blob: 2f8069bd5c9c6b296c7d9726c00677857c6d118c [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Start script for the Simple Axis Server
rem This starts the server with default parameters
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Guess AXIS_HOME if not defined
if not "%AXIS_HOME%" == "" goto gotHome
cd ..
set AXIS_HOME=%cd%
if exist "%AXIS_HOME%\bin\server.bat" goto okHome
echo The AXIS_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
echo This environment variable is needed to run this program
goto end
rem check for the default service repository
if exist "%AXIS_HOME%\repository" goto okRepo
mkdir "%AXIS_HOME%\repository"
set REPO_FOLDER=%AXIS_HOME%\repository
if exist "%REPO_FOLDER%\services" goto okService
mkdir "%REPO_FOLDER%\services"
set EXECUTABLE="%AXIS_HOME%\bin\server.bat"