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<title>Axis2 User's Guide</title>
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<h4><a name="Axis2_User's_Guide">Axis2 User's Guide</a></h4>
<p><i>Version 0.95</i></p>
<i>User Feedback: <a
<p align="right">Pages: <a href="userguide.html">Content</a>, <a
href="userguide1.html">1</a>, <a href="userguide2.html">2</a>, <a
href="userguide3.html">3</a>, <a href="userguide4.html">4</a>,
<p><font size="4"><b>Note (on samples):</b></font> All the user's guide
samples are located in the <b>"samples/userguide/src"</b> directory of the
binary distribution.</p>
<h2><a name="Other_Samples">Other Samples</a></h2>
<p>To show the power of usage of Axis2, three standard samples are shipped
with the binary distribution. These are meant to interact with outside web
services and prove the capabilities of the Axis2 system.</p>
<p>The included samples are</p>
<li><style="margin-bottom: 0in">Google spell checker sample</li>
<li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in">Google search sample</p>
<li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in">Amazon queuing sample</p>
<p>A simple introduction to each of the above samples are given below. Each
sample contains it's own help document that speaks about  the usage and the
advanced operations of that particular sample.</p>
<p>The most obvious place to look for the samples are the binary
distribution. All these samples are included in the samples directory in the
binary distribution. The shell scripts and the batch files are in fact
written to use the binary distribution's root directory as the home in order
to find the libraries.</p>
<p>The alternate method is to build the samples from source. Moving to the
modules/samples and running maven will create the samples in the
target/samples directory. However if the samples need to be started using the
shell scripts (or the batch files) then the AXIS_HOME environment need to be
set.( the "guessed" AXIS_HOME would not be correct in this case)</p>
<h3><a name="Google_Spell_Checker_Sample">Google Spell Checker Sample</a></h3>
<p>This includes a spell checker program that uses the Google spell checking
service. It demonstrates the blocking and non-blocking modes of calling the
service. This sample can be found at the samples\googleSpellcheck directory
and can be easily started using either the batch file or the shell script.</p>
<h3><a name="Google_Search_Sample">Google Search Sample</a></h3>
<p>This includes a search program that uses the familiar Google search over
the SOAP API. It utilizes the non-blocking mode of the client API. This
sample can be found at the samples\googleSearch directory and can be easily
started using either the batch file or the shell script.</p>
<h3><a name="Amazon_Queuing_Service">Amazon Queuing Service</a></h3>
<p>Amazon queuing service sample shows how to use the Amazon queuing service.
It has two user interfaces , one to enqueue and the other dequeue. This
sample is included in the samples\amazonQS directory and also contains the
batch/shell scripts required to run sample.</p>
<p align="right"><a href="userguide4.html"><img src="images/arrow_left.gif">
Previous Page</a></p>
<p>Pages: <a href="userguide.html">Content</a>, <a
href="userguide1.html">1</a>, <a href="userguide2.html">2</a>, <a
href="userguide3.html">3</a>, <a href="userguide4.html">4</a>, <b>5</b></p>