Updating the README

diff --git a/README b/README
index e0d04c7..f5d7fb3 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -85,40 +85,44 @@
 <parameter name="savan_db" locked="false">/axis2c/deploy/savan_db</parameter>
 You can use the sample in the samples folder for testing.
-This sample consists of two services called listener and publisher and a subscriber client.
+This sample consists of two services called listener and weather and a subscriber client.
 Install these samples by running the build.sh script in the smaples folder and you will find
-publisher and listener services added to the $AXIS2C_HOME/services folder.
-Here is the publisher's serivces.xml file
+weather and listener services added to the $AXIS2C_HOME/services folder.
+Here is the weather's serivces.xml file
-<service name="publisher">
-    <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="xsd:false">publisher</parameter>
-    <parameter name="loadServiceAtStartup" locked="xsd:false">true</parameter>
+<service name="weather">
+    <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="xsd:false">weather</parameter>
        This is a sample eventing data source which loads as the axis2 engine startup and
        start publishing to its subscribers.
    <module ref="savan"/>
-   <parameter name="TopicURL" locked="xsd:false">http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/publisher</parameter>
    <operation name="start">
            <parameter name="wsamapping" >http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/savan/samples/pubilsher/start</parameter>
-TopicURL  parameter is the url the data source(publisher) is listening for subscriber requests.
-loadServiceAtStartup parameter tells to the axis2c engine that this service should be loaded at engine startup time.
 Now to test the sample edit the client sample in samples/client/subscriber/subscriber.c.
-You may need to edit the following line to point to the listener to which the publisher publish when subscriber subscribes.
+You may need to edit the following line to point to the listener to which the weather publish when subscriber subscribes.
     axutil_hash_set(savan_options, SAVAN_OP_KEY_NOTIFY_EPR, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING,
 Now compile, install and execute the subscriber sample $AXIS2C_HOME/bin/samples/savan/subscriber.
-This will send a subscription request to the publisher data source and receive a subscription id if subscription is
-successful. The pubisher data source then starts publishing test data to the listener data sink provided by subscriber.
-Using the subscription the subscriber request for renew subscription request and also a subscription status request message.
-Finally it unsubscribe indicating that it has no further interest in receiving data source events.
+This will prompt the user with the following screen
+Select the action:
+1 subscribe
+2 renew
+3 get status
+4 unsubscribe
+5 Generate weather event
+6 quit
+Choosing option 1 send a subscription request to the weather data source and receive a subscription id if subscription is
+successful. Choosing option 5, the command line program send a weather event to the weather service data source which then emits it to the registered subscriber's data sink(listener service here) provided by subscriber.
+Using option 2 the subscriber request for renew subscription request. Using option 3 the subscriber send a a status request message.
+Finally it unsubscribe indicating that it has no further interest in receiving data source events by using option 4.
 Please keep in mind the following when using Savan/C with Axis2/C.