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<h1>Service Archive Wizard - Eclipse Plug-in</h1>
<p>Axis2 comes with a simple service archiver tool. This tool provides easy to use functionality to develop a axis archive or an "aar" file or a "jar" file that can be deployed as a web service to the Axis2. This tool is in the form of
an Eclipse plug-in and can be downloaded from the downloads section. The
following sections describe how the tool can be used.</p>
Download the binary version of the plug-in and extract the content of the zip
file into the Eclipse installation folder. (The plug-in will actually go into
the plugins directory in the Eclipse installation root). Restarting Eclipse will set
the plug-in automatically.
<p>If the plug-in is properly installed you should see a new wizard under the
&quot;New&quot; section.(use the File -&gt; New -&gt; Other or Ctrl + N ) </p>
<img border="0" src="images/tools/ServiceWizardSelection.JPG" width="500" height="500"></p>
<p>Selecting the wizard and pressing the next button will start the code
generator wizard. Following is the first wizard page.</p>
<p><img border="0" src="images/tools/ServicePage1.JPG" width="500" height="500"></p>
<p>Once the class file folder&nbsp; is given (which should be a folder in the file
system) the next button will be enabled. Page 2 of the wizard requires you to
locate the server.xml</p>
<p><img border="0" src="images/tools/ServicePage2.JPG" width="500" height="500"></p>
<p>Note that the automatic generation of the service.xml is disabled for this
release. After the service.xml is located you can point to the output location
and specify the file name.</p>
<p><img border="0" src="images/tools/ServicePage4.JPG" width="500" height="500"></p>
<p>Once all the parameters are filled, finishing the wizard will generate the
service archive. This service archive can be hot deployed to the axis2.</p>