blob: 51122bb64340d6b4537a3b4008cd86935428979e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Copyright 2006 International Business Machines Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.wsdl.Port;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentException;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService;
import org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.OutOnlyAxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter;
import org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL11ToAllAxisServicesBuilder;
import org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.ExceptionFactory;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.i18n.Messages;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* An EndpointDescription corresponds to a particular Service Implementation. It
* can correspond to either either a client to that impl or the actual service
* impl.
* The EndpointDescription contains information that is relevant to both a
* Provider-based and SEI-based (aka Endpoint-based or Java-based) enpdoints.
* SEI-based endpoints (whether they have an explicit or implcit SEI) will have
* addtional metadata information in an EndpointInterfaceDescription class and
* sub-hierachy; Provider-based endpoitns to not have such a hierachy.
Working-design information.
Java Name: none [client]; Endpoint implementation class [server]
Axis2 Delegate: AxisService
JSR-181 Annotations: TBD
WSDL Elements
JAX-WS Annotations:
@ServiceMode (value) [Server, jaxws.Provider?]
@WebServiceProvider(wsdllocation, serviceName, portName, targetNamespace) [Server, jaxws.Provider]
@BindingType(value) [Server, endpoint impl]
Properties available to JAXWS runtime: TBD
* TODO: EndpointDescription should be created via AxisService objects and not directly from WSDL
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Axis2 currently only supports 1 service and 1 port under that service. When that is
* fixed, that will probably have an impact on this class. In particular, I think this should be created
* somehow from an AxisService/AxisPort combination, and not directly from the WSDL.
public class EndpointDescription {
private ServiceDescription parentServiceDescription;
private AxisService axisService;
private QName portQName;
// Corresponds to a port that was added dynamically via addPort and is not declared (either in WSDL or annotations)
private boolean isDynamicPort;
// Note that an EndpointInterfaceDescription will ONLY be set for an Endpoint-based implementation;
// it will NOT be set for a Provider-based implementation
private EndpointInterfaceDescription endpointInterfaceDescription;
// This can be an SEI (on the client or server) or a Service implentation (server only)
// Note that for clients that are Dispatch, this will be null. Also note that a client that was initially
// dispatch (sei = null) could later do a getPort(sei), at which time the original EndpointDescription will be
// updated with the SEI information.
private Class implOrSEIClass;
//On Client side, there should be One ServiceClient instance per AxisSerivce
private ServiceClient serviceClient = null;
public static final String AXIS_SERVICE_PARAMETER = "org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.EndpointDescription";
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EndpointDescription.class);
// ===========================================
// ANNOTATION related information
// ===========================================
// ANNOTATION: @WebService and @WebServiceProvider
// Only one of these two annotations will be set; they are mutually exclusive
private WebService webServiceAnnotation;
private WebServiceProvider webServiceProviderAnnotation;
// Information common to both WebService and WebServiceProvider annotations
private String annotation_WsdlLocation;
private String annotation_ServiceName;
private String annotation_PortName;
private String annotation_TargetNamespace;
// Information only set on WebService annotation
private String webService_EndpointInterface;
private String webService_Name;
// ANNOTATION: @ServiceMode
// Note this is only valid on a Provider-based endpoint
private ServiceMode serviceModeAnnotation;
private Service.Mode serviceModeValue;
// Default ServiceMode.value per JAXWS Spec 7.1 "javax.xml.ServiceMode" pg 79
public static final ServiceMode_DEFAULT =;
// ANNOTATION: @BindingType
private BindingType bindingTypeAnnotation;
private String bindingTypeValue;
// Default BindingType.value per JAXWS Spec Sec 7.8 "" pg 83
// and Sec 1.4 "SOAP Transport and Transfer Bindings" pg 119
public static final String BindingType_DEFAULT =;
// ANNOTATION: @HandlerChain
// TODO: @HandlerChain support
// TODO: This needs to be a collection of handler descriptions; use JAX-WS Appendix B Handler Chain Configuration File Schema as a starting point
private ArrayList<String> handlerList = new ArrayList<String>();
* Create an EndpointDescription based on the WSDL port. Note that per the JAX-WS Spec (Final Release, 4/19/2006
* Section 4.2.3 Proxies, page 55)the "namespace component of the port is the target namespace of the WSDL
* definition document".
* Note this is currently only used on the client-side (this may change).
* @param theClass The SEI or Impl class. This will be NULL for Dispatch clients
* since they don't use an SEI
public EndpointDescription(Class theClass, QName portName, ServiceDescription parent) {
this(theClass, portName, false, parent);
public EndpointDescription(Class theClass, QName portName, boolean dynamicPort, ServiceDescription parent) {
// TODO: This and the other constructor will (eventually) take the same args, so the logic needs to be combined
// TODO: If there is WSDL, could compare the namespace of the defn against the portQName.namespace
this.parentServiceDescription = parent;
this.portQName = portName;
this.implOrSEIClass = theClass;
this.isDynamicPort = dynamicPort;
// TODO: Refactor this with the consideration of no WSDL/Generic Service/Annotated SEI
// This will set the serviceClient field after adding the AxisService to the AxisConfig
// Give the configuration builder a chance to finalize configuration for this service
try {
} catch (DeploymentException e) {
// TODO: Remove this println
System.out.println("Caught exception in ServiceDescription.ServiceDescription: " + e);
// throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("ServiceDescription caught " + e);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: Remove this println
System.out.println("Caught exception in ServiceDescription.ServiceDescription: " + e);
// throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("ServiceDescription caught " + e);
* Create from an annotated implementation or SEI class.
* Note this is currently used only on the server-side (this probably won't change).
* @param theClass An implemntation or SEI class
* @param portName May be null; if so the annotation is used
* @param parent
// TODO: Remove axisService as paramater when the AxisService can be constructed from the annotations
EndpointDescription(Class theClass, QName portName, AxisService axisService, ServiceDescription parent) {
this.parentServiceDescription = parent;
this.portQName = portName;
this.implOrSEIClass = theClass;
this.axisService = axisService;
// The anonymous AxisOperations are currently NOT added here. The reason
// is that (for now) this is a SERVER-SIDE code path, and the anonymous operations
// are only needed on the client side.
private void addToAxisService() {
// Add a reference to this EndpointDescription object to the AxisService
if (axisService != null) {
Parameter parameter = new Parameter();
// TODO: What to do if AxisFault
try {
} catch (AxisFault e) {
// TODO: Throwing wrong exception
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't add AxisService param: " + e);
private void buildEndpointDescriptionFromNoWSDL() {
// TODO: The comments below are not quite correct; this method is used on BOTH the
// client and server. On the client the class is always an SEI. On the server it is always a service impl
// which may be a provider or endpoint based; endpoint based may reference an SEI class
// The Service Implementation class could be either Provider-based or Endpoint-based. The
// annotations that are present are similar but different. Conformance requirements
// per JAX-WS
// - A Provider based implementation MUST carry the @WebServiceProvider annotation
// per section 5.1 on page 63
// - An Endpoint based implementation MUST carry the @WebService annotation per JSR-181
// (reference TBD) and JAX-WS (reference TBD)
// - An Endpoint based implementation @WebService annotation MAY reference an endpoint
// interface
// - The @WebService and @WebServiceProvider annotations can not appear in the same class per
// JAX-WS section 7.7 on page 82.
// Verify that one (and only one) of the required annotations is present.
// TODO: Add tests to verify this error checking
webServiceAnnotation = (WebService) implOrSEIClass.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
webServiceProviderAnnotation = (WebServiceProvider) implOrSEIClass.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class);
if (webServiceAnnotation == null && webServiceProviderAnnotation == null)
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("Either WebService or WebServiceProvider annotation must be present on " + implOrSEIClass);
else if (webServiceAnnotation != null && webServiceProviderAnnotation != null)
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("Both WebService or WebServiceProvider annotations cannot be presenton " + implOrSEIClass);
// If portName was specified, set it. Otherwise, we will get it from the appropriate
// annotation when the getter is called.
// TODO: If the portName is specified, should we verify it against the annotation?
// TODO: Add tests: null portName, !null portName, portName != annotation value
// TODO: Get portName from annotation if it is null.
// If this is an Endpoint-based service implementation (i.e. not a
// Provider-based one), then create the EndpointInterfaceDescription to contain
// the operations on the endpoint. Provider-based endpoints don't have operations
// associated with them, so they don't have an EndpointInterfaceDescription.
if (webServiceAnnotation != null) {
// If this impl class references an SEI, then use that SEI to create the EndpointInterfaceDesc.
// TODO: Add support for service impl endpoints that don't reference an SEI; remember that this is also called with just an SEI interface from svcDesc.updateWithSEI()
String seiClassName = getEndpointInterface();
Class seiClass = null;
if (DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(seiClassName)) {
// For now, just build the EndpointInterfaceDesc based on the class itself.
// TODO: The EID ctor doesn't correctly handle anything but an SEI at this point; e.g. it doesn't publish the correct methods of just an impl.
seiClass = implOrSEIClass;
else {
try {
// TODO: Using Class.forName() is probably not the best long-term way to get the SEI class from the annotation
seiClass = Class.forName(seiClassName, false, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// TODO: Throwing wrong exception
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't create SEI class: " + e);
endpointInterfaceDescription = new EndpointInterfaceDescription(seiClass, this);
public QName getPortQName() {
if (portQName == null) {
// The name was not set by the constructors, so get it from the
// appropriate annotaion.
String name = getPortName();
String tns = getTargetNamespace();
// TODO: Check for name &/| tns null or empty string and add tests for same
portQName = new QName(tns, name);
return portQName;
public ServiceDescription getServiceDescription() {
return parentServiceDescription;
public EndpointInterfaceDescription getEndpointInterfaceDescription() {
return endpointInterfaceDescription;
public AxisService getAxisService() {
return axisService;
public boolean isDynamicPort() {
return isDynamicPort;
public void updateWithSEI(Class sei) {
// Updating with an SEI is only valid for declared ports; it is not valid for dynamic ports.
if (isDynamicPort()) {
// TODO: RAS and NLS
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("Can not update an SEI on a dynamic port. PortQName:" + portQName);
if (sei == null) {
// TODO: RAS and NLS
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("EndpointDescription.updateWithSEI was passed a null SEI. PortQName:" + portQName);
if (endpointInterfaceDescription != null) {
// The EndpointInterfaceDescription was created previously based on the port declaration (i.e. WSDL)
// so update that with information from the SEI annotations
else {
// An EndpointInterfaceDescription does not exist yet. This currently happens in the case where there is
// NO WSDL provided and a Dispatch client is created for prior to a getPort being done for that port.
// There was no WSDL to create the EndpointInterfaceDescription from and there was no annotated SEI to
// use at that time. Now we have an annotated SEI, so create the EndpointInterfaceDescription now.
endpointInterfaceDescription = new EndpointInterfaceDescription(sei, this);
// ==========================================
// Annotation-related methods
// ==========================================
public boolean isProviderBased() {
return webServiceProviderAnnotation != null;
public boolean isEndpointBased() {
return webServiceAnnotation != null;
// ------------------------------------------
// Common WebService and WebServiceProvider annotation-related getters
// ------------------------------------------
public String getWSDLLocation() {
if (annotation_WsdlLocation == null) {
if (webServiceAnnotation != null) {
annotation_WsdlLocation = webServiceAnnotation.wsdlLocation();
else if (webServiceProviderAnnotation != null) {
annotation_WsdlLocation = webServiceProviderAnnotation.wsdlLocation();
return annotation_WsdlLocation;
public String getServiceName() {
if (annotation_ServiceName == null) {
if (webServiceAnnotation != null) {
annotation_ServiceName = webServiceAnnotation.serviceName();
else if (webServiceProviderAnnotation != null) {
annotation_ServiceName = webServiceProviderAnnotation.serviceName();
return annotation_ServiceName;
public String getPortName() {
if (annotation_PortName == null) {
if (webServiceAnnotation != null) {
// REVIEW: Should this be portName() or just name()?
annotation_PortName = webServiceAnnotation.portName();
else if (webServiceProviderAnnotation != null) {
annotation_PortName = webServiceProviderAnnotation.portName();
return annotation_PortName;
public String getTargetNamespace() {
if (annotation_TargetNamespace == null) {
if (webServiceAnnotation != null) {
annotation_TargetNamespace = webServiceAnnotation.targetNamespace();
else if (webServiceProviderAnnotation != null) {
annotation_TargetNamespace = webServiceProviderAnnotation.targetNamespace();
return annotation_TargetNamespace;
// ------------------------------------------
// WebServiceProvider annotation related getters
// ------------------------------------------
WebServiceProvider getWebServiceProviderAnnotation() {
return webServiceProviderAnnotation;
// ------------------------------------------
// WebService annotation related getters
// ------------------------------------------
WebService getWebServiceAnnotation() {
return webServiceAnnotation;
public String getEndpointInterface() {
if (webService_EndpointInterface == null && webServiceAnnotation != null) {
webService_EndpointInterface = webServiceAnnotation.endpointInterface();
return webService_EndpointInterface;
public String getName() {
if (webService_Name == null && webServiceAnnotation != null) {
webService_Name =;
return webService_Name;
// ------------------------------------------
// ServiceMode annotation related getters
// ------------------------------------------
// REVIEW: Should this be returning an enum other than the one defined within the annotation?
ServiceMode getServiceMode() {
if (serviceModeAnnotation == null && implOrSEIClass != null) {
serviceModeAnnotation = (ServiceMode) implOrSEIClass.getAnnotation(ServiceMode.class);
return serviceModeAnnotation;
public Service.Mode getServiceModeValue() {
// This annotation is only valid on Provider-based endpoints.
if (isProviderBased() && serviceModeValue == null) {
if (getServiceMode() != null) {
serviceModeValue = getServiceMode().value();
else {
serviceModeValue = ServiceMode_DEFAULT;
return serviceModeValue;
// ------------------------------------------
// BindingType annotation related getters
// ------------------------------------------
BindingType getBindingType() {
if (bindingTypeAnnotation == null && implOrSEIClass != null) {
bindingTypeAnnotation = (BindingType) implOrSEIClass.getAnnotation(BindingType.class);
return bindingTypeAnnotation;
public String getBindingTypeValue() {
if (bindingTypeValue == null) {
if (getBindingType() != null) {
bindingTypeValue = getBindingType().value();
else {
// No BindingType annotation present; use default value
bindingTypeValue = BindingType_DEFAULT;
return bindingTypeValue;
// ------------------------------------------
// HandlerChaing annotation related getters
// ------------------------------------------
* Returns a live list describing the handlers on this port.
* TODO: This is currently returning List<String>, but it should return a HandlerDescritpion
* object that can represent a handler description from various Metadata (annotation, deployment descriptors, etc);
* use JAX-WS Appendix B Handler Chain Configuration File Schema as a starting point for HandlerDescription.
* @return A List of handlers for this port. The actual list is returned, and therefore can be modified.
public List<String> getHandlerList() {
return handlerList;
private void setupAxisService() {
// TODO: Need to use MetaDataQuery validator to merge WSDL (if any) and annotations (if any)
// Build up the AxisService. Note that if this is a dynamic port, then we don't use the
// WSDL to build up the AxisService since the port added to the Service by the client is not
// one that will be present in the WSDL. A null class passed in as the SEI indicates this
// is a dispatch client.
if (!isDynamicPort && getServiceDescription().getWSDLWrapper() != null) {
else {
if (axisService == null) {
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("Unable to create AxisService for "
+ createAxisServiceName());
// Save the Service QName as a parameter.
Parameter serviceNameParameter = new Parameter();
// Save the Port name. Note: Axis does not expect a QName since the namespace for the port is the ns from the WSDL definition
Parameter portParameter = new Parameter();
try {
catch (AxisFault e) {
private void buildAxisServiceFromWSDL() {
// TODO: Change this to use WSDLToAxisServiceBuilder superclass
// Note that the axis service builder takes only the localpart of the port qname.
// TODO:: This should check that the namespace of the definition matches the namespace of the portQName per JAXRPC spec
WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = new WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder(getServiceDescription().getWSDLWrapper().getDefinition(),
getServiceDescription().getServiceQName(), portQName.getLocalPart());
// TODO: Currently this only builds the client-side AxisService; it needs to do client and server somehow.
// Patterned after AxisService.createClientSideAxisService
try {
axisService = serviceBuilder.populateService();
} catch (AxisFault e) {
// TODO We should not swallow a fault here.
log.warn(Messages.getMessage("warnAxisFault", e.toString()));
private void buildAxisServiceFromNoWSDL() {
// TODO: Refactor this to create from annotations.
String serviceName = null;
if (portQName != null) {
serviceName = createAxisServiceName();
else {
// REVIEW: Can the portQName ever be null?
// Make this service name unique. The Axis2 engine assumes that a service it can not find is a client-side service.
serviceName = ServiceClient.ANON_SERVICE + this.hashCode() + System.currentTimeMillis();
axisService = new AxisService(serviceName);
private void buildDescriptionHierachy() {
// Build up the Description Hierachy. Note that if this is a dynamic port, then we don't use the
// WSDL to build up the hierachy since the port added to the Service by the client is not
// one that will be present in the WSDL.
if (!isDynamicPort && getServiceDescription().getWSDLWrapper() != null) {
else if (implOrSEIClass != null){
// Create the rest of the description hierachy from annotations on the class.
// If there is no SEI class, then this is a Distpach case, and we currently
// don't create the rest of the description hierachy (since it is not an SEI and thus
// not operation-based client.
private void buildEndpointDescriptionFromWSDL() {
Definition wsdlDefinition = getServiceDescription().getWSDLWrapper().getDefinition();
javax.wsdl.Service wsdlService = wsdlDefinition.getService(getServiceDescription().getServiceQName());
if (wsdlService == null) {
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("serviceDescErr2", createAxisServiceName()));
Map wsdlPorts = wsdlService.getPorts();
boolean wsdlPortFound = false;
if (wsdlPorts != null && wsdlPorts.size() > 0) {
Iterator wsdlPortIterator = wsdlPorts.values().iterator();
while (wsdlPortIterator.hasNext() && !wsdlPortFound) {
Port wsdlPort = (Port);
// Note the namespace is not included on the WSDL Port.
if (wsdlPort.getName().equals(portQName.getLocalPart())) {
// Create the Endpoint Interface Description based on the WSDL.
endpointInterfaceDescription = new EndpointInterfaceDescription(this);
// Update the EndpointInterfaceDescription created with WSDL with information from the
// annotations in the SEI
wsdlPortFound = true;
if (!wsdlPortFound) {
// TODO: NLS and RAS
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("WSDL Port not found for port " + portQName.getLocalPart());
* Adds the anonymous axis operations to the AxisService. Note that this is only needed on
* the client side, and they are currently used in two cases
* (1) For Dispatch clients (which don't use SEIs and thus don't use operations)
* (2) TEMPORARLIY for Services created without WSDL (and thus which have no AxisOperations created)
* See the AxisInvocationController invoke methods for more details.
* Based on ServiceClient.createAnonymouService
private void addAnonymousAxisOperations() {
if (axisService != null) {
OutOnlyAxisOperation outOnlyOperation = new OutOnlyAxisOperation(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_ONLY_OP);
OutInAxisOperation outInOperation = new OutInAxisOperation(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);
public ServiceClient getServiceClient(){
try {
if(serviceClient == null) {
ConfigurationContext configCtx = getServiceDescription().getAxisConfigContext();
AxisService axisSvc = getAxisService();
serviceClient = new ServiceClient(configCtx, axisSvc);
} catch (AxisFault e) {
throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
Messages.getMessage("serviceClientCreateError"), e);
return serviceClient;
private String createAxisServiceName() {
String portName = null;
if (portQName != null) {
portName = portQName.getLocalPart();
else {
portName = "NoPortNameSpecified";
return getServiceDescription().getServiceQName().getLocalPart() + "." + portName;