blob: 1a907942bf70255e02af8d74722c7011ea0fd279 [file] [log] [blame]
The scenarios available here can be deployed using
Simply give the scenario name as an argument to the script.
E.g. %sh scenario1
Windows users please use the "deploy.bat".
Make sure you have run the
../client/ on Linux or
..\client\deploy_client_repo.bat in Windows.
These scenarios will only copy the security policy (XML) files.
Then start the server. (simple_axis_server is in $AXIS2C_HOME/bin)
To run the client, use the script
"../client/sec_echo/" on Linux or
"..\client\sec_echo\update_n_run.bat" on Windows.
Following is a summary of scenarios available.
Scenario Summary
1. Timestamp
2. UsernameToken
3. Encryption
4. Signature
5. A complete scenario to show: Timestamp, UsernameToken, Encrypt,
The protection order is Sign->Encrypt
Signature is Encrypted
6. A complete scenario to show: Timestamp, UsernameToken, Encrypt,
The protection order is Encrypt->Sign
Signature is Encrypted
7. Replay detection
8. Symmetric binding. Encryption using derived keys.
9. Symmetric binding. Signature
10. Symmetric binding. Both encryption and sign.
The protection order is Encrypt->Sign
11. Symmetric binding. Both encryption and sign.
The protection order is Sign->Encrypt
12. Symmetric binding. Both encryption and sign.
The protection order is Sign->Encrypt
Signature is Encrypted
13. Symmetric binding. Both encryption and sign.
The protection order is Encrypt->Sign
Signature is Encrypted
14. SAML Signed supporting token inclution. This scenario uses the saml_echo client.
15. Symmetric binding with security context token. Encryption only.
16. Symmetric binding with security context token. Both encryption and sign.
The protection order is Encrypt->Sign
17. Symmetric binding with secure conversation token. Using derived keys.
Both encryption and sign
The protection token is Sign->Encrypt
18. Symmetric binding with secure conversation token.
Using different tokens for encryption and signature.Using DerivedKeys
The protection token is Encrypt->Sign. Signature is Encrypted.
19. Symmetric binding with secure conversation token.
Using different tokens for encryption and signature.
The protection token is Sign->Encrypt. Signature is Encrypted.
20. SAML Scenario. Get a SAML token from samlsts and give the saml token to sec_echo service to access the service. Cannot be run with Please use script
21. Asymetric binding encryption with PKCS12 as the key store.
22. Asymetric binding signature with PKCS12 as the key store.
23. Symmetric binding signature and encryption with PKCS12 key store.
24. SAML as a protection token for signing and encrypting a message.
25. SecureConversation using Rahas module. Issue operation is defined in rahas
26. SecureConversation using Rahas module. Issue operation is defined in service
27. Same as 25. With WS-SecurityPolicy1.2, WS-Trust1.3 and WS-SecConv 1.3
28. Same as 26. With WS-SecurityPolicy1.2, WS-Trust1.3 and WS-SecConv 1.3
* I am NOT on LINUX. Are there any changes to be done in samples.
YES. You have to change file names accordingly. For example your password
callback module might have "*.so" as the extension. This might be different in
WIN32 and Mac OS.
* I am in a HURRY and I need to try a scenario
If you are in a real hurry and need to try a scenario please use "".
Usage : %sh scenarioX server-port
E.g. %sh scenario3 8080
test_scen.bat scenario3 8080
* I need to try all the scenarios
In this case please use the script
Usage: %sh server-port
E.g. %sh 8080
run_all.bat 8080
* I need to see messages exchanged
You may use the TCP Monitor utility:
Make sure that you give the correct port that you have configured in TCPMon
while running the scripts.
* I cannot run samples and log says keys cannot be loaded
Check your policy files. Make sure that you have correct paths specified for
key/certificate files.
* My client sends a secured SOAP request. But the server throws me SOAP faults.
Well. You are on it. Check whether the server's policy configurations are
satisfied by the client's policies. There is a <Reason> element carrying the
information you need in the SOAP fault. Misconfigurations in the server also can be resulted
in a SOAP fault.
*Hmm... I'm still in a trouble. Can I contact you guys?
Indeed you can. Please check here.
Err... if you can attach log files under AXIS2C_HOME/logs, a trace of SOAP
message, plus anything that you think relavent, that'll help the troubleshooting process.