blob: 613c1758714f7c805f982d735a30e3c0a4caaccd [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
~ distributed with this work for additional information
~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
~ specific language governing permissions and limitations
~ under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Apache Axis2 - Distribution</name>
<description>Apache Axis2 Distribution</description>
<!-- Additional transports (with 3rd party dependencies excludes as in Axis2 1.4.1) -->
<!-- None of the Axis2 artifacts should have a dependency on log4j
because we don't want to impose a particular logging implementation
on our users. However, for the binary distribution, we need to
choose one. -->
<!-- This is needed to build the WAR distribution -->
<!-- AXIS2-6051, these jars are being brought in
with the tranistion to jakarta -->
<!-- These are needed to run JAX-WS tools -->
<!-- TODO: don't add them unless you also add the corresponding license files
(and check that inclusion of these dependencies conforms to ASF policies) -->
<!-- dependency>
</dependency -->
import java.time.*
import java.time.format.*['buildTimestamp'] = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yyyy").withZone(ZoneId.of("Z")).format(OffsetDateTime.parse(['']).toInstant())['release_version'] = project.version.replaceAll("-SNAPSHOT", "")
<!-- This executes ../webapp/scripts/build.xml
and for dist/axis2.war/WEB-INF/lib
the script uses:
When in doubt, look at the excludes
section in bin-assembly.xml that
could be excluding jars with the
wildcards in the filters.
To debug see logs for the message:
"was removed by one or more filters"
import java.util.jar.*
println("comparing directories: "['webapp'] + " , and: " + + "/axis2-" + project.version + "/dist/axis2.war");
def jar = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(['webapp']))
def expected = new HashSet()
def entry
while(entry = jar.nextJarEntry) {
if ( != 'META-INF/') {
println("From dir: "['webapp']+ " , found these files: " + expected);
println("They all must be in this war: " + + "/axis2-" + project.version + "/dist/axis2.war");
jar = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(, "axis2-" + project.version + "/dist/axis2.war")))
while(entry = jar.nextJarEntry) {
if ( != 'META-INF/' && !expected.remove( {
throw new Error("Unexpected entry in Web app: " + + ", path: " + + "/axis2-" + project.version + "/dist/axis2.war , file is not in: "['webapp'])
if (!expected.empty) {
throw new Error("Missing entries in Web app: " + expected)
<!-- Always remove files from a previous run of the integration tests. -->
<!-- Prepare some additional dependencies required by specific samples. We could
also do this by invoking the relevant download.jars targets in the provided
ant scripts, but this may cause issues with HTTP proxies and has the disadvantage
that the JARs are downloaded every time instead of being copied from the local
Maven repository. -->
<!-- Now unpack the distribution and run some automated tests on the samples -->
<unzip src="${}/axis2-${project.version}" dest="${}" />
<!-- Build the web app -->
<ant dir="${}/axis2-${project.version}/webapp" useNativeBasedir="true" />
<!-- Test of the databinding sample -->
<ant dir="${}/axis2-${project.version}/samples/databinding" />
<!-- Test of the mtom sample -->
<ant dir="${}/axis2-${project.version}/samples/mtom" target="generate.service" />
<ant dir="${}/axis2-${project.version}/samples/mtom" target="generate.client" />
<!-- Test of the faulthandling sample -->
<ant dir="${}/axis2-${project.version}/samples/faulthandling" target="generate.service" />
<!-- Test of the json sample -->
<ant dir="${}/axis2-${project.version}/samples/json" target="generate.service" />
<ant dir="${}/axis2-${project.version}/samples/json" target="client.jar" />
<plugin><!-- We don't want to deploy the distributions to the Maven repository.
* Deploying the distributions will heavily increase the size of
each release on the Maven repos.
* There is also the risk that users may start downloading the non-Maven
archives from Maven repos rather than the mirrors. -->