blob: 04833e0ed25514dcb69e817d12ec768a4e89954d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.axis2.maven2.wsdl2code;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.stubs.MavenProjectStub;
import java.util.HashSet;
/** Test class for running the wsdl2code mojo. */
public class WSDL2CodeMojoTest extends AbstractMojoTestCase {
/** Tests running the java generator. */
public void testJava() throws Exception {
runTest("src/test/test1", "wsdl2code", "src/main/axis2/service.wsdl");
/** This test is added to test wsdl2codegen when there is schema import
* involved and the wsdl path contains space character */
public void testSchemaImport() throws Exception {
runTest("src/test/test2", "wsdl2code", "src/main/axis2/test dir/service.wsdl");
protected WSDL2CodeMojo newMojo(String pDir, String pGoal, String baseFilePath) throws Exception {
File baseDir = new File(new File(getBasedir()), pDir);
File testPom = new File(baseDir, "pom.xml");
WSDL2CodeMojo mojo = (WSDL2CodeMojo)lookupMojo(pGoal, testPom);
MavenProjectStub project = new MavenProjectStub();
project.setDependencyArtifacts(new HashSet());
setVariableValueToObject(mojo, "project", project);
setVariableValueToObject(mojo, "wsdlFile",
new File(baseDir, baseFilePath).getAbsolutePath());
setVariableValueToObject(mojo, "outputDirectory",
new File(baseDir, "target/generated-sources/axis2/wsdl2code"));
setVariableValueToObject(mojo, "syncMode", "both");
setVariableValueToObject(mojo, "databindingName", "adb");
setVariableValueToObject(mojo, "language", "java");
// "src" is the default, but we need to set this explicitly because of MPLUGINTESTING-7
setVariableValueToObject(mojo, "targetSourceFolderLocation", "src");
return mojo;
protected void runTest(String pDir, String pGoal, String baseFilePath)
throws Exception {
newMojo(pDir, pGoal, baseFilePath).execute();