class name
Axis2 Delegate: none
JSR-181 Annotations:
@WebService Note this can be specified on the endpoint Impl without an SEI
- name its the PortType Class Name, one you get with getPort() call in Service Delegate [NT]
- targetNamespace
- serviceName default is portType+Service. Should we use this if Service.create call does not provide/have ServiceQname?[NT]
- wsdlLocation if no wsdl location provided the read this annotation. Should this override what is client sets?[NT]
- endpointInterface Will not be present on interfaces (SEI), so I will use this to figure out if the client Call is Extension of Service or is SEI by looking at this annotation. [NT]
- portName ok so JSR 181 spec I have does not have this annotation but JAXWS spec I have has this. So if ServiceDelegate.getPort() does not have port name use this annotation and derive portName [NT]
@SOAPBinding This one is important for Proxy especially. [NT]
- style: DOCUMENT | RPC tells me if it is doc or rpc[NT]
- use: LITERAL | ENCODED Always literal for IBM[NT]
- parameterStyle: BARE | WRAPPED tells me if the wsdl is wrapped or not wrapped [NT]
@HandlerChain(file, name)
WSDL Elements
<binding used for operation parameter bindings below
Properties available to JAXWS runtime:
getHandlerList() returns a live List of handlers which can be modified; this MUST be cloned before being used as an actual handler chain; Note this needs to consider if any @HandlerChain annotations are in the ServiceDescription as well
public class EndpointInterfaceDescription {
private EndpointDescription parentEndpointDescription;
private ArrayList<OperationDescription> operationDescriptions = new ArrayList<OperationDescription>();
// This may be an actual Service Endpoint Interface -OR- it may be a service implementation class that did not
// specify an @WebService.endpointInterface.
private Class seiClass;
// ===========================================
// ANNOTATION related information
// ===========================================
// Note this is the Type-level annotation. See OperationDescription for the Method-level annotation
private SOAPBinding soapBindingAnnotation;
// TODO: Should this be using the jaxws annotation values or should that be wrappered?
private javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style soapBindingStyle;
// Default value per JSR-181 MR Sec 4.7 "Annotation: javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding" pg 28
public static final javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style SOAPBinding_Style_DEFAULT = javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT;
private javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Use soapBindingUse;
// Default value per JSR-181 MR Sec 4.7 "Annotation: javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding" pg 28
public static final javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Use SOAPBinding_Use_DEFAULT = javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL;
private javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle soapParameterStyle;
// Default value per JSR-181 MR Sec 4.7 "Annotation: javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding" pg 28
public static final javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle SOAPBinding_ParameterStyle_DEFAULT = javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED;
void addOperation(OperationDescription operation) {
EndpointInterfaceDescription(Class sei, EndpointDescription parent) {
seiClass = sei;
// Per JSR-181 all methods on the SEI are mapped to operations regardless
// of whether they include an @WebMethod annotation. That annotation may
// be present to customize the mapping, but is not required (p14)
// TODO: Testcases that do and do not include @WebMethod anno
for (Method method:getSEIMethods(seiClass)) {
OperationDescription operation = new OperationDescription(method, this);
parentEndpointDescription = parent;
private static Method[] getSEIMethods(Class sei) {
// Per JSR-181 all methods on the SEI are mapped to operations regardless
// of whether they include an @WebMethod annotation. That annotation may
// be present to customize the mapping, but is not required (p14)
Method[] seiMethods = sei.getMethods();
if (sei != null) {
for (Method method:seiMethods) {
if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
// JSR-181 says methods must be public (p14)
ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("SEI methods must be public");
// TODO: other validation per JSR-181
return seiMethods;
* Update a previously created EndpointInterfaceDescription with information from an
* annotated SEI. This should only be necessary when the this was created with WSDL.
* In this case, the information from the WSDL is augmented based on the annotated SEI.
* @param sei
public void updateWithSEI(Class sei) {
if (seiClass != null && seiClass != sei)
// TODO: It probably is invalid to try reset the SEI; but this isn't the right error processing
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The seiClass is already set; reseting it is not supported");
else if (seiClass != null && seiClass == sei)
// We've already done the necessary updates for this SEI
else if (sei != null) {
seiClass = sei;
// Update (or possibly add) the OperationDescription for each of the methods on the SEI.
for (Method seiMethod:getSEIMethods(seiClass)) {
if (getOperation(seiMethod) != null) {
// If an OpDesc already exists with this java method set on it, then the OpDesc has already
// been updated for this method, so skip it.
// At this point (for now at least) the operations were created with WSDL previously.
// If they had been created from an annotated class and no WSDL, then the seiClass would have
// already been set so we would have taken other branches in this if test. (Note this could
// change once AxisServices can be built from annotations by the ServiceDescription class).
// Since the operations were created from WSDL, they will not have a java method, which
// comes from the SEI, set on them yet.
// Another consideration is that currently Axis2 does not support overloaded WSDL operations.
// That means there will only be one OperationDesc build from WSDL. Still another consideration is
// that the JAXWS async methods which may exist on the SEI will NOT exist in the WSDL. An example
// of these methods for the WSDL operation:
// String echo(String)
// optionally generated JAX-WS SEI methods from the tooling; take note of the annotation specifying the
// operation name
// @WebMethod(operationName="echo" ...)
// Response<String> echoStringAsync(String)
// @WebMethod(operationName="echo" ...)
// Future<?> echoStringAsync(String, AsyncHandler)
// So given all the above, the code does the following based on the operation QName
// (which might also be the java method name; see determineOperationQName for details)
// (1) If an operationDesc does not exist, add it.
// (2) If an operationDesc does exist but does not have a java method set on it, set it
// (3) If an operationDesc does exist and has a java method set on it already, add a new one.
// TODO: May need to change when Axis2 supports overloaded WSDL operations
// TODO: May need to change when ServiceDescription can build an AxisService from annotations
// Get the QName for this java method and then update (or add) the appropriate OperationDescription
// See comments below for imporant notes about the current implementation.
// Axis2 does NOT currently support overloading WSDL operations.
QName seiOperationQName = OperationDescription.determineOperationQName(seiMethod);
OperationDescription[] updateOpDesc = getOperation(seiOperationQName);
if (updateOpDesc == null || updateOpDesc.length == 0) {
// This operation wasn't defined in the WSDL. Note that the JAX-WS async methods
// which are defined on the SEI are not defined as operations in the WSDL.
// Although they usually specific the same OperationName as the WSDL operation,
// there may be cases where they do not.
// TODO: Is this path an error path, or can the async methods specify different operation names than the
// WSDL operation?
OperationDescription operation = new OperationDescription(seiMethod, this);
else {
// Currently Axis2 does not support overloaded operations. That means that even if the WSDL
// defined overloaded operations, there would still only be a single AxisOperation, and it
// would be the last operation encounterd.
// HOWEVER the generated JAX-WS async methods (see above) may (will always?) have the same
// operation name and so will come down this path; they need to be added.
// TODO: When Axis2 starts supporting overloaded operations, then this logic will need to be changed
// TODO: Should we verify that these are the async methods before adding them, and treat it as an error otherwise?
// Loop through all the opdescs; if one doesn't currently have a java method set, set it
// If all have java methods set, then add a new one. Assume we'll need to add a new one.
boolean addOpDesc = true;
for (OperationDescription checkOpDesc:updateOpDesc) {
if (checkOpDesc.getSEIMethod() == null) {
// TODO: Should this be checking (somehow) that the signature matches? Probably not an issue until overloaded WSDL ops are supported.
addOpDesc = false;
if (addOpDesc) {
OperationDescription operation = new OperationDescription(seiMethod, this);
* Return the OperationDescriptions corresponding to a particular Java method name.
* Note that an array is returned because a method could be overloaded.
* @param javaMethodName String representing a Java Method Name
* @return
// FIXME: This is confusing; some getOperations use the QName from the WSDL or annotation; this one uses the java method name; rename this signature I think; add on that takes a String but does a QName lookup against the WSDL/Annotation
public OperationDescription[] getOperation(String javaMethodName) {
if (javaMethodName == null) {
return null;
ArrayList<OperationDescription> matchingOperations = new ArrayList<OperationDescription>();
for (OperationDescription operation:getOperations()) {
if (javaMethodName.equals(operation.getJavaMethodName())) {
if (matchingOperations.size() == 0)
return null;
return matchingOperations.toArray(new OperationDescription[0]);
public OperationDescription[] getOperations() {
return operationDescriptions.toArray(new OperationDescription[0]);
public EndpointDescription getEndpointDescription() {
return parentEndpointDescription;
* Return an array of Operations given an operation QName. Note that an array is returned
* since a WSDL operation may be overloaded per JAX-WS.
* @param operationQName
* @return
public OperationDescription[] getOperation(QName operationQName) {
OperationDescription[] returnOperations = null;
if (!DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(operationQName)) {
ArrayList<OperationDescription> matchingOperations = new ArrayList<OperationDescription>();
OperationDescription[] allOperations = getOperations();
for (OperationDescription operation:allOperations) {
if (operation.getName().equals(operationQName)) {
// Only return an array if there's anything in it
if (matchingOperations.size() > 0) {
returnOperations = matchingOperations.toArray(new OperationDescription[0]);
return returnOperations;
* Return an OperationDescription for the corresponding SEI method. Note that this ONLY works
* if the OperationDescriptions were created from introspecting an SEI. If the were created with a WSDL
* then use the getOperation(QName) method, which can return > 1 operation.
* @param seiMethod The java.lang.Method from the SEI for which an OperationDescription is wanted
* @return
public OperationDescription getOperation(Method seiMethod) {
OperationDescription returnOperation = null;
if (seiMethod != null) {
OperationDescription[] allOperations = getOperations();
for (OperationDescription operation:allOperations) {
if (operation.getSEIMethod() != null && operation.getSEIMethod().equals(seiMethod)) {
returnOperation = operation;
return returnOperation;
* Build from AxisService
* @param parent
EndpointInterfaceDescription(EndpointDescription parent) {
parentEndpointDescription = parent;
AxisService axisService = parentEndpointDescription.getAxisService();
if (axisService != null) {
ArrayList publishedOperations = axisService.getPublishedOperations();
Iterator operationsIterator = publishedOperations.iterator();
while (operationsIterator.hasNext()) {
AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation);
addOperation(new OperationDescription(axisOperation, this));
public Class getSEIClass() {
return seiClass;
// Annotation-realted getters
// ========================================
// SOAP Binding annotation realted methods
// ========================================
SOAPBinding getSoapBinding(){
// TODO: Test with sei Null, not null, SOAP Binding annotated, not annotated
if (soapBindingAnnotation == null && seiClass != null) {
soapBindingAnnotation = (SOAPBinding) seiClass.getAnnotation(SOAPBinding.class);
return soapBindingAnnotation;
public javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style getSoapBindingStyle() {
if (soapBindingStyle == null) {
if (getSoapBinding() != null && getSoapBinding().style() != null) {
soapBindingStyle = getSoapBinding().style();
else {
soapBindingStyle = SOAPBinding_Style_DEFAULT;
return soapBindingStyle;
public javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Use getSoapBindingUse() {
if (soapBindingUse == null) {
if (getSoapBinding() != null && getSoapBinding().use() != null) {
soapBindingUse = getSoapBinding().use();
else {
soapBindingUse = SOAPBinding_Use_DEFAULT;
return soapBindingUse;
public javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle getSoapBindingParameterStyle(){
if (soapParameterStyle == null) {
if (getSoapBinding() != null && getSoapBinding().parameterStyle() != null) {
soapParameterStyle = getSoapBinding().parameterStyle();
else {
soapParameterStyle = SOAPBinding_ParameterStyle_DEFAULT;
return soapParameterStyle;