blob: d2b22e38ff1abf51af94be434966329912ae9fbd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.axis2.deployment;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.axis2.addressing.AddressingConstants;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisEndpoint;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService2WSDL11;
import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter;
import org.apache.axis2.description.TransportInDescription;
import org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder;
import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.Java2WSDLConstants;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration;
import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLConstants;
public class AddressingIdentityServiceTest extends TestCase {
private static final String HTTP_ENDPOINT_NAME = "EchoHttpEndpoint";
private static final String EXPECTED_SPN = "http/";
private static final String EXPECTED_UPN = "bob@EXAMPLE.COM";
private static final String IDENTITY_SERVICE_XML = "test-resources/deployment/AddressingIdentityServiceTest/service.xml";
private static final String IDENTITY_SERVICE_WSDL = "test-resources/wsdl/identity.wsdl";
private AxisConfiguration axisConfig;
private ConfigurationContext configContext;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
this.configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory.createEmptyConfigurationContext();
this.axisConfig = configContext.getAxisConfiguration();
TransportInDescription httpReceiver = new TransportInDescription("http");
httpReceiver.setReceiver(new DummyTransportListener());
* Tests AxisService construction from a services.xml containing a
* containing a <wsa:EndpointReference> element with an UPN identity.
* The test will then generate the wsdl using {@link AxisService2WSDL11} API and verify that the port
* contains the <wsa:EndpointReference> extensibility element with the same UPN identity.
* @throws Exception
public void testEndpointReferenceWithUPNIdentityService() throws Exception {
InputStream in = null;
try {
AxisService service = new AxisService();
in = new FileInputStream(IDENTITY_SERVICE_XML);
ServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = new ServiceBuilder(in, configContext, service);
service = serviceBuilder.populateService(serviceBuilder.buildOM());
AxisService2WSDL11 wsdlGenerator = new AxisService2WSDL11(service);
OMElement wsdl = wsdlGenerator.generateOM();
Map<String, AxisEndpoint> endpoints = service.getEndpoints();
assertEquals(String.format("Expected to find %d endpoints for service %s, but found: %d", 3, service.getName(), endpoints.size()), 3, endpoints.size());
for (Iterator<String> it = endpoints.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
AxisEndpoint endpoint = service.getEndpoint(;
if (HTTP_ENDPOINT_NAME.equals(endpoint.getName())) {
//Axis2 does not attach EPRs to http endpoint, therefore we skip it
OMElement identityElement = checkWsdlContainsIdentityElement(wsdl, service, endpoint);
OMElement upnElement = identityElement.getFirstChildWithName(AddressingConstants.QNAME_IDENTITY_UPN);
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any '%s' claim in Identity element of endpoint '%s': %s",
AddressingConstants.QNAME_IDENTITY_UPN, endpoint.getName(), identityElement.toString()), upnElement);
String upn = upnElement.getText();
assertTrue(String.format("Expected to find UPN of '%s' but got: %s", EXPECTED_UPN, upn),
} finally {
if (in != null) {
* Tests AxisService construction from a WSDL containing an &lt;wsa:EndpointReference&gt; port
* extensibility element with an SPN identity.
* Validates that the AxisEndpoint of the created service contains an
* an &lt;wsid:Identity&gt; OMElement with the same SPN as in the original wsdl.
* The test will then re-generate the wsdl using {@link AxisService2WSDL11} API and verify that the port
* contains the &lt;wsa:EndpointReference&gt; extensibility element with the same SPN identity.
* @throws Exception
public void testEndpointReferenceWithSPNIdentityWSDL() throws Exception {
InputStream in = null;
try {
File wsdlFile = new File(IDENTITY_SERVICE_WSDL);
in = new FileInputStream(wsdlFile);
AxisService service = new WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder(in).populateService();
assertNotNull("Could not load AxisService from wsdl: " + wsdlFile.getAbsolutePath(), service);
Map<String, AxisEndpoint> endpoints = service.getEndpoints();
assertFalse(String.format("No endpoints found for service %s", service.getName()), endpoints.isEmpty());
for (Iterator<String> it = endpoints.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
AxisEndpoint endpoint = service.getEndpoint(;
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any '%s' endpoint in wsdl: %s", endpoint.getName(),
wsdlFile.getAbsolutePath()), endpoint);
Parameter wsIdentityParameter = endpoint.getParameter(AddressingConstants.ADDRESSING_IDENTITY_PARAMETER);
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any '%s' parameter on '%s' endpoint.",
AddressingConstants.ADDRESSING_IDENTITY_PARAMETER, endpoint.getName()), wsIdentityParameter);
assertNotNull(String.format("Parameter '%s' parameter on '%s' endpoint has null value.",
AddressingConstants.ADDRESSING_IDENTITY_PARAMETER, endpoint.getName()), wsIdentityParameter.getValue());
assertTrue(String.format("Value of parameter '%s' on '%s' endpoint is not an instance of %s but is: %s",
AddressingConstants.ADDRESSING_IDENTITY_PARAMETER, endpoint.getName(), OMElement.class, wsIdentityParameter.getValue().getClass().getName()),
wsIdentityParameter.getValue() instanceof OMElement);
OMElement identityElement = (OMElement) wsIdentityParameter.getValue();
OMElement spnElement = identityElement.getFirstChildWithName(AddressingConstants.QNAME_IDENTITY_SPN);
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any '%s' child element in Identity element of endpoint '%s': %s",
AddressingConstants.QNAME_IDENTITY_SPN, endpoint.getName(), identityElement.toString()), spnElement);
String spn = spnElement.getText();
assertTrue(String.format("Expected to find SPN of '%s' but got: %s", EXPECTED_SPN, spn),
AxisService2WSDL11 wsdlGenerator = new AxisService2WSDL11(service);
OMElement wsdl = wsdlGenerator.generateOM();
endpoints = service.getEndpoints();
assertFalse(String.format("No endpoints found for service %s", service.getName()), endpoints.isEmpty());
for (Iterator<String> it = endpoints.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
AxisEndpoint endpoint = service.getEndpoint(;
if (HTTP_ENDPOINT_NAME.equals(endpoint.getName())) {
//Axis2 does not attach EPRs to http endpoint, therefore we skip it
OMElement identityElement = checkWsdlContainsIdentityElement(wsdl, service, endpoint);
OMElement spnElement = identityElement.getFirstChildWithName(AddressingConstants.QNAME_IDENTITY_SPN);
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any '%s' element in Identity element of endpoint '%s': %s",
AddressingConstants.QNAME_IDENTITY_SPN, endpoint.getName(), identityElement.toString()), spnElement);
String spn = spnElement.getText();
assertTrue(String.format("Expected to find SPN of '%s' but got: %s", EXPECTED_SPN, spn),
} finally {
if (in != null) {
private OMElement checkWsdlContainsIdentityElement(OMElement wsdl, AxisService service, AxisEndpoint endpoint) {
QName nameAtt = new QName("", Java2WSDLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
QName serviceQName = new QName(WSDLConstants.WSDL1_1_NAMESPACE, Java2WSDLConstants.SERVICE_LOCAL_NAME);
OMElement serviceElement = wsdl.getFirstChildWithName(serviceQName);
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any '%s' service element in wsdl: \n%s", serviceQName, wsdl.toString()), serviceElement);
assertEquals("Expected to find a single service with name: " + service.getName(), service.getName(), serviceElement.getAttributeValue(nameAtt));
OMElement portElement = findPort(serviceElement, endpoint.getName());
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any port element with name '%s' in service element: \n%s",
endpoint.getName(), serviceElement.toString()), portElement);
OMElement eprElement = portElement.getFirstChildWithName(AddressingConstants.Final.WSA_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE);
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any '%s' element in port element: \n%s",
AddressingConstants.Final.WSA_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE, portElement.toString()), eprElement);
OMElement identityElement = eprElement.getFirstChildWithName(AddressingConstants.QNAME_IDENTITY);
assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find any '%s' element in EPR element: \n%s",
AddressingConstants.QNAME_IDENTITY, eprElement.toString(), identityElement));
return identityElement;
private OMElement findPort(OMElement serviceElement, String portName) {
QName portQName = new QName(WSDLConstants.WSDL1_1_NAMESPACE, Java2WSDLConstants.PORT);
for (Iterator<OMElement> portIter = serviceElement.getChildrenWithName(portQName); portIter.hasNext(); ) {
OMElement portElement =;
if (portName.equals(portElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("", Java2WSDLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME)))) {
return portElement;
return null;