Axis2 JAX-WS sample that uses JAXB artifacts created from a simple schema. | |
1. Given a simple schema, generate the JAXB artifacts using xjc. | |
2. With the generated JAXB beans in hand, write the service implementation | |
and add annotations to make a Web Service. | |
3. Write a Dispatch client to interact with the service | |
4. Run the Dispatch client against the service implementation deployed in the Axis2 server | |
This address book sample is based on one of the jaxws-integration tests: | |
modules/jaxws-integration/test/org/apache/axis2/jaxws/sample/addressbook | |
Note that this is a very simple example, and does not persist any data. The intent is | |
to illustrate the use of JAXB objects with JAX-WS, not to actually implement and address book. | |
The following source is included with this example: | |
src\AddressBookEntry.xsd: Schema used to generate JAXB artifacts | |
src\org\apache\axis2\jaxws\addressbook\ JAXWS Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) | |
Note that this SEI is NOT CURRENTLY USED in this example. | |
src\org\apache\axis2\jaxws\addressbook\ JAXWS Dispatch Client | |
src\org\apache\axis2\jaxws\addressbook\ JAXWS service implementation | |
Step 0: How to build this sample | |
================================ | |
To build this sample, execute the following maven command: | |
mvn clean install | |
This will do the following: | |
- Generate the JAXB artifacts (in target/schema) | |
- Compile the service implementation classes (in target/classes), including the JAXB artifacts, | |
and create a JAR containing those classes (target/jaxws-addressbook-SNAPSHOT.jar) | |
- Compile the Dispatch client classes (in target/classes) and create a JAR containing those classes | |
(target/jaxws-addressbook-SNAPSHOT-Client.jar). | |
Step 1: Generate JAXB artifacts from simple schema | |
================================================== | |
The file src/AddressBookEntry.xsd describes a simple AddressBookEntry object with the | |
following fields: | |
String firstName; | |
String lastName; | |
String phone; | |
String street; | |
String city; | |
String state; | |
The following JAXB artifacts are generated in the target/schema/src directory when the | |
sample is built | |
org\apache\axis2\jaxws\addressbook\ | |
org\apache\axis2\jaxws\addressbook\ | |
org\apache\axis2\jaxws\addressbook\ | |
These files will be compiled into target/classes as part of the build. | |
Step 2: Write a JAX-WS service implementation using the JAXB artifacts | |
====================================================================== | |
The simple service implementation will have two methods on it: | |
public String addEntry(String firstName, String lastName, String phone, String street, String city, String state) | |
public AddressBookEntry findByLastName(String lastName) | |
The service implementation does not explicitly specify a JAX-WS SEI. The public methods on the | |
implementation will be an implicit SEI. Simply by adding an @WebService annotation to the | |
implementation class it becomes a JAX-WS web service. | |
The implementation class is: src\org\apache\axis2\jaxws\addressbook\ | |
This file will be compiled into target/classes as part of the build. | |
Step 3: Write a JAX-WS Dispatch client to interact with the service | |
=================================================================== | |
The extremely simple Dispatch client will be a Payload mode String Dispatch client, meaning that | |
it will provide the exact SOAP body to send in the request (Payload mode) as a String, and expect | |
the response to be a SOAP body returned as a String. It will invoke both methods on the | |
service implenetation's implicit SEI. | |
The dispatch client class is: src\org\apache\axis2\jaxws\addressbook\ | |
This file will be compiled into target/classes as part of the build. | |
Step 4: Run the Dispatch client against the service implementation deployed in the Axis2 server | |
=============================================================================================== | |
(a) Setup your environment to run the sample. You will need two windows, one for the server | |
and one for the client. Each needs the following environment variables set: | |
- Axis2 binary distribution. For example: AXIS2_HOME=C:\temp\Axis2\axis2-SNAPSHOT | |
- Java5 JDK. For example: JAVA_HOME=c:\java\java5 | |
(b) Copy the service implementation JAR file from the sample target directory to the appropriate | |
Axis2 repository directory, %AXIS2_HOME%\repository\servicejars. Note that JAR files in this | |
directory will be deployed into the Axis2 simple server using only annotations on classes | |
within the JARs; no deployment descriptor is required. | |
If the repository directory does not exist, create it first, then copy the service | |
implementation JAR: | |
mkdir %AXIS2_HOME%\repository\servicejars | |
copy target\jaxws-addressbook-SNAPSHOT.jar %AXIS2_HOME%\repository\servicejars | |
(c) Start the axis2 server. This will deploy the JAX-WS service implementation. | |
cd %AXIS2_HOME% | |
bin\axis2server.bat | |
You should see a message such as: | |
[INFO] Deploying artifact : jaxws-addressbook-SNAPSHOT.jar | |
[INFO] Deploying JAXWS annotated class org.apache.axis2.jaxws.addressbook.AddressBookImpl as a service - AddressBookImplService.AddressBookImplPort | |
(d) From another window with the environment setup, in the jaxws-addressbook samples directory run | |
the Dispatch client: | |
java -Djava.ext.dirs=%AXIS2_HOME%\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext -cp target/classes org.apache.axis2.jaxws.addressbook.AddressBookClient.class | |
You should see something like the following in the client window: | |
>> Invoking sync Dispatch for AddEntry | |
Add Entry response: <dlwmin:addEntryResponse xmlns:dlwmin=""><return xmlns:ns2 | |
="">AddEntry Completed!</return></dlwmin:addEntryResponse> | |
>> Invoking Dispatch for findByLastName | |
Find response: <dlwmin:findByLastNameResponse xmlns:dlwmin=""><return xmlns:ns | |
2=""><firstName>firstName</firstName><lastName>lastName</lastName><phone>phone< | |
/phone><street>street</street><city>city</city><state>state</state></return></dlwmin:findByLastNameResponse> |